�� ---
<br /> _ , r �-- ...�
<br /> -- �84,�o�.s�4
<br /> . 'S. Hs�trd or Propaty Iaar�noe. Bomuwer shall koep the improvemcnts na�+ ealuln� or t►ereaRcr erecud on the
<br /> Property inwrod�fnst ias by firo. hazaMs Inciuded wi�hin ihe term `extended uover�e" �nd my aher hazuds, includln,�
<br /> fioodi ar ftaodln�. for whkh Lender roqnirca inwr�noe. This inwrmoe�twlt be mainwincd in the unounts u�d for the periods
<br /> that Let�der requftes.The in�unnoc carrier providing thc insuru�oc�hall be chaxn by Borrowcr rubjxt to L,ender'a rpprov�!
<br /> -------- which slull not be unrcaeon�bly withheld. If Bornower fdis to maintain covenge described ihove, Len�er m�y, at I.ender's
<br /> optlon,abtaln cova�e to protxt Lender'i rights in the Property in acrnrdance with paragnph 7.
<br /> Aq incunnce poHeies and rcnowal:sh�ll be acceptable to I,et�der u�d clwll include a stmdard mortg�ge cl�use, LeMer
<br /> �----=- ------9 shall l�.zvc thc right to hold thc policics and renewals. lf I.cndcr rcquires.Bonowcr sl�ll pronipdy givc to l.cndc�al l rcwipti of
<br /> paid prcmiumc�ud renewal notices.ln the event of loss,Borrower shall�ivc ptompt notice to the inwrsnoe curkr and Lender.
<br /> Lender rrwy mAke proaf af loss if rwt msde promptly by Borrower.
<br /> Unless Lerder and 8nrrower otherwise agree in writing. lnsurance pracads shall be�pplied to restorution or repair of the
<br /> Property darn�ged, if the restaration or repair is economlc�lly feasible and Lender's secur�ry i�not lessenod.If the restorntion or
<br /> — rcp�ir is not economicully feasibie or L.eader's securlty wauld be lacsenal,the insurance proceeds shall be appliod to the sums
<br /> ---- ---�---f---- secured by this Socur�ty Instrument, whcthcr or not then due,with uny excess paid to Borrowcr. If Borrowcr abandons thc
<br /> Property,or daa not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the jnsurance carrier tws offored to setde a claim,then
<br /> - Lcnder may collxt the insurance proceeds. Lender may use thc procuds to repair or rcstorc the Propeny or ta pay sums
<br /> sccurod by this Saudty Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day period will begin when the noticc is given.
<br /> Unless L.ender and Borrowcr othcrwise agree in wdting,any application of praceeds to principal shall not cxtend or
<br /> __ — postpone the due date of the monthly payments rcferred to in pu�agraphs I and 2 or change thc amount of thc pstyments. If
<br /> l�Ide�p8i.�►.rAph 21 the Propert��is acquiral by Lender.Borrawer's dght to any insurance policies and prciceeds resulting from
<br /> � �;<<�•- damage to cne Prope:rcy Nrior co��.e acquisition shall pass to L.ender to the extent of the sums secured by this Security Instn►ment
<br /> .' '� '�;•r�;�,�wc�- immediately priorto the acquisition.
<br /> � s?� ,�"`:"���'� 6.Occupancy, Preservation, Maintenance and Protection of the Praperty;Borrower's I.oan Application;I.easeholds. �
<br /> � `�'t"-•' Bonower shaU accu establish,and use the Pro rt as Bonower's rinci al residence within sixt da s after the executlon ot' —
<br /> .:,�,.;��;;.. :� . PY• P� Y' P P 5' Y —
<br /> :��)'i''�E•^x,,,+ ,Y� thls Security Instrument ancl shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at least one year after
<br /> ...sa{,
<br /> _ "" `� �:' • + the date of occupancy, unless I.ender otherwise agrees in writing, which wnsent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless - -
<br /> .�'t���`'� �'��"`'•�' extenuating circumsiances exlst which are beyond Borrower's control. Borrower shall not destroy, damage or impair the —
<br /> ;b' � ''"` '� � Property,allow the Property to deteriorate, or cammit waste on the Prc►perty. Borrower shall be in default if any forfeiwre
<br /> �I±;:.�.,.�±..K�;S-%:, .
