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.�� ' .. i.1.�jf7J =-�~tl� --- ---- <br /> _ ,.� <br /> � .r._...� _-,._- <br /> ` �:___ _`...� ' ;84�1���.5 <br /> II �pplicable law may�pecify for reinatuement)befo�ulo of the Properiy punuant to my power of w!e conWned in thi� <br /> , Secwfty Imtrurnentt or(b)entry ot a Jud�neat coforcin�this Sacucity In�tiutaen� Ttw�e condidons ue tlu�t Borrowar: (�t) <br /> I psys Lender all wmn which t1�en would be due under thls Security It�wment wxl the Note aa if no acceler�tion fwd <br /> occurrai;(b)cw+es any defRU(t of�ny aher covenenu or�gaemente:(e)p+�y�all expen�e�incucred in enforcin�thi�Secudty <br /> iaurument,includina, but nd limitad to, reasonable attorneys'faa;And(d)wke�such�ct�on Ar Lender may ra:onably <br /> � roquiro to a�sur�e tFu�t the Ibn of thie Securiry Inctcument.L�.-ro�dec'r right�in the Property�nd Baroworti obliQation w pay the <br /> I �ums socurod by thfs Socurity Instrument stwll continue unchan�ed. Upon rcinstatement by Bocrower, thia Socudty <br /> Instrum�mt and the obliQ�tiane secured hereby chall remAin fully effective ac if no accalerat�on had occurrod. However.thi� <br /> ---�--�---- --- �-�� riEht to reinstete shall not apply in�he cas�:of acceleration under paragraph 17. <br /> � 19. Sak ol Note;Ch�n�e af I.�o�n Servksr. Thc Note or a paitial intercst in the Note(tagether wlth this Security <br /> Insuument)tnry bc sold one or morc dmes wi�hout prla notice to 8omower. A sale nwy rcsult in a ctwngc in thc enttty <br /> _._.__ (known as the"[.onn Servtcer")that collects monthly payments due under thc Nate and this Security lnctiument. There alsei <br /> ; may be one or mor�e changes of the Laaa Servicer unrcleted to a sale ot the Note. If therc is n changc of the Loan Serviar, <br /> ' Borrower will be given written notice of the chs►rige in accordance wlth paragraph 14 above und aFplicable Iaw. The notice <br /> i wiU swte the name and addness af the new l.oAn Servicer end the address to whlch payments should be mad¢. The notice will <br /> _ .----- � also wntain any othcr infom�adon rcquircd by applicable law. <br /> � ?A6 Hazardoue SubQtances. Borrower sha11 not cAUSC or permit the presence,use,disposal,storage,or releasc of uny <br /> Hazardous Substances on or in the Properry. Bocrower shall not do,nor allow anyone'elsc to do, anything affecUng the <br /> Property that!s In vjolation of any Environmental Law. 1�e pceceding twu sentences shall not apply to the pnesence,use,or <br /> _ � storage on the Property of small quantides af Hazardous 5ubstances that are generally reco�niud to be appmpdate to normal <br /> __ � nsidentlal uses und to maintenance of the Property. <br /> - � Borrower shall promptly give Lender written notice of any investigat�on.clalm,demand.luwsuit or ot}ier action by any <br /> govemmental or regulatory agency or private party involving the Properry and any Hazatdous Substance or Envimnmental <br /> ' •,k:�`� Law of which Borrower has actual knoa•tedge. If Bomuwer leurns, ur Is nodfied by any govemmental or regulatory <br /> � '•" ; authority.thnt any removal or other remediatlon of any Hazardous Substance affecdng the Praperty is necessary.Borrower <br /> •�,�„��.'.,��,� � shall promptly tnke all necessary mmedial actions in accordance with Emironmentel Law. <br /> ���. As used in this paragraph 20,"Hazardous Substsaices"are those substunces defined as toxic or haznrdous substnnces by <br /> x;ApK •=`" ,�,,�,��:�:.� Enviranmental Luw and the followfng substunces: gumline,kerosene,other flammable or toxic peuoleum products.toxic <br /> ,''J��'hK�7�.�;��!{,'s��x5. <br /> ,,:�i.�� pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, muterials containing as6estos or formaldehyde, and radioactive materluls. As _ <br /> �r>�x:.s.:ti+.::.