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-__�'. . ���, "'_ — _ __� - <br /> ��� ---- - -__:-- -- <br /> — .. ; a - - <br /> _T, <br /> 3 ' -- , _� <br /> - 94�o�.s:�9 <br /> 17.Trao�fer M tbe Property or s DendlcW Ip�ert In�n+uw�. It�Il or any Nut ot the PrnpeRy or�ny idorert ia l� <br /> is wld or transferred(or if�brneflcid intir+at in Borrower is iold o�tru�rferrod ud Borrower i��at a n�tural penon)withouC' <br /> I.eeder'� pria writtsn oaaCnt, l.ender nu�y. �t tu option. �quiro immedWe p�ymenc in Mll nf �II wrt�s �ecuted by thi� <br /> 5ecurity Insttument. However,this option s1u11 not be oxenited by l.��der if a�cLe b prahibited by feder�l law�a of tbe dMe <br /> of�hl�Socudry I�ut�umcnt. <br /> tf Lender exuciccs thia option,l.ender ctwll give Dorrower noticx of�ccelention.The noticx�h�lt provide a perlod aC nnt <br /> le�tlun 30 daya from the date the notia in deliverod or mxiled wlthin which Bortawer nwst p�y dl sums wcurod by this <br /> Security inst�ument. If Borrower faUi ta pny these Kum�prior ta the expirudon��f this perlod,�der rtu�y invaL•e any rernediea <br /> �--- - — pernrittcd by this Su:urity fiutrument wiUxwt fwtiKr�xNi��e ur demarKi on Hnrrower. <br /> - lil. �fa�e+nwer'a RIQI�t to Rda�Uta If Horrowcr meets artain oonditions. Borrower stwll twvo the dght w h�ve <br /> enforcement of this Socudry Inurument discontioued u any tlme prior to the eArlier of: (a)S dYys (or such ather periad�s <br /> = applicuble luw may apcc:ify for reinst�tcnxau) before sale of the Property pursuant w any power uf salc contained in this <br /> _ Security Instrumcnr. or(b)entry of�Judgment enforcing thix Socurlty Inatrument.Those conditions an that Borrawei:(A)p�ys <br /> l.ender all sums which then wouW be due under this Secudty Instcument und the Note as if no necelerAtion had occurced; (b) <br /> curcs nny default of any other covenants or agrecmcnts; (c) pays all expenses incurrcd in enfoning this Socurity Inurumet►t. <br /> includtns.but not limitod to. reasonable attome�yx' fixs;u�xl (d)talccs such action as Lender may reawnabty roquire to assure <br /> that the lien of this Sauriry Instrument. Lender s rfghts in the Property and Borrowcr's obligotion to p1y the sums securod by <br /> tMs Security Instrument shall continue unchangod. Upon reinst4tement by Borrower, this Secur�ty Instrument w�d the <br /> obligations secured hereby shall remain fuUy effective as if no acceleration had occurned. Nowever,thic right to reinstate sF�ll <br /> not epply in the case of acaleration undcr paragraph 17. <br /> 19. Sale of Note; Chan�e ot LoAn Servicer. The N�tc or a partiai intr.rcst in the Npte(together with thls Security <br /> Instcument)may be sold one ar more tlmes without prior notice to Borrower.A sale may result in u change in tho entity(known <br /> as the "I.oan Servicer')that collects monthly payments due under the Note und this Securiry Instrument.Therc also mey be one <br /> • ur mure changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to A sale of the Note. If thera is a change of the Loan ServIcer.Borrower will bc <br /> given wr�tten notice af the change in accordance with paragraph 14 abave and applicable law. The notice will state the name and <br /> address of the new L.oan Servicer and the address to which paymtnts should be made. The notice will also contain ar►y ather <br /> _ informution required by appltcable law. <br /> 20. H�uardou.s SubstArnea, gorruwer shall not cause or permit thc presence. use, disp�sal, storagc,ar rclease of eny <br /> . Hazurdous Substnnces on or in the Property. Borrower shull not do, nor allow anyone else to do,anything affecting the <br /> _� Property that is in violation uf uny Environmental Luw. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use, or <br /> _ stnrage on ttie Property�f small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generulty recogni�d t� be appropriate to nornwl <br /> _ residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> : ° Borrower shail promplly give Lender written notice of uny investigation, claim,dem•rnd, lawsult or uther action by any <br /> governmental or regulutory agency or private puny involving the Property and uny Harurdous Substance or Environmentul Law <br /> - �;� r ��`•.o-.