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�. . -�+--.�.`-"�'_�� 81. +�::.. . .. . _ . <br /> � �k . I y„... �- <br /> �-� � 1'• � �. AI�X`'! .. """�T��1. __ <br /> , y . _. . _ _ '_ <br /> _ - � '. <br /> - -' ——-- _- • —------------. . <br /> .—._:���ej�e*����r� ��r���� � <br /> .�_---�-----_ <br /> � ��°------"� . <br /> t!M p�oporty Is so t�k�n or dama�ed,Londsr�hatl havs the optlon,In its sole end abfotut di�arstlon,to�ppty all woh f'roaNd�, ' - � °-���- <br /> �Iter doduatlnp th�t�trom ell co�ts and expen�es inaurrsd by It In aonneotlon with tuoh Proc�ede.upon any indsbMdn��ura4 - <br /> Mnby�nd In�uoh order a�Lender may determine,or to appiy all suoh P�oceede,atter�uoh dsduoUon�,to th�rKtontlon ot tho <br /> - _ -- -,_-----___� p�ppKly upon such condttlons e�lender m�y dst�rmin�.Any�ppUCatlon ot Proae�d�to ind�btednest slnll not�x�nd a potlpon� — <br /> tt��eue aat�ot any payrnents under ths Note,or aure sny deiauli thereunder or hsreundar.Any unapplled tunda aRsA bs pald!o -- - - <br />- � ------- - TPUOtot. <br /> � - - <br /> 8. P�rlonnana�by L+�nON.Upon Me ocour�enas of an Ev�nt of Dsfautt htreunder.or It any aat Is mk�n or��al proo��tng <br /> !�� commsnaed whtoh m�terlally a8eeb Lends�a Intereat In the Properiy.Lendar may In Ite own dteoretion,but without obflp�tlon to do <br /> e�f,and wlthout notiae to or demand upon Trustor and without�eteaeinp Trustor trom any obtlpaUo�,do any sat which Trwtor hta <br /> � apresd but taits to do tnd may etso do any other aot 1t deema oeaeseary to proteat the seau►Iq hereoL Trustor�h�til,fmm�diatoyr <br /> upon demand thereforby�endor,pay to Lsnder all eoata and expenae�Inauned end eumaexpendedby Lender In eoonsctlon wftlt <br /> theexeraise by I.ender of the iqreQoinO►Iphte,together with Intereat thereon at the defaul!rateprovtded In the Note,whlah shetl bo <br />- . :� added to ths Indebtedneas seoured heroby.Lender ahall not inaur any Ilabltity beoauee of enythlnp It may do or omit to do <br /> „ • herounder. � - ---. -,-__ _ <br /> � e 9. Hat�rdout Mabriab.T�uator shall Oceep the Property in comptiance with ail app�laable tawe,ordlnences and reputstions <br /> ' •.3r:1�.�,1? - <br /> M , �, �etatlnp to tnduatrlal hypiene or environmentaf protemion(colleoUvely reterred to hereln as"Environmental laws'y.Truetor ehetl - --- -- - -- <br /> i•vns'tr,►' �:'.,�. <br /> y j :?,.,,r�.ti.,,•,_ },,.,,�, keepthePtopertytreeiromallsubstenceadeemedtobeheurdousortoxicunderanyErnironmentalLawa(aolleaHve�yreferradto ��� <br /> � 5 � •- • . •:• •,. herein ae Hessrdous Materlals"►.Trustor hereby warrants and represents to Lender that there are no Hazardous Matetiais on or _ T ____ <br /> F y:�'"' .;r''.� under the Properhr.Truetor hereby apreea to IndemMry and ho�d harmlesa Lender,Ita directore,oNtcere,employeea andagenta,and ��_..::� <br /> �:. <br /> •!kr,° ;,.f���4:� an y eucceaaors to Lender'e intereat,trom and against any and ati olalms,damages,loasea and IlabfliUes aileing In conneodon with �;��� <br /> • � �::`.i the preaence, uea,dlapose►or tranaport of any Hazardoue Matertais on,under,trom or about the P�opeAy.THE FOR E C i O I N t i �- <br /> '��____•, �`. •s` WpqRANTtEg AND REPREBENTATIONB,AND THU3TOR'S OI�LI(3ATIONB PURBUANT TO THE FOREt301N(31NDEMNtTY,3MAL1. <br /> __ -<�: SuRV1VE Htc:ONVt1fANc:E O�i Hf&i3EEi3 8F Tfli3ST. - ��'r-`- <br /> ' � "` 10.A�tipnm�M of R�nb.Trustor hereby assigns to lender the rents,lssues and proflts of the Properry;provided that Truetor '';�:.:.��_ <br /> '� shett.untft the occurrence of an Event ot Detault heraunder,hava the�Ight to colloct and retain such rents,iseuea and profita as they -�___ <br /> ' •, . . become due and payable.Upon the oaour�ence ot an Event ot Oetauit,l.ender may,either In person or by agent,wlth or without <br /> ° bringinp any aallon or proceeding,or by a recelver appointed by a conrt and without regard to the adequacy ot Its eeaurity,enter ;_��__ <br /> � . upon and take posseaslon ot the Propeny,or any pa►t thereof,in ita own name or In the name oi the Truatee,and do any acte which it ^.