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<br /> <br /> <br /> w <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> <br /> 94w <br /> the property Is so taken or darna9ed. Lender tlnetf hSve the OOM in 11s 10141 mod abaottfta dik90mltoft.1%W51 Ftacvedt. <br /> after dr du'Ung 1119fUfront MA Costs and ere a b wwred by It In oonnecft. wtar such N= Oft tpw any Inidobledness seewred <br /> hereby and in such ordfs " Lander may do srtwir:o or ter so* as such Prooeede, adlsst with dedatcdorr0,.10 ma t$Oxs l m of INae <br /> Property upon sucrt conditions as Lender my d*xmkne Any eppl osk n of Proceeds. b l 4dit*%M Shwa not M'4 - r 1 or poeftione <br /> the due date of any payme!OS under the NOW or cute tray tlgfatftN t>hrlrratNXW Or rierera169f. Afny unrstpNlOd furxda Won be, paid b <br /> Truattn. <br /> e, pSrk~ ffw ar by Lattfdrw. Upon the occurrence of an E\wa a of CwftdA hereunder, (r F any me Is tot n at M VW proceedkV,, <br /> commenced which rrlatedollyalfeclr! 1.01dar's tnfypr!pst Oft Pmoorty►. Larxw rrury In ft own dt aedOR bull *toC $ obllpatlan to dA <br /> so, and without notice to or dew upon Tndtor and w*KKrt ele"N TraMW ftm aetyr raagaScrt do any tact wftlch Troetor !1st <br /> soreed but faits to do and play also do any OVW Act II doMI naCOSSa+ry Wt t tfra M.Kerxity henOL TrUS0W SNA wrratted stsly <br /> upon demand therVor by Leander, pay la Londe alt cowblrand axxfo*tes kvutrsd and owe expended by Lender In cowhIk' l'Jn wdth <br /> the ex omi" by Lea"tOw of the (preiytftn(l tlgr'rtr. 479QVW wrf4h fnNlrreat nh,yMroyry at tM doopit nft pen~ in the Now whlols shah be <br /> added tv the ids wAtred hereby. LAtnder ~ rA* kKwr sny Mb&4 bar*w$ of ar►ya't"nll It rrsrry do Of WM la do <br /> hereundwr.. <br /> 9, l'tarardo s Maftds&L TnAtof Shag kip W* Pr: WV In C*Mpiifirga with 80 ppflcaW WIFI , ordalaAM a%rd rryywlS00ft <br /> retating to irndvstial hy,Tlerne or *rtr<t pr om (cv%*0N0y referred fo Fsreln as -Ertvlrorwwwarl Ltt AVy Trui t e SION <br /> keep V* Property !tea from an su ftM 4A-4d to ba hartoodowrp Or Vale under any EnwtrcwMrnw M Lows (coM4C1NwS1y MM►wd to <br /> herein as 'Mazardous Matetrela . Trnrttrfr Ins+retry rratrwxania and represents to Lorrz r Suitt Boo are noel M =VeSoue Mlrttart0le on or <br /> under the Property, Trutftr hereby agrim Iti Mdstra y end hold !Mel se Lander. tta dkoctors. otttOata, wwot*Jyeee and arpasiL and <br /> any sutcossors to Linder's k1t roast more s: V agewwae Wvt Arid Ed Cb*nk dannagsS,, foeasS and IgdAMMN *AAlk p in Ooartacbn wf h <br /> the ptesencm use. disposal or trer f CS axwy M4 M r*NN L4@Mttala oR wm hr kom Or about 411.1 Property. THE FORE00610 <br /> WARRANTIES ANO REPRESENTATX)N.. AND TPIUSTO 09LMTXM PRtRW WX TO THE FOf1 JOI1+iO *M)EL*M. SHALL <br /> SURVIVE REC.N VEYANCE W TKS DEED OF TRs1W <br /> 10. Aed(inattaftt d Planer. Tnxstor NK*by NOWIS, 110 Lender ff''ta nlnh. Mtsefsa and VMfUh 01 Ow PMPOY. WVAdSd tW Tnisfm <br /> shall. until the occurrence of an EvvA of Debult heratwKW. hens to fV% to t and flown atrrh rwft leauea old Pmft 66 ftley <br /> become duo and payable Upon the cccwmnco of an Event of Deaufk, Lewder may. Slither in PterSOn of by apatK wish of wttfmrt' <br /> bringft any action or procoedkV. or by a recek r appolln1led by a co W andl wi' ma regal, to tta adeettm y of No security, ranter <br /> upon and take poste of 3to Prapmt,. c array part thursol in Its ow yr nwo of In Ifre nom of Me