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, .. . , .._ . .. -__.._ <br /> . , .. - � t6+Hi��iq1'� nfYfiew!'•,.�.:4 -�. _ ,•;�`., � .�r,f e '.� �. �. , . - � i v. .. •— <br /> . � - -a�bx1 ��Yhp�UlH�S'+ ��Y .n . '� � __ <br /> ..��__._:�.�-.� 1. . . ' 'L:' _�.�...� �- — <br /> .__ • ��_.^- ^ `3�. , . +—�--�.-.�_._ ' -�-�-'_.""._ .... . .. ,� ���.m , ' " _,_. _ " <br /> ��n� j <br /> � ��. �` .. ' � ,.� � .. . - ..,.����'3'� •�'y7� _.'_ .___.- _ . ,_�. . . <br /> � - -- --- -----.-__ ____._..� <br /> � <br /> . .. . .�._ <br /> , .,. <br /> .. . ...�Y�r�► ,_.......__....'---.........-'_'.._ .. .�..... . . .. _ �..�.Wr:a.r7rtS'Ia�JAtM�-:_. . _--°----_- <br /> .w. • . ADDIT'iQNALTERY8 ���01$�,1 - . - ---- <br /> — .a T •— ;.'�; PREPAYMENTAND ACCRUAl.OF'l7IE FINMICS CHARGE�6vcn lhough 1 dn not rtovc to p�y mmv chnn ci�o agutor ecLaiuicd ii��dtty��sst�!lststY t3t:� ��;et -__ <br /> ' to pnpey tho wholo amount owing to yn+�in fbli at eny Umc ar in peri from t[mo to 11mo.lf the IenAing lnstitutiae that buye my canuect computox the finance cho�e y r� <br /> I kttmv my Manco cAurgo witt bo les�if 1 mnka an early pa ment,end it wlit ba hi het iY 1 pa late;l also reco8�nice Ihnt any necessary ndjustment to my totel flnance , -:— <br /> ,Y • chazgo wi►1 be rcflected In my tinzJ blil;l aleo know thot tha umounu ehown on thc�vcrro side!or�hc Financo Chnrgc,'Ihtnl af Pnymcnta,und tho 7btn1 Snlo Prtcc on� : <br /> � eaUmstea Uxsc�l wt th�assumpilan t}tat yau will rccclvic ench of thc paymente axactty on ite duo Ante;nnd 1 knrnv that them will bo no reNnd if I pnpay becau�o thcro is •• •. n-;;�_.�__ _ <br /> � � aathing ta Kfund if I un ch�rged on a Jaily basts.It tho icnding fnsdtuUon dace tat compute tho flnance chuga dniiy,and It t prcpsy tGe wholo amaunt yau wlli aNrtd ., , '�,_,�.��_� <br /> .,�� � to mo tho uneamedportion ot iho flnanco chugo pnteceRt)by the nccaunttnR proccdure known ns tho nctuarlul mc�had•nnd�he umount at my rcbnto will�c flgurcd on the ,, ,,�_;Y.___. <br /> �, ntes and amounta of tAe pcc a menb thm� a M nu.l know thut a rcNnd ot tesa than 5�.0.`� :.,,,_;-f;}._ <br /> scheQuled dxces and amounts of my manthty paym¢nt ond oot on tho o��uai d P Y P Y Y , <br /> ., ��, will rcot be mado.l m�y volunurily prepx8 fho aroaunt l owc you,in NIl or i�pnn,at nny time.If I mnke a pnrtinl p�epaymem.1 muet cominuo�o mnka my reguiar , 4�':,=v= <br /> poyments untli t h�vo Qatd tll amouna awed. .. ;,.4.;'`=_..�'.-- <br /> � . - I�A�p�Tl��,aT'p=gT1g�ABCUTWARRl4NTIH�:(e)SELI.ERN�REBYOISGE.AIMSA6LWARRANTIBB �XPRESSBDORIMPLIED� ::�::�+,:.- <br /> ,�� ° OF MERCHANTABIUI'1P 11ND FlTNE�B�nR A PARYtCULAR PUR�6�E OPI ALL QOOD3 ANO SLAVIC�g 6JNLB89i SE66�6i .. ., ,,�.�:: - <br /> �URNI8HE8 BUYEW WITH A B�PARATE WRITTBW LIMITBD WARRANTY OR 88RVICE CONTRACT MAO@�1P BBLLER 0�1IT5 .�::„`}== <br /> , ..,�...�.=,- <br /> � ' � OWN BBHALfs(b)t huve rcud,in detnll,ths sepamte•'LIMITED WARRANTY"which nccompanics this canuact.It caploin�the canditions and cfreumstnnces in , � R..