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<br /> TOO�'fH�R Wl'TH dl the imprwemenu now or heraifter croctad on the prapaty.uid all eaerrxnu,�ppurtewncca.
<br /> s�d ttxtw�es nc�w or hen�tter�t put of thc property. All teplac�menta�nd dditkxu d�ll dw be covared bY thii Secud�Y
<br /> la�tru�r�ent. All of tbe faro�oia� is refamd a la�W�Sccudty lmaume+K ys�he"Peopaty."
<br /> BURROWPR COVENAN'I'S thu Batower i�lawfully Reiwd of the e�tate henby conveyed ard h�c tbo ri�ht to�[ant
<br /> and convey the Property atd tlu�t t6e Property 1�unarcwubeted,exapt fix encumbr�ncea of recot�d. Barawer w�raots�nd
<br /> will dofend�eneally the t[tk w the Pra�perty a��inst�ll cWrtu u�!demands.wbjoct to any encumbru►ee4 of rocord.
<br /> TH13 SECURII'Y WS7RUMENTi combines unifartn caven�nts far nadonal use �nd non-uuifortn covawnt� with
<br /> _�-- � llmited vari�dons by jurisdictian to rnn+titute a unifo�m aecuriry inRtrument coverinB real propeAY•
<br /> UNIPORM COVENAMS. Boeower and I.ender covenant and�rx as follows: W���
<br /> 1. P�yme�t of Pr4�dpa1 and Iaterat;Prep�ymeNt wd l.ate Cba�es. Barower stwtl promptlY piY
<br /> �- `� pcincipal of and interest on the debt evldencod by tt�e Nute wid ony prepayment und late ch�es due w►der the Nde.
<br /> 2. FLnd�tor'll�xa aad Ip�uranca SubJ¢ct to applicable lnw or to a written waiver by Lendix.Borrower shall pay to
<br /> Lender on the day monthly ptyments ane due under the Note,until thc Noee ls paid in full, a sum("Fw�s")for:(a)yearly
<br /> wces and�sessments which muy utain prioriry ovcr this Securiry Instrument as a tien on the Property:(b)yesrly leasehold
<br /> -- -T�"��_ paYments or gtound nnts an the Property. if any; (c)ycarly hazard or property insur�nce pnialums: (dl yearly tlood
<br /> fnsursu�ce premiums, if any;(c) yeatly mortgage insurance premiums,if�ny; and(�anY sums Payable by Bomower W
<br /> Lender,in accordance with the �xovisions of paragreph 8,in lieu of tlx puyment of mortgage fnsurance prcrtuums. 17use
<br /> items arc called"Escrow Iums." Lender may.at any Ume.coUect and hold Funds In on amount not to exceed the rttaxlmwn
<br /> amount a lcnder for a fedenlly rclated moRgage loan may �equia for Borrower's escrow xcount un�lcr the federal Real
<br /> Estate Settlement Pcucedures Act of 1974 as amended fcom time to time,i 2 U.S.C.$2601 u seq.("RESPA"),unless anaher
<br /> - law that applies to the Ponds�ets a lesser amount. If so,Lender may.at any time.collect and hold Au�ds in an amount noc to
<br /> excecd the les.ser amount. Ltnder may estimate the amount of f�nds duc on the basis uf curnnt data and rcasonabie
<br /> esdmates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or othernise in eccordunce with appticabic law.
<br /> -- The Funds shal! be held in an irutitution whose deposiGs suc insurcd by a federel agency. inshvmentaliry,or entity :
<br /> ,��..,,:r,:��Y (including Lender,if Lender is such an insdtution)or i�any Frdcrol Homc Loan Bank. l.ender shall apply thc Funds to paY
<br /> the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds. annually analyxing ihe escrow
<br /> ' ,c�.. , account,or verifying thc Escrow Items. unle�s Lender pays aorrower interest on the Ponds and applicable law permits
<br /> '' ���`�"t'• L.ender ta make such a char e However,L.ender ma uire Borrower to pay a one-time charge for an independent rcal i
<br /> . ?�ae .�...., g. Y�9
<br /> _ estete tax reporting service used by Lendcr in connection with this loan,unless applicable law provides ott�envise. Unless an
<br /> � . ,���4�� agreernent is made or applicable law mquirel interest to be paid,Lender shall not be requimd to pay Borrower any inurest or
<br /> '�t..1+; �• ••-E�.:; earnings an ihe Funds. Borrowcr and Lendcr may agree in writing,however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lender
<br /> • �- `Y••;• ��''-��' shalt give to Borrower,without charge,nn annual uccounting of the Funds,showing credits and debits ro the Funds suid the
<br /> �= ;., :-.,-.
