� � .
<br /> -— � � .'� , �� < � --- -
<br /> �. ..,.�_.:._.___� -- - — -- --
<br /> �4-lo�s02
<br /> ---- - -- TOOLTHER WI7'H dl the Improvanente now or hereafler crtcted on the property,and xll easementc.�ppurtenances. ard
<br /> fixm►tis naw oP hereafter w put of the propercy. AU replaxments �nd additiuns etwll dco he coverod by thL Secudty
<br /> Incwment. AQ of the forcyoing is rcfcrrod to in thi�Sccurity Instrument ax the "Prape►1y."
<br /> BORRAWER COVEIVANT5 that Borrower is lawfully selsed af Iho estate hercby conveyer!anJ has the right w�ru�t�nd
<br /> oonvey the PtnpeAy and dut the Prqxny is urrencumberai. ezcept for Cncumbrances of raord. Borrower wuratKC and will
<br /> deferd generally the tiNe to the Propeny�gxinst all cl�ims�uxi demrnds,cubjxt ta wny�ncumbrancea of r+ocord.
<br /> TH1S SECURITY INSTRUMENT cambines unifarm cuvenants for nntional use and ran-uniform rnvetumta with limited
<br /> varlAtionc by juricdiction to constitute�unifhrm serurtty instrument caverina reul property.
<br /> UN(FORM COVENANTS. Borrower�nd L.ender cavenant and agrcc as follows:
<br /> -_� —�-� 1. Paymcni of Princlpai and lntcrest; Prc{wymeat aud Latc Char�es. Borrawcr shait pmmptly pay whcn due the
<br /> principal af and intercst an the debt evidencod by the Note and any prepayment�nd late chuges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. �unde[or TAxes and Insurance. Subj,:ct to�pplicable Iaw or to A written waiver by Lender. Bcirrowcr shull pay to __
<br /> l.ender on the day monthty payments arc due under thc Notc, untll th� Nate is paid in full,a sum("Funds`)for: (a)ycurly taxcs
<br /> uid�sessmenis which may attain priority over this Security lnserument��a lien on the Property; (b)yearly Icaschald payments
<br /> or ground rents on the Property.if any;(c)yearly hazarJ or propeny insur:uice premiums;(d)yearly flood ineura�xe premiums.
<br /> ------- If any; (e)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; and (� any sum,payable by BaROwer to l.ender,in accnrdance wlth
<br /> the provisions of paragraph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurancc premium�. These item+are called "Escrow Items."
<br /> Lender msy. at u►y time. collect and hold Funds in an amount not to excced thc m•rximum:unount a icndcr far a fedcrally
<br /> rclated mortgage laan may require for Borrowcr's escrow accaunt under the federal Rcal Estate Settlement Pracedures Act of
<br /> 1974 as amenderf from time to timc, 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et sey. ('RESPA"), unless ancNher law that applics to the Funds
<br /> s.°:;r sets a lesser amount. lf so, I.ender may, at any dme, collect and hold Funds in an amount not ta exceed the lesur amount.
<br /> --. L.ender may estitnHte the amount of Funds duc an thc basis af currcnt duta and re:uonable esti�twtes of expenditures of future
<br /> ^� Escrow Itcros ar athcrwi�c in uccorduncc with applicublc law. -
<br /> The Fur�s shall be hcld in an imtitution whose depnsits are insurcd by u fcdcrul ugcncy, instrumentality, or entity
<br />_ •:•.r�•J:J?+;:: ��;•ti (including l.ender, if L.eneier is wch an institutinn)or in any Federal H��me I..oun B•rnk. f..ender shull•rpply the Fundc to pay thc
<br /> � �,,,,,,�� Cscrow ltcros. Len:icr may niit rharUc P•orrowcr fbr hoiding and applying thc Funci,,annuuliy analy�in�thc currow arcaunt,or
<br /> �'` `^?� verifying the Escrow Item�,unlesti Lender pay+Borrower inten�t on the Fundti and applicuble law pennits Lendcr to make such
<br /> �••��1 i.�h��::':,'�:.�"_'
<br /> ' ��l;;�;i;,:!; � a chnrge.Howcver, Lender may rcquirc&ircower to pry a one•time chargc fi�r an indepcndent real c+tate tax reportin�servicc
<br /> �^r � used by Lender in connection with this loan, unlcss applicuble luw pmvides otherwise. Unlc+s un �grcement is made or
<br /> :.,�.�.a"'I��`,.:�;..: a licable law rc uires interest to be �J. L.endc��hull not be re uired t� a Borrc�wer an intercu or earnin•�on the Funds.
<br /> Pp 9 Pa� 4 p'Y Y b
<br />- "'''�b;�'::'�;.� : '' Borrawer and Ltndcr muy agree in writing, howevcr, th•rt interetit tihull bc paid on the FunJc, Lencicr chall givc to Borri�wcr.
<br /> - , 'r�'•,: ,.., -�
<br /> -. �i- •a �'%:"� without cha�Fe, an annual accounting of thc Fundr. .howing crcctit� �nJ Jcbits tci thc Fund�and thc purpuyc fiir which cach
<br /> F'j�"�r ��"•�`�; debit to the Funds wa�ni:ide.The Funds are plodged ati aJditional ucurity for ull tium.secureJ by this Sccurity Instrumcnt.
