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...—.. , ' , �j�-! ..,., '' _._: �-�y�. <br /> -°�--- �.�� �� . .s..�i _... . �V��«�► _ <br /> -- ------ puyuicnta may�o longer be requirc�l,nt tho a�Uon af Lender.if martguge insurnnce cove�n tho nmount and for the perlad <br /> ` �� that I.enQet rcquires)pmvidod by nn i�surer appraved by l.ender Ag�tn 6ecomes uvnilabtc and ls abtalnad.Borrower ehall p�y <br /> the pnmipms rcquired to ma�ntatn mortgage insuran�x in efCxt�or to pravide o loss roserve�unti!tha nqulrcment for ntortg�gc <br /> Insi�rance enda in ecoordertca with any wrinen agroenxnt betwean Burrower and Lendcr or agpllcable law. <br /> 4.I�pectlon.4ender or ita sgent may mako t�eesonable entries upon und inspGCUons of the Pmperty. I.ender sh�il glvA _ <br /> Borro�vcr notta at the Ume of or pflor to sn inspxtion speciFying reasonable aause for the inspoctIon. <br /> - ---' 10. �ai�de�uuttlon. Ti�e pruceeds of uny uwrud or claim for dnmages. direct or cflasequendul. in conaestlon wlth any �_--- <br /> condemnatlon oc other teking af any part of the Property.or for conveyance in lieu of condemnedon.ara hereby sasigaod and <br /> shall be paid to Lender. <br /> In the event of n total taking of the Property,tlte proceads shall be appliod w the sums secured by this Seturtty Instnus�ent� <br /> — wiiEther or not then due, with any tlzcesa paid to 8orrower. In tlie event of a partiai taking of the Property in which the fnir — <br /> : market value of the Pmperty immediutely before tha taking is eqwil to or greater the amount of tha eums r�ecured by thia <br /> Security Instrnment icrunediately befo�e thc�taking.unlcss Borrower a�d L.ender athenvise agre�In�vdting.the sums securai by — <br /> -'"r this Securir� Instniment shall be reduced by the umount of the pmoerds multlpliod by the fo!lowing fraction: (a) the total <br /> �,� emoant of the sums secura!immedietely before the taking,divtded by (b)the fair market velue of the Property ImmodIauly — <br /> = before the taking. My b�lance ahall be paid to Bomnwer. In the event of a partial taking of the Property M whlch the fair <br /> -j�. market value of tho Prnperty lmmediately befora the teking ia less than the amount of the sums secu�+ed immediately befare the <br /> taking.unless Horrower and Lender otherwise agree in wtlting or unless applicable law otheivuise provldes.the proreada shall <br /> be applied to the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument whether or not the sumR are then due. <br /> __ if the Propertp fs abandoned by Rorr�wer,or ii,RttPr nnticr.hy t ender rn R�rn►wer that thA condemnor affere to meke an � <br /> award or settle a claim for damages, Barrower fnils to respond to Lender withtn 30 days�fter the date the notice Ia given. <br /> � ��,�,�: Lender js suthorized to collect and apply the proceeds,at its opt3on.either to t+estoration or repair of the Property or to the suats <br /> _ secured by thIs Security Instcument.whether or not then due. <br /> - ., �„� L;,; Unless L.ertder and Borrower otherwise agree in wdting, any appltcation of proceeds to pdnclpril shall not extend or <br /> :� ���.�+�;�: ' postpone th�due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such puyments. <br /> '�� ''°i:.:_,� 11.Borrower Not Releasedt Forbearancc By I.ender Not a Waiver.Sxtension of the tlme for payment or modification <br /> ,• +r�i+`'"y r ,.. <br /> ��'�•�""'�'�` ,, of emortizatton of the sums secured by this Secudty Instrument granted by Lender to any successor in interest of Borrower shall __ <br /> h.���'• :�'t'��� .�;.Y.•. nat apesate to release the liabillty of the original Borrower or Borrower's successors in interest.�[.ender shail not be requic�ed w =__ <br /> �' T� • `� � rnmmence proccedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or otherwise modify amortizadon <br /> >...