__yy�.w .. , , }•+� .",�.-
<br /> , � 1. 1 :.ri." si'e:yi�ti
<br /> � _1N. _ . '.��� _.�-..
<br /> � 94-- 10i558 ` -
<br /> ��� �
<br /> -� — - e. �oanowu. ueNS iwo aAO•�cnc�c�ee►�F�r�s a�c•u�arr. rn,�« .n.r�..n p.yr„«K.ot�,u�t.�r a+��
<br /> -- _ -- - payn�a�rnr oii»�dwo...i.w.nJ.,yiwwi:r+w�:cW w ba pa1C w�trsy�t0�n ha!daere a pr4or b�nM4��w und�r any P�iar d�d of Ywt ___
<br /> - or nwrq�p�b�1on tlw daM q�y w dMinqwn!�nd pro�npfN WY�d��NY aod�Whn Y�n��oNYm�a d�M whble n+ay I�rdi�s 1h�
<br /> Nq+rMY Y►�nad h�rNn,N TruMw f�Nr b m�k�an�r wah p�ynNnt a 1�Mit b p�rbtm�ny d ttN oown�nb�nd pt+�n'�MM oa�NNd In NM�ONd al
<br /> TwM.a in�ny Prbt mo+10� a dwd af Mu�k a M rhr�oMon a p►oa«IYq M oann�+o�d whioh nMMruJ1Y�M�M!�^�°�Y��YNK�In 1h�
<br /> •' prq�Ay�N�du�irq�but not IYnlbd q.«nfnw�t domain prooMdN+y�,w prooNdk�pr InwNk►0 R d�a�d�N,a M Tn�Nor 1W�b p�y TiuMor�dNN�
<br /> .'� p�n«.y..any b.00nw du., awn sM+Nlolsa�.e s«�abwr'•optlo�.na wNl+out noefo.b«a.m.na upon Tn+MOr ana wlhoul nMMkw Tn+Aor
<br /> • " irom�nY obYpMbn h�nw�d�t. m�Y m�k�wch�ppw�a��di�bun�weh wms and f�wch�Ibn M N n�oMwy►b P►aMet�+�rY'�
<br /> _ '�;t'� ��,��p,but not NnIN�!b.dMb�MMmMN of naMOtnbl�MbrMY'�t�w.WY��Pw�W�CoMMt w oompromfw ot luiy Mkeuumbtanw,
<br /> 1, . ah�rp�or MMf.�nd�1►upon th�Prop�ty b rtMk�hp�fn.In fh��wM IhM 7n+�for�h�1 hll W proaun NNw�nw a W P+�Y tacM,�r►+wko,a
<br /> •'' �ny ufMr d+�rqM a b nMk�u+y p�yn+�e�M b sny�xi�q Prb►li�n hold�a u b�n��etWM�,B�n�IicWY�Y P��r�weh in�urana and maN�woh . .-
<br /> p�ynMnt.My�mounb dMbun�d by B�rNAe1�rY P�nwnt b ihN Pu�pr�ph AO�h�N b�oonw�ddifbnd Ind�bf�dn�of Tru�lor a�wt�d by thl�C1wd
<br /> '-. .�.'_'�."� ot Ttwf. 8uoh rrtaunb �h�l i»p�yabM upon notfa lrom 8�liciwy fo TruNor ti9�0 Wf�+�^�tMnof,�nd�h�N bM►Nbn�t tromlh�d�M ot
<br /> -��-ti;�.� _••s �, drliun�m�nt�t th�tI�M pRy�bM bom tYM to tMm on outsW�dlnp prinelpal ur�r tM Nob unMs�p�ymN►t ot k�t�st at weh tW would kw oonM�ry b
<br /> '�--_�`_',,.��e-�- '•i I�w.NWf►inp ooN�Y��d h thl�
<br /> ,��`°�` a �pP�'*��� �n whfch �wnt weFt amount�th�N b�ar InNnst at th�hipMrt t� P�►mhaibM und�r aPP��
<br /> �+�: •. �'-�.; P�npr�ph A.e�h�M nquk�8�n�fldary to ina�r any pcp�ru+�u t�k�any adbn h�nund�r.
