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<br /> ' ;�,�•� t�ith Judpment cou�d rosuit in fodelWro ot the Proparty or othe�wtae mitedaiy impalr tho Qan cmaMa ay tnta BBaurity IrtetNment or Lendor'e -_
<br /> ~,,ti �..,';•..� aewrity interaet. BoROwer may curo auah�default and relnsttts,�s provided in perapraph 18,by oauel�p the�atian or proaeeding to be
<br /> � ';.�.:F�:,,,.; dlamiaeed with e n�ling that,in Lendere pood hlth determinetlon,precludes torfeituro ot the Borrower'e intereat ln the Property or other matcrial
<br /> __,����; ; _ Impeltm�nt of the Ilen ereated by this 8ecurity ImUUmmt or Lender'e secudty intereaf. Borrowe►ehall dao be In dat�uH M 8ormwer,durinq the ° -- -� -
<br /> t ••.^ � lo�n appUatton proeesa, geve moterlafy ta�ae or Inaccurete IntomnaUan or atatements to Lender(or faliad to provlde Lender wfth eny mrtedal --- y
<br /> ��a'�QZ+���,•'��� ��=• Intartnation)In aonneoUon with 4he loxn arideneed by the Note,Induding, but not Ilmlted ro,roproeenUttone conaeminp 8orrowar'a ooeuptnay ot � -
<br /> �5r�• ,,�.;•. • .,��
<br /> r, � •� � fa� II1e Nroparty aa+�pdncipal restdanae. It thle 8eourily inetrumen!le on a leaeehotd,Borrower ehatl comply with all the provistons of the Ieaee.
<br /> • �'� N BoROwer acquires tee tiUe to the Rroperiy,the leaoehotd and the fee titla ehall not merge unleaa Lender agrees to the merger in wddng.
<br />- ,' " ''� 7. Prot�otton of I.�nd�r's Rights In th� Propsrty. fI 8orrower talle to pAAortn the eove��ant�and egreemente aontained _
<br /> '� . In thla 8acurfty t�strument,or there Is e Iegai prnceeding that may signl�oanty aHect Lender'e dghts In the Property(euah as n proceeding -----
<br /> `'. �• � �n bnnkruptay,probate,for eondemnatbn or toAelWre or to entarae tawa or�eguiaqona),then Lander nu�y do and pRy tor whatever la�acesaary � �
<br /> • . to proteot the vaiue ot the Property and Lender's dghts in the Propeny, Lender's sctlons may Inciude paying eny suma secured by a Ilen whtoh ___--- -----
<br /> • � has pdority over thi9 Security Instrument, appearing tn oouR, paying�eeeonabie uttomeys'tees and ente►ing on the Property to make repal�s. _ --'
<br /> . : � ^ Although Lender rtusy take aotlon under this paragraph 7.Lender does not have to do so. �''—
<br /> �/ . ' ^ My emounte disbureed by Lender under thia pereg�eph 7 shell become edd�lonal debt of Borrower secured by this Secur(ty Instrument ^a.c
<br /> ' U�lesa Bortower and Lender agree to olher terms of payment,these amounta shell bear intereat(rom the date of disbursement at the �"' T����u—
<br /> �,A,•._..-
<br /> �• Note tate and shell be payable,with tnterest,upon noUoa from Lender to 8ortower requesdng payment. � ''"::--
<br /> .. • - ' 8. Mortgege I�surenae. tt Lender requtred mortgnge insurunce as a condlUon ot making the Ioen secured by thls 3ocudty Instrument, -•' ° =_
<br /> - �-:----•• •.--�-..-�--- ; — _ _
<br /> , • •. Borrawer she8 pay the premlume requked to matntetn the mongage Insurance in effeat. tf,for any reason,the mortgage inouietion�overog8 -�— - "-
<br /> � � " ,' requlred by Lender Iapaes or ceases to be in efteet, Bortower ehaN pay tho premtums requfred to obtaln coverage substanUaiy equhraient to the ,
<br /> � , mortgage�naurance prevfousy In eifect,at a cost aubstanUalty equlvaient to the cost to Borrower of the mortgage insuranee prevtouaty In eHeot, � .• � `.�_�__
<br /> ' ' from an aftemate mortgage Insurer approved by Lender. If substantiaily equhratent mortgage Insurance eoverage Is not avallabte,Borrower shali pay 3• �1__
<br /> � to Lender each month a sum equal to ane�tweitth of the yearry mortgage insurance premium betng paid by Bonower when tha insuranae coverage ,���—__
<br /> lapsed or eeased to be in eftect. Lender wNl aecept,use and retain these payments as a Ioss reserve in Ifeu ot mortgage Insurence. Loas reserve �, - __
<br /> ' payments may no Ionger be requlred,at the opUon of Lender,it mortgege Inau►ance eoverage pn the amount and tor the pedod that Lender ��.;�
<br /> . � ' . ' requirea�provided by an insurer epproved by Lender agein becomea aveilable and is obtained. BoROwer ehall pay the premiums requfred to �,;�i:i�,,.
<br /> . " meintain mortgage ineurance in efleat,or to provide a loas reserve,unt9 the requirement for mortgege Insurence ends In accordance wkh any �- -
<br /> ,• ��
<br /> written agreement between Bonower and Lender or appticebie�aw. �- . "
<br /> __._._____., .._..-_ 9. Inspeetion. Lender or Its agent may make reasonabte enlrles upon and Inspeetlons o}the Properly. Lender shali give Borrower '�:��'
<br /> � , notice at the tlme ot or pdor to an inapecUon spedtying reasonabte oause tor the inspection. �
<br /> 10. Condemnation: The proceeda ot any eward or atalm for dameges,direct or consequentlal,in conneotbn wlth any eondemne'�ion '�
<br /> or other taking ot any part of the Property,or for conveyance In Iieu ot condamnatlon,are hereby asalgned and shall be paid to Lender. ' �; .: .,�. �. j .
