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,_ �, <br /> .►.� . F - <br /> � � :.�...r,..�,,,Y. . .• -._ <br /> � ' �I1R'�5���`�- �vJ;�r . . . +'`� �... <br /> M '� <br /> �v....i �rV�iL. ._ <br /> - :�...,��r.: �� 94- �'���s4 � - <br /> xw,�._ _�;�.. ; <br /> .. �:�:,� ._. _ . <br /> .�.,_. � <br /> ,�,�,; ,,,,-,,.;_,._� �: UNIFOHM COVENANT3.Borrow�r md L�nd�r cov�n�M�nd apr�e as foliows: <br /> �, '�yp�n� a I��Inalpd �nd Int�nst. Borrowar�hall promptly pay when due the pnncip�l ot and int�rKt on ths <br /> ' Ind�bt�dn��s�vid�ncsdbyth�Not�.Pr�paym�nt�ndl�t�cha►p�s�sprov�d�dinlheNot�.�ndth�pnncipatatandlnt�raton <br /> ' any Futur�Adv�nc�s s�curW by the Desd ol Trust <br /> � �. FwKNia Ta�tM�nd Inwranc�.Sub�ct to�pplicable I�w or to a writtan wsiver by Lender.Borrower shdt payto LMd�r <br /> J• � onth�dWmonthiyinstallm�nriof princip���ndtnl�r�daapay�bl�und�rtheNote,unUlth�Nol�tsp�tdinfull,asum(hwNn <br /> "Funds")equ�l to on�-twNlth af ths yearly taxN�nd asNS�monts whfch m�y attain p�iority ov�r thls ONd of Tru�f.and <br /> _ flroundnnbontNeProporty.lfany,plusone-twelRhofyeerlypremluminstslimsntslorh�zsrdtnwrana.pluson�•tw�l�of _ _ _ _� _, <br /> - � L�•ndi on th bsi s of aMS�isem�na en,d blliiind�ii�of iWi iitimat�is��bao1 stimat�d tnitlally�nd trom t�m�10 dnw by -• <br /> , � Ths Funds sh�ll be hNd In an inst�tudon th�d�posit�orsccnuna of which an insured or 4u�rmte�d,by�F�dKal arstats �t <br /> _�•.,..,��;. eqsncy tlnc�udi�q L�nd�r if L�nder is such an�nstitutian).Und�r shall�pply the tunds to pty wfd tax�s,as�menri. ---- <br /> msurancs prsmiums and 9round ronts.Lendsr may nat ch�rge tar ao holdinp and applymp the Fund�.�natyzinq srid account ��,_'=:�_�_ <br /> - orvsrNylnq�nd compfilnp said asseasmenta and bilia,unleas Lander pays Borrower int�reston ths Funds anCap plicable I�w _..�... <br /> '.,-i� . permfts Lend�r to mak�such a chRrqe.8orrower end Lendsr may ayr�s in writlng at ths tims of sx�cution ot this Dsed of Trwt �,�._-.�____ <br /> _;.�.;-: thet interest on th�Funds sha�l be paid to Borrower,and unless auch eQreemant is mads or appilcalbs law requires wch — <br /> �.,�. intere�t to be peid,Lendsr shatl not be requ�red to pay Borrower eny interoat or eami� s on th�Funda.Lendor ahal►pive to a r�,�� � <br /> -_ 8orrower,wifhoutcharge,anannuataccounhngoflheFund�a��sadditionalae urdirytorthesumsaacursddbythis�Owdof �.. �__�'".',�"°" <br /> - whiche�chd�bUtothsFundswasmade.TheFundsareple y ,: <br /> Trust '`'"�.: <br /> It the amount ot the tunds heid by lender,toqether with the future monthly instaliments ot Funds payab�e prwr to ths due �,f��_Y;�_ <br /> datss of taxes,aasessments,insurance premiuma and ground rents,shali exceed the amount required to pay taid t11x�a. ��F�._ <br /> assessmont�,inaurance premiums and ground ronts ns they fali due.auch excesa shali be,at Borrower'a option,either <br /> promptly repeid to 8orrower or credited to Borrower on monthly mstallments ot Funds.lf the amount ot the Funda held by �i���'��,,_ <br /> l.enderthall not beeufficientto pay taxes.asaeasments.msurance premwms and grou�d rents as they fall due.Borrower sh�ll ��,��, <br /> pay to Lender any amount necessery to make up the deticiency w�thln 30 days from the date notie�fs mailed by Lander to Y <br /> 8orrower requestlny payment thereof. °'� <br /> Upon payment In full of et�aums secured by this Oeed ot Trust.Lendershall promptly refund to Borrower any Funds held by � y '" ' s� <br /> Lender.