�,� <br /> ' which the iput�lYtturedp�o�ucta will be repalrcd�t repinceG.1 mke notice af the limitations on the wnm�nty,and 1 pn�rllcularty rccagnfze that any�implied warranty . . �, <br /> which tppNe�to the g�odsl+�ata oniy as lang a+the warmnty or rcrvlce wntmct.fc 1 have rend,in dewfl.the ee amtc"LIMITAD IPISTAU.ATlQN WARRANTY"whkh <br /> � if madeac�mpanles this contrnet.It eaptalna the condidona and c(rcumstunces�n whlch the in�wllati4Il otrtp c eidlng,eidin accensaden,and guttere wlll be redona. � �, • <br /> take t�o�ea oT che�irtilWdona on the wazrunty,nnd 1 particulariy rccognize that uny implied wnROnty wnich o llea to the Instnflation lasts only av long a the wnrranry or _ <br /> �� " servicecontrlCt. . <br /> UMRED wARIGNIY:My toie�nd actusire reme��tiinst ou or your nsi�nee sd�tl be limited to my d�hta ar�remedies uader the eKpress 10 year LIMITED - <br /> L <br /> � NARAIINn you��t�a0 to ne at tAe tlm�t:tin tht:ConMc�Mr eKCtuat�e ritAt:a�d remedies uader the waranry sli�li Oe in Ifeu of�II otfror ritbts or ra�edie�, . <br /> �� tt I�w ar in auit�,wAne petmittel0�tp0lic�bie sb�te taw. <br /> ALL MANUFACTqRED wINDU�PRODUCTS tRE ROT BUAAANfEED A�AINST CONDEKSATION, MOISTURE FORMA110N OR FAOST.PR�DUCiS AAE MDT UUARANiEEO A6AIN81 � <br /> � ' CBRROSiOA DUE T0IDYERSE CLIqATiG CQqQmOAS. . - s <br /> BU�ER RfA01HE SEPARATE"10 YfAB UMIT�O I�ARRANIY"IMHICN IS A SEPARIIE WRIifEN INSTRUMENT PERTAININB SOLELY 10 MANUiACTURED PRODtiC15 �f <br /> �' i N E P A C E S E T I E R C O R P�A A n O N A N D W H I C H"L I M I T EO wARRANfl"HAS BEEN DEUYERED TO EACH RESPECD�E BUYER IN CONNECflON pITN 1NIS SALE.PACESEIIER'8 � <br /> � � <br /> ' � 1�YE�R U�IttED WIRRANiY AND fHE fORE601fl8 PRUYlSIQNS REB!!lt01l19�ONQENS#AOM 0 0 M Q T A P P l 1 1 T�S I D I N B. ' , : <br /> '--.-:-�-:-- - • -- ��t,ths P „ ltcr£otgo�2ll0u s�es!!4 REPR�SE!lTAT14!!4R lMARRANII►Oi AN►NINO 4R NANRE iMHA1S�ElER.ExPAESS OR IMPLIED,WITH RESPECT 10 ' - � <br /> THE ENERaT 8AYIM83!COULO OR MAY ACHIEYE B1 USE OF 1HE PRDDUCiIS).1 urtdoratand th�t�a� enertfr s��tnta I m���chtero i:depenGant upon a�umher ot . � . �`��'�-� <br /> i a c tp r s,i n c l u d i n�,E u t n o t l i mited to,the t y pe quanii ry end quaiit�of tnsutation in my home,the p�rticutar alie ortd sryte ot m r bnme,tAe t y qe of qu�lit�of ° �� <br /> � a�t m hc�e,and eren�t�he�jpa�of enerp co�u fine0 tor Aeitieg,nE�air conlitlonlnj pa prposei�A O n i t o r i rt a o f t h e r m o s t a t s e t t i n a s,c l i m a t i c c o n d i t f c n s a�d t o c a t�o a � • .. 1 <br /> pnu caw�m � . <br /> „ ,� . , <br /> SPECIALARAER GOODSt[know thnt you have measurcd my house nnd ita openings so thut you can make the productc to fit my particutar house and that the goo�is , <br /> pmbably wi�l not fit any other houses,so I know that I cannot concel this contract at any Nme aRer the peRod of time given to me by law in which ro concel.After lhat :. Y Y <br /> tegal per[od of time,1 know thnt I have the obUgotton to puy you in full the amount owed. � = <br /> COMMENCEMENT OFTHE FINANCE CHARGEs The tinance charge(intercsU ia estimated ro start wtthin 30 days of the dnte of this contrnct,except In the event y. ._ <br /> Yo�u compleu the lnstallatton of the goods and services on another date.then the finance charge(intemat)will begin to run on the date that I sign the Complet f on Certificnte. ��, <br /> � � ' . The omount of finance chatge(inteRSt)mny be more or Icss than the amount dfulosed depending on the tuiwunts I pay you m�d my timeliness im m�kjng payments, rn�:" <br /> OBLI(iAT10NS PERTAINlNG TO PROPERI'Y