<br />_ . action or praceeding,whether civil or criminal, is begun tl�at in L.ender's good faith judgment could result in forfeirore of the
<br /> '�=�r s:•;-y..,.,a.,,:;. Property or otherwise materially impair the lien created by this Securiry Instrument ar I.endcr's security interest.Borrower may
<br /> ' ':,•;E.; � � •• cure such a default 3nd rcinstate,as provided In paragraph�8. by cAUSing the Action or proceeding to be dismis�d wtth a ruling
<br /> . ',�_��•�
<br /> >;�'.=;.:;-.«..-�_..,� i11ui, iu Lc�nkr',gcxxI iuitii dciennination, prcciuJcx ior(citure oi'�ite 8orrowcr's interest in tite Froperty or other nwteriat —
<br /> ;.,-_.. .. h: impairment of the lien created by this Security In+trumeni or l.ender's xecurity interest. Bc�rrower xhall alu� be in defnult if
<br /> . &�rrnwcr,during thc loun applicuti�m prcuctiti,guvr matcrially falx ur in:KCUnUC intormation or titatcmentti to Lendcr(or fuilod
<br /> ,� '.. �.. . to providc l.cndcr with uny matcriul intiunu►tionl in r�mn�Yti�m with the loan evidcnr��l by thc Natr, including.hut �ux limital �,_,
<br />_ .. ,.,.;;,,: to. rcprckntai�ms cunrcrning[i��rruwcr'�ixcupancy uf thc F'r���xrty u+a prinrip•rl rc+iJcncc. If thi.Sccurity hititrunxiu i�on u ---
<br /> �� Icakhold. F3�,rruwcr �hull rumply with all thr provi.ion,��f Uk Ic•r�r. I( t�irruwcr ucyuires fcc title tu the Pruperty. thc
<br /> . Icu+chold u�xl thc fcc titic.hull ru�t nkr�r unlr+s lAixlcr•rgrec�tu tl�c mrrgcr in w�iting.
<br /> � 7. Pn�ttrti��n of Lender's i2iRhtx in tiu Nroperty.If&�rroWCr lail�to Exrli�rm ihc ri�ve�wnt��rxi agrremrntr cimtai�uxi in °
<br /> �'� thi�Scrurfty ln�trunknt. ur thcrc i�a Irga� pakceding th•ri may�i�;nilicunUy uftcrt I.ciulcr'. right.in thc Propcny (tiuch u�u
<br /> �4; - pnxcaiing in bunkruptcy,prohatc. tiir r�mJcmnati�m ��r ti�rfciturc ur u�rnti►nc luwti ar rcgulatiuns►, thcn Lendcr may do and --
<br /> 1"� pry for whatever iti neceswry to protcrt the value of thc Pn��xrty and I.cnder'+right+in the Property. I.erxler'ti aclions may
<br /> � inctudc paying any sum. xcurai by a licn which ha� priority uvcr thi. Sccurity Instrument, appc;►ring in court, payfng
<br /> `' re:►umrblc uttornc ti'fce�and enterin on thc Pm rt to muke re airs. Althou h L.enJer nw take actio►s under this ara ra h ���
<br /> Y s P� Y P' 8 Y P 8 P
<br /> � 1, L.cndcr docs not havc to d<i so.
<br /> Any arnou�us ditibur.+cd by L.cndcr undcr this parugruph 7 ,Ball hccumc additionul dcbt of'&irrowcr xcur�xl by this ���
<br /> . . ii:.
<br /> Sccurity Instrumcnt. Unlcrs Borrowcr•rnd Lr.ndcr ugrce a�othcr tcrm+ of payment, the�amountti+h;�ll tkar intcre,t from the
<br /> date of disbursement at the Note rute und zhalt be payahk, with intcrest. upon nuticc fnim Lender to Borrower rcyuesting --
<br /> ,, p•rymcnt. —
<br /> ;.. ' 8. btoctga�e Insurnnre. If I.rnder rcyuired murtgu�c in,urrnrr a.a rondition of making thr loan xrured by thiti Security
<br /> ' "�, � Instrumcnt, Borrowcr tihall pay thc premium. rcyuired to maintain thc mongagr in.urancc in rt�fcct. It, for any rea�on, the �
<br /> . : mortgage insurunce covcrage required by IAnder lap,r.ur crares t�.tx in effect, Bc+rraacr�hall pay the pr�miumti required to
<br /> . , abtain covcragc wbstantially cyuivulcnt to thr mortgagr in,uranrc prc�•iou,ly in rl'tcrt,at a ru�t.ubtitanti:�lly cyuivnlcnt to thc ��
<br /> _ cost to Borrowcr of�the mortgagr inwrance previuusly in ef'tert, t'ram an altrrnatr nwrtgagc intiurcr appro��eJ by Lender. If �..
<br /> _' substantially cquivalent mortg.ige in.uran�c ro�•cr:�ge i. n��t a�•ailablc,Bnrmw�r tihall pay t��I_rndcr cach munth a zum cyual tn �
<br /> - ` ; onc:-twclRh of thc ycarly mortgagc m+urancc premium hcing raiJ h}•Burrua•cr w•hcn thc inwranrr covcragc lapticd ur rcukYl to
<br /> :�": � � 6e in effect. Lendcr will accept,u.r�nd rer,�in thr�c p;rymciqti a. a!u„ m,rrvr in licu of monfiagc in.rurmkr. Los. rc.�ervc �"'
<br /> "- Fam 3028 8/90 �
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