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u. .. . .... _ �o _ r�.. ,..: . . , __ _ _. <br /> .-�,�— -- — —�--- -� _ .------- - . <br /> �� -•• -• �}' . ° , ' -. <br /> _ � ,�f� ; ..� ����ar:�.a�-�+�-�:�R * • ' .� . . -- <br /> :., .'/ -- <br /> . • • , � <br /> .__.--� �.�•__r: - ' -_ _ - _- _.... - <br /> i ---- - - - — - <br /> �� -�-.-�.�-m-� � 94- i0i885 <br /> '°°� TOaHTNER W1TH ull tha improvemcnte now or hereatter etected on the praperty,snd all ensements,appurtenances�and — <br /> ����� � flx� naw or herc;atter n pnrt of thc propecty�. All replacementa and nddltians ehull utho be cuvcred by thiR Secudty �""`_°`°�_��-�'m�� <br /> Instcument.All of the fongaing is rcferred to in this Sccudty Instrument ns the"Pnip�rty." - -�- - - �"" � <br /> - - BOItROW�R COVENANTS that Barrowcr la luwtlilly seiscxi af the estate hereby canvcyai und hav thc right tu grnnt Qrtd — <br /> cunvey the Property and that the Praperty is unencumbercd.except for encumbmnces of rccuni. Ac�rrower wn�rantn und will �==a:=:--�-_._ <br /> -;,. �:-;;.; defend genetslly the title ta the Pmpe�ty ngninst nit ct�im�nnd denwnds.sub,ject ta nny encumbrunces of recatd. � ,�:__ ___ <br /> - m`"�``''"' '"' THIS SECURITY INSTItUMEIVT cambines unifomi covenunts for nationnl u,e�nd non-unifiirm mvenuntx with lin�itod _ __L <br /> varistions by jurisdtcdon ro ccrostitute u unifnrm�tcurity instcument rnvering rcu1 pruperty. °-- - <br /> . ..-���`f`'`:'`5 UMIPORM COV6NANTS. Bornower und Lender c�venunt und agcee as follaws: , .� �R�,.�.r. <br /> :'�':_„»...�_ <br /> ''•;,���:,<:.,:.�,.� '' , l. Payment of Princigal and Interextt Prepayment und l.nte Chue�c.w. Bormwc��huU prc�mptly puy wl�cn due the � •;�:?k�;��:-`- <br /> ���. ,..,;�_t�*:' *: <br /> .�� princlppl of nnd interc.ct on the debt evidenc�d by thc Note und uny pmpayment und lute charges due under the Note. `"'��,:_-=�_- <br /> ' i:Y:,'...{.` .. I . <br /> 2. Funds for Taxes and Insurunce. Subjcct to uppliruble luw ar to a�v�itten wuiver by Lcnder.Burrower h6�ull pay to : '.i�,�°;-;° <br /> •a,,..-:1�: .._-.j7� . . .�����_4 Y.�i._ <br /> "'�' ' I.ender an the day monthly payments are due undcr thc Note,until the Notc is puid in full,u sum("Funds')fi�r:(u)yeariy tnxes ��,{"��� <br /> :, ��� � r and ussessments which ma uttain riad over thiti Securit Instrument�.c A Ilen on the Pro rt (b)yearly leusehold a mentx � ����4:�-��-- <br /> ,":-,:_;.,-.:,: • . , Y P �5' Y P� Y� P y . ...._. <br /> � � .,� : j or graurtd rents on the Property,if any:(c)yearly huuird or property insurance prcmiums;(d)yearly flond ia5urance premiumo, �, •-•���*-'�= <br /> • if i►ny; (e)yeurly mortgage insurnnce premiwns. if nny:and��uny sums payable by 8orrawer to Lender, in uccardance with "�`� w <br /> . �� `'' _, � � ►n .;,�,�_�.�;,.��t.�. -- <br /> /� :� ° � <. the provisions of paragraph lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance premiums.These items nre cnlled "Escrow xtems." _��.1•�-�,�,_ ��.; <br /> " � _ I.ender may. at nny Nme,calicct and hold Funds in un amaunt nat ta exccal the muximum nmaunt A Iender for a federully •. ,:.�••��--�= <br /> ,��� . � relnted mort�age loan muy requim far Borcower's��scrow account under the federnl Real Estate Settlement Prncedur�v Act of , ,,: "�=' _ <br /> .. . .:,._� <br /> ; ., " ` ° 19T4 as amended from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Sectiun 2601 e�,eq. ("RESPA'). unless another law thet applies to thc Funds - � "�" <br /> rxta n Ic�cu+r amnunt. ff�u►. [.ender tnav, at nnv time. collect and hald Funds in an amount nat ta exca�d the l�scr umount. � n __ - <br /> -:-� -__—_, <br /> —__-�--.-�_._ : <br /> 4 „ I.ender mny estimnte the amount of Fundc due�an the basis of curmnt datu and masonable estimutes of expenditures af future �� <br /> � � € Escrow Items or otherwise in accordnnce with npplicable law. . � _-- <br />- �� The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits arc insured by u federal agency, instrumentnUty, ur entity - <br /> (ircluding Lender,if Lcnder is such an institution)ar in any Federal Home Loan Bunk.Lendcr shull upply thc Fundti to pay the '�� <br /> Escrow Items.I.ender mny nat charge Bormwer far halding und Applyin�the Funds.annually nnulyiing the escrow uccount,or - <br /> ; � vcrifytn�the E.scrow Items,ualess i.endcr puys Borrowcr interest on the Funds nnd applicublc law pern�its I..ender to make such , "- <br /> a churge.However,I.ender may require Bonower to pay A one-time charge far nn independent ceal etitute tux rcparting service , ,' <br /> � � �- used by Lender in conncction with this t�an. unles.s Applicable luw proviJes otherwise. Unlesc un agrecment is made ar � � _ <br /> �'d applicable law requires interest to bc paid,Lcnder shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or wmings on the Funds. � �,.