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,�.,_ -� <br /> iy � ri,.. _.'_ -. � <br /> J� «�i9�.•. :1 • ' �1�' <br /> . , �G� ,, � ��r l,4'A1�' � )�'lO�y»sa�. ,.. . �. --- <br /> .- . _ . <br /> , .. � „� _-- <br /> . ��� . :--� _ <br /> ,_..�.a:.�'ra.`ui�H k,.,;,e�, <br /> .� � .-..._. . _ <br /> ' � <br /> .-- ;]:�:S�c•. <br /> . .�+�V�KL . ' -- <br /> .^.._YA{6"r. .{ . ,� '� <br />--- �.w 1 � TOCiSTHBR WITH all the improvemente now or hereufter erected on the��eus me�nC;a pu ancea, `� -- - � <br /> and flxture�now or here,utter a pnrt of the property. Ail rep lacemants an d a d d i dons e l�a l l a lso b e covere d by t h t�Secu r ity <br /> �� Instrumen� All of the foregoing is referred ta in thia Srcurlty Inshument as the"Praperty." <br /> BORAOWBR COVENAIVTS that Borrower ia lawfuUy selsed of thB estato hereby convsyed and hs.v the dght to grnnt <br /> - ' �,��?!�`„ : , and convey the Properly and that the Property is unencumbered,except far encumbrances of record. Bormwer warrapt�and `-`'` - -_- <br /> ,.,��� wt{I defend generally the dda to the Propeity against a11 clafms and demends,subject to eny encumbrances af record. � - - <br /> ,�,,: ,r;,�,,;�, THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combie�es uniform covenants for national use aad non•untferm covenants wlth �_ ._ _._-.--. <br /> limited varlationa by Juzisdiction to consNtute s uniform security instrument covering mal pmpecty. <br /> ��• ' � � � ��`�`':� UNIFORM COVENAN7'S. Borcower and Lcnder covcnant and agree as foUows: ��. - <br /> v� ' 1. Fa y a tent of Princi p a l and Interesu Pre p a y ment end Late Charges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due the "-�._o <br /> �±� ' , principal of and interest on the debt evIdenced by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under the Note. - � <br /> �1� " Z. Funds[or 1�xes and Insureuce. SubJect to applicable law or to a written watver by I.ender,Batrawer Rha11 pay ro = - <br /> � � Lender on the day monthly payments ate due under the Note.undl the Note is patd in full,a sum�"Funds")for.(a)yeady �����'`- <br /> . - �, taxes end assessmenta which may attain pdorlry over this Securlty Instrument as a Jien on the Property;(b)yearty leasefiotd ''�i:;i,,..-. <br /> � a' payments or ground rents on the Properry, li any; (c) yearly hazard or property insurance premiums: (d) yearly tlood '" ''° - <br /> insurnnce premlums,if any; (e) yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any:and (� any aums payable by Borrower to =�r=�-- -- <br /> J� � Lender.In accordance with the provts ions of paragraph 8,in lfeu o f the payment o f mortga�e insurance prem iums. T hese t,^�:�" <br /> �_"„=,_-_�._ <br /> � . items are called"�scrow Items." I.ender may,at any dme,collect end hold Punds in an amoant not to exceed the maximum r-,-_•�.,,�.. <br /> amount a lender for n federally mlated martgage loan may require for Botrower's escrow account nnder the federel Real �"�;^:��°' <br /> 6state Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 ess amended fram time ta time,l2 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless another <br /> � ' law that apptics ta�ihc flsnds scts a tcsscr amaunt. If sa,Lcndcr may,�i any drnc,coltcct and hold�nds in an amount not to �'�'. <br /> ----�--............ ..,.. <br /> exceed the lessor amount. L.ender may esdmate the amount of Funds due on the basls of cutrent dnta and reasonuble �:�-°,T"�� <br /> est�mates of expenditures of future 8�crow Items or otherwise in accordance with spplicable lew. '�.'; .s�=- <br /> The Funds shall be held in an instltution whosc de sits are insurcd b a federal a enc ,i�suumentali or entl ��"��� <br /> Po Y S Y ty• ti' ��,_,_._Y_ <br /> (including Lender. if Lender is such an institu6on)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. L.ender shall apply the�nds ro pay ��"��- _ <br /> ':. the Escrow Items. I.ender may not charge Borrower for holding and upplytng the Ftmds, annually analyzing the escrow " �` ' <br /> nccount, or verifying the Escrow items, unleas Lender pays Bonower interest on the �nds and appltenble law permiGs •"�"�'�:� <br /> I.ender to make such a charse. However,Lender may require Borrower to puy a one-time charge for an independent reai ��',�'T=.