`.::_,�:,••._�, used In this parngraph 20,"Environmental Law"means federal iuws and laws of che jurisdiction where the Propeny is located <br /> '� ' that relate to heulth,safcry or environmental protection. <br /> t:;d.:�r,.::.-.;..:..,...�:r <br /> �t :iR�.a:,�n�.'�,.' <br /> �;'�f;•..,-�;_...,•.: NON-UNIFORM COVEPIANTS. Boaowcr and Lender futther covennnt und agree ns foltows: <br /> , . 21. AcceteraHon; Rernedies. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower prlor to acceleration foUowing Borrower's <br /> �' brepch of Any covenant or Agreement in this Security Instrument(but not pdor to acceleratbn under paragrAph 17 <br /> -•:���•�'���' ••°° �'� '^� unless AppUcable IAw provides otherwtse). '�he nottce shall specity: (a)the detault;(b)the wction required to cure the <br /> _ ��;;�..;.;=,,;..,,:, :' defi�ult;(c)�date,not less than 30 doys from the dAte the notice Is given to Borrower,by which the defAUlt must be <br /> �' -T� �� cured;a�d(d)thwt failure to cure tbe default on or befom the dAte specitied in the noNce mAy resutt In acceleraUon oi <br /> " - the sums secured by this Security Instrument�nd sale of the Property. The nuttce shnll further inform Borrower of <br /> . the right to relnsWte atter acceleratton and the rlght to bring a court action to assert the non-extstence of a default or _. <br /> nny other defense af Borrower to acceleration and sale. If the defAUlt is not cured on or betore the date spectfted in _ <br /> �� the notice,Lender at its option mAy mquire immediate payment in full ot all sums secured by this Security instrument <br /> without furtder demand and may invoke the power of sale and any other remedies permitted by�tpplicable Ipw �-_ <br /> Lender shall be entitled to collect all expenses incurred in pursuing the rnmedies provided !n this parngrAph 21, -- <br /> � ' �. including,but not Itmited to,reasonable attorneys•tees and costs of Ntle evidence. -- <br /> • If the power of sAle is invoked,lYustee shall record a notice of default in each county in which any part oP the - <br /> � • � ' � Pmperty is located and sh�ll mall copies of such notice in the monner prescribed by applicable law to Borrower und to = <br /> "`� � : the olher persons prescribed by applicable law. At4er the Nme required by Applicable Iaw,'[Yustee shall give public _ <br /> .t noHce oP sAle to the{�ersons pnd In the manner prescribed by applicablc law Trustce,without dem�nd on Borrower, _._ <br /> • " � sh�ll sell the Property at publ[c Auction to the highest bidder ut the time and plare�nd under the terms designated in <br />,� the oatice of sale in one or more parccls nnd in any order'[t�ustce determines. 7lrustee mAy pastpone snle of all or any — <br />, ' -' parcel of the Property by public announccment at the time and plere of any previously scheduled ss�le. Lender or its n <br /> • desi�nee may purchs�se the Property at any sale. _ <br /> �� Upon recetpt of payment of the pr(re bid,'Irustee sball deliver to thc purchaser Trustce's deed conveying the = <br /> . Pmperty. The recttals in the 7lrustee's deed shall be prima facie evidenre of tl�e truth of the statemen�s mAde thereln. F <br /> � 1Yustee shwll ppply the p�occeds of the sale in the followin�order: (a)to all costs and expenses of exerclsing the power t <br /> Y � <br /> l <br /> ��. • �. <br /> C <br />._ � ` �• <br />. � � i <br /> _ . 1 <br /> . " � <br /> . + , + <br /> f . . _..._.__._.._......r+.....�.v+...�.. . . . ... ._ . . . <br /> ...�-x�„�tY�t, .. ..V. _.... . _ <br /> __�f , <br /> . <br /> � <br /> �' <br /> � <br /> _ r <br /> 4 <br /> : ' , � ' <br /> . . -f��. . � . <br /> .. f�J� <br /> � � j <br /> � . _ _. _ __-___ ' <br />