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...;— . '�.� _ <br /> � � �,��:....i ,�,:. -`__�.__ <br /> ._-� � . . -� -- <br /> , <br /> _,� -_.. __........o......�..� <br /> _�� - - _ 94-soa�sS� <br /> S. H�M or Property Iruwrance, Borrower chall kecp thc improvtmcnts now cxisting on c�rcufter crected im the <br /> Propcny insurod u�uinst loss by fire. hu•rards included within tl�e term 'extcndod cnvcrngc" aru! uny othcr hwxrd�, includiny <br /> ftoods or Qoadin�. for which I.ender requiros insurAncc. This insurunc�shall bc maintalnai in thc amounts and for thc periods <br /> tFu►t I.ender requirc►. Thc insur�nc�carrier pmviding thc inxur�uicc shall be chi�cen by &►rrowcr subjcct to I.cncier'�appruvrl <br /> which stwU not t►e unreawnably withheld. [f Borrower fuils to muintuin coveruge deticribed atx�ve, l.�:nder nwy,wt I.ender'Y <br /> - --� option,ohtain covc�agc to pmtect L.cndcr's rishts in thc Praperty in ucconiuncc with purugnsph 7. <br /> All in�uruncc policics und rencwulr shull be acceptable to Lendcr and shall include r standard m�mguge rlause. I.cndcr <br /> --- shall huve the rlght ta hold the policfes a»d renewals. !f I.�:nder requires,Borrowcr�hull prumptly give tc►l.eruler all receipts of <br /> = — paiJ premiutns u�xl renewal�x�ticrti.In ttie ev�nt uf'lusti. &►rruwer sh•rll give prumpt notice tu the insurance carricr anci Lencicr. _ <br /> _�'- - l.ender may make proof of loss if not made promptly by Barrower. <br /> Unless I.ender and Borrower othenvise ugrce in writing, insurance proceecis shaQ be appli��l to restoration or repair of the <br /> � � Praperty damuged. if the restorution or repair�s economically feaeible and Letxier's security is not Iessened.lf the restoration or <br /> _ repair is not economically feasible or Lendcr's security would bc Icssencd, thc in,uruncc proceeds shull be upplled to thc sums <br /> --- -= <br />