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<br /> cpidcmiuuian or other t�icjn�of any put of the Propeny.or fa conveyuice in Iku of condenuu�tion,+u+e honeby aui�ned�nd
<br /> s1N11 be pafd to Lender.
<br /> In the event of a toW takln�of the P�q�otty.the p�ocoed�sh�l be applied to the sums�ecurod by this Secudty
<br /> inpnunetu.whe�her or rwt tha�due,wi�h�ny excers p�id ta Bamwer. In the event of a putial Wcin�of the Property in
<br /> which the[dr rru�lc�t v�lur of�be Propeny immesllataly before the taklnQ is equal w or�c+eaur thon tt�e unount of ihe swns
<br /> - - -- --- �'= icecurai by this Sxwiry fnstrument jmmediauty befot+c the uking,uniess Bo�rowcr�xl ix�xirr utherwiee�g�YC i�i w,iQug. -
<br /> the wms�ocurcd by this Secur�ty Itutruman ah�ll be reduced by the anwunt af the pcocoods multiplied by ihe following
<br /> ,�,---�-���
<br /> fniction: (a)the total unount of the sums socuRd immrdiitely 6eforc the uking, dividod by(b)the f�ir msirket value of the
<br /> - -- - - rt immeciiuei befat the Wcin M brl�rn.�e shpll be 'd to IkKrowcr. in ttx:cvcnt o a � n o
<br /> ��ty in which the fair market v�lue of the E'�qnrty immedi y befa+e the t�kmg is leas than the Am�ount of the sums
<br /> sexurod immedi�uely befixe the taking, unless Borrower and Lender othecwise ag�+a In wdting or unless applic�bl�uw
<br /> od�wi�e provides,the pnxaxts�lwll be+�pplied to tlxs cums secured by this Socurity Inauument whether or not the cums ace
<br /> tha�due.
<br /> IF tlx Properry is abandoned by Borrower,ar if,after notice by l.ender to Borrower that the condcmnor offers ro rn�e
<br /> an award or settle a claim for duna�es,Barower fails to respond to Lender wlthin 30 duys after the ciate the notice is given. —
<br /> -- -- L.e�der is authoriud to collect and apply the procads,at iu option.oither to rc�toration or repuir of the Propeny or to�he
<br /> wms secural by this Secudty lnxtrument,whcther or not then due.
<br /> Unless Lender and Fiocrower otherwlsr agrce in writing, any upplicutton of proceeds to principal shail not extend or
<br /> postpcme thc duc date af the monthly payments refcrred to in parag�aphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of such paymenis_
<br /> 11. Botrowcr Not Released; Forbeat�nce By Lender Not a Waiver. Bxtcnsion of the time for payment or
<br /> modifcation of wnartization of the sums secured by this Security Inctrument gmnted by l.ender to any successor in intettst
<br /> of Borrower shs►il not operate to release the liabfliry of thc aiginal Borrower or Borrowcr's sucassors in interc�t.Lender
<br /> � shall not t►e rcquircd to cnmmence pnoceedings against �ny successor in interest or refuse to extend time for payment or _
<br /> ottierwise modify umortization of the sums secured by thes Securiry Inswment by aacon of uny demond made by the original _
<br /> - Borrower or Bornower�successors in intercst. Any forbeurance by L.endcr in exercising any right or rcmedy sha11 nnt be a
<br /> � waiver of or preclude the exercise of any right or remedy.
<br /> 12. Sucreseors und Assi�as Bound;Joint and Sever�ul Uability;Casigners. Thc covenanGs and agrcements of Ihis
<br /> ' Securiry Insuurmnt shall bind and benefit the successors and assigns of Lender and Barrower,subject to the provisions of
<br /> paragraph t7. Borrower's covenants and agreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security __ -
<br /> Instrument 6ut does not execute the Note: (a)is co-signing this Security Instrument only to mortgnge.grant and convey that _
<br /> Barrowerk intenest in the PropeAy undcr the tertnti of tfiis 5ecurity Intilrument; tb)is not personally obligated to pay the sumti -_
<br /> _: secured by this Security Instrumem;and(c)ugrces thut Lendcr and any other Borrower muy agree to extend,modify,forbear _
<br /> or make any accommodntions with regard to the terms of this Security Instmrnent or the Note without that Borrower+ �,
<br /> ° ' consent. _�.
