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<br /> — � _ _ - Tf�c I�wKi, s�uili uic 3�rld i�l iu� jtii$lAion �i3.;,, d�tx:its:stt isru�rc� !r� tt ic�c� �2ti•'y. its�sssm.�tl.tlity. rn mtilp
<br /> _ - - __ (i�luding LaKler.if Lccrdet ic such an iruititution)or in anY Faderal Nomc Lou►B�nk.Lender shaU apply the�unda to pay the '
<br /> F.�cr+aw Items. Lendc�muy nat charge&►rrnwer for holding and�pplyin�ihe Funds,annually Analyzing the eicrow�ocount.or �
<br /> ver�fyin�the E�crow Itans,urQess Lender prys Harrowu intercst on ihe Fundc and�pplicable Irw�xrtNtr l,ender ta mpke wch .
<br /> a charge. However.Lender rruryroquire Borrower to pay a one-Ume ciur�e for ar►indcpetxlent tcal catate tw� repartitl�servjoe
<br /> used by Lender in connoction with this loan. unless applicsble Isw provides otherwise. Unless �n agroement i: m�de or
<br /> applicable law roquinx intercst to be paid,Lender shall not be roquirod to pay Borrower any intercst or e�mings on the Funda.
<br /> Borrawer a��d l.ender may agrce in writing,however, that inttrest shall be ps+id on thc Funds. Lender shall givc ta Borrower,
<br /> �_-�. wlthout charge, an annual ac�ounting of the Funds. showing crodits and dcbits to the Funds und the purpox for whlch e.�ch
<br /> �., — debit to the Funds wus made.77u Funds are pledgod as rdditiarwl secudty for all sume secured by this Socurity Instrument.
<br /> If the Funds held by I.ender excced tt►e amounts permittod to be held by applicabie law,Lender ah�ll account to Barrc►wer
<br /> �I for the excess Funds in uccordance wlth the requiremcnts of applicable law. If the amount of thc Funds hcld by Lcndcr at any -
<br /> .�- —.�--�:::.� time is not sufficient to pay the Esemw Itemc when due,l,ender may sa notify Borrower In writing,and,in such case Borrower
<br /> ��.•�h,�F,�z.�-� shall pay to L.ender the amount necessary to make up the deficiency. Borrower sh�li n�lce up the deficiency in no mor+e tiu�n
<br /> _ _��'�-"``��� twelve monthly paymcnts.at L.ender's solc discretion.
<br /> ____------ Upon payment in full of all sums secured by this Securlty Instrument, I.endcr shall promptly refund to Borrower any
<br /> — --"""'"'�' Funds held by [.ender.lf.under parnsraph 21, Lender shail ocquire or scll the PrPperty,l.ender,priar to the acquisition or sale
<br /> _ _ _°---=-�-�-=�� af the Praperty,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of ucquisition or salc as a credit aguinst the sums secured by
<br /> - � ',�,,����'-�,::�;%� d�is Security Instrument.
<br /> ��� xa4��,;�'��.�L»c'• 3.ApplicxNon ot P�yments.Unlcss applicabte law provides othcrwisc, all puyments reccived by Lendcr under pa�ugrnphs
<br /> ,�•• ���M�'-_� 1 and 2 snall be applied: first,to any prepayment charges due under the Note;second,to amounts payable under pw�agraph 2;
<br /> . third,co interest due:fonrth,to principal due;nnd last,to any late churges due under t1�e Note.
<br /> - `a"'""'``''` 4.Churges; Liens. Borrower shall pay all taxes,assessments. chargcs, fines and impositions attributablc to the Properry
<br /> . . ' which mny attain priority over this Security Instrument, and leasehold paymcnts or ground rents. if any.Barrower shall pay
<br /> ,' � these obl}gations in the manner provided in paragraph 2,or if not paid in that manner,Borrower shall pay them on time directly
<br /> - °� • , " to the person owed payment. Anrrower shall pramptly furnish to I.cnder all notices of amounts to be paid under this paragraph.
<br /> ' ' If Borrower makes these payments direcdy.Borrower�huU promptly furnish to l.ender roceipts evidencing the.payments. _
<br /> 4 `y' � Borrower shuU promptly discharge any lien which has prtonty over this Securiry Instrument unless Borrower: (a)agrees in
<br /> � writing to the payment of thr obligation sc:cured by the lien in a manner ucceptablc to Lender;(b)contests in good fuith the licn
<br /> ' by, or defend� again�t enforcement of the lien in. Iegal prcice«iingti whieh in the L.ender's opinion operate to prevent the
<br /> ° enforcement of the lien; or(c)securey from thc halder of the lien an agreement satisfactory to Lender subordinating the lien to
<br /> this Security Instrument. If L.ender determines that any part of the Propeny is subject to a lien which may attain priority over _
<br /> � � this Security Instrument, l.cndcr rrwy sivc Borrowcr a noticc idcntifying the lien. Boirower shall satisfy the lien or takc one or —
<br /> . more of the actions set forth above w�thin 10 days of the giving of notice. --
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insuratne. Borrower shall kcep thc improvements now existing on c�reaftcr erccted an the
<br /> Property insured •rguinst losti by fire, haiards included within the tcrm "cxtended covcrage" and any othcr hacnrds, including
<br /> flaods or floodin�, for which Lende�reyuires insurance. This insurance shall be maintained in the umounts and for the pericxls �
<br /> that I.ender requircs. The insurance curner providing the insurance tihall be chosen by Borrawer subject to Lender'r approval �;;
<br /> w�jrh.�a�� ��� (u����sP�con:�hly withheld. If Borrower fuils to mointain coverage described above, Lender may, ut L.ender's
<br /> option,obtain covcragc to protcct L.ender's rights in thc Property in accordancc with paragruph 7.
