EXHIBIT 200400804
<br />A tract of land located in the West One Half of the Northwest Quarter (W',;N W'/4) of Section Thirty -four (34), Township
<br />Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6`h P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows:
<br />Starting at a point 1340.82 feet South and 33 feet East of the Northwest corner of said Section 34, thence from the point
<br />of beginning East 1287 feet to a point on the East boundary line of the Weft One Half of the Northwest Quarter
<br />(W'hNW'/4) of said Section 34, thence South along the East boundary line ofthe West One Half of the Northwest Quarter
<br />(W' /zNW' /4) of said Section 34 a distance of 1299.18 feet to the Southeast comer of the West One Half of the Northwest
<br />Quarter (W' /zNW' /4) of said Section 34, thence West along the South boundary line of the West One Half of the
<br />Northwest Quarter (W'hNW' /4) of said Section 34, a distance of 1287 feet, thence North a distance of 1299.18 feet to
<br />the point of beginning, containing 38.38 acres, more or less.
<br />A tract of land located in the Northwest Quarter (N W' /4) of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Eleven (1 1) North, Range
<br />Nine (9), West of the 6'h P.M., Hall County, Nebraska, described as follows:
<br />Referring to the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter (N W'/4) of said Section 34, thence Easterly along the South
<br />line of said Northwest Quarter (NW' /4) a distance of 10.060 meters (33.00 feet) to a point on the East right -of -way line
<br />of Locust Street, said point also being the true point of beginning, thence Easterly deflecting 00° 00'00" right along the
<br />South line of said Northwest Quarter (NW' /4) a distance of 15.700 meters (51.51 feet) to a point, thence Northerly
<br />deflecting 9l °48'07" left a distance of 215.227 meters (706.12 feet) to a point, thence Northerly deflecting 00 034'09"
<br />left a distance of 69.846 meters (229.15 feet) to a point, thence Northerly deflecting 00 °34'08" left a distance of 1 1 1.037
<br />meters (364.29 feet) to a point, thence Westerly deflecting 87 °04'20" left a distance of 12.797 meters (41.98 feet) to a
<br />point on the east right -of -way line of Locust Street, thence Southerly deflecting 91 °47'24" left a distance of 395.991
<br />meters (1,299.18 feet) to the point of beginning, containing an area of 0.599 hectares (1.48 acres) more or less.
<br />There will be no ingress or egress over the following described controlled access line located in the Northwest Quarter
<br />(N W' /4) of Section Thirty-four (34), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9) West of the 6'h P.M., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska:
<br />Referring to the Southwest corner of the Northwest Quarter (N W' /4) of said Section 34, thence Easterly along the South
<br />line of said Northwest Quarter (NW' /4) a distance of 25.760 meters (84.51 feet) to a point, said point also being the true
<br />point of beginning, thence Northerly deflecting 91 °48'07" left a distance of 215.227 meters (706.12 feet) to a point,
<br />thence Northerly deflecting 00 °34'09" left a distance of 69.846 meters (229.15 feet) to a point, thence Northerly
<br />deflecting 00 °34'08" left a distance of 1 1 1.037 meters (364.29 feet) to the point of termination.
<br />Except, over one access not to exceed 12 meters (39.37 feet) in width, to centerline of the access is located Northerly
<br />184.818 meters (606.36 feet) from the South line of said Northwest Quarter (N W' /4) of said Section 34, as measured
<br />along the centerline of the highway.
<br />The above access is described at the pavement edge. Because of terrain features, the centerline of said access may not
<br />coincide with, but will be in reasonably close proximity to centerline of drive at the right-of-way line.
<br />There will be no ingress or egress over the following described controlling access line located in the Northwest Quarter
<br />(NW' /4) of Section Thirty -four (34), Township Eleven (11) North, Range Nine (9), West of the 6'h P.ti1., Hall County,
<br />Nebraska:
<br />Referring to the Southwest corner ofthe Northwest Quarter (NW' /4) of said Section 34, thence Easterly along the South
<br />line of said Northwest Quarter (NW' /4) Section a distance of 25.760 meters (84.51 feet) to a point, said point also being
<br />the true point of beginning, thence Easterly deflecting 00'00'00" right a distance of 33.304 meters (109.26 feet) to the
<br />point of termination.
<br />01- 499230.4
<br />