<br /> 13. I.aon Clwrges. If the loan securcd by this Security Instrument is subject to a law which sets manimum loan
<br /> - chugcs,assd that lauu Is finatly iniarisreted:xi thas she ir.t�sest or Qther loan chargws r��(P�iP�1��t�iw collrcrPd in�onnPO�inn
<br /> , �,�,��,�t;',c:%: with the loan exceed the pertnitted limits,then: (u)any such loun charge shull be reduced by the amount necessary to reduce
<br /> �4;'�� ���`.'' the charge to the permitted limir,and(b)any sums ulreudy collected from Borrower which exceeded permitted limits will be
<br /> .y1���y'�ri.r� i6=;-
<br /> ,, . ; refunded to Borrower. l.ender may chaose to make this refund by reducing the principrl owcd under the Note or by muk ing a -.
<br /> 1"� �'��"M�;I direct payment to Borrower. If a refund mduces principal,tlte reduction will be trieated as a p•rrtial prepayment withont any
<br /> •;��+�:+��'���:.";'• prcpayment charge under the Note. _,
<br /> _ : ,'i��i�'.��?'r:� l4. NotMes. Any nntice to Bornower provided for in thix Security Instrurnent shall bc givcn by delivering it or by
<br /> `�,�, �, ,.�' mailing it by first class mail unless applicablc law rcyaires use of another methad. The notice shall be directed to the Property ---�-
<br /> ' � Addrcss or any aher addresx sorrower de,isnutec by notice to Lender. Any notice to l.ender shall be given by first clatis
<br /> -� ��,�,L�,. ...� mail to L.ender's addresx statcd hcrcin or any othcr address Lcnder designates by noticc to Borcower. Any notice provided for _ -_
<br /> _ ,,,��Y , in this Sccurity lnstrument xhull be decmed to have been given to Borrower or Lendrr when given as provided in this �
<br /> u�;<.�,�• .. p�uagraph. -.-
<br /> ` ' ' ' � IS. Coverning Law;Severability. This Security In.trumcnt shull bc�govemed by fedcral !aw and the law of the �--
<br /> ""��'° "'� ' ' " jurisdiction in which the Property is located. (n the event thut any pruvision or cl:�uye of thix Security Instrument or the Note �.':_
<br /> • r;rcr.t•.w.s... ..
<br /> ,_;. y,; conflicts with applicable luw,such conflict shall not affect uther provi,iom of thiti Serurity In+trument or the Note which can �
<br /> „�„�,•.,,_, . . be given effect without the conflicting provision. Ti�this end the prcwi�iom of this Security inxtrument and the Note are �
<br /> � `�"� ^ . . declarcd to l�e se�•erable.
<br /> �^ �• ' —
<br /> �c�,��:= 16. Borroxer's Copy. Borrowcr.hall be givcn onc mnfi�rmcd copy of the Nutr und of this Srcurity Instrument.
<br /> � 17. 7Yansfer otthe Property or a I3enelici�l Intcrest in Borrower. If uU ur any part nf thc Proprrty or any interes�in =
<br /> '+''�� ~ it is wld or transfernd lor if a Ixneficial intem,t in$orc�wer i.u�ld or tran.fcrreJ •rnd Burmwcr i�not t►natural perwnl -�
<br /> • �i�" without Lendcr's prior writtcn con+ent.Lcndcr may,at it,upti��n,rcyuire immediatc paymcnt in full of all sum.ticcurcd by
<br /> . i_., ,'"'"' . t6is Security Instnrmrnt. However,this option+hull not be exrrci,ed by l.cnder it'exercitie i�pruhibited by federrl law ac of =
<br /> . - thc datc of this Sccurity In.wmcnt. _,_
<br /> a"� If Lender exerci.es this option.I.ender�hatl give Borruwrr nutice of accelrration. Thr n�xice,hall provide a periodof
<br /> ° r�y na less th:m 30 days from the datr thr notice i�detivrrcd or maileJ w ithin a•hirh Horro��e�mu+t pay all�um+.ecured by this '���
<br /> � �4;.._... .
<br /> �" a,. . - Security Inttrumcnt. [f Bomower fail� to pay thc.c +urn� prior to the expir•rtiun��f thiti pericxl. Lender may invok�any ��
<br /> remedies permitted by thi,Scrurity Imtrument w•ithout t'urthrr n��ticr ur demund an Bu�TUwrr.
<br /> `-' �� 18. Barrower's Rikht to Reinstate. If Burn�w•cr m��tti rcn�in ronJitiun.. Burcuw�cr .hall hav� thc right to havc �
<br /> _ . enforcement of thix Security Imtrument diK��ntinurd ut any timr priur tu thr earlier of: lal 5 day.�ur�uch other �xria�d ati �
<br /> '�� Smgk Fam�h--Fanaie\lae��reddk�trc l'NIFOR\t l\tiTRC116:\T•-L'nil�mn Cu�cn�uih 9,90 ynrx�.J�/e�wkn�
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