� � of which Borrower has actual knowledge.If Borrower Iearns, ar is notified by uny �overnmental or regulatory uuthority.thut <br /> - � any removrl or other rc►nodiation of uny Huzardous Substancc affccting the Property is necess�ry, Borrowcr shall promptly take <br /> - �,��..,�, . uti nrccs�ary renxdiai actions in accordancc wtth knvironmental Law. <br /> ;r���� •. � � - Ar used in this parugraph 2U, "Ha•rardous Substance+" :�re those substunces defined�u toxic or ha•wrdaus substances by <br /> � • � • Environmental Law and the following xubstunces: gasoline, kemsene, other flammable or toxic petroleum products, toxic <br /> pe�ticideti and herbicidcs, volutile snlvents,muterials c�ntaining usbcstcn or fi�m�aldehyde,und radioactive materials. As used in <br /> � this paragruph 20, "Envircmmcntul l.uw" means fcderal luwti and Iaws of the jurisdlction where the PropeRy ic located chat <br /> � `. relute tc�health, .swfety or envir��mnental protection. <br /> = NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bnrrowcr and Lc�xicr furthcr covenunt und agrce as foilows: <br /> • 21.Acceleration;Remedfe.s. Lender shull�Ive notice to Borrow•er prior to ecceleration followln� Borrower's breach <br /> -- of any covenant or a�reement in this Securk�• Instrument (but not prtor to acccleration under para�raph 17 unless <br /> � applicable law provides atherwlse). The nntice shall sp�rify: (a)the default; (b) the action required to cure the defpult; <br /> (c)a date,not Icss than 3t1 duy�s frmn the datc thc nntice is�iven to ik�rrow•rr,by which thr default muct f►e cund;and <br /> �;.,r,. (�}ti�at Pailure to cure thc dcfault on or txfore thc dutc specif'icd in the notice may result in acccler�tion of the sums <br /> �"�- !�ecured by thic Security Inxtrumcnt sud sule of the 1'raperty. '!'he noticc shall furthcr inform Borr�►Ker of the right to <br /> ,i d� re(nstate ufter accelenttion and the riul�t to brin� a court actiun to axxrt the n�m-existence of A default or any other <br /> • . defense of Bnrcoarr to accelcrutiun und sule. If the defuult Is not cured on or iKfi�re the date specifled in the notice, <br /> ' Lender. at its opdon, ma� ri�yuin immediah payment in fuU of' ull sums ti��cur��d br�this Security In.r•trument withmit <br /> further demsmd and may im•okc thc�xnser nf sidc und unv �thcr remcdicw permittcd by applicable law. I.ender shall bc <br /> � "• ., entitled to rnllect ull expenu�incurred in punuin�;thc remedkw provided in this ps�ra�;rpph 21,Includin�. but not limited - <br /> to.reau►nable attorne�•s' fecx und cotits of title e�idence. <br /> if the pn��er of sule is invc►kecl, Trust�r vhull r�rord u notice af defuult in cuch count�• in ehich am• psirt of the <br /> Propert� ir I��c:►tid und �hul! muil cnpi�y�rf surh nutice in the n�unner prc.wcritkd by uppUca�►le la�� to Borrnw•cr and tu <br /> • the other perw►nx prexritkd b�applicuMc la��. After the timc required Iw applicahlc IaN,Trustee shWll give public noticc <br /> , ''" nf sule to the persnns and In thc mumur prexcrilxd b� applicablc lax. Tru�t�r. ��ithout demund an Rorrower. shuli sell <br /> the Properl�•ut public uuetfon tn thc hi};h�wt bidder at the time imd pluce�und under the tcrnis d�wignuted in the notice of <br /> sule in one or�nure purcclti:uid in um ordcr 7'rutitec deter�nin�w. Trust�Y mu} pust��ni+ule oF all or am• parccl of tbc <br /> • Propert� by� public anm�unrement ut the time und plucc uf s�n}� pre�•iouslc schrduled xule. Lender or its d�wi�ncr may <br /> purchusc thc Propert,r ut an�• wle. <br /> 4'. <br /> �� � Form 3028 8/90 <br /> v��i.. �.�i�� <br /> � � I: <br /> �. . ' ' , _ ....+��Iti.k •d�a�l��:TfI'fi•:I�h�ilry"�l t:n.7�J�+�7��ti� <br /> '.�--._. . . ._ . . . .. <br /> - - 4 - -- - _--.- - . . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> �� , <br />: r <br /> i <br /> 4 <br /> . � <br /> . � <br /> ' � <br /> . ' .� <br />