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_- _ -ra�_.c-n�i.- — . :..-�-.-.... . � _ ... <br /> , � . � '— ' _ _ji.�M � • � __�—u <br /> - . � . - "�� �y� �Avb.+� '• • ,r'=,.r..sF.,�--� <br /> ""a`y'�'f�;��,� "'�^ .. ._..... <br /> � __.s��s.:..i�.�a�rrii�lr..r�.� .. . <br />-.r.__. :._._::_ -.-�:� g,�� �dsl�� <br /> ,.. <br /> '°�"�'�;'� 'Che Fuuda tihull bo held in an Instiwtion wh�� dep�s[tn ura insured by a fedcral ugency. instnimentuttt , ar entity <br /> ' �,� (induding Lcnder.if l.cndcr ix surl�un iust[tutian)or in imy Fedcrul Homo Laan Aank.I.endor Rhall apply the Fun A ta puy the <br /> - ---•. -, . <br /> 8scraw Items. I,cnder muy not churgv Burruwcr Por hafding nnd applying thc Funds.annuully nnalyzing tho escraw accnan�,m <br /> verifying tho�scrow(tams.unicsx L.cnder puye 8onowcr intcrest on thc Funds rmd nppIlcable Inw permits I.endor to muktl such <br /> „ n chnrge. Howevor.I.ender moy�equiro Barcmvor ta puy e one•time churge for an independent reul estuto tnx reporling service <br /> -_.; usrd by Londcr in connectian with thl� loan, unles�uppNcablc law pmvidc�s othcrwisc. Unleas nn agrccment is made or — <br /> - .:. <br /> upplicuble Inw requite.g intereat to bc pald.l.�nder Rhall not bci requlrod to pny �rn�wer any interest or eumings on tho FundR. <br /> . •_k.�:. � . ��. Borrc►wer and l.ender muy Agree in writing. howcver. thut lnterest ahall be puld an the Funda. I.ender rhull give ta orrower. <br />� � ��� �'� q� without charge. an unnuat uccounting of the Funde,showing creJite and debite to th�Funds:u�d the purpase for�vhich each <br /> � - - - -- _ <br /> � � -S 1ky+-, ; ��},.r det�ft ta the Funds wua made.The Funde are pled�ed a.g nddttional secu�ity for all sums ac�:um4 by thls Security[nstrument. �_ _____. <br /> !f the Funds held by Lender excced the umountx permitted to be held by upPlicnble Iaw,.I.ender shull accow�t to Borrower <br /> ' � '�;. ��:"�. ..; far tho excess Funda in accardance with the requirements of uppltcable law.If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any -- <br /> ; .. � • timc is nat sufRcicnt to pay the Fscrow Items when due,I.ender may xa natify Borrower in wdting. and.ln such cave 8orrower <br /> - shaU pay to[.ender the amount necessary to make up the deflcicncy. Bonawer ahall makc up the deficiency In no more than �__ <br /> .,.. , <br /> �►`••���-�` � -` twelve manthly Lender'A sole discretion. =�:__- <br /> Upon payment in fltfl of att sums secumd by thib Secudty Instrument. Lender shaU promptty rofund to Bocrower nny � <br /> y'�' • � ' Funds held by I..ender.If.under purngraph 21,Lender Rhall acquite or seQ the Praperty,Lender,pr�or to the acquisitian or sulo -- �_. �=L <br /> . � '� - of the Property,shall npply eny Funds held by Lender at the tima of acquisit{on or�tle as a credit against the sums secured by �^'�„"�:_ <br /> •• � this Security Inatrument. --—- <br /> 3.Appltcatlon af 1'ayments.Unless Appticablc law pravtdes othenvise,aU payments received by L.ender under pruagraphs �_,�?°'- <br /> � .. 1 and 2 shaU be applied: nny prepayment charges due under the Note; second,to umounts payable under puragraph 2: ,u"'�;�-°- <br /> � ' ':., interest due;fuurth.ta principul due;and any late charges due under the Nate. ��""" . �. <br /> . • ... . 4.CharRes; Uens. Borrowcr shall pay all taxes.assessmcnts. charges, f nes and impositions attrlbutable to the Property :.. .,,,� <br /> � : which may attain priority over this Security Tnstrument, and leasehotd payments or sround rents. �f any. Horrower s1�a11 pay � , - � <br /> ' � ° � these obligstians in the manner p�avided in paragraph 2,or if not paid m that menner,Bonower shciii p�y it�eni uie ti�uc dliix:tty �: :— — <br /> � �� to the person owed payment.Borrower shall promptly fumtsh to I,ender all notices of amaunts to be paid under this paragtaph. �p,•f .