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� __ . <br /> .�.: .� --- - — -- _. ... • <br /> e_ .- <br /> �♦ ,,,�;.,,�„ - . . _ __�_ _- - __ _ --------- ----- -- — <br /> - __ -:_�° 84-loi5R� _ . <br /> �rooBTHaR wlrH dl the iaiprov«naK.aow cx nete.!l�r.roaea on�be propaty. �oa d�q�.anMw.p►pu,ww�oet.�na <br /> Axtut� oow or h�ne�Aer a patt o! tia propaty. All nplNOra�net aad �dditiau�hall also M oova+ad by tbi� �a�iRy . <br /> 1pW�apr�t.AI!c�f the fo►eYoin�is refenod w in thi�Secudty Intn�arnt m d�e'PoopeAy.' <br /> HORROWER COVBNANTS that Honuwa is lawlblly�ei�ad ot the atate her+eby oonvey*d wd tw the rl=ht eo pint aud <br /> oonvey the PropeKy and that the Prnpetty i� unetic�umbend� ezoept tor a�cumbranoet of rec�o�d. Borrower warnKs�ed rvW <br /> defad genenlly thc t�tl�to du Pro�erty+��Inrt�II clalrru and dca�andt.wbject w Any u�cumbr�of rouord. <br /> THIS SECUitRY lNSTkUMBNT combines udfarra oovenantt for n�tiww! we u�d iwn•upiform oovawus w�th Wqitd <br /> vuiatiot�s by Jurisdiction to constitute a uniform tocurity inrtrumnt ooverin�n�l p�+npecty. <br /> UNIFORM COV BNAN'TS.Borrower uid Lendec covaunt and�roc a foliows: <br /> '� 1. A�ynKat of Pri�ciql �ad I�terat; N''eP�raa�t �ad L�te Cb�r�es. Borrower clWl P��Y P�Y when due tbe <br /> , pdncipal of pnd intcrcst on the debt cvldenad by the Noto arrJ any prepayment w�d IAte ch+ugex due under the Note. <br />�ndR tor T�ura�ad Inwranoe.Subject to applicable law or to�wdtten xai��er by Ler�der. Borrower�hall p�y to <br /> Leoder on thr,d�y monthly payrnents arc due under the Note.until the Note is paid in full.a sum('Funds")for:(a)yeuly Wca <br /> �nd axsessmenu which m�y �tuin priority over this Socurity Inatrument as a lien on the Property;(b)yearly Ie�actwld paymetus <br /> o�gmund rents on the Property. if any;(c)yearty fuzard or prnpeny insurance prcmiums;(d)ywrly floai insurance premiums. <br /> if nny; (o)yesuly nwrtgage inwcan�;e premiums,if any; And(�any sums payable by Dorrower to Lender, in pcoordance wlth <br /> the provisions of paragraph 8,i�lieu of the paymcnt of mortgage insurence prcmiums.Thae items nre callod 'Escrow Items.' <br /> Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an arrwunt not to exceod the maximum amount a Iender for a federdly <br /> rclated mongage loan may require for Borrower's escrow acxount under the foderAl Rcal Estate Scttlement Pmcedunx Act of <br /> 1974 rs sunended from Nmo to timc. 12 U.S.C.Section 2601 et srq. ('RESPA"), unless tiather lew that applies to the Fwrds <br /> �� sets a lesser iunount. If co. Lender mxy, at any time. collect end hold Funds in an amount not to excoed the lesser amount. <br /> Lender may estimatc thc amount of Funds due on the basis of curnent data and reasonable estimates of expenditurrs of futuro <br /> Escrow Items or utherwiu in�ccardance with applicable law. <br /> The Funds shull be held in an institution whose dcposiGc ure insurod by a federal asency, instrumentality, or entity <br /> - (including Lender, if L,ender is such an institution)or in any Fecleral Iiome Loan Ba,�k.Le�wler sl►utl apply the Funds to pay the <br /> Escrow Items.Lender may not charge Bor�ower for holding end upplying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow account,or <br /> verifying the Escrow Items. unless I.ender pays Barrower interest on the Funds and applicable Iaw permits Lender to make such <br /> a charge. However,L.ender may require Borrower to pay u one-time charge for an independent real estate tax reporting service <br /> - used by Lender in connxtion wlth this loan. unless applicablc law provides othenvisc. Unless an agrcement is made or <br /> - applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower any interest or earnings on thc Funds. <br /> Borrower and l.endcr n�ay agree in writing.however, that intemst shall be paid an thc Funds. L.endcr shall give to Borcower, <br /> �::- without charge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits ro the Funds and the purpose for which each <br /> =_- _ <br />`-:� ciebit to the Funds was made.The Funds are pledged as additional securiry for all sums sexured by this Security instrument. <br /> If the Funds held by Lender excee.