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<br /> TOOETHP,it WITH�il the im�t�ovetna�u now a herp�fter orated on the property.a�nd�alf(�u'xm�ea �.�iipputtauneea�
<br /> �rd fixtura now a hetenfter a prrt uf the property. All nplsoancats �ad addldon��lu8 dio be oovand by thi�Sacurlty
<br /> Iruuue�ent. All of the foro�dn�f�refarod to in thi�Securiry la�truma�t n the"Pirope�ty."
<br /> BORRdWBR COVBNAI�TS thu Barower is lawfully aei�ed of the eitate heroby convayed wd Fuu tt�e ri�ht to�nnt
<br /> u�d convey the Propaty�nd durt the Pbopaty i�wx�cwnberod,except for encumbnuscei of rocad. Borrower wamnts ad
<br /> - - -- -- will defrnd�encrally thc dttc to thc Praperry asainst att claims and demands.subject to any encumbratuts of mocd.
<br /> _ = THIS SECURITY MSTRUMENT oombinei ur.ifarm covenonts for nadond uso �nd non-wiifam covaw►u with
<br /> Iimited variation:by Judsdiction w comtttute a unifam Fecurity inswment covainQ neal propeny.
<br /> UNIFORM COVEIV.ANTS. Borrower and Lendu coveoant�utid�gtpe w�foqows:
<br /> 1. P�ypoent ot Prlodpd wd Intertd:P�reP�ymeat�ad I.ak CWr�a. Bomowcr�1wU p►'nmPUY PaY Wben due the
<br /> princf�wl of and interest on the deM evideticad by the Note and any prcpayment And IAte chuges due under the Note.
<br /> s � Z. Ftinds for'hxea a�d Ia�uraoca Subject to applicable law or to a written walver by Lender,Bonnwer sF�all pay to
<br /> �� Lender on the day monthly payments uc due under thc Note.until thc Nott is paid irt futl.a sum("Funds")for. (A)yendy
<br /> ta�ces and assessments whkh may attain pdority over this Seeuciry Insqvment a5 a Uen on the Piropecty:(b)yearly leasehold
<br /> _ payments or grouod rcnts on [he Properry. if any: (c) yearly ha�ard or prope�ty insurance prcn�Iums; (d) yearly tlood
<br /> insurance premiums, if any; (e)ycarly mortgagc jnsurance premiums. if any; and (�any sums payabk by Borrower to
<br /> Lcnder.in accordance wtth thc provisions of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mongage insurance prem3ums. These
<br /> items are called'Escrow Items." L.cnder may.at any t�me,collect and l�ald Punds in an ertwunt not to excad the nwxlmum
<br /> amoum a lender for a fedenlly relatai martgage loan may requine for Bortuwer's escrow account undcr thc fcdeml ReAI
<br /> . ;- Estate Scttlement Proccdures Mt of 1974 us atnended from dme to time. !2 U.S.C.�26Q1 rt seq.("RESPA").unless another
<br />- law that applies to the Funds sets a lesser amount. [f so.Lender may,nt any tim$.collect and hold Funds in un amount nat to
<br /> . excced the lesser amount. Leader may estimute the amount of FLnds due on the basis of curtent d�ta and rcasonable
<br /> ?��' esdrrwtes of expcnditures of futurc Fscrow Items or otherwise in accordance wlth applicable law.
<br /> -- The Funds shall be hcld in an institution whose deposits are insured by a federal agency,instrumentaUty. or endty
<br /> � �:,; ,��,;• (including Lcnder,if Lender is such an institution)or in any Federul Home Loan Bank. I.endcr shall apply thc Funds to pay
<br /> , __:��5r:'::,: the Escrow Items. Lender may not charge Borrower for holdins and applying the Funds, annuully ruialyzing the escrow
<br /> ...` i't;i.:,
<br /> : � •;.:.N:•'.�: w... uccount, or verifying thc Escrow ltems. unless i.endcr pays Borrower lntcrest on the Funds and applicable law permits
<br /> �,,.�; ; Lender to make such a chazge. Nowever,Lender may require Boaower to pay u one-time ch�rge for an independent real
<br /> -.. A;,,�;;�{:.:s,;,: ' estate tux reporting scrvice used by L.ender in wnnection with thiti loan, unless applicable luw provldes otherwise. Unless ue�
<br /> ;;=:?y�'r��:a!:;•: �"a ugreement is made or applicuble luw requires intercst to be paid,Lender shall not be required to pay Borrower nny intecest or
<br /> _ • ��'• • . eamings on the Funds. Borrower and Lender muy ugrcc in writing.howevcr.that interest shall be puid on the FLnds. I.�nder
<br /> _ �-, �;��'.•i`�...... :.:, shull give to Borrower.without charge,an unnual uccounting of the Funds,showing credits und debits to the Funds and the
<br /> �.. ..i.,..r..........�.