<br /> — 4�. � ... B. IT 18 MUTUALLY AGREEO TFiA7: •
<br /> �.-� 'iy,A:,..,,�.H+�'•.•.'.'''l� 1. ASSI(iNMENT OF RENTB.8�n�fiWry th�1 h�w th�rf�;ht,pow�r and�uthoriry duriny tl�aontlnuRnc�of thk DNd of Tru�t b coMet tM
<br /> ,ui fr.. . , . ..•^ nnb.Wwa�nd profiti ot th�Prop�rty and o}Rny Po��Pr�nY bcaUd tMnon wRh ar without takinp poswsalon of fh�prop�rty atiecbd hK�bY,
<br /> �';-� u�d TNatot h�nby a6soluhly and uncondiGon�Ay uspn�aM such r�nti�isswo and profits to B�n�fieN�ry.8�n�fid�ry.how�wr.hK�by conanb b
<br /> . - �: ,; ..��:�:.N3! th�Tn�tor's oolNdbn�nd rN�nUon of such��nb.fsw�s and profA�a�th�y�u��nd b�own�p+►y�bw w bnp as Ttustor Is not.at wch Wn��in
<br />- d�tauk with nsp�ct to payrrNnt of any k�d�bbdnNS s�cur�d h�nby,a in d�p�rform�nw of u►y aqrs�m�nt h�raund�r.Upon�ny wch d�iwk,
<br /> a . � g�{�y m�y�t any dm��Nthe h p�non.by pmt or by a naiwr to t»�ppoinhd by a eourR without aotia and wAfwut rpud to th�wdpu�.Y
<br /> '. : of�ny s�curity tor tl�Ind�bt�dn�a Mr�by Ncund,(�)�nt�t upon and tak�poss�sabn ot th�Prop�rry u�ny piut th�r�oi.and In ks awn n�w�
<br /> j Tor or ofhsrwis�coWid such nnb,ksuos and ptofRo,inctudinp thaa past dw and unpald.and aPPM�*a�•��t�a�d�xpw►sM of op�ratlon _
<br /> �nd eoY�d{on,ineiudiny rwon�bl�utorn�ys 1N�, upon any ind�bt�dn��s��eund h�nby,and in sueh ord�r iu B�n�fieMry may dM�rminr(b),
<br /> ' . •+ p�rform sueh�cts of npak a protKtion a�may b���u�ry or prop�r to cans�rvs th�valu��f th�Prop�rty:(a)Mas�th�wn�a any P�ut tl�r�of
<br /> i, br sueh nnW,brm,and upon sueh eondRbns a its judym�nt may dictet�or t�rmieat�,or adjust th�t�rm�and conditbns of uci�tlnp IwN.Uni�
<br /> Trustw and B�n�ficlsry th�nof�prN Mh�rwis�fn wnti�p.�ny wpplicaUon of nnb,is�u�s or profda to�ny ind�bt�dnas s�cu��d hu�by�hail not
<br /> �xbnd or postpon�th�dw dwt�of th� insvllrrNnt p+�ym�nb u provid�d i� sald promkwry not�ar chanp�th�umunt ot such Inat�Nm�nfa.Th�
<br /> �nbrinp upon�nd tnkinQ pows�ion of th�Propaly,th�wU�cfbn o}such nnb,issues And profd�,and th�Rpplic�tion th�r�of as�for�id.�hW not
<br /> wdw or cua�ny d�huk or notia of d�f�uk h�nund�r or invalid�t�wny�ct don�punuant w such notfu.Tru�ta�ko aNlam to Bm�tclary.�
<br /> lurth�r ucurily tor th�p�rlormwna of th�obtip�tions s�eund hmby,�N pnp�id r�nts and all moni��wh�h may haw bNr► a m�y h�ndbr b�
<br /> d�posR�d wilh r�k!Trustor by a�ny NrsN of th�Proporty,to s�eun ih�paym�nt of any wnt or d�m�p��,or upon d�fauk in tfi�p�rbrrrNnc�ot any ot
<br /> d�provMbn�h�wof,Trustor atprNS to d�hwr�uch anU�nd d�potits to B�n�ficiary.D�Awry of writt�n notiG of B�n�fieiwry's�x�rclN of tM riphb
<br /> yt�nt�d 1»r�in.to�ny bnant occupyinp said pr�mis�s thW b�wfficMnt W r�quir�s�td t�n�nt W pry nnt to th�B�n�ficWy und furth��nolie�.
<br /> 2. CONDEMNATION.If 1it1�to�ny part of tM Prop�Ay�hall b�tak�n in cond�mnatbn procNdinys,by rlpht o}�mirnnt domaln or Nmitu+ictfon.
