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`..:� ,��.:{ ', _.�.- _— _ <br /> r , __ <br /> w�d�.a_c:fL_' <br /> _..� - __ ' __—____ --_�_— <br /> �_ � __-- - -�� ��.ss� <br /> __�� <br /> TO(3ETHER WITH ull thc improvtments now or hereafter erectaf an the property,and ull easemcnts.appurtennnces,ar�d <br /> fixturec now an c�rcafter a part of the property. All replaamenta and edJiti�ns slwll �Ibo bc covcred by thir Security <br /> Inctcumcnt. All of the foregoing is referrcd to in thfi Security Instrss�xnt as the"Property." <br /> [�ORROWL'R COVENANTS ttwt Barrower i►luwfully tieised of the estutc ticreby conveyed nnd hus tiu riyht to grunt and <br /> convey the Propeny and ttuu the Property is unencumberal. rxcept fur encumbrances of rccord. Borrower wummta and will <br /> defend generully the tide to the Property a�ainst all claims iuxl denw�xis, ruhject to any encumbrances of record. <br /> - — - TH[S SECURITY INSTRUMENT mmbines uniform cnvcrwnts for n•rtiorwl use and non-uniform covenants with limital � <br /> -- = variwfons by jurjsdiction tc�canstitute a uniform ucurity instninxnt covcring rwl�raperty. <br /> �•� � UNIFORM COVENANTS.&�trowcr und l.endcr covcnant onJ ugrcx u.�fcdlows: _ <br /> ',� 1. PAymet�t ot Principol And Intercsh Prep�yment nnd l.nte Ctuu'ges. liorrowcr shait promptiy pay when Jue the _ <br /> ` — principul af a►k1 interest on the debt evidenced by the Note ond any prepuyment and late charges due under the Note. <br /> --=----_- 2. Fundc[or TAxes pnd In.urxnce. Subject to upplicabie luw or t��a written wniver by Lender. &�rrower shaU pay to <br /> �""�--.-.���� I.ender on the day monthly paymcnts are due under the Nnte, until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds")for: (a)yi:arly taxes — <br /> _ ----— and assessments which muy attain priority over this Security lmtrument us a licn on the Property:(b)ye:►rly Ie:isehold puymcnts <br /> __� - or graund rents an the Property,if uny; tc)yearly ha�rrd i>r pr�iperYy insurAnce premiums: (d)ycarly fl�x�d insur�nce premiums, <br /> --`�°�'"'J`"� if uny: (e)yearly martgage insurance premiums,if any; und (�any�ums payable by I�rrawer to I.ender,in accordance with — <br /> the provisians of paragruph 8, in lieu of the payment af mortgage insurance premiums.These items are rallal "Eun�w[tems." <br /> L.ender may,at any time, collect and hold Funds in an umount not to cxceed thc muximum amaunt a Icnder for a fedcrally <br /> - —�"`"`T�'�" relnted mortgage laun muy require far Borrower's escrow accaunt uncier the federal Reat Estate Settlement ProceJurc.r• Act �f <br /> `'f^ �� ���.�:� M 1974 as amendod from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 er s�y.("RESPA"), untetis anothcr luw that applieti to thc Funds <br /> •„x ;,�.,,,.'. sets u lesser amount. If so, Lender muy,at any time,collect and hoid Funds in an amaunt not to cxceed the Iesser amount. <br /> .;k+:.�.,.,s,.�, <br /> _. • Lender may cstimate�hc am�unt of Funds duc on thc basis of current data und reasanable cstimutes of cxpcnditures of future __ <br /> '�`"'� � � � �" _ Escrow hcros or othcrwise in accordancc with applicablc luw. <br /> ` ` ''' '' + The Funds shuU bc held in un institution whnse depcitiits are in�,ured by a fcderal agency, intitrumentaliry, or cntity <br /> � ' . <br /> • • , ' (incluJing [.encier, if l.ender iti such nn in�titutic�n►or in uny Frdcral Home Lo•rn Bank. L.endcr shall apply tlk Funds to pay the __ <br /> ' �� Escrow Items.LenJer may not charge Borc�wer fnr holding •rnJ•rpplying the Funds,unnually analyzing thc escrow uccount,or 4 <br /> �� �!° '' `-�w verifying the Escrow Itcros,unlesti Lendcr payti &irrowcr interest c�n thc Funds und applicublc law}xmiits Lendcr to makc such <br /> -�.�. a�hurge. However, L.endcr muy requirc&�rrower to pay a onc-time chargc for an indepcndcnt rcul ctitate tax reEx+rting scrvice <br />_ ., used by Le:ndcr in canncction with thix I�ian, unlcss applica6lc law provide, othcrwisc. Unleys un agrccrnent iti made or � <br /> � npplicoblc law requirex intcrest to be paid, I.cndcr shull not bc reyuircJ to pay Borrower any in�erest or rarnings on thc Funds. _ <br /> ' " Borrower and L.ender may ugrce in writing,howevrr,thut intcrest tihall hc paid on the Fund�. I.ender tihall Fivc to Borrower, <br /> without charg�, an annuul accounting of thc FunJ�. .hciwing crcciit.and dcbitti tu the Fundc ancl thc purpn�c li�r whirh rach �' <br /> •S � debit to thc Funds wa�►n•rde.The Fundti arc plcd�:cd us additional srcurity for all.rumti securcd hy thi�5ecurity lnstrumcnt. <br /> If thc Fund�hrlJ b�• Lcndcr exrccd thc amnunt.�xrmittc.l to hc hcld by applicablc law, L.rnJcr,hall arc�iunt tc�H�,rruwcr <br /> • far thc cxcess Fund� in acrardunrc with thr rcc{ applicahlc law. If thc amomu of thc Fundti hclJ hy 1.cnJcr at any <br />