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<br />- TO(I�TNER WCfH uli tS►u l�i�psovsracnts now an c�r�aftcr cr:.ctcd an tho pmp..^rty�and ail cusaments,a�r�vKa�ence4,
<br /> - -- and fixtures now or hercuttce a part of�he�mperty. All repl�emente xnd sddlUons shwll ai�o bo cavered by thie 3ecurity
<br /> - Insuument. Ait of tho farcgoing Is roteaed to in ihia Secudty tnateurncnt ua tho"Pruperty."
<br />"' BORROW6R COVBNANTS that Barrowcr ia lawfhlly sotacd ot the cstato hcraby cunvoycd and hu9 tho tigt�t to gmnt
<br /> � and comoy the Property and that ttts l�raperty ia uneneumber�d�oaoapt for encumbrur�a ut�ticaed. fr�w7t�ivcr wartanis and
<br />=J�'- will defen�i generally tha tiQo to the Property against e11 clulmK and demands,RubJect ta uny encumbrnrtcao of raord.
<br />� TH[S SE�C1tRITY INSTRUMBNT combirtcn unfform cavcnant� for nntlonnl uso and nan-uniform covenantx with
<br /> ' �` IimitW vurlationa by Judsdtction ro co�isUtute a uniform secudcy instrumcnt covering real pmperty.
<br /> UNIFURM COVENANTS. Bntrowcr und L.ender cavenunt urtd ngrec es follows:
<br /> l. Pnyment of PrinclpW and Interat;Prepayment rrd I.4te Chaeges. Borrowcr Ahutl pmmptly puy when due tho
<br /> princt al nf ond interest an the debt�videnced by ehe Note und nny pnpAyment und luw chargeA duct urtder the Note.
<br /> � FLnds for ltixcs and Icwurqnce. Subjcct to nppIlcuble law or to u wrItten waiver by l.ender.8orrower ahall pay to
<br /> I.ender on tha day monthly puyr�►ents ac�duc uttder the Note.until the Nate is puid in tt�ll.u sum("FS�nds")for.(a)yearly --
<br /> te�ces and assessmeats which may ottuin Prloriry aver this Secudty Insuvmcnt as a lien an tho Propeity;(b)ynarly leaschold
<br /> � paymenu+ or ground rents on tha Pmperty. if any: (c) ycurly huzard or pmperty insurance premiums; (d) yearly flood
<br /> ;; �:�-'�� � . ,.,tz insurance premIurns,if uny; (e) yeurly mortguge insuranco premlums. if uny; und (�any sums payable by Bomower to
<br /> ' '�°�°�'��l:;•''^'? I.ender.in accordance with tho rovisions of suugruph S,in lieu of the u ment of mort o e insurattce remiums. These
<br /> :��ti . . :. , p P � Y 8 8 A
<br /> °•'��`��'•'� '' itert►s sue culled'Escrow Itemg" Lender may.ut any dme,collect and ho d�nds in un umount nat to exceed the mnximum
<br /> ���N'a'���� �`��+ amouat a lender For a fedemlly relnted mortgage loan muy nequim for Borrowerb excmw accaunt under the fe�aral Real
<br /> �}°�: ' ' ••"°:'�_. Estate Settlement Procedures Act of 1974 as amended from drtte to time.l2 U.S.C.$2601 et seg.("RESPA"),unless unotker
<br /> _ �_—_.____,_`"-1'— Ixw tltst applies�o the F1�ndR�ta e I�sr.r nmeunt. if�►.I.ender muy.at uny tlme.coltect and hold Funda in un umotutt not to � _
<br /> exceed the tesser amount. Lender muy esdmate the amaunt of Funds due on the hnsis of current dutA und musonable
<br /> � estimates of expenditures of futur�e Escrow Items or otherwlse in accardance with Applicuble law.