<br /> or sh�ll b�sold und�r thnat of eond�mnatlon,au awards,a�m�p�s and proc��ds an h�nby�aiynrd Mnd:r�aq��atd ia Ctanaticlary•.:�hc sliaA appl�f
<br /> such Rward�,damay��and procNds to th�aum s�cur�d by thl�DNd of Tru�t,with th��xc�ss,H�ny,paid to Trustor.�}Trusta r�aiv��u►y not►c»or
<br /> oth�r inlam�don r�qardinp tueh�etbns or proa�dinys.Trustor th�ll yiw prompt wrRt�n�otie�th�no}to B�n�fictuy.B�n�fiaary thall b��ntRNd,�t ��
<br /> kR optbn,to comm�ne�,Rpp�ar In+�nd pro��eut�in ds own n�m�any�ueh�ctbn ot procNdinp�and shaM b��ntdl�d to m�k��ny eompromb�ot
<br /> aNWm�nt in conn�ctlon with Rny ach�ctbn or prx��dinps. --
<br /> 3. FUTURE ADVANCEB.Upon rpu��t ot Trustor.B�nofieinry�t B�n�ficiary's aptbn,prar to aeonwyanc�of th�Prop�ny to Trustw,m�y mnk� _
<br /> futura advanc�s to Trustor.8uch tutur�edvanc�s,w�M at�nK ttunon,shall b�s�cund by thit Ttuot DNd wh�n�vid�nad by promusory not�s =
<br /> st�tinp th�t s�Id not��u�t�cund h�r�by;provid�d thu�t nu tun�shall th�s�eund pnncip�tl,futur�advane��,not u�eludnp wmt�dvmead to „
<br /> � prot�d th�s�turRy.�xcMd Two Hundr�d p�rc�nt(200%)of th�orpinal principel amounts s�cund h�nby. , '
<br /> 1.' �
<br /> �� 4. REMEDIES NOT EXCLUSIVE. Ttutt��end 8�n�fieiery, �nd aaeh of tham, shall t»�n1Rl�d to�niorcs pnym�nt �nd p�rformanc�of any
<br /> • Ind�bt�dn�as or obtipatwns t�cuad h�nby and to�x�rcb��II rfghts end pow�rs und�r this DNd ot Truat or und�r eny oth�r R�nam�nt�xaut�d in t
<br /> � eonrnctbn h�nwAh or�ny I�w�now or h�nafl�r in forc�,nohvithttandinp som�or all ot th�such�nd�bbdn�s�wnd oblpations acur�d h�nby may i
<br /> � now w h�n�tt�r b�oth�twin s�cur�d,wh�th�r by mort9�p�,d��d of trurt,pl�dq�.INn.ssspnm�nt or oth�twis�.N�ith�r th��cc�ptwnn of thk ONd :
<br /> of Tru�t nor da�ntorc�m�nt wh�th�r by court adan or punuant to th�pow�r ot sal�or othu pow�rs h�nin contal��d,shall prNudk�or in�ny mann�r
<br /> aft�d Trust��'s or B�n�f�c�ary's rqht to roela�upon or�nlorc�any oth�r f�currty now or h�roeR�r hNd by Trust��or B�n�hcMry,d b�nq ayrNd th�t �
<br /> TtustN+�nd B�n�f�ciary,and�ach of th�m.�hep b��nt�tkd to�nforc•tha D..d of Trust and eny oth�r s�curRy now or h�naRv h�Id by B�rnfiefary or �
<br /> Trustw in such ord�r�nd m�nn�r as th�y or�ih�r o1 th�m mey m th�ir sbsolut�diser�tan d�t�rmin�.No r�m�dy haro�n conl�rr�d upon or ns�rwd
<br /> to Trust��or B�m6ei�ry i�mtond�d to b��xclutwa of any oth�r nm�dy h�nm or by Mw provdad or p�rmitt�d,but�ach�hall b�cumu46v��nd�h�ll �
<br /> � b�in adddwn to�v�ry oth�r r�m�dy qivan h�nund�r or now or h�rowlt�r�xittinq at Iaw or m�qwty or by statut�.Ev�ry pow�r or��m�dy provided
<br /> h�nund�r thi� O��d of Trutt to Trutto�or 8tn�fie�nry or to whkh �rth�r of thom may b�oth�rwu��ntitl�d. may b��x�rcit�d, concurnntly or
<br /> � Ind�p�nd�ntly,from tun�to tim�and ac oR�n es may t»do�mod�xpadi�nt by Trust��or B�n�fic�ary and�Ah�r of th�m may pursu�mconslst�nt •
<br /> I nm�dN�,Nothfnp h�nln shNl b�eontttu�d�s prohtbiti�p B�n�fie�ry trom s��kinp e d�ficwncy�udym�nt apatntt th�Tru�tor b th��xbnt sueh�ctbn
<br /> I fs potmftt�d by faw.
<br /> 6. TRANSFER OF THE PROPERTY;ASSUMPTION.It aA or any part of th�prop�rty or mbr�tt th�nin u sotd,transi�rr�d or othnrwi��conv�y�d
<br /> by Tru�tor without B�n�hciery's prwr wntt�n con��nt,�xcludny (a)th�cr�atwn of a INn or�ncumbranc�tubord�nst�to thu DNd ot TrusG(b)th�
<br /> ' ' cnatbn of�purchn��mon�y s�cunty int�nst kr hous�hold applu�ncot.(c)a trensi�r by d�w��.d��c�nt or by operatwn ot Isw upon th�d�Rth of a
<br /> � i joint Nn�nt or(d)th�prant ot any Nas�hold nbroet ot thnt y�ars or le�t�ot contaimny en option to purche�a, such acdon i� w bnach of thn
<br /> t , �prNm�nt,and B�n�hciery msy,at B�n�f�c�aryi optwn.d�ckro all tho tums sacurad by thit Do�d ot Truit to b�imm�d�atdy du� and payabl�,or
<br /> uus�th�trust��to filo a not�c�of d�tauk. Benef�cmry thall hev�warvQd such opdon to AGC�IQtlItY t}, pnor to th�sal�.Irantbr of conwyanc�.