� �_ <br /> � If Bonower makes t hese payments directly,Borrower shalf promptly fumish to Lender receIpts evidencMg the payments. "''' �� t"°= <br /> • �� Borrower shall promptly discharge any lien which has pr�ority over this Security Instrument un less B orrower:(a)a�rees i n - <br /> " writing to the payment of the obtigatian secured by the lien in a munner acceptable to Lender;(b)cantests In good faith the lien ���.- <br /> ' � by, or defends a�ainst enforcement of the Ilen in, leQal proceedings which in the I.ender's apinion operute to prevent the � ' "-°'- ` <br /> enforcement of the lien;or(c)secures from the holder of the IIen an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien ro �` ' - -- <br /> this Securiry Instrument. If I.ender determines that any part af thc Praperty js subject to a lien which may attain priarjty ovcr ., ,. _`- <br /> " �� this Security Instrument, Lender muy give Borrower a notice tdentifying the lien. Borrower shall satlsfy the llen or take one or _ <br /> ._., <br /> •• more of the ucttons set forth above within 10 days af the giving of notice. <br /> --- <br /> � ' � 5. Hazard ar Property Insurance. Barrowcr shull kecp the improvernent� now existing or hereuftcr erected on thc �z -.. � <br /> .' �_ _. ,___ ,.. Propeny insurai aFainst loss by fire, huzurds included within the term "extendcd covcrage" and any othcr haxards, including '^ <br /> - --.. <br /> flaads ar flooding,for which I.ender reyuires insuranee. This insurance shatt be maintained in[he amouncs and Cor itir pcn � = _ <br /> ..- _k <br /> that L.ender requires. The insurance curncr providing the insurance shall be ciwsen by Barrower subject to Lender's approvui <br /> which shail not be unreasonably withheld. if Bormwcr fails to maintuin cover�gc described nbave, L.cnder may, at l.ender's •- <br /> option,obtain coverage to protect Lender's rights in the Property in accurdance with purn�rnph 7. <br /> All insurance poticfes and renewuis shall be acceptuble to Lender and shntl include a stundard mort�age clause. I.ender <br /> shali have the right to hold the policies und renewals. If I.ender requires, Borrower shul�promptly give to Lender all rec�ipts of • <br /> pa�d premiums nnd renewat noiice+. iu ttie Cvcu��f lu,,,i3orr.:wcr shall gi�•c grompt notice to the insurunce csrrier and! cnder =,, _--_ <br /> ' Lender may muke prcx>f of lass if not madc pramptly by Borrowcr. <br /> Unless Lender nnd Borrowcr otherwise ugrec in writing, insurancc pracceds shull be applied to retitorntion or repair of the " <br /> • Praperty damagcd,if the rc.toratian o�repuir i.ecanomicully fca�iblc und[.cndcr's,ccurity is nnt les.ened. If thc restoration��r „ '� <br /> . repair is not economicaliy feutiible or I.cnJrr'.security wuuW be IctiuneJ,thc insuruncc proceedr shnli be applied to the sums <br /> secured by this Securiry In,trument, whether or not then duc, with uny excesx paid to Borrower. If Aorrower abandans the .� :� <br /> Property, or docs not unswcr within�0 duys u noticc from L.cndcr thut thc inzuruncc curricr hu���ffercd ti� sctdc u claim,thcn ����_ <br /> Lender mu cotlect thc insurunce re�ceeds. Lcnder ma uxr the r<xceJ+ to rc uir or rctitore the Pro rt ��r tn a �ums �h���=- <br /> Y p Y P P P� Y, P Y • �-� <br /> securcd by this Security Instrumcnt, whether or not then duc.Thc 30-duy period will hegin whcn thr notice�x g�ven. � .'y�� <br /> Unlesti L.ender und Borrowcr othenvise agree in writing. uny applirutean nf pnkccds to principal shall not cxtend nr , ��.'