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._�—_-- �_ _ ---`CgQi�p.� _ -`''.. __ <br /> . - � . i 1�14A'titil.'.� _ __,�c:r:.f!_' <br /> �.....t :;�' '",;{�:: � _. �`_ <br /> � _ ""'� _ � . y pr h 1!. b ca�usin ih� �ctlon w ocMdN1 to b� <br /> z-���=�;� • ' • Bortower ma wn such • dehuA and reMSt�ta �3 ovld�d h P�n9np Y p P� 9 <br /> dludss�d wNh a ruYnp that,in L�rvi�'�9ood failh dat�atbn. prsciud�s 1otlMtun of ih�BortowK'� Int�r�st tn tht PropKty or <br /> - , p►hrr m�btl�l Mnp�km�nt ol th� Nm c,�wt�d by thla S�cwtty Instn�m�nl or Undw's s�curiry Int�r�s� Bortowr shat�ito b�in <br /> .�"e,��,� d�up M Bartowa, dudnq ih�loan�ppYUtion proc�ss.p�v�mat�rl�Ny 1ala�w inaeeunt�in/ornvtion or sut�rn�nla to L�ndK�a <br /> hWd to p►ovid� L�ndK wkh �ny r�twW Inlomwtlon) � �^^�� �h th� lan wid�ncad by th� Not�, fnoludinp, but not (p <br /> ar�.a co. np►.s«�auons conam�,o eorrow«�s occu�r►cy ot �n• �oP.ny .: a principd u in�s s�cudcy ,�► <br /> In�wmrnt Is on � IMSN�otd,BorrowK sh�q comply wqh al th�provltloni of th� IMS�. If 8ortow�► �oqukN 1N tNM lo th1 ' <br /> - � Prop�rty,ih�Ns��hold�nd lh�iN tNN shaa not m«'pt uniat L�nd�►apr�to tht m�rpM in wrNk�q. � <br /> ' , ., � 7. Prot�ctlun of l.ondor'a Rl�hts (n tlto Prop�rty►. If eonowK t�As to paiorm th�cownants�nd��e�mmt� O <br /> - cont�klM{n this S�curity Uslrum�nt. a th�t� Is a I�pu procNdinp th�t m�y sipnipcanqy aNeet L�nd�r's dyht�In ih� Prop�rly <br /> (such �s a procNdk�p in banRn+picy. prob�te.1or eondKmatbn or torlNtur�a to�ntoraa yw�a►pui�tlons),ih�n L�ndu nry � <br /> �t. 'y"''"`'�` do md pey lor whatever le n�os�ary to prot�ot th�vtlu�of th�Rop�rty �nd L�ndv's riphtt In lh�Prop�rty. L�nd�r's�ctlona � <br /> . .T,dr, ..,-r-x-.:' <br /> , rtwy Includ� p�yinp �ny sum� saund by � Iisn whkh ha� pHodty ov�r thla S�curity Instrum�nt. �ppNrinq In couR, p�ylnp <br /> --=�==n•���:_�� rM�ombi� attomtys'fses and antKinp on th� PropMy to m�k� r�paln.ANhouyh L+nd�r nwy tak��otlon undu thil panpnPh W <br /> - ����• --=� 7,Lander don nut hrve to do so. <br /> �'�"'S^ - �� ��' M amounts disburted by Undx under puapraph 7 �hall b�coms �dditional d�bt of BorrowK s�cured 6y this 8�curky <br /> iirY.d��14�ti'vi���•:.Ne:" y <br /> ---'��a;�....:;. �. �:,: Imtrum�nt. UnNss Bwrower md Lendw aprw to othK t�rmt oi p�ym�nt, theae�mounts •h�ll bw IntKSSt trom th• dtte ot � <br /> �ti;,;_,���.r��_. diWurs�nent at the Not�ate and shaY bs payabi�,wiih InterKt, upon notla from Lender to Bor►ower r�qusstinp paymsnt. <br /> ' —'�`' 8. Mortp�g� insunne�. It lender requked morty�g� inauwnc� as a condition of nuklnp the lo�n �ecured by ihls _ <br /> ,_�u�r��`'K"�`�'F"`�"'"�`d'4"',x 3ecwity Inatrumsnt.Bortower eh�U pay tha premiums requirtd to m�MUIn the mortyage inaunnc�in eff�ct.If, for�ny reoson, the <br /> ,��;i'`'- ° �. ; mortpap�insurance covaraqe requlred by Lender lepses or cNaet to be tn �ttsot, Bonow�r sh�A p�y tho pnmiums t�quk�d to � <br /> 1�r;,_.• :.�.� _ ..,a, obUin cover�ys subatentlslly equivaient to th� mortqa9t Insuranc�prwlousy t� �ttect. et a eaet aubstmtklly puivd��t to th� <br /> _-- �z�,-�:-.' • ' !i cost to Bortower of the monpaye t�aunnco prevlouay in efl�ct,from sn dtwnate morty�ye insurer epproved by L�nd�r. It <br /> • ,, substantl�liy equlwlmt mortg�ge Insurence coveraqe la not �v�itabl�, Borrower shell pay to lendx aeh month a sum �qual to <br /> t . onMtwelfth of ihe ye�rly morty�pe insurance premium belny pald by 8ortower when the Insurancs covera�e lap�ed or ceaaed to <br /> � '� be in eHect. Lender will accept, use and retaln those payments �s a tuss resarve in Ileu of moRyape insuranc�. Loss reserve <br /> ' ' peymentc may no tonyer be requtred, ot the option o( Lender,if