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<br /> 17.Tr�wfir o1't6e ProMertr or s B�uefkl�f LKenrt t�Hennwer. It dl or�ny part of�Eh+aparty oVryiny�integro�t in it
<br /> is�otd or triuuterrod(or it a ba�eficitl jnterat in Homawer!�wW or tr�n�fm�d and B�rrower i�not�rutunl anonl�d�ut
<br /> I.ader's prior wripen come�t. L�ander nry. x iu option, r�e�iro inrr�edi�te pymaat in fhll of all wm� �ecLrod by t6i�
<br /> 5�arity ln�uvment.However.lhia option�h�ll aot be exerci�ei by Lender if�:arrl�e 4 p�uhiblted by fe�kr�l law iu of tbe dW
<br /> of tbia Secudty tn�trumau.
<br /> If l.atder exa�cl�a this option,I.er�der�tWl givo Horrower notics of aooeleraHon.The notice�h�llpro vide�pedod of not
<br /> Icaa ttwi 3Q d�ys from the date the �totia ia doiivq�ed or mailod within whkh �acrower mu�t pay all wrnz eocurod by this
<br /> Security InrtrunKnt.If Horrower fails to pxy thae sums prfor to the expiruion oC thi�periad.l�ernier ttu�y Invoke u►y ra�edia
<br /> penaitted hy wts Security Iratrument wittiout further notice or dem�nd on Bomower.
<br /> _ ___ IA. isorn►wrr'� R{sM to Relnetafe. If Bormwe� meas aKain c�ondiiinnc. Borrawer siu�ll have the dght to luve
<br /> rnforcement of this Socuriry Itutrument dfscontinual at u�y ttme prior to the earlier of: (a)S days(or such c�ther pe�od�
<br /> �pplicable law may ipocify far rcinstaternenq beforo xtle af the Property purwtnt to any power of sale wntained in thj:
<br /> Suuriry Instcument;or(b)entry�f a judgmene rnforcing this Secu�ity In�trument.Thase oondiUons an that Borrower.(a)pays
<br /> Lender�11 sums which th�would be due under thi�Securiry InstNment and the Note sGC if no xateration hsd occurred:(b)
<br /> _ cures �r►y defAUlt of any other wvenants or agreements; (c)paya all expenses incurnd in enforcing this Secudty Instrument.
<br /> including,but raat limfted ta. reasaruible attornc�s'fees;and(d)takes such action as I.ender may rcasonably require to a�sun
<br /> that the Ilen af this Security Instrument, Lender s dghts in the Property w�d Bomower's obligation ta pay the sums secured by
<br /> this Security lnstcument st�all continue unchanged. Upon rcinstatement by Borrower, this Socudty Instniment and the
<br /> obliQations securecf henby shall remain fully effxtive as if no ecceleration h�d occurnd. However,this right to rcinstete s}wll
<br /> not�pply in the case of acceleration under paragreph l7.
<br /> 19. Sale of Note; Ctuin�e of I.oan Servker. Thc Note or u partial intcrest in thc Note (together with this Securlty
<br /> Insuument)may be sold one or more times wIthout prior notice to Honower.A sale may result In a change in the entity(known
<br /> as the"L.oan Servlcer")that collec:ts monthly payments due under the Note and this Securiry Instrument.'fhere also may be one
<br /> — - or moce changes of the Loan Servlcer unrelated to a sale of tbe Note.If there is a ctwnge of the I,oan Servicer, Borrower wlll be
<br /> -'_4 given written notice of the change in accordance with paragraph 14 above and applicable law.The nottce will state the name n»d
<br /> "", address of the ncw Loan Servicer and the address to which payments should be mado. The notice will also contain any other
<br /> _ infom�ation required by applicabie law.
<br /> 20. Ha•rardous Substancec. Borrower shsll not cause or permit the presence, use,disposal, storuge, or release af any
<br /> Hs►zardcws Substances on or in the Property. Bottower shall nat do, nor allow anyone else to do, anything affecting the
<br /> . Praperty that is in violatton of any Environmental Law. The precoding two sentences shall not apply to the presence, use,or
<br /> storage on the Praperty of smull quantities of Ha�sudous Substances that are generully recogniud to 6e appropriate to normal
<br /> residential uses and to maintenance of the Property.
