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<br /> ~ 8.� �Q� 0 UEN8 AND PROTEOTtON OF 6ENEFlCIARY'8 BECURIN. Twatur ohatl mnkn nil paymonts of intero�t and ptinclpal�nd ' ��-_ - _ _
<br /> " " payh��1�y�r ehar�a,ba�nd�xp�nws eontraebd M b�p�td to any�xl�Unp INn hotdm or prlor b�n�t►clarl�s und�r any prlor d��d of bu�t �T :,�i �' r .
<br /> � '� ^ . ar mortpsq�b�fo»th�dnt�th�y a�d�linQumt and piampUy pay and dlscharQo any and all othar Ilono,elatme or eharyee�vhbh mey�eepardls�th� h •� °��+�*� __ .__.
<br /> "" s�aurNy pranted Mnin.If Tn+�tor fdli to matn any�uch p�ym�nt or tNl�W p�Rarm ru►y of th�eownRnu and apn�m�nb contain�d in thM Dnd of .'��'.'r=Ft�====-=-
<br /> � . .. . . Yn+eL or in any prbr mortpnp�m dNd of tru�t,or M anp�ctfon or pro�elnp It wmm�rtc�d which mat�rlaly a}Iw�ts Bon�flctary'�Int�rwt M th� ?�`;�;,�.:f��-
<br /> o Propstty, Includinp,but not Iim�ed to,�mUmt domaN proa�dinOa,or proe��dlnp�Invotvinp+►d�c�d�nb or If T�u�tor 1�I1�!o pay Truttor'�d�btt ;,;41"?=--
<br /> h�• t1t
<br /> ri.
<br /> - - �twratt�r at thoy�-ramo due,thon 9enaRctery,et @enetk!ery'e o�Alon�nA without e►otla�te or d�mand upon T�uuor�nd wRhout nMw�kip rwlor ,,:,,,R;.__-_---
<br /> •_ ' � hom any obllgatbn honund�r.may mek��ueh appearanass,dlabuns sucb�ume nnd tak�weh aetton a�is nee�stery to proUet B�nMeinr�I� � ��� �.--
<br /> Int�nst,Includinp,but not Umft�d M,dbbun�m�nt ot na�onabN attom�y�fNS,poyma�L purcha�,aont�st ot oompromi�a of any ancumbranco,, . -�='- �
<br /> `. .. <, ohnr��or IMn,and�ntry upon th�Prop�rty to mak�npain.ln th�ewnt tMt TtuKor�hali faA to praun inaurtn«ot to pay tatt��,ats�ttmmb,at � • . :;`�':.y^ -
<br /> ' any oth�r eharg�s or to mak�any peym�nb to any�xisdnp prbr Il�n hold�n or f»rt�fleiarh�,B�n�fldary may procua sueh Ineuraner and m�k��uch
<br /> +' paym�n�Any amount�dbbunM by 8�n�fldeiry punuant to thts Pnrapraph A.8�hall b�com�additbnai Indtbt�dn�tt of T�u�tor��CUnd by this Ond ,• ^
<br /> � of Trust. 8uch amounb ahaq b�payabi�upon nodo�irom Ben�Rciary to Trustor nqu�sdnp pnym�nt th�nof,and ohnit b�ar Inbr�at fromlhe dah of � �„ � _
<br /> � dubumm�nt at th�►at�payabi�Bom tlm�to dm�on outstending prMdpal und�r th�Not�unl�zs peymont of int�reet at suoh rat�woutd b�oor�rary to „ _
<br /> appAcabi�law, In whkh evsnt�ucfi amounts shall bear ht�roat nt th�higheat rat�permlasf�'�s under opplicable law.Nothing eontdned trt thie
<br /> O Paragraph A.8 shall requln BsnsNclnry to inwr any�cpenas or teks eny aetlon hereundar. ��
<br /> . � 8. IT 18 MUTUALLY AGRHEO THAT: . ,�,1 ��v
<br /> � � t. A88ICiNMENT OF RENTB.8en�fldary ehaU havs the rtght,powar and nuthorily during th�eonUnuanes of thts D�ed of Tn+st M eoN�et th�. . �L�
<br /> . ,. � rante,tseuea end profite of tho Property and of any persond properly beatad thereon with or wAhout tak�np pos�esaion of tha propedy etfocbd horeby, , �
<br /> � and Trustor henby nbaolutety and unaondidonally aetigns all sueh ronte,tsaues and protds to 8on�flatary.Ban�fielery,howwar,1►eroby wnsente to ;. �.