�f undsr peragrsph 18 hereof the Propqrty is aold or the Property is otherw�ae acquired by Lender,Lender shalt app y. �;� <br /> no laterthan imm�d fa te ly pr ior t o t h e s a l e o f t h e P r o p e r ry o r f t a e cq uiu�t�on b y Lender,and Funda hetd by Lender at the tlma of , <br /> applicatlon as a credtt againat tho sums secured by this Deed of 7 ,� <br /> g, AppQcatlon o1 paynNnb.Unless applicabie Iew prowdes otherwise.eIl payments�eceived by Lender under the Note �;'• �� : � '� <br /> and peragraphs t and 2 hereof shall be appl�ed by Lender f�rst in payment of amounts payable to I.ender by Borrower under , <br /> par�greph 2 hareot,then to interest payable on cne Note,then to the pnncipal of the Note,and then to mterestand pnncipal on „fi.�,.�- <br /> any Future Advances. � -,��' _ <br /> 4. Ch�tp�s;Ll�ns•Borrowersshellpay alltaxes.assessmentsandothercharges,Nnesandimposit�onsattribufabletothe �; � <br /> Property which may attain a prionly over this Oeed ot Trust,and leasetiold payments or ground rents,d any,in the manner <br /> provfded under paragraph 2 hereot or,it not�aid in such manner,by Bor�ower making paymenG when due,directly to the � =..a-- <br /> payee thereof.8orrower shall promptly turni�. •o Lender all notices ot amounts due under this paregraph,and in the event � <br /> Borrower ahall meke•�peyment dlrectty, Borrow�r sha�l promptly fumish to Lender receipts ev�denc�ng such payments. . � <br /> Suriawa�shaii pransp8•�discharge eny I�en whicn hea pnonry over this Oeed ot Trusx prov�ded,that Borrower shall not be �,��,, ,. <br /> required to dlsaharge eny such Iien so long as Borrower shall agree�n wnt�ng tothe paymentof the obligaiion securs�by such <br /> Ilen in e manner acceptable to Lender,or shall in good faith contest such lien by,or defend enforcement of such Iien in,leqal �`��..' � ,- <br /> prxeedings which operate to prevent the entorcemant of the lien or foAeiture of the P�operty or any part thereof. insured r � <br /> 5. Hasard(�wane�.Bonower shall keep the improvements now existing or hereaner erected on the Property • ���" <br /> against loas by fire,hazards inciuded within the term'extended coverage",and such other hazerds as Lender may requ�re i,. <br /> and in such emounts and tor such penods as Lender mey require;provided,that Lender shell not�equne that the amount of , <br /> such coverage exceed that amount of coverage reqwred to pay the aums�ecured by this Deed of Trust. �- <br /> ` Thls i rova shalCl not be unrea�sonab►y wlthheid.Aiep em um on lnsurance pol ciestsha�I be paid In the manne�pro ded � <br /> , such app " <br /> ; under perapraph 2 hereot or.�f not paid m such Borrower making payment,when due,directty to t ie�nsurance `j <br /> � _ carrier. <br /> All Insurance poticies and renewats thereof shall be in form acceptable to Lender and shal�mclude a standard mortgage , <br /> ' clause in favor of and fn form acceptable to lender.Lender shall have the nght to hold the pol�aes and renewalathereof,and Y., <br /> Borrower sha�I prornptly turn�sh to Lender a�I renewat nohces and al1 rece�pts ot pa�d premwms.In the event of Ioss.Borrower `:�k <br /> shall give prompt notice to the msurance carner ana Lender.Lender may meke p�oot ot loss if not mado prompt�y by Borrower. � <br /> Unless Lender and Borrower otherw�se agree�n wr�tmg,�nsurance proceeds shall be appl�ed to restoration or repair of the <br /> Property damaged,prov�ded such restorahon or repa�r�s econom�cally teasible and the secunty of this Deed ot Trust is not . <br /> theteby impa�red.It such restorat�on or repa�r�s not economically teasible ar if the secunty of thts Deed of Trust Would be <br /> impafred,the�nsurance proceeds shalt be appl�ed to the sums secured by this Oeed of Trust,with the excess.