Trustee, and do afry acts vafMCh It <br /> deems necessary or desimbbe to prwutarm the value, eax~►y or t+s y of the Pro fserty, or"part tftareot ar k+Aaraw!i tNrarekn. <br /> increase the inicome Hlerefrom or pronto the Security bated and„ with or wftfnoest taking possession of ro Property, am for or <br /> of xwwise collect Sher rents„ Issues and proffbl thereO. lnc!kmft Ilnose pest duo and u::pard, and nopfy Via same. hate costs and <br /> expenses of operakm and collecction Ong *VQrtaVW f*02L upon any kK%bl*dreea secatred hereby. all In such Velar As Larder <br /> may determine, The entering upon turd talrkrg possessl0 n Cf the Property. the cor»ecaan of Such tend Issues and prattlt and the <br /> applicauon therreof as alorewaid. shad rat cure or waive *my dolaulf of neoce of deeMUtt hereunder or invalldole any act done In <br /> response tv such defauaft or pur%-x% ti to such malice of detauit and, nohvMft%VxhV the conIlAnuafto In pneaeas!on of Me Property or <br /> the collection, receipt and spp3`icabon of MM& issues at proOka,, and Trume and Lender shalt be an&Ged io P..arW 1 every rf()fA. <br /> provided !or In any of tSnnf Loam trust 4met" or by law Won occurrence of any Evets of Default kwtkidlny w 4hout qunitation the right <br /> to exercise the po anew of sate. FurOwr. Lend ell r4ft and torrfedies under ttft peuagroph shall be cunruAft" w Wx and kr no way a <br /> limitstian on, LancW's runts and rwsrnodiees uz er any asaaprrmarnt of le sses and rants recorded og&, t V* Property. Lander. Trusive <br /> and Unra receiver small be kabte to account only tar thoee rents actually toceived <br /> 114. Events of Default. The 100ow?ing ahait cortr0f le an Event of DeA&A widei ffft Dead of Trust: <br /> (a) Failure to pay any NnsWilment of pr%N#W or Now of any ode slam Macwuad hereby when duet <br /> (b) A breach of cc de ttutt u+l+dd► any provision conudned In ltM Note. eft Dead a# Taunt any of litre Loan Inallr ar wA& or any <br /> other Ilan or encumbrance upon the property. <br /> (c) A writ or executfcn or amt or any sknii w process shop! be antered agohnst Truseot which 9ha1N bee:dnre a qen on <br /> the prop" or any Portion thereof or k" r" therei rt <br /> (d) There shoe", be lkd by or against Tttn tot or Darrower an action laden any present a it*" federal. state of other <br /> statute, taw or regnlatlon retw*Q err bsntrrupECyr. wrsolvencyr or other re&M tar dabtoM or the is shall be apperkrtad any tnrshm <br /> receiver or liquidator of Trusilx or Borrower or of SO of any part of the property. or the rents, issues or profKS thersoltr or Tnustar <br /> or booow er shalt rake any yperwat assigmrwtrnit tar the benefit of crerlieotx <br /> (e) The sa* Vansim. ism rMrnt conveyance or further ice of all or any pet of or any irnterresf to f i e <br /> Property, er&w voturibuity or invoWnarilly. w0iota the atpess wrMo n cored of Lender, provided that Trusbr shall be <br /> pwm.Aterd to execute a lease of the Proyxery O wt does reap contain an opbon to purchase and the darn of which does not exceed <br /> tune yaaer. <br /> (t) Abarad<wneant of the Property. or <br /> (g) It Trus'kr, is not an individual. the issxserKe, sale, transfer. assiignment corwelanco at encumbrance of more tt'san a toter <br /> of perce ni of (;f of Corporation) fa issued and Outslancift stoat of (d a patrtrn-,nsl".lp) a lotal (9 petcent of <br /> partnership in mts durirq the period arts Deed of Trust rf-r-t