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<br /> . y��.:4 y�,. -_ --- ..
<br /> j.� ._:� . _� _�, ^S4-1o�.Fss a
<br /> �
<br /> , (y) M Trwb►is not�n Indwidwl,th�I�ewnw,wh,Mn�f�r,�Ipnm�nt,aonwyane�a snoumbnna o1 mon than�bW
<br /> of p�rc�nt ot(if a corpor�don)its iau�d and aut�t�ndfnp stoak or(N a partn�nhip)a total ot p�►c�nt of
<br /> putn�nhip Inbn�b durtnp!M petod thl�ONd of Tru�t nmsins�ti�n on th�Prop�Ay.
<br /> 12. RM�wdIN;A�atlae Upon DM�uN.In ths w�nt of any Event of ONauit L�nMr may,wlthout notic�sxc�pt u rpulnd by
<br /> -° _ kw,d�ctar�sU Ind�bt�dn�u a�cund h�nby to b�dw and payabi�ind th�s�m��ludl th�roupon b�com�dw and p�y�bl� —
<br /> wNhout any pns�ntm�nt,d�mand,protsat or notica of any kind.7'h�radt�r Lendsr may:
<br /> (�) Mm�nd th�t Tru�tw�x�rcla th�POW�R OF SALE prant�d h�retn,and Tru�tM sh�fl th�rwtt�r cauN Tru�tor's
<br /> —: int�nat in th�Properry to b��otd and th�proc��d�to b�dlstrlbutW,all in th�mann�r provld�d in fh�Nabraska Trutt DNds
<br /> �— —�
<br /> Ao� --
<br /> —� (b) Ex�rol�a any and di riphb provid�d tor tn any o}th�Loan Initrumonb or by t�w upon occurr�nc�of any Ev�nt of
<br /> —u----_ ----- -�-. D�taui��nd
<br /> (c) Comm�nc��n aoUon to foncios�this Daod ot Trust as a mortpape,�ppolnt�r�c�iwr,or�pe�;Itic�liy entorc�any of th� ���
<br /> covsnanb henof.
<br /> No remedy herefn conterred upon or reserved to Truatee or Lend�r I�intended to be exclusive of any other ramedy herein,in the --
<br /> Loan Instruments or by law provided or permitted,but each aheli be cumutative,aheli be in eddition to every other remedy ylven
<br /> -°�- °m=---= horeunder,In the Laan Irntrumonts or naw or hereafter axisNnp et law or in equlty or by atatute,ond may be exerct4ed concurranUy, —
<br /> Ind�pendently or sucaeaive�y.
<br /> -- — 13. Tni�.The Trustee may resiyn at any time without cauee,and Lender may at any tims a�d without cause appolnt a
<br /> tuccesaor or aubatitute Trustee.Truatae sha�l not be Ilabie to any party,includinp wlthout Ilmitatlon Lender,Borrower,Truator or any
<br /> purchaser of the Properly,tor any loas or damaye un�ess due to reckiess or wiittul mi�conduct,and thali not be requlred to take any
<br /> =r���� action in connection with the entorcement ot thls Deed ot Trust untesa Indamnttled,in writinp,br all costs,compensatfon or
<br /> -- •� • sxpenses which may be associated therewith.In addiUon,Trustoe may become e purchaser et any sale of the Property Qudiclal or
<br /> under the power,of sele pranted hereln);poetpo�e the aate oi ail or any po►tlon of the Property,a�providod by Iaw;or sell thR
<br /> . ���,w:�;_.,.,,;- Property as a whole,or in separate parceis or lots at Trustae't discretlon.
<br /> ` 14. F�a and Exp�n�.ln the event Truatoe selis the Property by exercise of power oi sale,Trustee shai�be entitted to appiy
<br /> ' F�2..��r.'r.�• '-
<br /> � ... � ,w:.;,, any sale prxeedt firat to peyment of ail costs and expenaes of exerclainp power of eale,includinq all Truatee's tees,and lender's
<br /> ' •�^`�'• a •°-� and Truatee'a attorney'a tees,actually Incurred to extent permitted by epplicable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercises any
<br /> �' ripht provided by law to cure an Event of Default,Lender shaii be entitled to recover trom Truator aIi costa and expensea actualfy —
<br /> ''+�'•5,�;��."�.��r�..� Inaurred as a result of Trustor's detault,inciudinp without Ilmitatlon all Tru4teo's and attorney's fees,to the extent permitted by
<br /> • � � • appllcabie iaw.