<br /> Borrower shall promptly glve L.ender written notice of any investigutian. claim,demand,lawsuit or other action by any
<br /> governmental or regulatory agency or private party involving thc Property and any H:vardous Substance or Environmental l.aw
<br /> :'F of which Borrower has actual knowledse. If Borrower tearns,�r is natified by nny govemmentAl ar regulatory authority,that
<br /> = any removul or other remediation of uny Hazardous Substance affecting the Property is necessnry, Bonower shall prompNy take
<br /> " � atl necessary rertx�ial actions in accordance with Environmental Law.
<br /> ' - ��;���,,.;<<��,_ � As used in ihis parsgraph 24, "Hazardous Substaaces"are those substances defin�c!es toxi�or hazerd�►�!s suhsrarx��x by
<br /> ,.,,...n„ ., Environmental Law and the following substunees: gasaline, kerosene, other fls�mmable or toxlc petroleum �roducts, toxic
<br /> ;�%r;•���•••• pesticides und herbicides, volatile solvcnts,mutcrials containing asbestus ar formuldehyde,und rudionctive materials. As u�cd in
<br /> .�;.?:f:;':::" �M` this pnrngr.►ph 20, 'Environmentui Law" means federal luws and laws nf thc jurisdictian where the Propeny is located that
<br /> � � ��"�••ri• relete to health,safety or environmental pmtection.
<br /> `� '.. ' � ... NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS.Borrowcr anJ I.ender funher covenunt and agree as foilows:
<br /> . ' 21.Acceleratton;Remedies. I.ender shall�ive notice to Bnrmwer prior to acceleration following Borrower's breach
<br /> - � �� ` " � of uny covenant or agreement in this Sccurity Instrument (but not prior to accelerxtion under para�raph 17 unless
<br /> :'�` �'" applicable law pruvides otherwise). The notice shall specify: (a)the defaulh (b) the action reqtdred to cure the defAUlt;
<br /> „: .i';,: (c)a date, not lecs than 30 days from the date the noNce ic�iven to BarroK•er,by which the default must be cured;wnd
<br /> - Y ' �' � � •• (d)that failure to curc the default on or before the date specificd in the nnttce may result in acceleration of the �sums
<br /> � � �'�" � . securecl by this Security Inctrument uud sule uf tl�c Pruperty. The notice shall further inform Bnrmwer of the right to
<br /> �' �"' reinstate ufter ucceleration and the ri�ht to bring a cnurt uction to asxrt the n�►n-existenee of a default or any other
<br /> . . " defense of Burrower tu acceleration and sale. If the def'ault is not cw•ed on nr before the date specified in the notice,
<br /> Lender. at its optinn.ma�• rcyuim immediate payment in full oF alt sums secured bv this Security Instrument without
<br /> • • `� further demand und may invokc the�x►wcr oP xalc und uny othcr remrdicw prrn�itted by applicable Iaw. Lendcr shall be
<br /> entiticd tn collect all expcnses incurred in punuin}*,thc remcdirs provided in this para�raph 21,includinR.F►ut not limited
<br /> to,rwsonable attorneys'f�and coyts of titic evidencc.
<br /> If the pow•er of sule is invaked, 7'rusttr snall rer�>rd u nntice af default in each county in which any pArt af the
<br /> Prnpert�•is locatcd und shall muU coptiw of tiuch noticc in thc m�inncr pnwcrit►ed b�•upplicuhlc law•to Burrow•er and to
<br /> " the other�xrsons prescribed N� appliraNte la�s. Atter the lime rrqutred b��uppltcable law•.Trustee shull�ive public notice
<br /> ' , of sale to the per.+ons and in the manner prexrilxd bc appiicublc laa•. Tr��stiY, ��ithuut demund o��Burrowrr.rhull sell
<br /> the Property at publir uuction to thc hi�h�wt bidder at the tinu und placc und undcr the tcrms desi�nated tn the notice of
<br /> j:��:. sale in nne or more purcels anci in unv arder Truxt�Y detcrmin�y. Trustee mu� poxtpom salr oF all or uny purcel of the
<br /> ,' Propertp hy pub(ic unnnuncement at the time and pincr��Y un�• pre�•icrosh uh��duled sala I.ender ur its d�si�nee may
<br /> ' �, purch�sc the Property�t uny tiule.
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