�f any,paid to . <br /> the Property is abendoned'oy Borrower,or�f Borrower(a�ls to respond to Lerder w�thin 30 days from the date <br /> authori edto colbeyctand arp pl yhe�surancetp oceeds t Lendere's apton either1t resto anon or epai otthe P operty or to <br /> the sums secured by this Deed of Trust. ., <br /> IUnless Lender and Borrower otherw�se agree�n w��t�ng,any such appl�cation ot proceeds to pnncipal shall not extend or <br /> � postpone the due dete of the monthly mst3llments referred to�n paragraphs 1 and 2 hereof or change the amount of such <br /> �nstellments.lf under paragraph 18 hereof tho Properry�s acqwred by Lender,all nght,t�t1e and interest of Borrower�n and to <br /> any insu�ence poliCies and in and to the proceeds thereof resulting from dama9e to the Property pnor to the sale or acqu�s�hon <br /> shatl pass to Lender t0 the extent of Ihe sums secured by th�s Oeed of Trust�mmediately pnor to such Sale or acqwsition. <br /> 6.P�a�rvatlon and Maint�nanc�ot Prop�rty:Leas�holds:Condominiums;Planned Unit O�vtIopm�nfs.Borrower shall <br /> keepthe property m good repait end shall not comm�t waste or permit impaument ot detenorat�on of the Property and shall <br /> comply w�th the provisions of any iease�t Ihis peed of Trust�s on a Ieasehold.If this Oeed of Trust is on a urnt in e condom�nwm <br /> or a planned un�t development,Borrower shall pertorm alt ot 9orrower's obtigat�ons under the dectarat�on or covenents <br /> creeting or goverrnng the contlum�rnum or planned un�t development,the by-�aws and regulati�ns ot the Condominium or <br /> t plenned unft development,and const�tuent a condom�mum or pianned unit development nder�s excuted by <br /> � Borrower and reco�ded together with th�s Deed ot TrusL the covenants and agreements of such nder shall be mcorporeted <br /> � into and shall amend and supplement the covenants and agreements ot th�s Deed ot Trust as it the nder were a part hereof <br /> 7. Prolletion of L�nd�r's S�curlty.It Borrow�sr fa�ts to perform the covenants and agreements contamed m this Deed of <br /> Trust,or if eny action or proceE+dine�is commenced w�th matenally eHects Lender's�nterest�n ttle P�Operty.mcluding but not <br /> Iimited to,em�nent domam,msowency,code enforcement,or arr�nqeme�ts or proceedings�nvotv�ng a bankruptor decedent. <br /> then Lender at Lender's option.��pon nouce to E3orrower,mav maKe sucn appearances,disburse such sums end take such <br /> � actfonas�snecessarytoprotectLender'smtorest.�ncluding butnothm�ledto.d�sbursementofreasonableattorneysteesantl <br /> entry uponthe Propertyto make reqa�r:�.If Lender reqwred mortgage�nsurance a�a cond�t�on of makmg the loan secured by <br /> the Deed ot Trust.Borrower shal� pay the premwms requ�red to mamta�n such insuranCe in effect untd such t�me as the <br /> � requirement torsuch�nsurance term�nates�n accordance w�th Borrower's and Lender's wntten agrcement or appItcalbelaw <br /> Borrower shall pay the amount ot au mortqage��surance permwms�n the manner provided under paragraph 2 hereot. <br /> Any amounts disbursed by Lender pursuant tu th�s paragraph 7, with �nterest thereon. shalt become additional <br /> �_ indebtedness of Borrower secured by this Deed of Trust Unless Borrower end Lender agreeto otherterms of payment,sucn <br /> �n.............e....,��..,.,„�,.m...,f nwrant and shatl bear�nterest trom the <br /> - - 8rt10UntSSh811 b@ PaYBOie upon nvi����iv�T.�c�:.;P:.....................:__....�,.-� <br /> ' dateofdisbursementattheratepayablofmmtimetot�meonoulstandmg pnnc�patundertheNoteunlesspaymentot�nterest <br /> � ; at SuCh r3te would be contt:try to apphcab�e �.tw. �n which event such amounts shail bear mterest at th@ h�ghe5t rAte <br /> � perm�ssible under apphcable�aw Noth�nq contame�t m th�s paraqraph 7 shall reQU�re Lender to incur any expense or take eny <br /> �, ection hereunder <br /> !. Insp�Ction.Lender m�y makr.or r,cwse�o be made reason:�bh�rntr�es upon and mspect�ons of the Property,prowdc�d <br /> Ihat!_ender shall q�ve 8orrnwer noUce p����r���.+ny•.ii. h inS�n•r.U�n�•P�'�'�1vmq�e:tsonablec:t�tiethe�efnrf�related to Lend�tr s <br /> mte�est�n the Property <br /> � <br /> • <br /> �j <br /> 1 <br /> 1 <br /> • -� <br />