<br /> •*��::s�y,.-:��
<br /> , _,._., ,.,., .,.y ;, .: purpose for which each debit to the Fundx was made. The Funcls are pledged as additional securlty for all sums secared y
<br /> this Security Inswmc�t.
<br /> - - - ;,; If thc Fund� helsl by l.ender ezceed the eunonnt� �'rnthtPd to be held by applicablc law,I.ender shall account to
<br /> � '°`".' :' ' � Bocrower for the excess Funds in arcordanre with ihe rcquirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds hetd by
<br />, �_�> � �• �' .�' �'• Lender at any tlme is not su(ficient to pay the Escrow Items when due,Lendcr m•ry so notify Bocmwer in writing.and,in
<br /> such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necexsary to make up the deficiency. Botrower shdl malce up the
<br /> . deficiency in no more Ihan twelve monthly payments,at Lender'.s sole discretion.
<br /> � Upon p:►yment in full of all sums secured by this Security Inswment,Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> , Funds held by Lender. If, under paragraph 21.Lender shall acquirc or sell thc Property.Lender.prior to the acquisition or
<br /> _ ' sale of the Property, shuU npply any Funds held by Lender nt the time of acquisition or sale as a credit against the sums
<br /> - secured by this Sec�urity Inswment. —
<br /> �, 3. Application o( PAyments. Unless applicuble law provides otherwise, nll payment� received by Lender under _
<br /> -_-���, ;�, r ';� paragraphs I and 2 shall bc applied: first,ro any prepaymcnt ch:►rgc,duc undcr the Note:second,to amounts ps►yable under
<br /> ;},; paragraph 2;third,to intcrest due;fourth,w principal duc;and last,to any latc ch:u�cs duc undcr thc Notc. r.-
<br /> 4. Chorges; Liens. Borrowcr,hall pay all taxc+, ati�e,smentti, charge�. tine, and impositions attributable to the
<br /> ' '' property which may attain prioriry over this Security Inarument,and leasehald payments or ground rents, if any, Borrower _
<br /> � � shall pay thcse obligations in the manner provided in paragraph 2.or if not paid in that manner,Borrowcr shall piy them on _
<br /> � . time dimctly to the person owed paymcnt. Borrow•cr tihall promptly furni�h to Lcndrr all noticc+of amounts to t�c puid under _
<br /> : . this parag�aph. If Borrower make� these paymentc directly.Boerower�hull pmmptly furnish ro Lender receipt,evidencing
<br /> � ' thc payment�. R;,.
<br /> ;"; Borcower shall promptly diuhargc any lien whirh has priority o��er thiti Scrurit��Imtrumcnt unlcsx Bo�rowcr:(u)agrcex _
<br /> -,� in writing ro the payment uf�he obligution�ecured by the lien in a m:�nner acreptabtc t��Lcnder.(b►contests in good faith the -
<br /> , . lien by,or defends against enforcemen[of the lirn in. Icgal pnxceding+w�hirh in ihr Lendcr'ti opinion operate to pce�vent the �
<br /> • • enforcement of the lien;or Ic)sccureti from thc holder of the licn an agrcemcnt.ati,factory to Lrndcr autwrdinating the licn �
<br /> � _ ,; to this Security Intiaument. If Lendrr dcterminc+thut wry pan uf the Property i,tiubjcct tu a licn u•hich rnay attain priority � '
<br /> :,�,��' over this Security Instrumem,Lender may give Bonower a noticr identifying the lien. Borrower sh�ll wtisfy the lien or take �
<br /> H- one or more of the actiom set forth above within 10 day.of the gi��ing of notice. r
<br /> ,... 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Burcc�a•cr xhall kecp the impravcmrnts m�w cri,ting or hrnafter erected on the E
<br /> � Propeny insured agaimt lo+s hy fire,haiard�incluikd within the term"extrndcd c���cragr" and am�other huards,including
<br /> '� ; � �� Floods or flooding, for which Lendcr requires in.urance. Thi� insurancr +hall he muinwineJ in thc umounts and fur the �.
<br /> �
<br /> , Form3021i 9f4� ryxrgr:n/6puxa�� �
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