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-��- 'fIF� . . �e.... . <br /> ` �j ri, <br /> _ <br /> � — — <br /> �� .�''is�� � -- ---- <br /> :.� . ,. ---. - _— --- <br /> -:�__.._.,,,,�.r.� '� <br /> ��4�.�43 <br /> perioda th�►l.ender nyuires. 71ic insurence carrier pcoviding the lnsw�ance chall be chosen by Borrower wbject to Lenderti <br /> �pproval which ahall not be unre�sanably withheld. If Bcxrower f�ilr to maintnin coveraQe desc�i6ed above,L,encier may�at <br /> � LerKkrk qxion,obu�in cavera�e to protxt Lender`�ri�hts in the I'��operty in�ccord�nce with pua�raph 7. <br /> All insurance policies and renewxls ahAll be acceptable ta l.ender�nd shall Include a st�ndard mortgage clwre. l.ender <br /> --- �all hsvc the dght to hald the pulicics u�d rencwAl►. If Lender c�equires,Borrowcr ahdl pramptly�Ivc to Lender�11 roceipts <br /> - , of paid prcmiums and renewal notices. In ti�event of toss, Bun•ower,h�ll give prompt notice to the inwrance cartkr u�d <br /> �'� Lender. Lendcr may make pruof of loss if n�t mwk promptiy by Borrower. <br /> ��: Unless Lender u�d Borrowcr otherwisc agroe in wridng.insurAncc procecds shall be�licd to restot�►tion or rcpair of <br /> the Prop:rty damugcd, if the rcst�x�+dnn nr repai� ig economically feasiMle and I.ender's s�ecurity is not lessened. If the _ <br /> restoruion nr npair is not ecanomically feacible or Lender�s secunty would be lessened.the insurance procads shall be <br /> �" applied to the sums securcd by this Suurtty Instrument,whether oc not then du�, with any excess puid to Borrower. If <br /> =� — — Borrower abandons the Property, or docs not answer within 3U duys a notice from Lender►hat the insurance csurier has — <br /> offered to settle a claim,then Lender may collect the insurunce proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to mpair or mstore <br /> �� the Property or to pay sums secuced by this Security Instrument,whether or not then due. The 30-day pcdod will begin when <br /> -- <br />