<br /> • the TruetoPs eofleetion and ntsndon o}euch rente,laeues and protna ae they accae and becom�paynbt�so b�+g ns Tn+ator Is not�at euch Um�,in .•
<br /> � - " defautt with tespect to payment at nny tndobtodnoss soeured hereby,or In the pertarmanee ot eny agreemeM herounder.Upon any such deinuk, ... ��.�
<br /> � . . Benefldary may at nny tims,eRher In pereon,by agent,or by a reeehrer to bo appointed by a court,without nodes nnd without ragard to the adequnoy �""'"
<br /> ' of any eecutity tor the Ndebtedneas heroby s�cured,(a)enter upon and tNce poasesaion of the Property or any part thereof,and in ita ow��rw��ie 6ue - - - - -
<br /> tor or otherwise colled ach rents,iasues and profite,Inciuding those paet due and unpnW,a�d appty the eame,less eoeta and expenaea o}opsratbn • _
<br /> and cotleciion,tncludlny retuonabia attorneya feea,upon eny Indebtedneee securod hsreby,nnd fn auch order ae Benefickuy mey determine;(b) __
<br /> periorm sueh ects of repalr or protection ns mey be necesaary or proper to consotva!he valw ot ths Propariy;(a)ieaso the oame or any pnR thsreof • �:. ,,; ;
<br /> tor sueh rentai,term,and upon such condiGone es ite Judgment may dietate or tetminate,er ad�ust the terms and condittons of existing laasea.Untesa .. __
<br /> Truator and Bene�ciary thersof agres othervrfss In wriUng,any npplkatbn of rente,ioauea a profAS to eny indebtednese secured hereby ahaN no4 �� ,,�
<br /> extend or poatpone the due data ot the Installment payments as ptovided in eald promisaory note or chnnge the amount ot euch inetaAmonta.The '`� ?
<br /> entering upon nnd taking poasessbn af the Property,the eollecdon ot such rents,issuea and profrte,and the applicadon thereot as aforesald,ehall not � • `'
<br /> wMre or cure any defauft or notke of defnuh hereundet or inveAdate nny act done pursuant to euch ooUce.Truetor also assigns to Beneficiary,as ;;,�'��•
<br /> further seeutity fa the pedormance of the obitgadone secured hereby,aN prepaW renta and all monfes whfeh may hnve been or may herealter be "',•��-
<br /> depoaRed wRh sakl Trustor by any lessee ot the Properly,to secure the payment ot any rent or damages,or upon detauR fn the peAormance of any of .y �„—.
<br /> 'i':•:'��
<br /> , the provlsbne hereof,Trustor ngreee to deliver such rents nnd depoaits to Beneficfary.Delivery of vrritten oodce of Benefietary's exercise of the dghta �,_�r,l •
<br /> � granted hereln,to any tenant oaupyfng eald premisea eheY be eul8elent to require eetd tenant to pay rent to tha 8enei�ciary unGt turthar noiks, , - -
<br /> 2. CONDHMNA'iION.It title to any part of the Property shall be taken In condemnntfon proceedinga,by rlght of eminant domnin or almiinr acGOn, � : '.'�a �
<br /> or shnll be sotd under ihreat ot condemneUon,all uwards,dnmcges and proceeds are hereby aeslgned end ahdl be paid to Beneficlary who ehnli epply :'t;; �
<br /> auch awarde,demages nnd proceeds to the eum secured by this Deed of Truet,with the excees,it any,pald to Trustor.if Trustor reeelves any notke or
<br /> other Information regerding eueh actfons or proceedings,Trustor shaA give prompt wrrtten ootfee thereot to Beneficiary.Benefiefary sheil be entitied,et '��•;:,i;,:
<br /> its optbn,to commence,nppesr in and prosecute In its own nsme eny such aclion or proceedings and shai�be entAled to meke any compromise or �;
<br /> settiement in connectan wth any auch aat�on or proceedings. � '="`'`"="-.��-r
<br /> I ,S-� ,i
<br /> 8. FUTURE ADVANCES.Upon request of T►uator.Benefieiary at Beneficiary e option,prar to reconveyanee of the Properry to Trustor,may mnke � ;
<br /> � tuture advanceo to Trustor.Sueh future advancea,with interest thereon,ehall be seeured by this Truat Oeed when evfdenced by prorNesory notee � if.;!!��
<br /> � stating thet eaid notee a►e aecured hereby;ptovided that at no timo shall the secured prt�Gpai,luture advencee,not Inctuding eums advenced to !
