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� ,�''� '�° =_ -� <br /> ..:� ' --s------ <br /> ___-�- . .. - - ---_1�--� _ . <br /> �94_ lo�.�ei <br /> I. P�yr�aeat ot Princip�l,laierat oad L�te Cha�e. Bartower sh�ll pYy whcn due thc pdnclpal oi,and intore�t on, <br /> - the debt evfdenced by the Nute and late chiu�e:due under the Natc. <br /> 2. Montbly paymenW ot'If�zet,lewrauue aad Other Ch�rQes. Borrower shull include in cach monthly payment, <br /> tagether with the pdnclp�l wid inteact as set forth io the Ndc and any late charges, an inxtaUmcnt of any (a)taxes and <br /> cpecid ax�eswnent�kvlod ar to be levied��ainst the Property,(b)le�ehold payment�or�round rcnts on the F'ropeny.and <br /> (c)prcmiums for inaurwrce rcquira!by Pari�raph 4. <br /> ------_- Hach monthly installmcnt for itcros (a). (b) und (c) shnll cqual onc-twclfth af thc annual amounts, as rcasonably <br /> e�tirrwtod by l.ender. plus an amount xufficient to m�intaln an additional balance of not morc than onc-sixth of thc <br /> _ eatlmrfed amoun�s. The full annual amount for each item shall be accumulated by Lender wlthin n period ending one <br /> - month beforc an ttem would became delinyuent. L.ender ahall hold the wnounw collected in trust to pay items(a).(b)And <br /> --- (c)befcxe they bccome delinqucnt, <br /> If at Any time the tatal af thc payments hcid by L,ender for items (u), (b)und(c),tagethcr with thc futurc monthly <br /> payments for such items payable to Lender pdor to the due dntes of such items, exceeds by morc than one-sixth the <br /> _ esdrtuued amount of payments t+equtred to pay such items when due,and lf payment�on the Note ar+e cunent,then L.ender - <br /> shaq either r+efund the excess over one-sfxth uf the estimeted payments or credit the excess over one-sixth of the estimated <br /> —._ <br />