- - ' . �._ w• � �� ��,
<br /> ' � �..� 3.. `. ,-'.+��
<br /> Y ._��. .
<br /> :� � � '. .- ..
<br /> �•-� til ��`..��� • ' —_
<br /> � T��R W�TI'I A�LIN M'�tOVM�M�U AOW a}IM�f K�1 Ofl lIN a�N� YI� � MiM11111U� �PP�MiN�M� Y1�
<br /> � Ibmr.. now ar n«.�.UK. p.rt a w.pnap�ny.All r�i�o�wib«,d.ddMlons�hr1 r.o b.oov.nd ey a�is t.o�rNy w�wu�wq.
<br /> N W th�lotpok�p k rMrrad to N thk 8�arky Insirwrwd as tM'Prapwty.'
<br /> � 80RRf)YVER COVENAMB thit Baaiw�r!�IRw1u1y sM�t�d M th� � hwby oomy�d �nd hu th�rlpM to pr�nt�nd (�
<br /> - — oorwy th� ProMrry arb thM 11M PrapMty M wwiaw�M�nd �xorpt fa �naKnbr�na�al noad 8ortowK w�nf��nd w� �
<br /> - dMmd p�Yy th�tlIN to th�PropMfy pYnst d ol�Ytw�nd dM�ndi�w�j�ol b ny ���oes d raoad.
<br /> - - TNI9 9ECURm ursTAU1r1�NT oomWn.. uNlorm oov.�wib �o► nstfa,� u.. .ea nonirra.,� oov.w�ts wMn Irt�t�d �
<br /> _ v�tlons by jurisdfction to oonsUwt� �unNam srowity N►ttn�n�nt oov�inp nd pro�ty.
<br /> , , --- UNIFORM CUVENANTB. 8o1►oWU�nd LM1d1t oownYlt+Yld�pfM u foNoWS: Q
<br /> ";'. 1. Paytn�nt d Principal�d Int�n� Pnp�ymint and L�t�Charp��.9onowa�h�N w�+P9b Wy� ,�
<br /> � .,° dw th�princfp�l ot and lntqrni on ih�d�t wldmud by tha Not��nd anY PrNu►Ymmt�nd I�to ctu�ryw dw undw�th�Nota. � -,-
<br /> . .. 2. Fueds for TaxM and InwralSC�.8ubj�ct to applo�bN I�w or W.wikt�n w�hrK by Lmda.BoROwa ahM pny ,�
<br /> ' to L�nd�r on tM d�Y��N W!'��an dw und�r th� Not�� un1N th�Not�Is pdd b 1uN��wm('F�')� (�I Y�f' O
<br /> � -- hx�s �nd �ssa�m mU whld� rt f�y a�t h h p b t K y o v K i h i s S r a n i l y i n e k u m�n t u �Y�n on th�R o p�A y; (b) y�y Iws�hotd
<br /> �.,��,r�d:��::�i�,`<�'�� Wl�b a qround ror►b an th�P►oprty�N anY Ia)Y�N�ird a propwty hwrana pr�►�itMns: (�) Y�b Aood Inwana
<br /> ---�-,-�'-;_....•. °.•. pn�Hum�,M�ny; (�)Yw1Y mortq�p� Inwrana pnmtumr,If�ny;and (f)any wms WY�bIt bY Bortow�to L�nd�►tn aocatdmw
<br /> �xr�.; ,"--- • - wkh th�provi�{ons ot para�raph 8, in iwu of th�paymM►t of mortp�ye Inwnuica prwr�ns. Tria�kMns ue c�! 'Esaow
<br /> --- '�"'��-��i� ft�+ns.' Unde�n►�y, �t any tim�,ooNct r►d hold Funds in �n�rnount not to �xce�d th�m��drtxxn�mount a bndw for� __-
<br /> °.
<br /> y:..��' " . ` t�aMy nl�bd mat��lor� rrwy r�quks for Barowr'a �acrow account undu th�f�dua) RMl Est�tt B�ttNrtNnt Proo�duns
<br /> �----7��*=-�.`:; �y�� ° Act of 1874 u am�nd�d irwn tlm�to tYn�, 12 U.S.C.�2601 d sp. ('RE3PA'), u�las NothK I�w th�t sppli�s to th� Funds
<br /> �xs• � s�ts a N�s�r amount M so,l�ndr nry. d any tlnk, eoMeat and hold Funds h an arraunt not to �xoe�d th�Nss�►amount.
