_� ' ; :�'�.1.i �a' �_�'1.•-^
<br /> .. I � �...�
<br /> . , . . :. . . . . _.
<br /> .''�.. ,,_._ . . ........�._"'_',s-�_— - --._ _-..
<br /> - _ --�. �-��.._....�..� ��4• ��.'�'�� . .
<br /> - 'FO(b87'HBR WIT}� alt tho impmvemcnte now or hereaRer ec�ccted on the�rnpesty.and a1!easements,Appurttnance.�,+u►d
<br /> fixtures now or herenRer a p:►rc of thu Rraperty. All rcplaccm�nt,9 nnd udditions sl�all nlsn be coverad by this Sccudty
<br /> ��i Inst►umcnt.All af Qie foregoing is referred to ln thlR Security Instrument us tha"C�raperry."
<br /> BORBOWER COVENANTS that Borrower Ix lawt�ity rkised of the estata hereby canvey�nnd has tho dght to grant and
<br /> convey tho Peoperty ut�d that the Propeny iR uaencumbered. exapt for encumbrances of record. Barmwer wamnts arbd will
<br /> deftnd generally the titlo to the PmFeny aga�nst�Il clafms and demands,sub,�ect ta any encumbrences of reoord.
<br /> TH1S SEL'�JRITY INSTRUMENT combine.g unlform covenunts for rtational use nnd non•uniform cavenants wfth ltmited
<br /> � ----� vueiatiuus by jurisdiction to eo»stitute a uniforn�eecadiy iiistt�ument wvcring rcal property. ----
<br /> UNIF�RM COVENANTS.Bormwcr und I.cnder covenant and agroe as foltowa:
<br /> 1. Peyment oi lklncipnl wnd Interest; Pre{wyment and Late Charges. Borrower sh�ll promptiy pay when due the
<br /> pr�ncipal of and intenst on the debt evidenced by ehe Note and any prepayment�nd Iste charges due under the Nate.
<br /> 2. Fund»ior Taxes and Insurance.Subject ta npplicAble law or to a wr�tten waivcr by Lender, Borrower sha11 puy to
<br /> - Lender an the day munthly payment�are due under the Note,unNl tho Noto is paid in fuU.a sum("Funds")for: (a)yearly taxos
<br /> '--='-' end nssesaments which may atteln priarity aver this Secudry Tnstrumant a4 a licn an thc PropeRy;(b)yeurly leasehold payments
<br /> -- or gmund rents an the Property.if any:(c)yeariy hazntd or praperty insurance premiums;(d)yearly flood insurance premiums,
<br /> :�' � tf any: (e)yearly mortgase insurance pnemiums. if any;and(�any sums payable by Sonower to I.ender,In aocordance with
<br />-. the provlRlans of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of mottgage insurance premiuma.These items are called"Fscrow Items."
<br /> _ Le�der may, at uny time. collect ru�d hald Punds in an amaant not to exceEd the maximum amount a Iender for a federaliy
<br /> � related mortgage toan may require far Barrower's escrow account under the federal Real Bstate Settlement l�rocedures Act of
<br /> 1974 ns amended irom timc ta time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RFSPA"),unless another law that epplics to the Funde
<br /> - - _ Y seta a lesser flm�.nnr if��, I.endrr may, et any time, colleet snd hold Fondc in nn em�iunt not to exceed the lesser amount. "i
<br /> . L,ender may estimate the amount of Funds dua on the busis of cu�rent data and reusonable estimates of expentiitures of future
<br /> � �,::�.��.;�,,, Escmw ttems or ahenvlse in uccordance with applicable law. _
<br /> � �r The Funds ahall Ne held in an institutlon whose deposIte are insured by a fedecal agency. instrumentality. ar enttty
<br /> �''..- �;..., (including Lender,if Lendcr ig such nn institution)or in any Federat Hame I.oan Bank.L.ender shuU apply the Funds to pay ttie
<br /> �° ,;,4:':{:v:��:,�•?!, Escrow Items.Lender may nat charge Borrower for haldins and upplying the Funds.annually analyzing the escrow account.or
<br /> '�' ' ''`��° vedfying the Pscrow Items,un�ess[.ender puys Barcower intereat on the Funds and applicable taw permits Lender to make such
<br /> .�'f: .; , .
<br /> �'�''°`" ; �� � n charge. Howevcr, Lender mAy require Bonower to puy a one-dmc charge for an independent real estate tex reporttng servlce __
<br /> � " used by I.ender in cannection with this loun, unless appllcable law provides otherwise. Unless un a�reement is made or
<br /> � • �' applicable law requires interest to be pnid, L.ender shall not be required to pay Borrawer any interest or earnings on thc Funds. —..