� <br />- _ -- Sarruwer aac!i..ender cnay a�r�c ia x�iti�g. hawcc:r, tlsat imcrest sh�!! tac pais3 on thc Fuad::. I.crsder shs!!gie�e to 9orro��er. � <br /> �— " " , I without char�e. an annual accounting of the Funds, showing crodits und debtts to the Funds and the purpose for whtch e�ch .'�� <br /> debit to the Funds wAS made. The Funds urc pledged As udditionul security for all sums uxured by ihis Securlty Instn�ment. ' ' .� <br /> If thc Funds hcld by Lender excc:cd the amounts permittai to be held by appticablc law, L.cnder shall account to Barrower �• <br /> � '' --� -'--==" � for the excess Fuads in uccordance with the requirementc of applicable tuw. If thc amount of the Funds heid by L.ender at uny <br /> __.._ . _ <br /> , . time fs not sufRcient to pay thc Esrrow Itemc when due.L.ender muy�o notify Banower in writing,and,in such casc Borrawcr ,� <br /> _.. . --_.._..__....:._�.._..__..�. . <br /> __._... ._... ._-- -. ai�nit Nay iv L.�:Iiu'�f i'ii. wi�uiffii ii�«'+.+dt'y' t��iiia�C U�1 I=i� �C{I�i:i��y. ^:.rrau•:r�hali ma�r up thc c!:�l'1Ct1:� IQ R4 I:14S�C S�tS12 _ . . <br /> _. •...,. <br /> ' �. , twelve monthly payments,at Lender's sole discretion. '"�� � <br /> _ Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Security In+trument, I.ender shall promptly refund ta Bormwer any ' ' <br /> , Funds held by Lender. If,under paragraph 21, L.ender xhull ucquire or sell the Property.I.ender,prior to the acquisition or sale a`.�.;• <br /> af the Property,shall upply any Fumis held hy C.endcr ut the time of:►cquisition or wlc as A credit against the sums secuted by •. ,. . <br /> � this Security Instrnmcnt. „;y}�� <br /> �. ' ' •• 3.Application of Puymen�s.U�less applicablc law provides othenvise,all payments received by Lender under paragrnphs � ' <br /> :��� <br /> - • 1 and 2 shull be applied: first,to any prepayment chargeti due under the Note; sec<md,to amount�payable under pnra�mph 2: �;,,' .* <br /> thicd,to interest due;founh, to principul due:and iast,ta any latc chnrgrs duc undcr thc Notc. '= <br /> . 4.Char�es; Liens. Borcowcr shull puv all taxcs,usscssmr.ntx, chargc�. fincs and impo,itions u[tributable to the Propeny , :,_�;�': <br /> �' which may attuin priority ovcr thi,S��uriry Instrument, and icasehold paymentti��r ground rent�, if' any. Borrowcr shall pay ' . . � -°'�- <br /> ' " these obligntions in the manner prc�rideci in paragruph?.��r if n��t paid in that manncr. Borruwer�hull pay them on time directly � „ __ " <br /> ' to the person owcd payment. Bc�rrower�hall promptly fumi�h to I.rndcr ull noticc�uf umount.a�tx puid under this parsgra�h. � '�.t"s,: �'- <br /> . If Borrower makes the,c puymcnt�dirertly,$orrowrr tihall promptly furni�h to LcnJcr rcrript�evidenring the payments. <br /> .. Borrower shall promptly dischargc an}• licn«•hirh ha.priarity u�•rr this Srrurity in+trumcnt unlcti�Borro�ver:(u)agrces in j - <br /> writing to thc payment af thr ohlig�tian��rur�tii h��thc licn in a manncr ucccptahlc to I.�ndrr,tb)runtc�t,in Fcx►d faith thc licn � <br /> . , by, ar defcnds ugAinst cnforccmrnt of thc licn in, Icgal prurc�Yfingti which in thc l.cndcr'. ��piniun uperatc to prcvent thc <br /> enforcement of the lien; or tc)���ure,from the h��ider af U�e lirn an a�reement.ati.factary•ta l.rnde� �uM�rdinuting the lien to i <br /> • ;t �� this Security Inxtrument. If[.endrr Jctrrminr>that uny pan of the Pr��prrt�• i. +uhje�t to a licn��•hirh may attuin priority over � <br /> this Security Instcument, l.cndcr ma���ivc A��rraa•cr a n��tic�identitj•ing thr lirn. B��rru�err.hall wti.fy�hr lirn�ir take one or ; <br /> • more of the actians,et fi�rth above aithin !0 day�uf the gi�•in�uf nutirr. <br /> . + <br /> . ' , Form 3028 8190 � <br /> Papo 2 0�6 ' <br /> .;i <br /> � <br /> _ .— _ • _ - �--- <br /> _ • 7---------_—.:__--. - . . _ <br /> . > ., <br /> . � <br /> � �. � <br /> _ � ; . <br /> � „ .. . - <br /> , <br /> � „ <br /> � � <br /> ; , <br /> ; . . <br /> ; <br /> �- , - -T . - <br /> . � <br /> . <br /> � � <br /> ,. _ _ _ _ <br />