. ` ' �. . r1-_�__— .
<br /> , Y'' � t �'f�o n t- . ' ° . ./�- _.
<br /> �' .
<br /> . , . ,. -_ __ -----'--- --- .._. ..
<br /> ���' - • ,,•-:r„_--••n,+� AI Asa�as�a ,
<br /> - �-r= �ui�rv1 __
<br /> ��- _��__-.-.�
<br /> �°"-� tha PropeKy+la so teken or dama�ed,Lender�hatl havs ths opQon,!n Ia sola and a9totute dltorN�on,to apaly�il�u0h PratNd�,
<br /> �tta d�duslirtp th�»9rom a�i coats and exp�ntss inourn+d by It in aanneodon with suoh P�oaNd�,upon�ny Ind�badnM�Kaund
<br /> h�r�by and tn euch order at Lender mey dat�rmine,or to appiy r�tl euc:h Proaesds,�fter�uch dsduotton�,to tho r«ar.aon a a��
<br /> � �— Pr�isrtyr upqn suah aondidons as Lende�m�y datermins.Any appUoaUon of Procs�d�to tndebt�dn�s��ha�l not�xtend or pottpon�
<br /> T _____._______. __.. ths dus d�ts ot any paYm�nts under the Nots,ar cure any doteult th�nunda or hsnund�r.Any un�ppti�d tundt shsU bt p�id 10
<br /> '�—� ---=_—� Trostor. � --_�
<br /> = 8. PNtotmana�by L�nd�t.Upon the ocaurreoae of sn Event of DefauithereundAr,or It a�y sot Is taken oe I�i proc�dln�
<br /> �y�, commenasd whtch materlatiy alfects Lender'a tntereat In the Property,Lender may!n Its own dlaoreGon,but without obllpaUon b do
<br /> 1 , ao,end without notlae to or demand upon Truator and without releasinp Trustar irom any odllpatlon,do any aat whioA Trostar has
<br /> apreed but felis to do and may a�ao do any other aot it deema neaeaaary to proteot the seaurity hereot.Truetor shsli,imm�diatNy
<br /> upon demand there}or by lender,pay to l.ender ali coata and expanses inaurred and eums expended by Lender in aonneatlon witt�
<br /> tl�e exeralee by Lenderof the torepoing riphts,together with interoat thereon at the detault rate provided In the Note.whlah ehsli be
<br /> , � .a_ added to the tndebtednesa seoured hereby. Lender ahali not inaur any Ilebllity becaus+�of anything it may do or omft to do =
<br /> • hereunder.
<br />-, .� 9. N�s�Mou�Mtl�rluti Trustor shatt keep the P�opeAy in oompllanae with all appticab�e laws,ordinancea and�epuladona
<br /> . ;.�..�,;,,.;,.,i.,'.,�y reletino to industrial hypiene or onvironmentat proteotton(ootleaNveiy referred to herefn as"Environmontal l.awa'�.Truetor ehall _ __
<br /> '� � kee the Property hee trom all aubsta�aes deemed to be harardous or toxia under any Environmental Lawa(oolieotively�eferred to
<br /> � . : 'i:.�c._.;,�.,,..y,,,,,.� p
<br /> � ��*. '� • .��'� herein as"Hazardous Materials'7.Trustor hereby warrants and represents to I.ender thet there are no Heiardoua Matarlals on or
<br />� <���`�� � '�����`f�s underthe Proporty.Truator hereby apreea to indemnity and hold harmless Lender,Ita directora,ofNcere,emptoyeos and apenfs,and
<br /> K +�--�• ~s•.�''•�. any sucaesaors to Lender's interest,hom and againet any and atl alaims,damages,losaes and ifablliqes arisinp U conneatlon with
<br /> "�=� t: • • the preeence,use,disposal or tranepon of any Hezardous Meter(ats on,under, from or about the Propariy.THE FOREQOING
<br /> _ . .