<br /> AU insurance policie�and renew�ls tihall be acceptuble �o Lender und shull include a standard mongage clause. i.ender
<br /> , . shull have the right to hold the policie�snd renewals. If Lendcr rcyuireti.Borruwcr shall promptly give to Lrnder uU receipts of
<br /> paid premiums and renew•rl noticcti.In thc evcnt of lo�s,Borrower shall give prnmpt ncxice to the insurance carrier and Lender. �"
<br /> '' l.endcr may mukc proof of los,if not madc prumptly by&�n<iwcr.
<br /> 1 Unlcss L,ender and Borrowcr otherwik ugrce in writinF, imurunrc pmcced+shall be applicd to restorati�>n or rcpair of thc
<br /> R' Property dam:iged,if the rc+tarui<m or repair i.eronomically Feasiblc and Lendcr'..ccurity iti not lessened.If the re,wration ur
<br /> repair is not ernnomically fe:►sible or Lender's+ecurity would be Irti+eneJ.the insuracxe prcxeeds shall be�pplied to the sums `�,�
<br /> � securcd by this Security Insttvment, whc[her or not then dur, with uny exrc�. paid to Borrower. If Borrciwrr abandons the .
<br /> �'• Property,or doer not answer within 3U day�u nutire frum Isnder that the in�urance carrier hati offered ta setNe a claim,then
<br /> ;`a Lender may collert thr insurance pnxeed,. I..ender may use the pnxrecis to repair or retitore thr Propeny or to puy sumti �.
<br /> � secured by this Security Inytrunknt,whcthcr or not thcn duc.Thc 30 day pericxl�viU hegin when the noticc is given. �'-
<br /> , Unletis I.cndcr und Borrowcr uthcrwi,c agrcc in writing, any appliration of pr�xeeJs u� principal .hall not extcnd ur
<br /> , . postpone thc due Jute of thr monthly paymcnt. rcfcrreJ t��in parugraph� I und 2 ur rhangc thc am��unt of the paymcntti. If
<br /> • under paragraph 2I the Pmperiy i.ucqwrc�l by l.rndcr, Burruwer'ti ri�!ht to uny imurancc p�liric.and prixecdx re�ulting f'rum
<br /> � dumage to the Propeny priur t��the acyuitiitinn�hall pa.�to Lender t��thc extrnt of thc.urnx�ecured by chi,Scrurity[ntitrument �..•
<br /> . immcdiately prior tu thc acyui�itiun. �-"
<br /> 6.Occupancy.Pnwervation.INaintenance and Prot�Yti�m of the Yropertc; Borrow•er's I.oan Application; Les��eholdc.