<br /> �n the event of a totei takfng ot the PropeAy,the proceeda ahall be applled to the aums secured by thla 3ecurity Inswment,whether or not
<br /> � then due,wlth anv excess paid to Bortower. In the event of a partlal taking ot the Property in wh�ch the falr market vaiue of the Property , ' �
<br /> ' Immedlately betare the taking is equai to or greater than the emount of the sums secured by this Sewrfly InsWment immedlatel�before the taking, t
<br /> uniess Bortower and Lender otherwise egree in wdtlng,the sums secured by this 3ecurity Instrument ahali be reduced by lhe amount ot the , .. ��}�
<br /> proceeda multiplied by tfie toltowing haction, (a) the totei amount of eums aecured Immedlatety betore the teking,divlded by(b)the fair market f'
<br /> value ot the PropeAy immedlately betore the taking. My belance shaN be peld to 8orrower. In the event ot a pertial taking of the Property In <<�
<br /> ' which the falr market value of the Property knmediately before the taking is Ieas than the amount of the sums secured immedistely betore the �
<br /> � taking,unless Bortower end Lender otherwise egree in writing or uniess appiicab�e lew othervvise provldes,the proceeds shati be applled
<br /> � to the eums secured by thls Security Instrument whether or not the eums are then due. •�����
<br /> It the Property is abendoned by Borrower,or M,after notiee by lender to Borrower that the eondemnor oNera to make an award or settle �'�-'�'�
<br /> a ciatm for damages,BoROwer faits to respond to Lender withln 30 deys after the date the notice is given,Lender is euthodzed to collect ��
<br /> and appty the proeeeda, at its aption,either to rastoraUon or repair oi lhe Property ot to the sums secured by ihls Socurity�nsttument, i
<br /> whether or not then due.
<br /> Uniesa Lender and Borrower olhenvise agree In w�iting, eny appiicellon ot proceeds to principal ahali not oxtend or poatpone the due �
<br /> date ot the monthiy payments retened to In paragraphs 1 and 2 or chenge the amount ot such payments. �
<br /> 11. Borrower Not Heleased; Forebearance By Lender Not a Waive�. Extensbn af the time lor payment or modificadon i
<br /> oi emortization of the suma secured by thls Secudry Instrument granted by Lender to any successor In interest of Borrower shall not
<br /> � operrite to reiease the IlabYity ot the odginal Borrower or Borrower's succeasars in Interest. Lender shall not be requked to commencs .
<br /> proceedings agalnat any succeasor in Interest or retuso to extend time for payment or othervvise modHy amorlizatbn ot the aumo secured
<br /> , by this Secudty instrument by reason of any demand made by the orlglnai Borrower or Bortower's succeasors In Interest. Any torbearance
<br /> by Lender in exercising any right or remedy shall not be e waiver ot or prociude the exerclse ot any right or remedy. !
<br /> '� 12. Successors and Assigns Bound; Joint and Severai Liability; Co-signere. The covenants end agreements ot
<br /> this Seeurily Instrument shall bind and benefit the aucceasora and assigns oi Lender and Bortower, subJect to the provielons of peragraph �
<br /> , 17. Borcower's covenents and agreements shatt be Joint and severat. Any 8onower who co•signs thla Securfty Instrument but does not
<br /> execute the Note: (a)Is co•signing this Secur(ty Instrument only to mortgage.grant and convey thet BoROwer's Intereat in the i�roperty
<br /> �, under the terms ot thls Security Instrument:(b) is not personeNy obligeted to pay the sums secured by thls Security Instrument;and (c)
<br /> • agrees that Lender end any other Bortower may agree to extend,modly, torbear or make eny accommodetlona with regard to the terms of
<br /> � ', thls 8ecurity Instrument or the Note wlthout that Borrower's consent.
<br /> 13. Loan Charges. If the loen secured by ihls 3ecurity Instrument Is subJect to a law which sets maximum loan charges. and
<br /> • .� lhat law Is flnaily Interpreted so that the interest or other toen charges collected or to be collected In connection with the�oan exeeed
<br /> the pertnittetf IImRs, then: (a) any auch toan charge shall be reduced by the amount necesaery to reduce the charge to the permltted
<br /> ;� Ilmik and(b)any sums atready coAected from Borrower which exeeeded permitted Ilmits wlll be refunded to 6orrower. �enaer may cnoose
<br /> to make this retund by reducing the prinelpai owed under the N�te or by making a dlrect payment to Bortower, If e retund reduces prin•
<br /> cipal,the reductlon wNi be treated as a partlai prepayment without any prepayment cherge under the Note.
<br /> 14. NOtiC68. Any notice to BoROwer provided tor in this Secudty I�strument shall be given by deWertng It or by malling It by ifrst
<br /> � � ,` cta8s matl un�ess eppNcable isw requlrea uae ot another method. The notice shall be directed to the Property Address or any other addr�rss
<br /> • �,
<br /> �
<br /> . t �.
<br /> ,'
<br /> 30282.1rm�3/3t) pnqc �o�5 Fotm 3028 9/90
<br /> i
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