<br /> � proted the seeurGy,exceed Two Hundred percent(20096)o}the origw�al princtpa�amounta secured hereby. � �
<br /> �
<br /> , � .
<br /> 4. REMED188 NOT EXCLU3IVE.Truetee esnd Beneficiary, and ench ot them.ehaN be entitled to entoree payment and perfotmenee ot any . , •
<br /> indebtedneas or obltgMions secured hereby end to exerciae ell rights nnd powers under this Deed of Trust or under any other ngreement executed in. .. :Y��'w�.
<br /> wnnectlon herewith or any Iaws now or hereafter In torce,notwdhstanding eome or alf of the aueh indebted�esa nnd obl�gntfone seeured hereby mny . •� :;�
<br /> now or hereaRer be othervrise seeured,whether by mortgege,deed ot truet,pledge,hen,ass�gnmenf or othervv�se.Nerther the ncceptance o}thfa Deed , t�
<br /> of Ttust nor ite en}orcement whelher by oourt action or pursuant to the power ot eale or Wher powere herein contained.ehall pie�ud�e or fn any manner �
<br /> `� I eiiect Trustee e or Beneficiary 8 rrehl W realae upon or enkrce any othar soeunty novr or fierenRer heid by Truetee a Benefic�ery,n dafng ngreed thnt .. -r
<br /> Truetee nnd 8eneflciary,and each of them,shall be entdied to enforce thre Oeed ot Trust and any other Beeunry now or hereaftor hetd by Benefidary ot
<br /> � � Ttustee In sueh order nnd menner ae they or erther ot them may�n thefr absoiute diecretion detetmu�e.No remedy herem conlerred upon or reserved -
<br /> I to Ttustee or Beneficiary fe intended to be exelusive of any other remedy here�n or by lew provided or permdted,but eaeh shnll be eumuietrve nnd shaM • �
<br /> be fn addRion to every other temedy grven hereu�der or now or hereatter ex�stmg at law o�m equdy or by stetute.Every power or remedy provided
<br /> hereunder thla Oeed ot Trust to Truatee or Benefieiery or to wh�ch edher of them may be othervv�ae entdled, may be exerc�aed,coneurrenty or ,
<br /> fndependently, irom tme to time and es often as may be deemed expedrent by Truslee oe Benelwiary and erther of them mey pursuo hconeistent S
<br /> remediee.Nothing herem ehall be eonetrued as prohbding Benefieiary hom seek�ng a dafic�ency�udgment agemst the Truetot to the extent aueh ection•
<br /> Is permittad by Iaw.
<br /> 6. TRAN8FER OF THE PROPERTY;A8SUMPTION.If ali or any part ot the property or mterest therem�a sold,transferred or othetwree conveyed
<br /> by Trustor without Benefic�ary's pnor wntten consenl, exclud�ng(a)the creation of a I�en or enaumbtance subordnate to this Deed o?Trus4 (b)the
<br /> erentbn ot a purchase money seeunty�nterest tor household appiiances.(c)a tranafer by dehae.desce�t or by operation of law upon the death of e
<br /> �dnt tennnt u (d) the grsnt ot nny Ieaseho�d mtereat of three yenre or Iese not eontaming an option to purchase, sueh aCtion is a breaeh of th�s
<br /> � agreement,and BeneGCiary mey,at Benefidary's opt�on,declare cM the sums eeeured by thre Oeed o}Truat to be�mmediately due and payable,or
<br /> i
<br /> ceuse the trustee to hie a notice of defauR. 9eneficiary ahalt have warved auch opt�on to accelerate�}. prqr to the sale,transter of oonveyance.