<br /> -� �:-._--. ... i0. l�stisnm�ni oi�ianis.Trunlur i�nrbLy n8bla�iei iv LntidBt titi8 i6litb,16bU8b Si'f��St8Hi6 8f t�18 Pt8�i8t1y;�TBY &i Pustat
<br /> ' �� shnli,unUl the oocurrenae ot an Event of Defauit hereunder,have the rlght to collect and retaln suoh rents,issues and profita as thay
<br /> �,;, �„ ° become due and payabte.Upon the oaourrenae of en Event ot Defauit,Lender may,elther in peraon or by agent,with or without �`
<br /> • • , bringing any action or proaeeding,or by a recetvsr appolnted by a aourt and without repard to the adequaay of ita seourity,enter
<br /> �• � � upo�and take posaeaelon ot the Propertyr,or any part thereof,in Ita own name or in the name ot theTruetee,snd do any aota which it r m==�
<br /> -' ��• deems necessary or deatrable to preserve the vaiue,marketabiilry or rentabiiity ot the Property,or any partlhoreot or interest theroln, —
<br /> � ' '• ' � inorease the income lhereirom or proteo!the aecurity horeof and,with or without taking poeaeesion of the Properly,aue for or ;r'�__
<br /> ���t' ' otherwlso colleot the renta,Issues and profita thereof,including those past due and unpaid,a�d app�y the seme,leas ooata and
<br /> + i.''••:,'' . „�:a?s:'
<br /> .. expenses of oparaUon and colteation including attorneyo'tees,upon any Indebtednesa securecl hereby,all In suoh order as Lender __
<br /> . � � � may determine.The entering upon and taking posaeasion ot the Property,the coileotion of suoh rents,iasues and proflte and the ;:;'�°:--
<br /> s ' � appNoation thereof as atoresaid,shall not cure or waive any detauit or notice of default hereunder or Invaiidote any act done in 'x•;•�
<br /> ' � '- responae to suoh default or pursuant to auoh notlae of default and,norivithstanding the aontinuance in posaesoion ot the Properly or �'` ��
<br /> - �` __....—_ ��
<br /> � ' �`�" the cotteatlon,recelpt and appllcation ot rents,lasuea or profits,and Truatee and Lentler ehalt be enatted to exerctae every rlght -�. `
<br /> • provided tor in an oi the Loan Inatruments or b law u n occurrence of an Event ot Detauit,inotudln without Ilmitation the ri ht �''P
<br /> �i.•y���.�.
<br /> Y 9 Po Y 9 9 rs��_..;,_
<br /> ' to exeroise the power ot saie.Funher,Lender's righta and remedles under thls paragraph shell be cumulative with,and in no way e ;�,�..:-
<br /> �Imitation on,Lender's dghts and remedies under any assignment of Ieases and rents recorded against Me Property.Lender,Trusteq �:;����-�
<br /> ., and the recetver shatt be i�able to account oniy tor those rents actuaily recelved. � �°��
<br /> 11. Ev�nb Af Detaulf.The foilowing aheli conatitute an Event of Default under thts Deed of Trust �� . :��.
<br /> (a� Fatiure to pay any Installment ot principal or interest of any other eum aecured hereby when due; ,�,;x,
<br /> r .. (b)A breach ot or detnutt ur��nr e�►y p�uv�biu�►ca�iWi�iad I�}the��tata,ihls Daed of Trust,any af the Laan laat�um�e�,ar arsy — - -,
<br /> ,, ° other Ilen or enaumbrance upon the Property; �
<br />- " (c)A writ of executlon or attaahment or any aiml�ar proceas ehail be entered agalnat Truetor which sha�l become a�len on ' . J�.
<br /> ' the P�operty or any portlon thereot or tnterest thereln; �•
<br /> ° (d)There shall be fited by or against Trustor or 8orrower an actlon under any present or future federa�,atate or other
<br /> , statute,law or repuiatlon releting to benkruptCy,fnsolvency or other re►Ief tor debtors;or�here shait be appolnted any truetee,
<br /> � receiver or tiqutdetor of Truetor or Borrower or of ail or any paR of the Property,or the rents,ie8ues or profit8 there0},or TruatOr
<br /> �. or Borrower aha�i meke any gerterai asaignment tor the benefit oi creditora; • -�
<br /> �� " (e)The sate,tranefer,lease,assignment,conveyance or further encumbrence of ati or any part of or any Interest In the • r�=
<br /> Properly,elther voiuntarlly or invo�untarily, without the exprese written consent of Lender,provided that T�ustor ehal�be • s�
<br /> , • permitted to execute a�ease of the Property that does not contafn an optton to purchase and the term ot whlch does not exceed �
<br /> one yAar; .. ;
<br /> (Q Abandonment o}the Property:or
<br /> (g)It Trustor le not en Indlvlduat,the Isauance,sale,tranafer,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance ot more than e totai
<br /> �,
<br /> • ot percent ot(it a corporatfon)Its fssued and outstanding etock or(If a partnership)a total of percent ot
<br /> '" � partnership intereats during the period thfs Oeed oi T►ust remalns a Ben on the Praperty.