< �:.., :.. <br /> • � ' ' of the sums secured by this Securiry Instntment by reason of any demand made by the originel Borrower or Bormwer's �-, <br /> :�; ;` '' successors in interest. Any forbearatrce by L.ender in eaercising any right or rcmedy shail not be a waiver of or preciude ti�e � <br /> exercise of any dght or remedy. �== <br /> �; ,; . 12. Sueecssors and Assigns Boundi Joint and Several LiabiUty;Co-stgners. The covenants and agreements of this <br /> �,;�' • ' Securlry Instrument shaU bind and benefit the successars and assigns of Lender and Borrower. subject to the provlsions of �.� <br /> ' ', paragraph 17. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint und several. Any Bornower who co-si�ns this Secudty +:� <br /> • -•• �t` Instrument but does not execute the Note:(a) is co-signing this Security Instrument oniy to mortgage, gnsnt und wnvey lhat " <br /> , .'�`•'�I'' Borrower'a interest in the Property under the terms of this Security Instrument;(b)is not personally obligated to pay the sums , <br /> � secured by this Security instrument;nnd tc)a�rees that Lender and any other Borrower may a�ree to extend,modtfy,forbear or <br /> muke any accommodations with regard to the tertns of thfs Security Instrument or the Note withAUt that Borrower's consent. :.. <br /> 13.Loan Charges.If the loan secured by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets maximum lopn charges. <br /> �. • und that law is finally interpreted so thut t8e intercst or ather tonn chur�es col�ected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> - , '��� loan exceed the permitted Iimits,tl�en: (a)eny such loan char�e sha!!be reduced by the amount necessary to redace the charge � <br /> ' „ to the permitted limit;and(b)any sums nlm.ssdy collected from Borrower k�hich excceded permitted limits will be refunded to <br />_ . � Bonower. Lender mxy choase to make this refund by rcducing the principal owed under the Note or by making u direct <br /> . , payment to Barmwer. If u refund reduces principul. the reiiuctton will be treated as a purtiBl prepayment without eny . <br /> prepayment churge under thc Note. <br /> 14.Nottces. Any notice to Borrawer provided for in this Security Instrument shall be given by delivering it ar by mailing <br /> t '' �; it by first class muil untess applicable luw rcquires use of another methai.The notice shall be directai to the Propeny Address <br /> :� �� ,. or any ather uddress Bonower designutes by notice to Lender. Any notice to L.ender tihall be given by first class mail to <br /> Lender's address stated hemin or any other addres� Lender designates by notirc to Borrowcr. Any notice provided for in this <br /> . ��� Security instrument shall bc dcemai to huve been given to Borrower ar Lender when given n.�providai in this paragraph. <br /> • . 15.Governing; Severabllity. This Sccurity Instrument shall bc govcrncd by fedcr�l taw and the luw of the <br /> �•, jurisdiction in whtch the Property is Icxuted. In the event thrt nny provision or clau.c of this Serurity Instrument or thc Note <br /> ��`• conflicts with applicable law,such conflict shull not affect other provixions of this Security instrument or the Note which cun be <br /> '' �• given effect without the conflicting pre�vitiion. To this end the provisions of thi.Seru�ity Instrument and the Note are declared <br /> to be severable. <br /> � � • 16.&►rroµ�er's Copy. Bonowcr xhali bc�iven nnc ronfiirm��i rupy��f thc Nc�tc und of this Security Instrument. <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> . � Pppp 4 c18 <br /> ,___ °_,-,_ _ _ _ . .. . . ___. _.. . .. _ .,. . __ — _ _ _ . .._ . . . _ . <br /> . . .. <br /> . _:_ ,� . _ -___— _._ _.'_ .' _. .. _ . . .. ' . .' 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