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. L ' .,;__.�:;��, r^� '� ;�\\C� , .°r ..,�------- -- - <br /> -_ , _ _�,�� <br /> � - • — _ ° <br /> - -- _ _ _ 9�� i01'�3 <br /> ---- ___._._ __...:._.�- <br /> TQOETHER�WITH ull the improvement�now or hsreuftcr crectcd on tho pnnperty.nnd a11 ecu�cments.appuctenanca�, �� � <br /> snd tlature�now o3 hereatter�p�rt af the property. AI!t�ptacement�xnd wldidnmx sha�l elxo 1�cuv�r�d by th s cru ty <br /> ins�umcnG AII of tho fongoing iA nfen�c!to in thia Secudty Innuument ex tho"Propttty." <br /> BORROWER COVSNANTS th�t Borrower ie lawtWly s�ciaed af tho estato hercby convoycd and ha.q th4 dght to grant <br /> - --_-� and cc�nvey eha PropertY and thet tho Property is unencumbemd.eacept tor encumbrAncea of rxord. Bamwer wsirr�nts and , <br /> _, _-----, r�ll asf�n�i II�neralty the dtlo to the Pmperry ngainst a11 clain�s and derrwnds,subJect to any enaumbmnceA of record. �_--__-__ --: - _ <br /> THIS 3ECLIItITY INSTP.UMBNT combincs unifotm covenantx for national use and nan-uniform covcnants with <br /> limited varisdons by jurisdiction to c�n�titute a uniform secudty inRtrument covering r�enl property. <br /> (lNIF�ORM COV6NAN7'S. 8orrower and Lender covenant and agrce ux foltowR: <br /> � 1. P�yment ot Petnctpei and Intereet;Pe+ep�ynnent Nnd Late Chxrges. Borrower shall prompUy puy when due�he _ <br /> __ r^. pdncipal of nnd intereat on tht dcbt cvidenced by the IVote und any prepuymcat and iate churgea duo imder the IVote. <br /> • 2. F�unde for'1lucea And InaurAnce. Subject ta appUcnblo law or w a writtcn waiver by I.endcr.Bo�ower shail pay to <br /> �-, Lender on thc day monthly payments ace due undcr the Note,untit the Note is peid in ftiU.n aum t"�ndx")for.(a)ycurly -- - <br /> "�`�' taxos and assseasments which rrwy aqain priority over this Secudty Inawmcnt es a lien on tha Property;(b)yeArly lensehold <br /> �'f aymente or ground rents on the Property. if ony; (c) yenrly hnaurd or prApecty insumnca premiums; (d)yearly flood <br /> q,. <br /> ,�'� nsumnce premiums,if any; (c)yearl� mortguge Insw�nco premiuma, if uny:and (fl any sums puyabtc by 8orrower to <br /> / �• L, acoordance with the provis ons of paragraph a,in Heu of the payment of mortgage insurance pmmiums. These <br /> Items nt+e caUed"Escrow Items." I.ender any Nme,collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the meximum <br /> " amouat a lender for a federslly nelated mortgage loan may requiro for Bomnwer's escmw account under tha fedeml Reul <br /> ". . I?state Settlement Prc►cedurex Act of 1974 as amended from dme to dme.12 U.S.C.§2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless another <br /> • Inw that appltes to the Funds seta a lesser amount. If sso.Lender any tlme,collect and hold Fhndv in un amount nat to � <br />_ -�t-�r��:„- <br />