<br /> . Burrowcr tihuU ixcupy.c,rrbli,h, anJ u�c thc Pruprrty a�Burmw�r',principal re,iJencc«•ithin�i+cty days aftcr thc cxecuti�m of
<br /> this Securiry In+trumcnt and tihsll e�mtinu�to �xcupy thr Pru{xny :u Burrowcr'+ prinripal re>iJcnrr fur at Icatit��nc ycar attcr
<br /> the datc of occupanry.unle+�Lrnder othcrwi.c agrreti in w•ritin�. �chich camcnt �hall n��t l+e unrea�on•rbly withhrld, ur unlc+s
<br /> extenuating circum,tanrc+ exitit �►�hirh arc t+cyunJ Burro�srr'. c�mtrol. B��rruu�� .hall not de.troy. damage nr impair thc
<br /> Property. allow the Property t��drterioratc. ur r��tntnit aa.tr on thc Yru�ny. BurruN�r,hall lx in Jrfault if any fivfeiturc
<br /> ' actiun or pmceaiing,w�hether rivil i�r criminal, i�hcgun that in Lrndrr',g�xxl faith judgm�nt ruuld re�ult in tiirtciture uf thr
<br /> � Property or otherwise matcrially impair thc lirn rrcatrJ hy thi.Scrurity In�trumriu ur Lr�idcr'.xrurit} intcrc�t. Burrow•cr may
<br /> � curc.ruch u dcfault and rrimtatc.a�pr���•ided in par.t�:r•rph IS. h�cuu+ing thr arti�m�ir prixccding tu tk di+mi��cJ with a ruliug
<br /> ' that, in L.endcr'� g�wx1 fuith Jctcrminatiun. pr�tiludr. lorlciturr��f thc H��rro���r'+ interc�t in tl�r Pm�xny ur uthrr matrri:d
<br /> . ' impaimicnt uf thc licn uwtcd h�• thi, Srcurity In.trumrnt or Lcndrr', �crurit� int�re•t. Burr����cr,h.dl altio tk in drfault iC '[
<br /> t � ` � &�rrowcr.during thc loan applirati�m pnx�s,.ga�r tnatrriall� t;d.r�,r inarrur.itr inti,rmuti�m��r,tatcmcnt.t�,Ixndcr lor failcd
<br /> A,� to providc Lrndcr a•ith any m•rtrrial intormati�,ni�n runnrrti�,n uith thr luan r�idrnrcd hy Qic Nutc.inrluding,hut n��t limitcd �'
<br /> to. rcprc�cntati�m.a�n«rnm�Burroarr',�k•cupanr� al th�Pr�,ix•rt} ati:�rr�����ral rc.iJrnrr. If thi.Security In.trumrnt i,�m a
<br /> Icatichotd. Bottoacr .haU ramply ��ith all thc pru�i�i��m ut Ihr Ira.c. It H„rcu���r acyuirr+ f�r titlr to thr Pr���m. thr
<br /> � - IeaseholJ and the f'�ti titl�tihall nut mcrgc unlr�.l.cndrr agrce.tu the mrrgrr in��ritin�.
<br /> • 7. f'rotection of I.endcr's Ri�htz in thc Pn►pert�.If Bnrruwcr fail+tu�xrli�nn the ru�en�nt�and a�rcrmcnt�r�mtain��i in
<br /> thi+ 3ecurity lnswmcnt, or therr i,a Irgal pnkeediug that m:n .ignifiranUy aftr�t I.endrr'. right�in thr Pmprny twrh a,a
<br /> ' p�ocecding in b•rnkruptcy,prubatr. titt r��ndentnation or li�rfriwrc ar t�,rnliirr�lu�+,ur regulatioml, thcn Lcnder ma}•du and
<br /> Pay fur whate��er iti ►xcc..•rr��tu protrct tlm �alur uf thr PruFxrty and Lender'. rigBt, in the Pra�xrt�. IArxfrr',artiun. may
<br /> mcludc paying any ,um. �rrurrd hy a licn �shirh ha. pri��nt� ucrr thi. Srrurity In,trumrnt. ap�xaring in ruurt, pa�•in�:
<br /> .� rc:►wnablc attorncy�'fcr�and cmcring�m the Yru�xm•tu ma6r rrpair.. Althuugh Lc�xirr ma�• tak�artian undcr thi.puru��aph
<br /> 7 1 nw1..r d.w.n.it hnv.+tn d�i ui
<br /> _ � � .- .�.Any amount. di�hur+ed h�• Lend�r unJcr thi, paragr��►h 7 ,hall Ikr�mie additianal dcht ��( &+rru�«r .�curcd b� thi.
<br /> .. �, S�tiuriry imtrunknt. Unlc�. B�ttru��r�anJ l.rtxlcr agrer tu uthrr trrnn ul ra�mrnt. tlic.r amuunt. .hall txar intere.t frum thr
<br /> datc uf Jisbur+enxnt at the Nntr rutr anJ.hall lx: pa�ahle. ��ith intrre�t, uFxin nut�r� frum l.cnder t�► B��rrau�r rcyu�.ting
<br /> ii paymcnt.
<br /> . ' � 8. 11imt};��e Inwrvnce.If I.crxlrr rcyuircJ murt�:a�:�in,uran�r:�.:�runJiti�,n uf mal��n�:thc luan,rcur�d h� tlii.tircuru�
<br /> Instrunxnt. Ik�rrow•cr �hall pay thc pr�mimm rcyuir�tl t„ tnaiu�ain th�m�.rtga�r io.ur:uuc in rff�ti•t. If. ti,r an� rra.�m. th�
<br /> . mortg•rgr in.urrnrc ru�•crag�rcyuir�tii h� IAnJcr lap.c.�,r rra�c. tu tk in�t(�rt. Burrowcr.hatl pa� thr prrmium.rryu�r«I a,
<br /> . obtain ro�•er•rge tiuN.t•rntially eyui�•alrnt tu thr nu,rt�;a�:c inwran:r pre���w.l� in rR�rt.at a r�,�t.uh,tant�alh �yw�alrut t�, the
<br /> co�t to &nmw•er of the nx�rt�u�c in,uran�e prr�i��u.l� in rttiyt. Irum an altcnr.►tc munguge io.urer arpr����yt h� I.ender. If
<br /> �
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