-��-a <br /> �+� � �� deemsnacesseryordesirebletopreservethevatue,marketabilityorrentabilityottheProperty,oranypaRthereofortnteresttherein, �_ <br /> •�`�`� inarease the income therelrom or protoat!he seourity horeof and,wlth or without taking poasesslor+of the Property,sua tor or �;-.�� <br /> � �' otherwlse colieat the rents,issuea and proflts thereot,tnciuding those paet due and unpaid,and appiy the same,leas aoats and , "_--- <br /> '' � " expenses ot operation and collection inctuding attorneys'teea,upon any indebtedneas seoured hereby,all in suoh order as Lender = __ <br /> ,; :'�,;_, mey detormine.The entering upon and teking posaeaston of the Property,the aolieotion of such�ants,Issues and protita and the �� <br /> ' �ppQcaGon thereof as aforeseld,shatl not cure or waive any dotault or notice ot defeuit hereunder or Invalidate any aat done In � �' <br /> ` - °•, ° wspane8 io suah deisuk ar pur.•cssn!!o such notice ot dsla�+it and,n�tw�thstanding the conUnuance in poaseselon of the Proporly or � .. <br /> the coileotlon,reaefpt and applloatlon ot rents,issues or profite,and Trustee and Lender shelt be entitled to exerolae every rlght � <br /> provided tor In any of th�loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence oi any Event ot Defautt,lnciuding without limitetion the right , r: <br /> W exeraise the power ot sate.Further,Lender's rights end romedtes under this paragraph shall be cumulative with,and in no way a , <br /> ' IlmltaUon on,Lender's rlghte and remediea under any assignment of leasea and rents recorded agai�at the Propertyr.Lender,T�uatee �� <br /> and the�eCelver shall be�fab�e to account oniy tor thoae rents actualiy reaeived. �i <br /> t t.Ewnb of ON�uK The toliowing shali oonstitute an Event of Defauit under this Deed of Trusx �� +� <br /> (a)Failure to pay any Ir�atatiment of princlpai or interest af any other sum secured hereby when due; '�'� : <br /> (b)A breaoh ot or default under any provlofon conteined in the Note,this Oeed of Trust,any of the Loan Inatruments,or any f <br /> other Ilen or encum6ranae upon the Propeny; �' <br />- � (a)A writ of executlon or attachment or any simfler process shal�bv entered ayainst Trustor which shatl becomo a Ilen on .�, � <br /> . the Property or any portion thereof or interest thereln; ,: : <br /> (d)There shell be tited by or against Trustor or Borrower an action under any present or tuture tederal,state or other , <br /> statute,taw or regutetlon relating to bankruptcy,lnsotvency or other retlei for debtora;or there ehai�be appolnted any truatee, ,.��,.,�i� <br /> f� recelver or Ilquidator o(Trustor or 8orrower or ot all or any part of the Peaperty,or the rents,lssues or profits thereof,or Trustor •�. ,a��. <br /> � or Borrower shatl make any general assignment for the benetit of creditora; �•''•:��' <br /> (e)The sale,tranefer,lease,aseignment,conveyance or further encumbrance of all or any part ot or any Interest In the ' i�� ., <br /> Properly, either votuntarily or involunterlly,without the express written consent ot Lender: provided that Truator shall be ° <br /> • , permitted to oxecute a lease ot the ProperN that does not contain an optlon to pur�:r.ase and theterm ot which does not exceed ^_ <br /> .. one yea� ., <br /> (�Abandonment ot the Properry;or �'' <br /> � (g► If T►uator ia not an Individual,the Isauance,saie,transter,assignment,conveyance or encumbrance of more than e total j. " , <br /> l <br /> . Of_ percent ot(if a corporation)!ts Issued and outatanding