<br /> UndK tn�y atNn�tt th�antouit ol Funds du� on th�b�sls of eurt�nt tLta and nuo�lYft�atN�rtws o} ��ndlurp of fudu�
<br /> _•r�� Etcrow ttans or othawiss in acaordana with�ppYcabta�w. -'
<br /> � ,-+a-• ,•,�. •-*�"';,�. Th�Funds�rfwN b�hMd in an InatlluUon whoN d�podts an imund by�f�da0�9ency.Inslmm�nWity,or�ntity(Indudinq
<br /> ��, : ;�� Lmd�r. q L�nd�r u suct�an InttituUon)or in �ny F�d�r�t HortM Lan Bank. UnWr sh+M appy thr Funds to p�y th�E�aow
<br /> Itm►s, Ut1d�r nMy ttot chvfle Bortower/or holdinp �nd�ppfyhp the Funde,umu�ly arnlyriny th��saow aocount, a v�rMyk�y _.
<br /> the Escrow items, unlas LmdK paya Borrow�r interat on the Funds and appNabt�M�w pertdts 4ander to m�k� wch a —
<br /> { "` chuy�• HowwK, L�nd�r may nquk�BorrowK to pay a on♦tMn�clwy�for �n (nd�pmd�nt nd�ht� hx npart(np s�
<br /> used by Lend�n c �ann�cUon wMh ihls lan, uni�ts applic�bte kw provid�s othKwiw. Unlu� an apr�nunt Is mada or �
<br /> appMcabia l�w rsqukes IntKat to Ee p�d, Lmd�r shW not b�nqukad to pay BoROwsr u►y fntKat a e�tninps on tha Funds.
<br /> . Borrow�r�nd L�nder may apt+M M wrNktg, howe�r�r, tFu�t htrat ehaN be p�id on th�Fund�. Und�r shaA ph►�to Borto►v�r, �_
<br /> wNhout charys, an�nnud �ccoundng of the Funds, showtny �xedita and d�bita to ihe Fwda�nd tha purpoas for wh�h wch �„-
<br /> d�bk to th�Funds was made. Th�Funds an pl�dp�d�s�dditlan�J srattity fa all auma Ncursd by th�Seadty InsVwn�nt
<br /> If ths Funda held by Lender aceed th�amouM� pwrtAtt�d to be hdd by applicable kw, Lend�r th�N aecount to BortowK
<br /> fw th�sxc�ss Funds in accordana wNh th�rsquk�rnenb oi appYc�l�le i�w.If th� rnount of the funda hNd by L�ttd�t at�ny _
<br /> tMns is not suffiGant to pay tha E�aow ft�m�wh�n du�, L�nd�t m�y so notiy Borrower in w�tinp,u�d,in wch cnss BorrowK =—
<br /> shail pay to Under the mount ��sury to m�k� up the d�Aci�ncy. Barowr stut nWc� up tht d�id�ncy in no more tFw�
<br /> . twNvs monthy paymenta,at lender'a aol� dbcntlon.
<br /> Upon paym�nt fn fuN of aY sums acund by thls S�curky InsWm�nt, Undv alwN promptly nktnd to Barower any Funds �`-
<br /> ---,_- . _ _ .. . _ � held by Lender. H,-und�r p�ragraph 21,Landsr shall aequke or aell the Pmperty, Lender.Ptiw to ihe�cquitidon or sue of th�
<br /> Property,shaN appy any Funds h�k! by Lend�r at th�tlms of�cquisitlon or sai�es a a�dft�palnK 1M su� s�cund by tM�
<br /> S«writy Inatrument,
<br /> 3. Appqcation of Paymanb. Unt�aa �ppBcable I�w provldes otheiwiae, aM paymente �ecNved by Lendsr undx
<br /> ponqnphs 1 and 2 shW be appiNd: frst,to any prepayment charges due under the Nota; aecond, to amounts payabN und�r
<br /> p�rayrapb 2;thlyd,to interost due;loudh,to pdncipal due;and I�st,to�ny 41e chsrya due undar the Note. „
<br /> ' 4. Cha�poa; U�t1�. Bortower sfiwM pay all taxes, asseaamenta, charqes, linoa and (mpoaNbns attributabi� to the �„,,
<br /> � Property which may atuh prbrUy av�this Securiry Instrumant,and le�s�hold p�yments a ground renta,if any. Borrower shaY �c�,
<br /> p�y thsse obNydioris in the manner provlded in parayraph 2, or B not paid tn that manner, Bortower ahall pay them on tkne
<br /> � dkeetly to the person owed psyment_ 9oROwer shaY promptiy tumish to Lender aY noUces oi amouMs to be paid under this '
<br /> puagraph. R Borrower mak�s thrse paymenis dk�cUy. 8ortowor shaU prompty tumish to Lender raceipta evld�ndnp tha
<br /> .�>' � }:
<br /> ,.� � I+oY�n�tts.