INSURANCB AND MY REAL FSTATEt 1.I promfse to keep my house in good repalr and keep it insured tor at I _� •„ •�,� • <br /> --—"- --- - least 809b of ita nplacement vatue by buying a iire and excendcd�vvc�nge Insuran�paiicy.Tt►e insursnce company must M erPmved hy vou.nnd ehepolicy must huve �. _____L _ <br /> ' a beneflciary clau.0 whtch soya that you arc to be pald if there is a loss,The inaumna compony must ognee that it wfll not cancel my poilcy wlthaut firat telling you.! • � � <br /> auth�rite the inaueana compar►y to puy you directfy for any loss.You can choose to use this inswettce payment to either Rpay any nmounta I owe you or to r�epair my <br /> house.I heve the option of pro�iding propeKy insurance through nn existing polfcy or through a poifcy independently obtained nnd pnid for by me.2.t also promise thot ,,: t <br /> I wilt not allow anyone else to place any licns on my rca!estate wlthout your written permission.3.I pmmire to pay ull taxes,assessments end other cAarges on my r�eai �:. � <br /> e�tnte w hen due.4.1 promise to timely meke ali paymen4s on my dor Ioans secumd by my real eawte.I also promise that I will not extend,tenew or change pdorloans • ' I <br /> without your written pem►ission.5.If I do not insure my houu or�ulfill my other obUgallong to my real estatc.then you can do It for me if you want`but you do na have ,: <br /> to).It you do pay any of these obif gattons tor me,I agree to pay you back on demnnd plua interest at the highest lawful conuact rate of interest.Until l pny you 6ack. :,j <br /> these nrtsounts iv i t l b e e d d e d to my d�h�tn yn n w h i c h f a r.e c u r e d b y m y rc a l cstntc wid house.I know thet if you dccfde to buy insurance for mc thut you do not have to f,.,, ; <br /> obtutn any homeowner or Ifability insurance. � ' � ' <br /> � MOR1'GAC�s I henby grnnt,bargain,rtli.convey and moRguge to you,ag rcol estute and house located at my"Add�ess"designated on the other side ,,�,,�t <br /> ' of thie contract us secudty for all omounus due to you under this Instuliment Sales Contruct. , <br /> DUE ON SAI.Et If I u11,lease or gfve my house to nnyone befoic I have fully pald uii I owe under thts contrnct,you cun declarc olI thue I owe under this conuact payable � � � <br /> at once and I agree to immediateiy pay you that amount. <br /> • DEFAULI4 I will be in default under this conuact if:1.I don t mAke a puyment when due;or 2.I brcuk any pmmfse I made to you in this controct;or 3.5omethingelse i �.�� <br /> '4 happens which ceuses you to believe in good faith that 1 do not intend to pny you as promiud:or 4.I default on nny obligutions for a•hich 1 nm using my home m collakrai: i t �t� <br /> or�5.Something hoppena w my house which threauna your rights,if any,in it. � � <br /> COLLECI'ION COS1'Ss If I am in default of thfs conuact and you demond full puymrnt.I underatand thnt you hnve the right to fo�eclose the mortgage 1 hove given m • - <br /> you and to have my houu sold to rcpuy uny amounts 1 owe you.Befom my house is xold,you will do all that the law rcquircs.I undcrstnnd thnt!f you hire an attomcy l �; • , <br /> • su hgm c u�rt cosise title senrchestnnd money�you�expended w�protect my hou.u.if you�nm uliowed to coilec�rwch umounts by jAw,fees und for other related exanses � . �:, <br /> • pTIIL[t ttIGH7'3:You can choose not to enfoMe any of the righn�m�Mr�hic concmci as often os you wunt without losing can dciay enfarcing any of tM � • <br /> Hghts without losing them.You can alr,o use any dghts now or in the tuture given to you by Inw ` <br /> �. DELAYSs 1 know that you will use your best effons to install the pmducts 1 nmpurchesing on my hnuu,hut I aiso understnnd thut in wme sltuations you muy encounter ; � <br /> delays that a�e caused by strtkes,weuthcr cunditions.deleys you heve in obtufning rtiatcriais,or(or other reasnns that are beyond your contml.I will m�t hold you liable <br /> for auch delays. <br /> ' REQUFS"f FOR�UI.L PAYMENT:ff!um i�defuult under thi.r��ntract,you rim Jerlurc uU tha�1 u�ve undcr thi.cuntr.ict payablc ut oncc.i ug�ec co puy you imcrcu <br /> on that amcwet at the muximum rontrurtunl rah ulluµcd hy laa until the umount 1 uwe yuu i+paiJ.I uhu Anuµihut}��u ccm f�mctoK[hc mc�rtguge I have g��•en to you. <br /> ARBI7'RATIONt If I huve a dispute or claim with you concerning the quantity.qunlity or pedormonce of the pmducts.I undentnnd that myy��p���toKs)would be <br /> � W and settled according to the mediatian•arbitmtlon progrnm thnt muy have developed in my community.l ulsu kanw thut any decision mude b <br /> entend In the coutt h¢ving Jurisdiction over me and you. <br /> SALYACE VAI.U�:1 know that the wlndows,woodwork,siding,brick und other m�terials that have u�M:remiwed by yiw for this installation have NO wlvnge vnluc. <br /> When you remove them,you con have them for whatever purEwse you wnnt. <br /> SPECIAL SI7'UATIONS:Due to the unlqucncss of somc of thc products thot yuu xett.I understand thnt in.pcciul situutfons your Regionol Office may huvc to review <br />� and aceept this contract.I nlso undentand that this snle cecurtrd in my home and thnt you und 1 moy ncx huvc had alI the corrert mformnhon importunt tu this trunwction <br /> nt our ftngettips:[glve you my consent to eorrect nny obvluus enors thut mny huve cxcurted when the blunk�in thiti contrs+ct were compteted. <br /> � 1NVALID PROV[SIONSs If uny provision of this convaet violntec the luw unJ i�unenfore�ub�e.Ihe n�t��f the contmct witl Ix valid.If uny p��rt of thi.contmct rcyuimc <br /> payment of more intercst than the luw permits,then you wf11 on{y have thc right m cotlect fn�m mr thc umoum uf intem+t a hirh thc�uw aliows you to collect. <br /> . �� �� COMPLETENE5S OC THIS CONTRACT:This contruct cun unly!+c chnngcd if Mth you and 1 ugrec in writin�!. <br /> NOTICE <br /> 14NY MOLDER OF THIS CON3UMER CRHDIT CONTRACT 15 SUBJECT TO ALI.CLAIMS AND DEFENSES WHICH THE <br /> � DEBTOR COULD ASSERT AtiA1NST THE SELLER OF GOOOS OR SERVICES OBTAINED PURSUANT WERETO OR WITH <br /> THE PROCEEDS HEREOF. RECOVERY HEREUNQER BY THE DEBTOR SHALL NOT EXCEED AMOUNTS PAID BY THE <br /> DEBTOR HEREUNDER. <br /> INSIIEtANCE CANCELLATION:If 1 have rcquested inwrsnce in this purchu�e,1 muy cuncel such reyuc�t(or insurance far nny rca+�+n within fiReen(I$1 duyc fmm <br /> ? the date of this contruct by nottfylng you or the holder of this contruct in wnting:I know thnt the canrcllrtinn uf my coverage will tx arraoged with the insura�xe c•rmCrlxl <br /> _. =._ . _ . . _ nnd a full refund of mv Uremium(s)together with applicnble finance charge w�ll 6e credited to thi�cuntrrct. <br /> � PL�ASE NOTEt If I have rcyuested insurance in this putch�ue,l will rcceive a�ithm thlrty 1{u�days n certtneme ot insurance mum iuiiy uc,�n'viug�������,��..rRa�.