�•'" �� <br /> , po�tpone thc duc datc of thc mnnthly paymcnt+ rcfcrred tu in puragruphti 1 aixi 2 ar rhungr thc umount of thc puymcnh. If f � <br /> � under purug�uph 2l th�Property iy a�yuimd b�• Lcndcr, Borro�ccr's right tn any ititiuranrc pc�licics und pmcccd�rc�ultin�from . _ <br /> ' dumage to the Property prior to the ucyui.itiun xhull pass to I�nder to thr cxtent c�f the�um+.ecured by this Security Inrtrument <br /> immcdiatcly prior to thc ucquisiti�m. <br /> 6.Ocrupancy.Preservatinn.Afeintenance and Prot��rtion of thc Pruperty;Borrower's I�►an Application;Leusehntds. <br /> Borrower shnll nrcupy,etiu�blirh,und u.r thr Pruperty u�B��rrower'�prinripal re�idenrc within.ixty days ufter the execution of . <br /> this Serurity intitrument und shull ruminuc tu ocrupy thc Pro�xny u�Borrowrr'ti principul rrxidenrc for at Icast��ne ycur after <br /> thc datc of�xcupuncy,unle+s Lcndrr i�therwi+c writing. whirh ron�ent .hall not hr unrru+unably �vithhelJ,or unlc+s <br /> extcnuuting circumstancc� cxi.t which urr bcyond 8orrcit►•rr'� runtrrl, Bi�rrn�ecr .hall not Jc.truy, dumagc or impair thc <br /> Pmperty. allow thc Property to deterioratc. ur rc�mrnit un thr Prap�rty. Burruµ•cr�hull b� in defuult if uny forfeiturc I <br /> uction nr proceeding. whether civil ��r rriminal, i�hegun that in Lrnder'.gixxl faith,judgmr�u c��uld rc�ult in ti�rfeiturr of thc <br /> Property or otherwi�c muterially impuir thc licn rrcuteJ hy thi.Srrurity In,trument ur Lcndcr'"ccurity intcre�t. Burrow�r may � <br /> cure such a dcfuult and pr�wided in paru�rapl� 18, hy ruu�ing thr actiun ur pr�xcrding tu bc dirmi,.i•d with a ruling � <br /> thut, in I.cndcr'x gooc! !'uith Jctcrminatiun, prcdudr. t��rtciturc ut' thr Burro«�r'. intrrc+t in the Pru�xny or uthcr tnatcriul <br /> � impairmcnt ��f thr licn crcated hy thi+ Scrurity In+trwnrnt ur l.rndcr', xrurit�• intcrr+t. H��rrawcr.hull ul+o hr in dcfuult if ( <br /> Borrciwcr.during thr loan appliratiun prixc�,.g.���nwrtcrially 1'u�.r ur inarrurat�inli�rmatiun�,r>t.UCment� tu l.cndrr Icir I'ailyd <br /> ta providc I.enJrr N�ith xny m+UCriul inti�rnatti<m)in connrrtiun aith tlu laan c�idcnrcd h� th� Nutr.induJing.hut nut limited <br /> to, rcprcuntatiuns runr�rn�ng Burru��-cr'��x•ru�anr� ul'thr Nru�xrty a.:�rr�„��rul n.idrnrc. I1 thi�5rcurit� ln+trument i.un a <br /> Icasehold. Borrowcr shuU ri�mply with aU thr pruvi.iom uf thc lra,r. II Barr��wcr aryuirc+ fcc tiNc tu thc Property. thc . <br /> Icuschold�nd thr fec titic shull nut mcrgc unlr.� Lrnd�r a�rcr�t�i thr mcr�:cr in�vriting. <br /> 7.Protection of I,ender'x Ri�htx in the Propert�.U Burro��•rr fail.�u perti�rm thr ru�•cnant+and agrccmcnt�runtuincd in <br /> thiti Sccuriry Instrument. or therc i�a Irgal pr�uceJing that ma�• .igniti�anth• at'frrt LcnJer'. right,in thc Propetty 1�urh u. a <br /> � procceciing in bunkruptcy. pruhatr. tirr randemnatian or titttciturr ur 4��rnliirer la�c+ar rcgulati��n�l. thcn I.cndcr may du:uiJ <br /> nav fnr whatcvcr i� nccc»arv tu protrrt thc caluc at�thr Pruperty and Lrndcr'. right. in thr Pruprrty. Lrnd�r'� acliiins may <br /> �r includc paying uny sumx urumd by a licn ahirh ha� priurit�• u�•cr thts ��uruy In,trumcnt, appraring in cuun. paying <br /> � reusonable attc�rncys' fec�and cntrring un the Pru{krt� tu makc rcpain. Alth�w�!i� L.nJcr may tahe acti�m unJer thi.p.�rugruph <br /> 7.Lendcr doc.ncx ha�r tu Ja w. <br /> ' Any umountx disburu�cl hy L�ndcr undcr thiti paragraph 7 .hull Ikruiur additianal Jcht uf H��rruwcr xrur�d h� thi. <br /> ' ' Scrurity Inxtrument. Unlr.. gorr��wrr and IxnJcr agrcc tu othcr trrm+ �+1'pc��nirnt, tlirtir atrn�unt�+hall h�:rc intrrrrt 1'rum thr <br /> � �� dutc of disbunement ut the Notc r�ur und �hull tx pu�:►blr. �eith intrre�t. u�x�n nutirc fnmi LcnJer a� �3urrawrr rcyuc�ting <br /> ' ; '' paymrnt. <br /> 8. Mort�a�e Insurance.If l.endcr reyuircd martgugr in�urancr a�a r�,nditiun ul mal�in}:thc luan .rrurrd h� tl�i.ticrurit� <br /> In�trument. Burraw•er�hall pay thc prc►nium� rcyuir�d tu maintain tl�r mortgag� in.uranre in ct'fcrt. II'. ti,r an�, the <br /> . man�ugr intiuruncr cavcr3gr rrquired by I.�ixlrr lap.c.�,r rra.r. ta hr in ct�tert. Burri��ccr tihall pu) the prrmium. myuir�d ta <br /> � ` nbtuin ru�•cru�;c �ubstuntiully cyui�•ulcnt tu thc nwrlgagc in.wan��r pr��iuu.h in cftcrt. a�a r�,�t wh�t:►nti:�ll� rqui�alcnt tn thc <br /> � rost tc� Hurruwrr uf the nwngutir inwrunrr prcviuu,l� in effert. fram an uUcrnat� nwngage iii.unr appracrJ h� Lcnder. If <br /> , • . � , ,._,,,..�..�., Form 3028 9�90 <br /> 1 <br /> � J <br />