<br /> Bortower shaA promptly dlactwge�ny Nm which h�s prioriry over th(s 3ecurity Instrument uniess Borrower: (a) ayraes in �
<br /> ' writk�9 to the paym�nt of the oblip�tian secured by th�Iien tn a nunner acceptabte to Lcnder. (b) contests in yood takh the '
<br /> . Uan by, or ds(enda agakrot enforcMnent of the Ben in, legei proceedinys which in the Lender's ophion opernte to prevent the �
<br /> enforc�t ot the Ilen;or (c) secures hom the holder ot the Aen an agreement saUalactory to Lender subordlnaUny the Iien to
<br /> � th(a Security instrument.it L«�Jur Jytwi�dnes thAt any part of the Prope�ty Is auLjac:t to a ie�which m�y ottaln pAorily ovet this
<br /> I Sacurity Instrument, Lender may gNe Borrower a notice Identl(ykiy the Ilen. BoROwer�haA wUsty the lien or Lke onv or moro of �
<br /> the aetbns set forth above wilhh 10 d�ys of the glving of noUce.
<br /> 5. Hazard or Proparty Insur�nco.8ortower shaA keep the improvements now existinq or herevtt�r erected on the ;'
<br /> Property hsured against loae by fro, haerds tnduded within the term •extended covenpe' and�ny other hazerds, Induding
<br /> Iloods or floodfng,for which Lendx requirea Insurance. This insurance shaA be maintained in the�mounts and tor the periods `
<br /> th�t Lendet requirea. The(nauranca wrier providing the(nsurance shaN be chosen by Borrower aubJect to Lender s approval
<br /> wh�h sh�A not be unreqson�by withhetd. �t Borrower faGs to maintain covenge desuibed above,Lendx may, at Lendar's ,
<br /> opUon,obtain coveraye to protact lender's rfghta In the PropeAy in accwdance with parag�ph 7.
<br /> AN Insurance polides qnd ren�wals shaq be acceptable to Lender and sh�A inctude a standud mortgage ctouse. Lender �
<br /> sh�ll have the right to hoid the poYCies and renewals. If Lender requlres, Borrower shell promptly ylve to Lender all recNpts of
<br /> pald premlums and renewai not�os. In the went of toss,Borrower shoA ylve prompt notice to the Insurance c�rtier and Londer.
<br /> ' Lander may make proof oi Ioss If trot tmde promptly by Bortower.
<br /> Unless Lender and Bortower otheiwise agree in wtiting, insurance proceeds shaG be�pplied to restoraUon or repair of the
<br /> f Praperty dameged.I}the restoration or repak�s economically teasible and Lender's secu�ily ia not kssened. I(the restoration or
<br /> � repak is not economfcaNy te�sible a Lender's seeurity wouiC be Iessened. the Insurance proceeds shaY be applfed to the sums
<br /> F• securod by this Security InatrumeM, whether or�ot then due. with any excess paid to BoROwer. If Bortower �bandons the
<br /> Roperty, or does not answer withh 30 days a notico irom Lender that the Insurqnce carde► has oltered to settie a cl�Mn, then
<br /> � Lender mey eoNect the Insunnce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repalr or restore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> s�cured by this Securfty Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30•dey period wfll begin when the notice is given.
<br /> ' Uniess Lender and Bortower otherwise agrce in writinfl, any application ot proceeds to principol sheA not extend or
<br /> poatpone the due date of the moMhty payments reterred to In parapraphs t and 2 w ch�nye the emount of the payments. If
<br /> under par�yraph 21 the Property is acquked by Lender. Bortower s right to any Insurance poAdes and proceeds resufting hom
<br /> damaye to the 1'roperty prior to Iha tcquisNion thall pass to Lender to the wRent ot the sums by this Secu�ity Instntment
<br /> - � � knm�diatety priw to the�cqulSiUon.
<br /> � ' 6. Occupancy, Pr�s�rvKion� Mainta�a�co and Protactlon of th� Prop�rty; Bor�owar's Loan
<br /> ; Appltcation; Loasohotds. Bortower sh�Y occupy, estabGsh. and use the R�opMy as Bortower's prtneipd residence wdhin
<br /> i � aizly days �fter the Qxecution of this Securily instrument and shaU continue to occupy the Property as BoROwer's prindpal
<br /> , { nsidenee tor at le�at one yerr�ftx th�date of occupanry, unless Lender othervriae agrees in wrrting,which consent ahall not
<br /> be unra�sonaby wftnheid,or unless exlenuating circumstances exist whfch �re beyond Borrower's conYOi. Borrower shaq not
<br /> . �' ' d�sVo . d�rrw a
<br /> � y ge impak the Property,�Ilow the PropMy to dMerlorate,or commit waate on the RopMy. Borrower shall be M
<br /> dalwfl H any forteiture actbn or proceedng, whather dvA or crim��t. Is beyun that h Lender's good taNh judpment couid resuft
<br /> ' ?� h tortNtun of th�Prop�tty or othe�wfa�mat�4y knp�k the Iisn cre�ted by this Secwfly Inatrummt or Lmder's securiry Interest.
<br /> 6
<br /> � I F1376.LM6 11Ty3) Pepr 2 ot S �_ � 1t.'��.
<br /> t
<br /> n11�n
<br /> + I
<br />