stock or(Ii e pannership)a total ot percen!ot ( . . <br /> partnership intereats during the period this Oeed ot Trust remaina a Ilen on the Property. � <br /> � 12. Rem�dies;Aaaeteratlon Upon Ostaui�in the event ot any Event of Defauit londer may,wlthout notice except as requlred by � <br /> •- lew,dectare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payable and the same sha�i thereupon become due and payab�e i <br /> � without 8ny presentment,demend,protest or notfce of any kind.Thereatter Lender may: <br /> (e� Oemand that Trustee exerclae the POWER OF SALE granted herein,and Trustee ahatt thereafter cause Trustor's � <br /> � intereat in the Property to be soid and the proceeds to be dlatr►buted,e�l In the manner provided in the Nebraska Trust Deeds � <br /> � AC� � <br /> • (b) Exercise any and ait righta provlded tor in any ot the Loan instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Hvent of <br /> , * DetaulZ and `. <br /> (c) Commence an actlon to toreciose this Oeed of Truat as a mortgsge,appoint a recelver,a specftica�ly entorce any ot the <br /> • ' "�� covenante hereot. <br /> ,;� � No remedy hereln conterted upon or reaerved to Trustee or Lender fs intended to be exctusive of any other remedy hereln,in the <br /> Loen Instruments or by taw provided or permftted,but each shatt be cumuiative,shai�be In additlon to every other remedy given <br /> � hereunder,in the Loan Inetrumenta or now or hereatter existing at taw or fn equlty or by statute,and may be exerclsed concurrenNy, <br /> �. IndependenUy or euccessivety. <br /> " � � 13. Trustae.The Truatee may resign at any time without cause,and Lender may at any time and without cause appolnt a <br /> , <br /> sucaessor or aubatitute T�ustee.7ruatee shall not be Ilable to any party,Inciuding without Ilmltation Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any <br /> _ __. z_ purchaser ot the Property,for any toas or damage unless due to recklesa or wflHul mlaconduct,and ahali not be required to take any <br /> T � 8crion in connectlon wfth the eniorcement cf tn�s Oeee ot Truat umess�ndemniiied,in wriiing,ivr aii ciioi8,Gv�uEroi�baiiv��'vi <br /> ,� expenaes whlch may be osaoclated therewlfh.In addltlon,Truatee may become a purchaser at any sate of the Ptoperty Qudlclal or <br /> under the power of sa�e granted hereln), postpone the sele ot aIl or any portlon of the Property,as provlded by�aw:or sell the <br /> ` : Property as e whole,or fn separete parcels or tota at Truatee's dtscretlon. <br /> 14. F�es and Expentes.In the event Trustee selts the Property by exerclae oi power ot sele,Truatee ahall be entltted to apply <br />- eny sale proceeds tirat tu payment oi all coste and expensea ot exercfaing power ot sale.Includtng atI Trustee's tees,and Lender's <br /> :s. . and Trustee's attorney'g feee.8rtually fncurred to extent permitted by applfcable�aw.In the event Borrower or Trustor ezerclses any <br /> dght provlded by ta�y to cure an Event ot Oeteult,Lender shall be entltled to recover irom Trustor all costa and expenses actuatty <br /> ' � Incurred as a result ot 'Trustor's defaul�including wlthout Ilmltatton alt Trustee's and attorney's teea,to the extent permltted by _ <br /> app�icabte la�v. <br /> � 16. Futu»Advanca. Upon request ot Borrower, Lender may,at Ita optfon,make addltlonal and tuture edvances and re- <br /> edvan�es 4o Borrower.Such advances end readvances,with intere3t thereo�,shall be secured by th18 Oeed ot 7rust At no ttme shalt <br /> the princlpat amount ot the indebtedness secured by thts Oead of Truet,not inctudfng sums edvanced(b prpjeCt Me•securlty ot this <br /> , � Oeed of Trust ezceed the orlglnal princlpat amount stated hereln,or�.-30,.000...0�-.whichever la greater. <br /> l <br /> , � � <br /> �._� -- � <br />