<br /> '�CR.'•L��3.,:�:__�.i�
<br /> --_ .�.:r•, :. ,�"';.:';i. If'ti�e Funef�heid by Lcnder execed tim umc�unt�permittrd iu ix� i�d�f by applic�bic iuw.Lrtalet �I�uII uccuU�il iu Fx�ituWCt
<br /> " ';�" ' , ' . for the excess Funds in accordance with thc reyuirement�eif applirablr law. It'the amount i�f the FutKls helJ by I.ender nt any
<br /> .. ., • time is not tiuf'ficient to pay the Escrow Iteroti when dua Lender n�y .un��tify &�rrawer in writing,anci, in tiuch rau[3cttruwer �•,�
<br /> • shall pay to Lender the amount nece.s;►ry tci makc up the deticicrKy. Bc�rma�er tihall muke up the deficiency in no mote than �--
<br /> , . ' twclvc nwnthly paymcnts.at Lcndcr'�solc dixretion.
<br /> . Upnn payment in foU nf all sum� �ccured Ny thiti Srcurity Imtrument. Lendcr .hall prumptly ref'und tu &�rrower any !r��•
<br /> " � � � FunJy hcld by Le»dcr. lt.undcr paragraph 31.Lcnd�•r tihall uryuirc iir�ell tlic Property. [.ender. prictt to the aryuitiitii�n or wlc _�_
<br /> ._ ' of thc Pmperty, shull apply uny Funds hclJ by[andrr at thc time of aeyui.itiun or tialc ati u creJit u�ainst thc�um�secured by
<br /> �.�. .....' this Sccurity Imtrunxnt. --�
<br /> ,�V•- ' 3.Applicutiop of Pu,r•mcnty.Unlc���pplicahk law pr�x•idi��nh�rx-i,c.a11 pa�•n�cntti rccci��cd h}�Lcnda un.lcr p�ragraph+ �:`
<br /> .. I arnl 2 shall lx appli�d: tint. ca any prepaymcnt rhxrgr+dur und�r thc NuW: uc+md. tu amuuntti payablc undcr paragraph 2:
<br /> . third,to intcrc�t Juc:ti�urth.tu princip:d dur:and la+t,to an� latc rharge�dur unJrr thr Nntc. =_"
<br /> . 4. Ch�rfi�w; Llrns. B�irro��•rr tihall pay all taxeti. a.>etitimrnt+. rhar�e,. tinc,:mJ imp��,iti��m attrihutahle a�thc Pro�xny �""
<br /> • which may attain priorit�� ���•cr thiti Srcurit�• In.trumrnt. and Iru,chulJ pa�mrnh ��r gr�iun�l rcntti, if any. &uroWcr �.hall pa�
<br /> ;.,
<br /> the,c obligation�in thr manner pru��iJ�d in para�ra�h L or if not pai.l in tliat mannrr. Burnn�rr�hall pay thcm on►imr dirrrdy
<br /> ' to the per�an owcd paym�nt. Burr�i��cr tihall prumpdy 1'urni,h tn Lcn�cr ull nuticc,uf amuunt,tu Ix p:iid undcr thi.paragraph. -
<br /> If Borrowrr m•rke�the,r pa��ment�dirr�tl�•.Burruwrr.hall pmmj+tl� 1'urni�h t�� Lrn�lrr rrrcipt.c��id�nring the pa�•ment�.
<br /> &�rruucr.hall prumpQy Ji�rhar�c an� ti�n ���hirh ha,prinrit� m•rr thi�Srrurit} Imtrument unlr+� B��rro��cr. �•r►agrcr�in �y
<br /> . writin�to th�payment of thc uhligati�m xrured h� tlir licn in a manncra�•ccrtahlr tn LcnJrr.�hl runtr,t��n g�xxl faith�h� lirn
<br /> :..^`•.
<br /> , �. . . by. ur dcfendti again�t cntorccmcm uT th� licn in. Irgal pr�x�rding. ��hirh in thr LcnJrr'+ upini�,n �,�xratc ti� prc��cnt thc �
<br /> , ' � rnfi�rcrmrnt uf thr lirn: ��r Ic►�rcurc�fr�nn thr h�,ldrr��f thr lirn an uLr��m.nt,uti�lartun tu I.cndcr tiutxttJinating Ih�licn d� p
<br /> ' ���� � • thi,S�rurit�• Imtrumcnt. II'Lcndrr Jetenninr,th:a am part ed thc Pr�,�x rt} �. �uhjrrt tu a licn ��liirh ma� att.iin �riurity����•rr `
<br /> - thi�Srcurity In+trumcnt. Lrndrr ma_:gi�r l3urr��kcr a nuti�r �drntil��ng tl�r I�rn. ►i��truacr �hall .an.(� ihc lirn ur tal.�unc ur �,�_.
<br /> = ` ; more��f thc action,.rt ti�rth atw��•r u ithin Itl�a�.uf thr gi�ing ul nutirc �' -
<br />' ,i � � Form 30Z8 9190
<br /> ,- � • n:��.��
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