�l the amounts permitted to bc held by applicable law, Lender shall account to Borrower <br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with the requirements of applicnble law. If the amonnt of the Funds held by Lender at any <br /> "� time is not,ufficient to pay the Escrciw Items when due,Lendcr may so notify Borrowcr in writing,and,in such case Borrower <br /> ''`�� shall pay to Lender the amount necessury to malce up the deticiency. Borcower shall make up the�ierciency in no m�re thnn <br /> '�^'�,`' twelve monthly payments,at Lender's wle diccretiun. <br /> �..,.::, : . <br /> , :.�. Upon puyment in full of all sumti secured by this Security Instrument, Lender shall promptly refund to Borrower any <br /> .N �`°..�;�. : Funds hcld by Lendcr. If,under paragraph 21, Lcndcr shull urquire or sell the Property, L.cnder,prior to the acquisition or sule <br /> of the Property,shull apply any Fund�held by Lender at thc time of acquisition or sale as e credit against the sums securai by <br /> this S�:curity Insh-unknt. <br /> � "�`'�4� 3.Appflcation of'PAyments. Unlcsti applicablc luw provide�otherwise,ull paymcnts re�eived by Lendcr under paragraphs <br /> ' �"�` I and 2 shall bc applicJ:first,to uny prcpaymcnt churgrs duc undcr thc Nutc: ,crund,t��amc�unts payablc undcr ara ra h 2; <br /> •�d�'• . •� i»^.'-" � P R P <br /> _,1� � third,to intcrest duc;f<�unh,to princip•rl due:anJ ta�t,tu any I:�te charges dur under thc N�xc. <br /> iYGI�F..�._' ':yL. . <br /> ' a"�.. . '�; 4.Charges; i.iens.&�rrawer shull pay all taxcti, asxstimentti,churges, tincs and imp�sitionti attributuble to the Prc�perty <br /> �.'.:-� . <br /> , ��:xs�.�.;�•s:_ which may attain priority ovcr thi� Security Imtrunknt, and Iraschold paymrntti ur gr�iunJ rents, if uny. &irn�wer shall pay <br /> ''�'�' theuu ubfi�!ationti in Ihr nunner provided in paragraph 2,ur if not paid in that mannrr,&�rruwrr shall pay thcm on time direcNy <br /> to thc pcnim owed paymcnt. &rrruwcr�hsll prumpUy furnitih tu I.rndcr all ni�tirc.ut'amiwnts tu Ix p•rid undrr thix par�graph. - <br /> lf&�rruwer make.�hr+r paynknt+dircrUy. &�r�ow•cr.ha�l pro►nptty furnitih to LrnJcr rcrciptti cvidencing thc puyment.. <br /> �=•�=�� . .• Bonawcr shull promptly disrl�arEr um•licn�vhich ha.pri��rity�wrr thi.Scrurity Imtrumc�it unle+,Barro����r: (u►agr�tis in - <br /> , � writing to thr paynunt i�f Ihc ahligation.rrurcd by thr lirn in a munnrr arcrptublr tu LcnJcr: 1 bl cuntrst�in gaid fuith thc licn <br /> .. by. or defe�xi,aguimt enti.rcemm�t ��l'dir lirn in. l�gal pr�kreJin�� u�hirh in �h� (Andrr'� upinion u}kr.itr to prevent the <br /> "•`.• . enfiircemcnt nf thr licn: ��r(c).crurr+from thr Iwldcr of the lirn an a�rrrmcnt wti�faclon�lu 1.enJ�r sutxirdinatin�thc lien t�� <br /> ... � thiti Scru�iry in�tn�ment. If' LrnJrr Jrtcrniinc. that uny part uf thr Prapcny� i> �uhject t�� a licn ���hirh may uttuin priarity�c�ver <br /> • tl�is Sccurity In�trunxnt. LrnJer may�!ivr &,rruHrr a n�itirc identiFyin�tlie licn. B�,rruw•�r�hall,ati.h• the licn or take ane or <br /> . .•��" .•..' , mixe of the artion,xet timh aMn•c�vithin 1 U duy.uf thr�i�•ing uF nuti�e. <br /> Fam 3028 9l�0 <br /> ' v.��x•1 oe e <br /> �" <br /> , �'`_,.. . . M.. . � <br /> -r��s�'�]+.�::' .`u� 'R`X`•�+Y.�iL.�ln{}i'�C'� ::ii� ..., ��r,�3+p�.IG ,�MOD�►iiMdW`K�. <br /> =� ..e.57._. .. .:.... � ..��_ �{•r�.��,�r.�`['�9'�:;µ'p^= .-., . . <br /> i `"Q1.S.C�: . . . _ _ . iiL':.�:31C3S�s1T�1Y:. <br /> � C:• .. • .� ' . . _ . . _. �.!• _ ' `. ,., . � <br /> � .. <br /> � .... . � ' . .. <br /> _'__'_�;•,.' _ ' � , . <br /> �f:y._�. .. ' _ <br /> —M.J�%.I�.v'b � .. . _ <br /> ��y. ~• ii '� � . " .� .� <br /> _ . �. . �•r..:�,'+�:a..�;t•_�. <br /> � ��_i.1�� . . � • . _ <br /> ,J� \ `�+* <br /> . w w . ' �:�t�.iw)��:. .. <br />._ .- � . 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