mortgage insurence covernpe (in the amount and fa the perbd __ <br /> � that Lender rQquires) provided by�n Insurer approved by Lender�ysin becomes evalWbie and is obtalned. BorrowK ahdl p�y �,_ <br /> the premlums raquirad to malntain moRgage Insurance In effect, or to provide a loas reserve, until tha raquirem«tt for morty�qe _ <br /> Inaurance ends in accordance with any written agreement between Borrower end Lender or appliceble law. -- <br /> 9. Inspoation. Lender or Gs apent may make raasonebie entries upon and inspections ot the Property. Lender sh�ll qNa <br /> : Bonower notlee at the tlme ot or prior to en Inspectbn spQCllying resaonable cause for the inspectlon. <br /> � 10. Condomnatton.The praeeds o1 any Awud or eiaim tor dartwpea, direct or consequential, In connectbn wlth �ny � <br /> aondemn�tlon nr other ukinq of �ny p�rt of the Property. or for eonwyance in Nw of cand�mnatfon, an h�nby aesi�ned �nd �- <br /> sh�U b�pafd to Lendar. <br /> In the event ot a totei takhg ol the Propaty. the proceeda shali be applied to the sums secured by this Securlty <br /> t�strum�nt, whether or not then due. with ony excess paid to Bortowar. In tha event at o partat takin�of tho Property in w1Ych � <br /> th�tatr market value ol the Properly Nnmedieteiy be(ore tho toktng is equal to or qreater than the amount of the sums s�curad _ <br /> . . by this Security Inetrument Immedlately belore the tekln9, unlese Bonower and Lender otherwise ayree in writinq, the auma �._ <br /> - --------=' =_ -- securnJ by itds ^oecut3ty In32rumcnt �hal! bc reduced t�y the emo�mt ef the proceeds multipAed by tht tollowiny iracibn: (�)the <br /> • totoi pmount of the aums secured Immediately before the teking, divided by (b) the tair market value oi the Property Immediately �r.: <br /> ' betore the takiny. My batance shell be paid to Bortower. In the event of a partial taking of the Property in which the fak market �� <br /> � vaiue ot the Property immediately betore the takinq Is less ihen the amount ot the sums secured immedlately before the takiny, <br /> unbss Bortower and Lender otherwlse agree in wrlting or unlees applicable Iaw otherwlse provides, ihe proceeds shaii be _ <br /> � ' appiled to the sums secured by tMs Secudry instrument whelher or not the sums ere then due. R—'"� <br /> s I(the Property Is ebandoned by Borrower, or if, aher notice by Lender to Borrower that ihe condemnor oBers to rtuke en �;. <br /> award or aetlle a claim for damuges, Borrower falis to respond to Lender withln 30 days aflcr the dete the notice is givm, � <br /> Lender Is authoriied to collect and appiy the proceeds, at its optlon, either to restoration or repelr of the PropeRy or to ih� [ <br /> �(;;.,, suma secured by this Securlty insirument,whether or not then due. 4 <br /> �,�r Unless Lender and Borrower otherwfse agree in writing, any applfcation of proceeds to princippl shol not extend or '�- <br /> :{ � postpone the due date of the monthly payments referred to in paragraphs 1 end 2 or change the arnount of such peyments. <br /> ��. <br /> 11. Borrower Not Released: Forbearance By Landor Not a Watvor.Extenslon of the time tor payment or �'� <br /> • modi(icatlon ot amortization oi the sums secured by this Seariry Instrument granted by Lender to any suCCessor In tnterest Ot Q'._ <br /> Borrower shall not operate to release ihe liabl�ity ol the original 8orcower or Borrower's successors in tnterest. Lender shall not � <br /> be requlred to commence prpr.prdings agefnst any successor in interest or reluse to extend time tor payment or olhenvise l�r- <br /> • rtrodily amortizatlon ot the sums secured by this Securily Inslrument by reason of any demand made by the originai Bortower or [;!