�- <br /> estate tax mportin�servIce used by Lender in connectton wtth thts lonn,unless applicable luw prov{des otherwise. Unless an -s.,�--' <br /> agrecment ic made or applicable law requices interest to be paid,Lender shall not be requIred to pay Bonower any interest or � �" <br /> • eernings on the Funds. Borrower and Lendcr muy n�rcc 1n wr�tin�,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender .,^;>;''�£" <br /> _ shaU gtve to Borrower, without charge,an annual accaunting of the Funds.showIng credits and debits ro the Funds and the ��•""� <br /> -- ------- - ,:�_�.- <br /> - �• ------ - pwpose far which each debit to the Funds was made. The Funds are piedged as additionai securfry for all sums secured by <br /> this SecurIry Inswment. � °-•.�� <br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to �:;1�,,u; <br /> ' Borrower for thc excess Funds in accardance with the requirements of ap�licuble iuw. If the amount of the Funds held by � '��%��" <br /> Lender at any time is not sufficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lender muy so notify Borrower in wrlting,and,in � .:� <br /> such case Borrower shull pay ta Lender the amount necessury to mnke �p the deficiency. Borcower shutl make up the "'-� <br /> . .. uCfiCiCiiCy fa n�murc than twcivc�uonthly pay��iciu,.uI I..i:i�u'2i i iOIC�I��f�IfJii. —� - - <br /> Upem puyment in full of ull sums secumd by this Securlty Instrument,Lender shull promptty rcfund to Bonower uny — <br /> � Funds hcld by Lendcr. If,under pumgraph 21,Lender shull ucyuirc or sell thc Propeny.Lendcr.prior to the acquisition or , <br /> u►le of the Property,shtill upply c�ny Fundz heid by Lcndcr nt the timc af ucquisition or sale as a credit uguinst ihe sums ��` <br /> secured by this Securiry[nstrument. - <br /> 3. Application of Paymentv. Unle�x upplicuble luw provides ntherwixe, all payments received by L.ender under _ <br /> : parugrnphs l and 2 shall tx:applied:firtit,ro uny prcpuyment churges duc undcr thc Note;second,to nmounts payable under . <br /> = parugraph 2;third,to interest due;fourth,to principal duc;und lust,to uny latc churges due under thc Note. '?- <br /> � 4. Charges; I.tens. Borcowcr xhull pay ull wxes, ussessments, chur�c,, tincr and impositions attributuble to the ��U•,'' <br /> Pro rt which ma uttuin riarit ovcr this Securit Intit�ument,unJ leusrhald u ments or �round rentz,if un . Borrower � ��-� <br /> Pe Y y r Y Y P Y b Y /. <br /> shsll pay these obligutions in thc munner proviJed in parugraph 2,or it'not puid in thut munncr,Borcowcr.r•hull pay them on I ' . •• <br /> time dincQy to the jxr+on owcd paytnent. Bum�wer tihuli procnptly furni+fi to Lcndcr ali nuticc.of umuunt�tu tx puid uuJer ' ' <br /> this puru�raph. If Borrower mukes the�c pirynxnts dircrtly.Burn�wcr tihull prompdy furnish ti� Lender receipts evidencing • <br /> • the payments. , <br /> Borrower shull promptly dischs�rge uny lien which has priority ovcr this Security Intitrumcnt unless Barrawer.(u)ugrees <br /> in writing to thc payment of thc obligutian xccurcd by thc licn in u munncr ucccptublc to Lri�dc�;(b)r�mterts in gaod fnith the ' <br /> lien by,or drfends aguinst rnfc�rcement��f the licn in, lrgul prcncedings�vhirh in thc Lcndcr i opinion operutc to prevent�he � <br /> , enforcement of the lien;or(c)uucurcs from thc holder of the lien un ugrrcment �utisfuctory to Lrnder xulwrdinating the lien � <br /> ro this Security Instrumcnt. If LenJcr dcterniincs thut any purt of thc Propeny i.subjcrt to u lirn which muy attain priority <br /> over thix Security Inswment,Lendcr muy give Borrowcr u noticc identifying thc licn. Burrowcr xhul�sutixfy thc licn or takc 4 <br /> onc or mom of thc actiom set forth ubovc within 1 Q duy�of thr gi�•ing uf notice. <br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. &xrow�r shall kecp thr impnwement.n��w cxi.ting ur hrreaftcr Frected on U�e ; <br /> Property insumd u�ain,t loss by�re,hazurds included within the trrn�"cxtended ruvcr.ige"and any other huzurds, includin� � <br /> ' floods or 11<x�ding, for whirh [.cndcr rcyuirc�insuruncc. Thi� in.uruncc �hull Ix muintuinrd in thc umounts und fur the ' <br /> . <br /> FLrm 3112N 9N0 �p��Kr 2 0/4�rXr�) � <br /> � <br /> ,� , <br /> ' ! ; <br /> _ �#' <br /> � � , <br /> t <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . ' <br /> _ � _ — __ <br />