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<br /> TQOE7'HEIt iiVITH all the imprcwements now a- he�r.slta erected on the property.and all es�ements.appu�terwnces.
<br /> ud fixiurer taw or heredter a p�tt of thc Property. AU rcplxements nnd additions sh�ll �lco be covered by this Securlty
<br /> Intuument, AJI of thc farc�oin�i�rcferred to in Utls Security Inswment�the"Propecty."
<br /> BORROWER COV�N!►NTS Uwt Bortower is 4wtully seised of the estuc henby conveycd atxi has�hc right to gront
<br /> ;�� --- and convey the Properiy u�d�hat the Property ix unencumbcreci,except for encumbrwices of reccxd. Borrowcr warrwns�nd
<br /> � - - will defend gene[slly the titk w the Property Against�II cl�ims uui demandc,subject to any encumb�ances of ra;o[d.
<br /> -- --- THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUMENT combines unifam covenants for rwt�onul use and non-uniform covenana wlth
<br /> - limitcd variat�ons by jurisciictivn t�c:a�stitute u unifcxm security insw�nent covering real property. °-
<br /> ;,ti UNIFORM COVENANTS. Bcxiower and Lender covenant a��d s►g�+ec as follows:
<br /> -------
<br /> _ _ _e 1. P�ymeut o[�rinclp�l aad Intee+ert;Prep�yment tad Lnte Chwrges. Borrower shall promptly pay when due
<br /> - -=--_°= principal of and interest on thc dcbt evidenced by the Notc and any prepaymcnt and IAte charges due under the Note.
<br /> "�"�� 2. Ilmds for 7kxts�ad lacursttca SubJect to applicuble law or to a wrltten wuiver by Lender.Borr�wer shall psty to
<br /> --�'�`'�;'�g�;�"�`'� Lender on the day monthly payments are due under th�Notc,until the Note fs paid In full,a sum ("Funds")for.(a)yeurly
<br /> -- =.� ���. ta�ces and assessments whlch may�tta�n prioriry overthis Secudty Instcument as a llen on the Property;(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> ���"''°�' ""� paymenu or ground rents on the Property, if any;(c)yearly hazard or pro}xrty insurance prcmiums• (d) yearly flood
<br /> =�-��,'���p;.=�: . • insurance premiums, if any:(e) yearly mongage insurance pmmiums, lf any; and (� any sums payable by Bocrawer to
<br /> �' ��.,.�.�r'� Lender,in uccordance with the provisions of paragtaph 8, in Ileu of the payment of mortgage insurance premlums. These
<br /> ;.;�..i~�;,,;;��,;�' items arc called"Escrow Items." Lender may,at any ti me,collect ond hold FLnds in an amount not to exceed the msuimum
<br /> `--.(+21�YiLI1�
<br /> _,-...��.�..�.,.� amount a lender fur a federally related mortgage loan may rcquire for Borrower's escrow accaunt un er c R
<br /> ��� • ' ``^•-•• � - ���••��L Estate Settlemeot Pracedures Act of 1974 as amended from ame co dme,12 U.S.C.§2601 er seq.("RESPA"),unless another
<br /> ko •. .,, „E,. .