in,s a Bien on the Propedy- <br /> 12- t emoodlaa; Accvikiratiw Upon DefaudL inthe etva"uwt of atny Evem d thbtu n Lender may, w%&KmA notice cKcapt as ro*xired by <br /> law, declare, all Indebtedna m sactmod hereby to be due and p.yable and To Sam shelf thereupon become due and payable <br /> without any presentment demo *L protest or notkm of any k*W Thereallow Lender mayr- <br /> (a) Demand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE Wanlsd herein, and Trustee shag ttwee eerier cause Tnxssars <br /> interest in trey Pmp rty to tm so?d and tine proceeds to be Jftbutedl. of In Vie ct nner prmlided in Me Nebraska Trust Deedt <br /> ACC <br /> (b) Exercise any and cell 'Aghts prcwedad six in any of the Loan Irmauments or by lawn upon occurrence of any Event of <br /> Default and <br /> (c) Goa: rmm-m-.e an action to foreclose ttals Deem of Tnnt as a rrvsr43age, appowd a recel%w. or apecftaay enforce any d the <br /> cavenants hereof, <br /> No rears dy" hokrein conferred upon or rived to Trams or Lender is ireUwxleed to be exclusive of arty od-- . « t: e w; in the <br /> Loan Instruments at by taw prcwxled or pee nitte L but each shah be curmilaWe. shah be in addition to every oVw nvnedy ghnm <br /> hereunder, in the Loan Instrum. --:s or now or tam eu ai law or in equity or by st*M. and may be exercised concurserstfyc. <br /> kidependenttty or successivetyr <br /> 13. Trusioe. The Trus:4e may resign at any t6re witout cause, arsd Leader may at any tone and w7cKxft masse acpt»t a <br /> successor or sr rule Trust Tnmt'se shall not be kable to arhr p • it ng without firni%fim '..ender', Borrower, Tnn3or or any <br /> purchaser of the Property. for arty loss or eanvw trAess dt e; to reckless or wMV misc~ and sue! -z'. be reared io take any <br /> action in connection with tt* ertforrt erna~t of this Deed of Tarsi unnless kxjmrseri mKL in wrarr,- it -osts, compartse0on or <br /> expenses whm--h maybe assorfated tt wevr&L In ad&bcxx Tr. ~*y become a p=vtw*ra: ar:y ~ _ C.r the F rgwV 0udreW or <br /> under Me pc+~eer of sale granded herein); poedpom the sake of all or my portion of tiaa Propenry. ~ provided by raw; or sell em <br /> Property as a whole, or in separale perms or k*s at Trustee's dis aibom <br /> 14. Fees and Expenses. In the event Trustee sees the Prperty by exercise of powra'r of sale. Tnxsme shall be ersfitled to apply <br /> any ssie proceeds first to payment of all costs and expos of ex> rq power of sake, irut KbV act Trustee's fee& mid Lw%Ws <br /> and Tn--Vee's atbrr*Vs fees, ac=-Ny incurred to exlrsrd peastaad by applicable tarn- ka the errerd Borrower or Trusior exercises any <br /> right provided by !sw to care an Event of Delatilt LerrxW shell be 4ed to roarer linen Trussor all coats and expenses ec aamyr <br /> rcurre•d ase, a resin. of Tnnkv*s dzhu&, w4 x*V w4 Knit arnr art ad Tnasaee`s and an rneyrs Ism tm the extant Iowa mud by <br /> appfxtra Raw- <br /> l & Fuwm Advances. Upon request of Borrower. Lender msyr. at its apttort, ngdo i add6bons! find future advarmes and re- <br /> advances to Bt wronger. & ech sdvwn*s ard reard+rancea with "mast thereon. I be secured by awls Oa ad of True[ At no use r ofil <br /> tine pnz-4 pal snvunt of the wriebee&.ess secured by this Deed of Trust net inch~ swarms advanced prak-r:* the security er Of s <br /> Dead of Trust exceed ttv ongp%N yxincipall arxaouertc sta led tenwi. or l l;i rrtxicherar is gretloSr- <br />