<br /> .=r�-. ;�-- purpose for which each debit to ehe i'vnds was made. The Funds are pledged as aciditionoi securiry i'or aii sum�aecuc�ci by
<br /> �� , '' :�, this Securiry instrument.
<br /> � ':1•, If the Fund� hcld by Lendcr cxceed the amounts permitted ro be held by applicable luw, Lender shall account to
<br /> '� •„ Barrower for the excess Funds in accordance wtth the requirements of applicable Inw. If the amount of the�nds held by
<br /> Lender at any time is nat sufficicnt to pay the Escrow Itemti when duc,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and,in
<br /> ' SLLCII CASC Borrower shall pay to Lender the umount neccssary to make up the de�ciency. Bortawer shAll make up the
<br /> , deficiency in no more than twclve monihly payments,at Lender's sole discretion.
<br /> ' . ' . Upon payment in full of ull sums secured by thi�Scwrity Inswment. L�nder shall promptly rcfund to Borrower any
<br /> Funds hcld by Lcndcr. If,undcr pan►gruph 21,Lender shall acquirc or scll thc Propeny,Lender,prior to thc acquisition or
<br /> , salc of the Property, shall apply uny Fundx held by Lender ut the time of acquisition ar salc as a credit aguinst the sums
<br /> secured by this Security Insuument.
<br /> ��, 3. Applicetion of Payments. Unless upplicablc law providcs athcrwisc, all puyments rcceived by L.ender unJer -
<br /> ��s paragraphs 1 and 2 xhall be applicd:fint.to uny prepayment charges duc under the Note;second,to amounts payable under
<br /> a� . purngraph 2;third,to intemtit duc;faunh,to principul duc;;u�d last,to any latc churgcs due under the Note.
<br /> 4. Charges; Liens. Bonowcr�huU pay ull tuxes,as,c�smentx, charges, finex And impositions attributable to the
<br /> �, Property which muy uttuin priority ovcr this Security Intitrument,and Icukhold puymcnts ar ground rents,if:u�y. Borcower
<br /> � shnU pay these obligutions in thc manner provideJ in pxrugraph 2,or if not paid in thut manner,Burrawer shall pay them on
<br /> time dircctly to the person owed payment. Borrower shall promptly furnish to Lender all notices of amounts to be paid under
<br /> ; this pa�asraph. If Bormwcr makcti thcse paymcnts dircctly,Borrowcr shall prompdy fumish to Lcnder rcceipts evidencins
<br /> the payments.
<br /> Borcowcr shall prompdy dischargc uny licn which hux prioriry ovcr this Sccurity Instrument unlcs�Borrowcr.(a)agrecs _.
<br /> ., in writing to thc paymcnt of thc obligution ticrumd by thc licn i n a munncr arccptablc to Lcndcr:(b)contcsts in goad fuith thc
<br /> . � lien by,or dcfends against enforcement of the licn in,Icgal proccedings which in thc Lrnder's opinion oper.►tc to prcvent ihe -
<br /> • enforcement of the lien:or(c)�ccurcs from the holder of thc licn an agrecment.uti�fuctory to Lender xubordinating the lien
<br /> ' to this Security lnsuument. If Lcndcr detcrmimti that any part of thc Pruperty i.subjcrt t�a lien which may attain priority -
<br /> over this Security Instrument,Lcnder may give Burrower a notice identifying the lien. Borrower shall s�tisfy the lien or take -
<br /> one or more oF the actiom set f'orth�twve within iO duy�of ihc giving ot'notice.
<br /> 5. Hazard or Property Insurance. Borrowrr shall kcep thc improvcmcnt.now cxisting or hrreaftrr crected on thc =
<br /> f'ropeny insurcd ag•rinst loss by tirr,h:vards included within the tenn"�xtended coverage"and any other hururds,includinb -
<br /> x • tloods or flooding, for which Lcndcr rcyuirc. insurancc. This intiuranre shull bc maintained in thc s►mounts and for thc `
<br /> w � F'orm 302N 9/90 � �Xr 2 n e �
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