<br /> • 12. Rsmedlea;Aeeeteretion Upon Oeteult.In the event ot any Event ot Detauit Lender may,without notice exCept as requlred by
<br /> Iaw,deciare ali tndebtednesa secured hereby to be due and payabte and the same shall thereupon become due and payabte
<br /> without any preaentment,demand,protest or notice ot any kind.Thereatter Lender may:
<br /> (a)Demand that Trustee exerclse the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee shalt thereaRer cause Trustor's
<br /> interest In the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be dlatributed,ail In the manner provided in the Nebraske Truat Deeds ;
<br /> ACh, '
<br /> •• • (b) Exetclse any and a��rights provided for In any of the loan�nstruments or by law upon Accurrence ot any Event of �
<br /> Oetaulx and :
<br /> - • (C)Commence en action to toreclose this Oeed ot Truat as a mortgago,appolnt e recelver,or speclfically enforce any of the
<br /> covenants hereot. !
<br /> No remedy herein conlerred upon or reserved to Truatee or Lender is Intended to be exctusive of any other remedy herein,in the
<br /> � , Loan Instrumente or by law provided or permitted,but each shatl be cumulative.shatt be�n additlon to every other remedy glven �
<br /> � hereunder,in the Loen Instruments or now or hereaker existing at law or in equlty or by statute,and may be exerclsed concurrently,
<br /> independentiy or successlveiy.
<br /> 13. Trustee.The Trustee mey realgn at any time without cause,and L�nder may at any tfine and without cause appoint a
<br /> suCCesaor or substitute Truatee.Trustee shali not be Ilable to eny party.Includfng wlthout Ilmltatlon Lender,8orrower,Truator or any
<br /> ,; purchaser ot the Property,ior any Ioss or damage untess due to reckiess or wiliful misconduct,and shali not be required to take any
<br /> .. _ n__.' �� T...��...�..���...i.......i/�n./ u..l�l.... fwr nll wncfc nnrnbnou�3nn r�
<br />-.._. _._ .._.._. ._.. __.. .. . . ...... _ '_�"__-__. _�.�.. •
<br /> - ` r----� .. accwn�n cv�nvctwr�wiii�tnC ot�wtVOU�o��t V� una voov v. ��uu•.:.av.......vv................
<br /> i ....,..... ....___... __...�,_..__.._.....
<br /> •� expenses which may be assoclated therewith,ln addltion,Trustee may become a purchaser et any eate of the Property Qudlclal or
<br /> under the power oi sale g►anted hereln);postpone the sale ot aII or any portlon of the Property,as provlded by law;or selt the
<br /> ; Property as a whole,or�n separate parcels or lots at Trustee's dlacretlon.
<br /> ; 14. Fees and Expenee�,�n the event Trustee selts the Property by exercfse of power ot sale,Trustee ahall be entltled to appty
<br /> � � � any sa�e prxeeds tfrat to payment ot all costs and expenses of exerclsing power ot sale.Includtng e�t Trustee's tees,and Lender's
<br /> �, and TruBtee's attorney'8 t608,actual�y tncurred to extent permltted by appllcobte taw.ln the event 8orrower or Truator exerc18e8 any
<br /> � ; rlght provlded by�aw lo cure an Event ot Oetault,Lender ahall be entltled to recover trom Trustor all coats and expenses actualty
<br /> � c Incurred as a reault ol Trustor's defautt,Including wlthaut Iimltatlon al�Truatee's and attorney's feea, to the extent permltted by
<br /> ; � � appllceble lew.
<br /> , • i 1b. Futu►e Advanae�.Upon requeat ot Borrower, Lender may,at fts optlon,make addltionet and lutu►e advances and re-
<br /> � �� advances to Borrowor.Such advancea and readvances,wfth interest thereon,shalt be aecured by thfe Oeed of Trust.At no tlme shall
<br /> , { the prtncipal amount of the Indebtednosa aecured by thfs Deed ot Truat,ngt Inc�uding sums advanced to protect the securlty ot this
<br /> •,� Oeed ot Trust,exceed the origlnal princlpa�amount atated hereln,or$itD,065.50 whlchever ia greater.
<br /> ,
<br /> , • . . . :
<br /> T.. .
<br /> , ,
<br /> � , `
<br />