<br /> , � 8�n�ficiery and th�p�rson to whom th�property�s to ba�old or transt�rrad r�ach aproomont m wrdmg thet tho cndR ot tuch pQrson�s uti�}actory to
<br /> . ; B�n�fieiary�nd that tho int�nst pnyabl�on th�tums��curod by thn Oo�d of Trust shell b�et�uch rat��s B�rnUc�sry shall nqu�st.
<br /> � 8. ACCELERATION UPON OEFAULT;REMEOIES;SALE. Tha faduro by tho Truetor to maka eny peym�nt or to p�rtorm any of th�t�rms and
<br /> � � conddions ot tha Not�, or any unewela, modAicntrons or�xlensions th�raot,or tht peymQnt ot eny oth�r mdQbttdnas atund horoby or in th�
<br /> I p�r(ormane�of eny of th�cov�ntnts or epn�m�nts htrwnd�r sheM b�e braech of this apr��m�nt end th�B�n�f�aary mey d�clen a d�fault and may
<br /> � d�elAr�alI sums s�cur�d hareby mm�d��tNy dut end payebl�and th�tam�shRll th�nupon bacom�du�and psyabl�wrthout pna�nlrtNnt,d�mAnd,
<br /> i ; prot�tt or�otic�of any kmd.Th�nsR�r,B�n�fic�ary may d�Irv�r to Ttutt��a wrAt�n d�claretan of d�iRUR and d�mand for�el�.Trusta nprNS And
<br /> k i I»nby qrants that th�Trusl��shnit hav�th�pow�r of tal�ot th�Prop�rty nnd if B�n�fKiary d�cid�s th�Prop�rty is tu b�told rt shall dopoat wAh
<br /> TrustN this Da�d of Trust and 1M Not�or nobs and eny othor dxum�nts�vid�nemp�xp�ndduns sacund h�nby.and fhsll d�lrv�r to Trust��e
<br /> �_ . � wrRt�n notkv ot d�fauk and N�elan to caus�th�Prop�ny to bo�ald.and Truttw,in tum,shal�prapar�a amdar notic�in th�torm nqwr�d by law.
<br /> � j whieh�hdl b�duly fiNd for ncord by TrustN.
<br /> � (�) AQ�r th�lapso of aeh t�m�ss mey b�requr�d by law toAowinp th�ncordation of Notica of 0�1auk,and Notw�of D�InuN and Notic�of SaN
<br /> � • havinp b��n qiv�n as rpuind by law,Trusl�e.wdhout d�mand on Trustor,shall s�ll the Prop�rty m on�or mor�pucal�nnd n such ord�r
<br /> ;� as Trustor mey dN�rmn�on th�dat�and th�Um�nnd p!ac�dospnat�d in se�d Nouc�of SsI�.�t publ�c auctan to th�hiyhat bdd�r.th�
<br /> pureheua pnce peyab�e m cnah in lawlul money ot th�Umt�d SMbs�t the hm�of sel�-The p�rson conductu�y th��e��mtty,for any eeut�
<br /> h�or sh�d��ms�xp�nt,pottporn tha�al�hom tim�to time untd d shall b�eompl�t�d and,�n�v�ry such ces�,notK�of postpon�m�nt
<br /> ` � sh�ll b�yiwn by pubk d�claratwn th�r�of by such ptrson at th�tim�snd plac� kst appo�ntad for th�tal�,provid�d,A th�sel�is
<br /> � postpon�d 1or bnp�r th�n on�(1)day b�yond th�dsy d��iynat�d m th�Not�c�ot 3d�,not�th�nof shrll b�arv�n in th�sam�menn�r as
<br /> th�orpinsl Not�of 8�N.TrustN sh�ll�z�cut��nd d�liwr to th�purchas�r ds D��d conv�ymy th�Prop�rty to sold, but w�thout any
<br /> � cownant or wart�nty.�xpnss,or�mpl�d.Th�r�edsls n th�D��d o}any mann�rs or lactt shell b�conclu�iv�proof of th�truthfuln�ss
<br /> � 1 , th�nof.Any p�non,�nGudinp wAhout I�mdebo�B�n�ficiary or Trush�.may purehas�at th�taN.
<br />-� � OOI071N�Er��4� OO/3Y8
<br /> � '
<br /> . i
<br />