<br /> •�, .•�.�..,. Iaw that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount. [f so.l.endcr may,at any Gme,coUect and hold Funds in an amount not to
<br /> � � � - cxcccd the Icsser amount. Lender muy ectimate the amount of Funds due on the basis of current data and rear,onable �
<br /> ��' esdmates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. -
<br /> � • � The Funds shnll be held in en institudon whose deposits nm insured by a fedecal agency,inswmentality,or entity
<br /> (including Lender,if Lender is such an insptuuon)orin any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay
<br /> � . thc Escrow Itcros. L,cndcr may not charge Borruwcr for holding und applying the Funds,annually analyzin� the escrow � _
<br /> '' .y."�°'-'• � ' acwunt, or verifying the Escrow Items, unless L,ender pays 8orrower interest on the Funds and applicable law permits
<br /> , - Lender to make such a char�e. However,Lender muy rcyuire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent mal —
<br />� � estate tax reponing servicc used by Lendcr in cunnection with this loan,unless applicublc law provides otherwise. Unless an _
<br /> a�recment is made or applicable law requires intcrest ro be paid,l.ender shall not be required tu pay Boreower any interest or -
<br /> eamings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender may agree in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> shall give to Borrower,�•ithout charge,un annual uccounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds and the
<br /> • , purpose for which each debit to the Fund�was made. The Funds are pledged as additional�ecurity for ull sums secured by
<br /> this Security Imtrumcnt. �;_
<br /> --=-_=-` - If the �unds heid by Lender exeeed the umount.prnnittcJ tu be Lnld by appiicablr i:aw, Lr��dri �iiuiI acwuui iu
<br /> : 1 Borrower for the excess Funds in accordance with the requircments of applicable luw. if the arnount of the Funds held by
<br /> � + Lender at any time i,not sufficient to pay the Eticrow Itcm�when due,Lender may so natify Borrower in writing,and,in �_
<br /> I such crtie Borrower zhall pay eo Lender the umount nece�tiary to m:+ke up the deficiency. Borrower sh�U make up the
<br /> deficiency in no more than twelve monthly payment,,at Lendec's solc discretion. �'"-
<br /> Upon payment in full of all sums securcd by thiti Securiry Intitrument,Lender sh•rll prompdy refund to Borrower any `-��
<br /> Funds held by L.ender. If,under paragraph 21,Lcndcr shal l acquire or+cll thc Propcny,Lender,prior to thc acquisition or
<br /> � sule of the Property. shall apply any Fundti hcld hy Lcnder at the time of acyuisition or sale as a credit against the sums �
<br /> i, securcd by this Seruriry Instrument.
<br /> f�::
<br /> 3. Applicatlon ot Payments. Unlcsti applirable law proeideti othcrwisc, all payments received by Lender under �
<br /> �+ • para�r�phs 1 and 2�hall lx applied: fint,to any prepaymcnt charges due under the Note:+econd,to amounts payable under 1;_.�
<br /> K p:iragraph 2:thirJ,to interezt duc;fourth,to principal due;and layt,to any late charges duc undcr the Notc. �
<br /> � � 4. Charges: I.iens. Bnrrowcr shaU pay all taxc+, u.sessment,, ch;uges, fines and impositions attribuWble to the ;;;,�°=
<br /> Property which may attain priority over this Security In,trurncnt. and Icaschold payments or ground rcnts,if uny. Borrowcr -:
<br /> ' shall pay thesc obligation�in thc m:►nner pruvided in paragraph 2,or if nut paid in that manncr, Borrowcr shall pay them on F`- __
<br /> ' . timc direcUy to thc per.on uacd payment. Bonoti•rr�h.tll promptly f'urni,h to Lendcr aU noticc.oi amount�to bc p:ud under
<br /> thi�paragraph. If Borrower makes thetie payment.directl�•.BorroN�er+haU prompdy(urnish to Lender receipt,evidencing �,,..
<br /> the payment.. ;_
<br /> Borrower tihall prompdy dischargc any lirn which ha�prioritc o�•cr thi�Security Imtrument unlr..Borrou�er.ta)ugree� ��'�
<br /> in writing to thc paymcnt of thc obligation.rrumd by d�c licn in a manncr arrcptahlc to Lendcr,c bi ronte`cs in good faith the � .
<br /> lien by,ur derrnJti again�t enfiircemem uf the lien in.legal proc«ding,which in thr LenJer:opinion operate to prevent the �
<br /> . enforcement of thc li�n;or(c)�ecure,frum th�hulJcr c>f tha:lien an agrcement �ati.factoq- tu Lendrr tiubordinating the lien
<br /> to this Security Instrument. If Lendrr determineti thal uny part of Ihc Propeny i..ubject to a lirn w•hich may attain priority 1
<br /> ovcr thi.Sccurity[n�trumcnt,Lcnckr may gi��c Burrux•�r a noqce identifying the lien. Borroa•cr tihall+atisty the lien or t�1ce �
<br /> � onc or mnrc of thc artiom tict fonh atxnc u•ithin 1�1 d•r��of thc gi�•ing ol'noticc.
<br /> ' �� 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borru���r.hall k�ep ihe intpru�emcnt�nnµ rxi.+ting on c�rcatter erected on the
<br /> : Proprrty imur�d•rgaimt I�».hy tim,haiard+inrluJrJ within the temi "extrnd�d co�rrage"and an}• �uher hai,�rd�,inrluding �
<br /> t flcxxi.or ticxxling, ti�r «•hich Lrnder rryuirr� inwrancc. "I�hi+ in.urancc tihall hc maintaincJ in thc amount5 and for the
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