<br /> , The Fundg shall be held in un insdtution whose deposits nre insured by a federal agency. instrumentnlity,or entity
<br /> ° (including Lender.if Lender is such an lnstitution)or in eny Federal Homa Loan Bank. Lender shull apply tho Ftmds to pay
<br /> .. � • the Escrow Items. Lender may not churge Borrower for holding ttnd applyin�the FLnds.annuctlly annlyzins the escro�v
<br /> account,or verifying the Escrow Items, unless i.eader pays Borrower interest on the Flinds and applicable law permits
<br /> � ' l.ender w make such a char�e. However. L.ender muy require Borrower to pay a�ne-time charge for an indopendent mul �__
<br /> .. �� estate tax reporting scrvtce used by Lender In connection with this loan.unless applicuble luw pmvides athenvise. Unless s�n �,,,�
<br /> . �� " � agreement is mAde or applicablc IAw requires interest to be p�id,Lendcr shall not be rcyuimd to puy Borrower uny Interest or
<br /> eamings on the P�and4. Borrower nnd L,ender muy agree in writing.however.that interest sh�il be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> , shatl sive to Borcower,without charge,an unnunl accounting of the FLnds,3howing credlts and debtts to[he Fuads and the �:__
<br /> --- purpase far tihic�each debls to she Fuads�as ntade. '!'he Pk�ndc��r rlecigecl nc additional security far sll sums secured by �:
<br /> � �' this Security lnstrument. _-
<br /> •• If Ihe Funds held by Lender exceed the umounGS permltted to be hetd by upplicnble law. Lender shnli nccount to _
<br /> . Bonower for the excess Funds in nccordance with the requirements af uppltcable luw. If the umount of the Fhnds held by —_
<br /> I.ender at any time is not suffictem to puy the Eurow Ytems when due.Lender may sa notify Borrower in wridng.sind.in ' ��-
<br /> n
<br /> � such casc Borrowcr shall pny to Lender the nmount necessury to make up the deficiency. Borrower shull make up the
<br /> - • dcftcicncy in no�nore lhatt t�+rclve mantl�ly pnyments,at Lender s sole di�cretion. �'�-
<br /> Upon puyment in full of ali sums secured by this Security Instrument.Lender shnll prompdy nefund to Borrower any "�'
<br /> •• . Funds held by Lender. If,under parugrnph 21,I.ender shall acquirc or sell the Property,Lender.prior to the acquisit�on or
<br /> , snle of the Property,shull upply any Funds heid by Lender ut the time of acquisltlon or sale ac a credit agalnst the sums
<br /> secumd by this Secudty Instrumcnt.
<br /> 3. Appltcatton ot Payments. Unless uppltrablc luw provides athcrwise,ull puymcnts received by Lender under
<br /> • puragrnphs 1 and 2 shall be applied:fint,to uny prepnyment charges due under the Nute;second.to umounts payable under
<br /> •• paragraph 2;third,to interext duc;fourih,to princtpul due;and lact,to ony lnte charges due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Charges;I.iens. Horrower tihall puy ull taxe�, uti+es,ments,churgc�, fines and imposttions uttrlbutnble to the
<br /> Property which may attuin priority avcr this Sccurity Instrument,and lea+ehold puyment5 or ground r�ents,if nny. Borrower
<br /> . shall pay these obligntions in the munncr provided in puragruph 2,or if nat patd in that manner,Borrower shall puy them on ,
<br /> dme dire�tty to iha.per�on owcd paymcnt. f3arrawcr sfiatl prompdy fumish to l.cadcr:t11 nnticcs of amoudts!o be paid�snder
<br /> this pamgraph. IF Botrower mukex thexe puyments dtrcctly.Borrower shotl promptly fumish to Lender receipts evidencing
<br /> thc pnymencc.
<br /> Borrowcr shall promptly diuhurge any licn which hus priority ovcr this Scrurity lmtrument unless Botrower:(u)agrees
<br /> • in writing to the payment of the obligation sctiured by the lien in u munncr acceptable to Lender;(b)contests in good faith the
<br /> � lien by,or defends aguinst enti�rcement of the lien in.Iekul prcxeedings which in the Lender's opinion operure to prevent the
<br /> � enforcement of the licn;or(c>securc�from the holdcr of the licn un ugrcement satisfacrory to Lender subondinuting the lien
<br /> to this Security Inswment. If Lender dctcrmincs that uny purt af the Propcny ix suhject to n lien which may attain priority
<br /> over this Security Inxtniment,Lendcr muy give 9orro�vc�a noticr identifying the lien. Bonower shull satisgy the lien or take
<br /> one or mom uf thc ucti�ns sct forth ahovc within 10 duyti aT thc giving of naticc.
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrowcr+hull kcep thc improvementx now cxi�tin�on c�reaftcr crected on the „
<br /> Property insured aguinst loss by f ire,i�ur.urd�inrludrd within the term"extendeJ rcwcra�e"und uny other h:�ards,including
<br /> floads or flex�din�,for whirh Lrnder rcquirc� insurunre. Thi.insurunce shuU Ix muintc�:�ied in the amounts and for the
<br /> Form302A 9/90 qwKe2ajd�igr�) �
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