<br /> �::;,�'. L . • � � 15. Futun AdvancM. Upon request ot Borrower,Lendor may,at Its option, make eddltionei end future advances and re-
<br /> - '- "i' . advances to Borrower.Such advances and readvancea,with Interest thereon,shaii be secured by thls Deed of Trust.At no time ahatl —.
<br />- , ' � the principal amount of the Ir.debtedness secured by thla Deed ot Truat,not Includinp sums advanced to protec!the security of thl4
<br /> _ Ks�i r ° De�d of TrusG axceed the oripinel principat amount stated herein,or s whichever ia flreater.
<br />-- ���"'A""t�`" `' '� 18. MI�cNi�n�ous Provl�ion�. • .
<br /> _ �' • ' .' (a) 8orrow�r Not RN�as�d.Extensfon of the time tor payment or modiflcetlon ot amortizatlon of the suma secured by thfs
<br /> :' .,�.�, „'_� Deed of Trust qranted by Lender to eny succeaaor In interest of 8orrower shall not operete to release,in any manner,the 8abllity
<br /> — — --"�'T of the orlpinai Borrower and Borrower's auccessors in Intereat.lender ahail not be required to commence proceedinps apainst
<br /> � euch succesaor or refuae to exlend time for payment or otherwise madify amortizatlon of the sums secured by thia Deed of Trust
<br /> • by reason ot any demantla made by the original Borrower and 8orrower's successors i�Interest. —
<br /> (b) L�nd�P� Pow�n.Without aHecting the IiabiUty oi any other person Hable for the payment of any oblfgation herein
<br /> mentloned,and without affectinp the lien or aharge of thla Deed ot Trust upon any portlon of the Property not then or theretotore =
<br /> released as security tor the tu�l amount of eil unpaid obligations,Lender may,from time to time and without notice(f)release any ---
<br /> - • person so Iiabie,(Ii�extend the meturity or alter any of the terms of any such ob�igatfons,(ill)grant other indulyences,(iv)release
<br /> � or reconvey,or cause to be released or reconveyed at any time at Lender's option any parcel,portfon or ali of the Property,
<br /> p (v)teke or reiease any other or additfonal security for any obllyatfon heretn mentioned,or(vi�make compositions or other
<br /> ) arrangements with debtors in reletlon thereto. —
<br /> I,I�� (c) Forb�aranc�by L�nd�r Not�Waiv�r.Ar,y forbearance by Lender�n exercising any ripht or remedy hereunder,or �--
<br /> ,,,t��: otherwise aHorded by appUcabte Iaw,sheli not be a waiver of or preciude the exercise ot any such right or remedy.The �
<br /> •ti�;� procurement ot insuranCe or the payment of taxes or other liens or charges by Lender shali not be a wafver of Lender's riyht to __
<br /> accelerate the maturity ot the Indebtedness secured by thfs peed o}Trust. ----
<br /> �' (d) Suec���ors and A�siqns Bound;Jolnt and S�v���l Liabiltty;C�ptlons.The covenants and agreements herein con- �_
<br /> tained shall bind,and the riyhts hereunder shali inure to,the respective successors and assigns ot Lender and Trustor.AII �
<br /> � coVenanta and egreements ot Trustor shali be joint and several.The captions and headings ot the parayraphs of this Oeed ot —'-
<br /> Trust are tor convenience only and are not to be used to interpret or deime the provfsions hereof. �
<br /> `�' (e) Rpuat tor Notic��.7he partien hereby request that a copy of any notice oi default hereunder and a copy of any noHce
<br /> of sale hereunder be mefied to each party to this Deed of Trust at the address set forth above in the manner prescribed by �'°'°_
<br /> appilcabie iaw.Except for any other noticR required under applicable taw to be givon in another manner,any notice provtded
<br /> ��, tor fn thls Deed ot Trust shall be given by ma�ling such notice by certif�ed mail addressed to the other parties,at the address set
<br /> . : forth above.Any notice provided for in this Deed oi Trust shell be eHective upon mai�ing in the manner deslgnated horefn.If ���
<br /> .. � Trustor Is more ihan one person,notice sent to the address set forth above shall be notice to all such persons.