<br /> � 8eneficiary cnd the person to whom the property is to be eoid or trensierred reach agreement m wrdmg thet the credd ot auch pereon�s set�sfactory to
<br /> ' Beneficiery nnd that the�nterest payable on the sumo oecured by thre Oeed of Trust shaG be at cueh rato as Benehc�ery ahall requeet.
<br /> 8. ACCELERATION UPON OEFAULT;REMEDIE3:SALE.The ta�iure by the Trustor to make any payment or to perform any of the tetms and
<br /> conddans ot the Note, or any reneweis, modficehons or exlens�one thereof.or the payment of any other u�debtednesa secured hereby or m the
<br /> pertormance of nny of the covenants or agreements hereunder ehaN be a breach ot thio agreement a�d the Beneficicry may declare a detauk and mey
<br /> declare NI eume setured hereby immediately due end payabie and the same ehsll thereupon become due and payebie wdhout presentment,dema�d,
<br /> proteet ot noUce ot nny kmd.Thereafter,Beneficiary may delrver to Ttustee a wntten deciaretion of defauit and demand tor sale.Trusta agreos and
<br /> .�n_'_a_'_ �_�����.�o.....�d...��../.�.nW a�6aM dnMnd�udh
<br /> h8t6Dy greuiW teat me Trus[ee enaii nave Cne powo�vi odib Ji uw�c��.o�:r o.-���...a�.d��..,r�,.o...,.o.........,.....,._.-=---•-°------�--
<br /> • Truatee thie Daed of Truet and the Note or notes and any other dxumento evidencmg expendAures secured hereby,end shali deMver to Trustee s
<br /> wrdtan notlee of detaWt end eteeBOn to cnuse tho Properry to be sold,and Truatee,m turn,ehall prepare a eMm�ar notiee in the form reqwred by law,
<br /> whieh ehnll be duiy tded tor record by Truatee.
<br /> � , (n)Aftor the tepae o}auch rme es may be reqwred by taw follawmg the recordntion of Notiee ot Oefault,and Notice ot Defauft and Notwe of 3ale
<br /> � hnvfng been given as required by law.Tnretee,wdhout demand on Trustor,ehall seil the Property m one or more perCels and m such order
<br /> � • I es Ttustor mny detormmo on the dete and the Ume and p!nce dec�gnatod m said Nohce ot 3ete,nt pubhc sudan to the highest bidder.the
<br /> � � purchese pnce pnynble in eash�n Iawtul money ot the Undod Otetes et the tene ot saie The person eonduCt�ng the ea�e may.tor eny enuse
<br /> he or ahe deems exped�en�postpone the sn�e lrom bme to t�me unti�R shell be complated nnd,m every euch csse,not�ce ot postponement
<br /> ' i ahnil be gnen by publ�C decinrat�on theroot by oueh porson at the time and pince Inot nppomted tu tho sale. prov�ded, d the sele is
<br /> , postponed 1or tonger then one(1)dey beyo�d the day des�gnated in the Notice of So�e.not�ee thereot ahnll be g�ven m the anme manner as
<br /> � the orginat Not�ce ot Sate.Truatee sheli exeeute nnd deuv�r to�he putchoaor Re Deod cronveymg the Property so sotd.but wdhout any
<br /> : I Covennnt or wananty,expreea.ot�mpi�ed. The reeRaia n the Deed ot any mnnnere dr tncts shnN be conctuarve proot ot the truthfulnesa
<br /> thoreof.Any paroon.melud�ng wRhout IimRat�on Benefiaary ot Trustee.may pureheae aS the sate.
<br /> � � I OoMI�Noaet�� ao�57fl
<br /> . 1 - �
<br />