<br /> . • Borrowcr and I.ender may ugree in writin�, however. that interest shall be paid on thc Funds. Lender shuU 8ive to Aorrawer,
<br /> .. _ ��_
<br /> -` ° without churge, an unnuai accaunting of the Funds, showing credits und debits co the Funds und tbe purpose Cor wi�ici�cttch
<br /> �� • debit to the Funds wus iriude.The Funds are pleciged as additlanal secudty for all sums securcd by this Secudty Instrument. =
<br /> If the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts permitted to be held by applicable law,I.ender shall account to Borrower _
<br /> ' ° for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds held by Lender at any �.,�
<br /> � ' � time is not sufficient to pAy thc Escrow Items when due,Lender muy so noti fy Borrower in writing,und,ia such case Borrower T
<br /> . _ �� ..� � -�,;;;:`` shuil pay 1u ixndr� Qir uuwuut �icceaauiy iu u►a6c dp dt�d�ti�ie�ky. Boriuw�r shaii nial:e up tbe dtf�icncy i��nu moie titan �'_�-
<br /> • twelve monthly payments.ut Lender's soie discrctiun.
<br /> , .? ' Upon paymcnt in full of all sums sccurcd by thi� Sccuriry lnstrument. Lendcr shull promptly rcfund to Borrowcr any
<br /> ; ` Funds held by L.endcr.If,undcr purugruph 21, Lci�dcr,hull ucyuirc or seil thc Praperty,l.cndcr,prlor to the acquisttion or sale , ��.
<br /> of the Pmperty, shall apply nny Funds hcld by [.cnder ut the time of ucqui�ition or sulc as n credit uguinst the sums secured by �
<br /> •� this Sccuriry Instrumcnt.
<br /> _ 3.Appltcatton of Paymrnts.l inlc�s i�ppliruhlc lu�v providcs othcrwisc,ull paymcnts receivcd by I.ender undet paa+grnphs
<br /> ,. 1 und 2 shull bc upplicJ: first, to uny prepuymcnt churgeti duc undcr thc Ni�tr: xconJ,tc�umnunts puyable under parugraph 2;
<br /> third,tn intcrert due:fiiurth,tc���rinripul Juc:unJ la�t,t��any lau rhurgrs duc undcr thc Notc.
<br /> ,. 4.Char{q�:l.iens. &ttrawcr�hull puy ull tusr.,u..e.+mcnt+, chur�:c�, finc+und impcitiitionti uttributublc ta the Property
<br /> " which may attuin prioriry ovcr tl�is 5crurity fmtrumcnt, und Ica�cholJ p�ymcnt.ur grc�und rent�, if uny. Sorrowcr shall pny (
<br /> the�C ohl'tget'tnit•in the mamncr rrv�vidrd in p;�rs���r:�ph 2.��r it'n�it pnid in ths�t mannrr. R��rr��wrr�ha�ll pay thcrn on timc directly L._,_,
<br /> � tc�thc pcnim uwcd raymcnt. Borrowrr.h:dl prumptly furni.li tu I.rnd�r aU nutire�uf anwuutr tu hc puid undcr this paragruph.
<br /> ' ' , If&�rrowcr nwhe�thc+e puyment�dirertly. Burru��rr�hull promptly 1'urni�h tu Lrixier rercipt�evidrnring the puynxnts.
<br /> ;,i' Burcuwcr�halt prumptly dirrhargr uny lirn ahirh hu.pri��rity��rcr tlii•Scrurity In�trununt unlc�.Burruwcr:(a)agrc�e+in
<br /> ' � writing t��thc puymcnt��I'thc ubligatiun ururcd N}•thr lirn in a manncr acccptahlc tu I.cndrr. (h►romr�ty in g�xxt fuith thc licn
<br /> ., by, or detend. ugaimt rnliirrrmm�t uf thr lirn in. lr�al prurrrdin�, ��Dich in tlir Lendrr'� ��pini�m o}xrate t�� prevent thc
<br /> �:�: .
<br /> enfiircc�ncnt ut'tlx licn: cir Ic)tirrures frum thr h�dder nt'the lirn an agrccm�nt .ati.t'urt��r� t�� [.cndrr.uharclin:►ting thc licn to
<br /> th�s Scrurity In+trunmm. If[.rnJrr dctrrminr� that:tm pan ut'thr 1'r�,per1�• i, ,uhjr�•t t�, a lirn�vhirh m:�� iitlain priuriry i►vcr
<br /> this Scrurity imtrumcnt. L�nd�r may�i�r Harrua•cr u notire idrntil'�ing thr lirn. B�irro�+rr.hcdl �ati.fy thc licn�,r takc anc ar
<br /> � ntorc of thc acti��m�rt A�rth:thm c�vithin IU d.ty�af thr gi�in�uf unticr.
<br /> Form 3028 9190
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