�::.-.:�;:. <br /> I(enow Nat if them is ony contlict in the covem�e or tfie language uf the certificate of inwrance und the faUowin�Natice af Propoc�xi Inwrunre that 1 am r�nemd nnh a� <br /> the extent stuted tn the foltowing Notice of Rnposed tncumnce.I nlso knuw thnt I have in.urunce c���rruge on�y if 1 hu�e t+een char�crl for it. <br /> , � NOTICE OF PROPOSED INSURANCE <br /> � : 1 take noHce that either Ctedit I.ife or Credit Acrident and Heakh lnxurance.or both,will l+e npplicn6�e tu thi.In.tullment Sul¢r C�a�tract un[he mv¢ne tiide��nly d <br /> •; I hure chosen it by signing the rcquest fnr wch i�xumn�r.Thi+in�urance will onh•c�»'er the pen��n�igmnE the myuc�t ut the co�t for exh t)•pe of inwr�nre�ho��n. <br /> •' Subkct to acceptnnce by the insurnnce company,the in.umnce will be eftecti�r u+��f lafay und�vill cununue on�y ti�r the number of monthr afte�the eff�tithe duie eyual <br /> to tfie numbee of monthly payments.I undentund thot this particul+�r mwrunce m� nut pmv�de r�����rage ti+r my lu�t tcw paymentc,nnd that drnng thut perinJ of time 1 <br /> � wIU not hnve any iesutance rnverage.AII Fxneftt�und prtxecJ�of the in�ur.nue wil�be pa�d tu yiw ar m u hnrnrial m+tiwhon d�t pumhux.the Inatnllment 5ale�C�mtcact <br /> � � to the eatent of its interests nnd uny balance will be payubte tn me.Thc initiul:imuunc uf Cmd�t l.itc lmur�rnc i.thc umuunt reyuircd tu npay thc'Cntat af Payment+: <br /> thereafter,the fnsurnncr decma�e�by the umount o[euch m�mthl�pa�ment un a schedukd it�day buti,.IF 1 um�a�nUy obliguted on the Imtullmm�t Sale�Contr,n����II� <br /> " a Co•Buyer,und we havc both signed thc reyucst forCredit Lifc In.urnncc,death hrnefit.��it�tx payabtc unly w dh n+pect to thc ti�t onc of u+u�die.tiuh�crt ta c�clu��an�. <br /> elimfnutions or wniting periai stuted in the inaumnce policy or�rni�cute.Cmdit ArchMnt and Health imurance i�tar the tknefit umiwnt uf t i3(1th of each manih'.�+,��ment <br /> � foc each day that 1 am totully diwbled due to un fnjury or sirkness while I awe uny payment h+yau:huNr�er,t uixfentund thut I havc tu F+�pr�e�enhJ tmm aurGm b�du� <br /> to such rowl disability for more ihan fourteen l I4)con�uti��e Jay+hefum the in.umnce beneJ-t ia p.+id buck to the fi�t da� uf m>�ti�tal J�.ahiltty.I ulw knoa thnt 1 <br /> � � canno!obtaln eny(nsurattce from you 1f I am orer 6S yenro ot u�e todey.and 1 olso know�t the Insuronce a►��ernae prorlded to me mny contuln u moxlmum <br /> ' nmount at covera(te whEch wlll not pay in Rome cnse�,the entlrc umount tAat I owe)nn.�uc W the muzimum om��unt��C c��rerag�.tatrd m thc imuranre pdi��.I <br /> . . ..�u..:u�,.,,..�.,t�..,<N Jt b�Ir.wltmrne CsJ...('.u�tr.�r��:ud in f�dl nnnr tn thc la�t n:nmvnt <br /> ._ »..�...r...�_.........::........ . _ <br /> � dnte.any unenmed msumnce prem�um�will Nc m(undrd a�me`m thc manncr pceunbeJby luw.Withln thf�ty(3U1 Ja�..l udI rcccnc thc cctttt�.aM ot mwratxc m��n , <br /> fu�ly drscribing�ny fnsunnce rrnrr.�ge. It the m+ur.mce�.nat:urrptcd N�the inaun►nce compan�. 1���II ntei�e a rcfund��t thr inwr.mrr rrcmwm.I ha�e ryud j <br /> . <br /> � � <br />