<br /> • , �Y���;, (� In�p�ctbn.lender may make or cause to be made reasonable entries upon and inspections of the Property,provided ,
<br /> . � that Lender shall give Trustor notice prior to any such inspecfion specirymg reasonabie cause therefor related to Lender's t .
<br /> • interest In the Property.
<br /> _ (g) R�eonv�yanc�.Upon payment of atl sums secured by this Deed of Trust.Lender shall request Trustee to reconvey the k
<br /> � . Property and shail surrender thiS OBed oi Trust and ail notes Pvidencing indebtedness secured by thls Qeed of Trust to Trustee. �
<br /> ^K ; Trustee shatf �81r��ja,Prppetly without warrenty and w�thout charge to the person or persons IegaUy entitled thereto. t
<br />` � � Trustor shaH pa�al�cos�S�o�,teourdatiQn,�t any.
<br /> (h) P4�rsoo�J Arop�ny;•S�udty Apro�m�nt. As additionai security for the payment ot the Note. Trustor hereby grants •
<br /> _ . Lender under the Ne6raska Uaitorm Commercial Code a secunty mterest In all tiMtures,equipment,and other personal property t
<br /> . , ' used in connection with the real estate or�mprovements tocated thereon,and not otherwtse declared or deemed to be a part of '
<br /> ; the real estate secured hereby.Thls instrument snall be construed as a Secur�ty Agreement under said Code,and the Lender .
<br /> � ; ehall have alI the rlphts and remedies of a secured party under sald Code in addit�on to the nghts and remedies Created under
<br /> ' and acCOrded the Lender pursuant to th�s Deed of TrusL prov�ded that Lender's nghts and remedies under this peragraph shall
<br /> . S be Cumutatfve wfth,and in no way a I�m�tat�on on.Lender's rights and remedies under any other security aflreement sfpned by
<br /> � Borrower or Trustor. �
<br /> . (t) Ll�ns and Hncumbranc�s.Trustor hereby warrants and represents that there is no detault under the provisions of any
<br /> mortyaye,tleed of truat,lease or purchase contract descnbing aII or any part ol the Property.or other contract,instrument or
<br /> . -w --- ----- apreemem consntunng a uen or encumbrance agamst an o�any part of the Property(collectfvely."Liens"),existfng as of the
<br /> � date ot thls Deed o}Trust,and that any and all exist�ng Liens remam unmodified except as disclosed to Lender in Trustor's
<br /> wrltten dfsclosure of liens and encumbrances provided tor herefn.Trustor shall timely perform all pf Trustor's obligations.
<br /> ' • Covenants,representatlons and warranties under any and aIl ezisting and future L�ens,shall promptiy torward to Lender copies
<br /> �� ot elI noticea of default Sent in connection with any and all ex�stiny or future Liens,and shatl not w�thout Lender's pr�or wnpon
<br /> - :" � content in any manner modify the provfsions of or al�ow any tuture advances under any existing or future Liens.
<br /> � ' ' Q) Appticaton of Paym�nt�.Unless otherw�se reqwred by�aw,suma paid to Lender hereunder.mcluding w�thout limitatlon
<br /> �� payments ot princfpal and interest,insurance proceeds, condemnation proceeds and rents and prof�ts,shall be applied by
<br /> �, l�nder to the amounta due and owinp trom Trustor end Borrower�n such order es Lender�n its sole discreGOn deems desirable
<br /> (ky S�vKablllty.�t any provisfon ot this Oeed oi Trust contlicts with applicable law or is declared�nval�d or otherwise
<br /> unentorcaable,such conflict or invalidlry ahalt not attect the other provisons of this Oeed ot Truat or the Note wh�ch can be
<br /> � plven ettect wlthout the confl�cung provision,and to th�s end the prov�s�ons of thfs Deed of Trust and the Note are deClared to be
<br /> , . sYVereble.
<br /> ', ..
<br /> � �
<br /> e
<br />