�' <br /> Horrower's successors in interesl. My forbearence by Lender in exercising any r(ght or remedy shall not be a waiver at or �' <br /> preciude the exercise ot any dght or remedy. <br /> ', 12. SuccQSSOrs and Assigns Bound; Joint and Sovoral Liability; Co•siyners. The covenants �nd <br /> i aqreements of this Security�nstrument shall bind and benetit Ihe successors and assigns o(Lender end Borrower, subJecl to the - <br /> provislons oi paragraph 17. 8orrowers covenants and agreemenis shall be joinl and several. Any Borrower who co-signs ihis <br /> , . Security Insirument but does not execute the Note• (a► Is co•stgning ihis Security Inslrument only to morlg�ge,grant o�d convey <br /> • i thet Borrower's intMest In the Property under lhe terms of Ihis Security tnstrument; (b) is not persanally obligated to pay ihe , <br /> !� sums secured by Ihis Security Instrument: and (c)agrees that Lender and any other Borrower may agree to exlend, modify. <br /> � forbear or make any accommodalions with regard to the terms of this Security Instrume�t or the Note without thot Bortower's <br /> �:� � <br /> r ; consent. <br /> i . � � 13. Loan Cha�g88. if thw_ Ioan secured by this Security Instrument Is subJect to a law which sets m�ximum loan <br /> , , cherges, and that i�w Is finaAy interpreted so that the interest or other loan charges collected ar to be coltecled In connecllon <br /> � ' with the loan oxceed the permitted Iimits, then: (a) any such loan charge shali be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce <br /> i-�. { the charye to the permitted Iim�: end (b) any sums already collected trom Borcower which exceeded permitted Ymits wUl be <br /> '` � re(unded to Borrower. Lender m�y choose to mal�e this re(und by reducing the principal owed under the Note or by m�king a <br /> d'eect payment to Borrower. H a re�und reduces principai. the reductfon wfll be ireated as a partiat prepayment without any <br /> . � prepayment charge under the No1e. <br /> , 14. NOtIC@8. Any noGce lo Borrower provided for in ihis Secunty Insirument shall be given by delivering it or by mafling it <br /> by first ciass mail unless applicable Ww requires use of another method. The noNce shall be directed to the Property Address <br /> �� er any other address Borrower designates by notice to Lender. Any notice to Lender sha�l be given by frst t�ass ma� to <br /> Lender's address stated herein or any other address Lender desfgnates by notice to Borrowcr. Any notiCe provided tor in lhis <br /> Security Instrument shall be deemed to have been given to Borrower or Lender when given as provided in thls paragraph. <br /> ?�' � — ' �._.__._.—.._.... ... .►-"_-_e��. �.,.... C.........L.itlh. tti:� Ce�.�.�� Inatnimant chall b� auvBrtlPd bY �Cdlfil �iW end the law ot Ihe <br /> ..- •.• C .—.. .... _ i�7• VV1I���IIt�y �.Y�t� v��vr�..r•..��. .. <br /> } Jurisdicibn In which the Property is located In the event Ihat any provision ar clause of this Security Instrument or the Note <br /> � conllicts wilh applitable taw.such contlict shall not aHect olher provislons of this Secunty inslrurnent or ihe Note whfch can be <br /> � gMen eHect without the contlictinq provision. 7o this end the provisions ot ihis Secunty instrument and the Note ara decl�rad to <br /> �� be aeverabie. <br /> .. 16. Borrower'S COPy.Borrower shall be given one conlormed copy ot tiie Note and of this Security Instrument. <br /> ; • � . <br /> " � ��aa.� i �r 5 <br /> . � Ft]tG lM4 1�2N31 — <br /> S <br /> , �r.nrvi,-� <br /> � <br /> � <br /> . <br /> ! <br /> -- --.��..�. . . ----- ---- --. _ . _..-- .. . .. .. _ _. . . .. �t.. . . .- - <br />