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r� :�=� �;�` ` -:._ _ - - <br /> .� .. . <br /> ' . _ <br /> °= _._��.� • � �- - <br /> _ - � 94- i0irS3.5 - <br /> TO(iLrf'H�R WiTH dl the impravements naw or iaroa[la�a�ted an the prapary.and�fl areme�ts.�pu�ca, <br /> �n�i flxtutes raw or haeaAer�p�ct of the pmperty. All�pl�cement�and addidau rlull�la M covabd by 1hi�S�curity <br /> laswrtient. A!I of tfie fore�oin{io reterred to in thi��ecudly In�wtnent a�tIu"Pruperty." <br /> BOItROWER COV ENAN'PS tlut BoROwer l�lawtully�cised af the e�tate hercby ca�vcyod and ha�the rl�ht tu�nt <br /> and convey the P[operty end dut the�+r�penY is unencumbeced,except for etxumbnnces of rccord. Barmwer w�erant��nd <br /> wiU defend�enerdiy the dtk w the PropenY�i{dn�dl cl�ims�nd dertundti subject a iu►y encumbnnas of rxad. <br /> - ---� THIS SECURITY 1NSTRUMF.NT rnm�ine► uniform covenants fa nubnal uK And non-uniform coveMunts with <br /> — limited vufuion�by jurisdlction to constitute a uniform�ecurlry lnswment coverin�te�ti property. <br /> UNIFORM COVBNANTS. Barower and Lcnder wverwnt and�groe Rs follow�: <br /> ., -- l. Psymeot ot Pripclp�l aad Interosti 1�WY�nt aad Lats Clur� Bomower shAtl promptlY P�Y whcn duo the <br /> pcincipal of and Interest on the debt evldenced by the Note atui any prcpayment and lote chArgei due uncler the Note. <br /> � Z. �nds�or'llucea�nd Inurana. Subject to applicuble law or to i wrltten waiver by L.ender.Borrower s�ull pty to <br /> -� �� Lender on the day monthly�+s►ymenw are due under the Notc,until thc Nac is ps�d in full.a sum("Flu�ds")for.(�)yeArly <br /> -- —�--— ta�ces and assessments which m�y atsein prioriry over this Security Insuument as a tien on the Property:(b)yearly leasehold <br /> --� paYments or ground nnts on the Rnpeny. if any: (c)YearlY hAZ.ard or Property insucanco premiums; (d) Yearly flaod . <br /> insurmce pnmiums. if any: (c) yearly mortgage insarance pc+cmiums, if any;and(�eny sums payable by Barower to <br /> Lender, in nccordence with the provisions of parugraph 8, in lieu of the payment of moctgage insurance prcmiums. These <br /> -.- -- - items u+e called"Escrow Items," Lender any time,collect and hold Fvnds in an umount not w exceed the nwximum <br /> _ - � � amount a lender for a federally c�el�ted mortgage lonn may require for Borrower's escrow account undcr the foderal Rcul <br /> •� r� � Estate Setttement Procedures Act af 1974 es amended from tirne to time, l2 U.S.C.�2601 et seq.("RESPA"),unless unott�er <br /> .:.,��,.� � . law that applies to the}tunds sets a l�sser amount. If so,Lender may,at any t�me,collect and hold Punds in an emount not to _ <br /> "n��°���Nt' exceed the lesser amount. Lcnder may esti►nate thc amount of Funds due on chc basia uf current dwA and reasonable <br /> �d!:•r.i�:.:;�°:": estimates of expenditures of future Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable taw. <br /> ���' ���,;a The Funds shall be held in an institution whose deposits arc insured by a federal agency,inswmentality.or entity <br /> . (including Lendcr,if l.cndcr is such an instituaon)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lendcr shul!apply the Funds to pay <br /> � �`"°"'^t°'=^►: �o• the Escrow Items. Lender may not chatge Borrower for halding�nd applying the Funds. annually analyzing the e.urow __ <br /> � ., account, or verifying the Escrow Items,unless Lender puys Bocrower interest on the Funds and applicable law pem►its <br /> . ` ' `� Lencler to make such A chuge. However,l.ender may require Borcower to pay:�one-time charge for an independent mal <br /> �:��.� _ , estate tax reponing service used by I.ender in connection with this lo�s►rr►,unless a}►plicable law provides ottierwise. Unless an <br /> . agrecment is madc or applicabk law requircs interest to be paid,Lendcr shal l not be mquired to pay Botrower any interest or <br /> � � eamings on the Funds. Barowcr and L.ender may agree in writing,however.that interest shall be paid on thc Funds. Lender <br /> ,;;:._ . . shall give to Borrower,without charge. an annual accounGng of the Funds, showing cmdits and debits to the Fands and the <br /> purpose for whirh each debit to the Funds wAS made. The Funds are pledged as additional securiry for all sums securcd by <br /> -. �._.��----x_---- -_-_- tttis Secnrity Insuument. , <br /> •. (f th� Funds held by Lender excecd the amounts pcnnitted to be held by applicable law, Lender shall account to <br /> Barrower for the excess FUnds in accardanre with the rcquirements of applicable law. If the�unamt of the Funds held by <br /> " Lender at any time is not sufficient to puy the Escrow [tems when due. Lender may w notify Borrower in writing, <br /> ' ' ' such case Borrower shall pay to Lender the amount necessary ta muke up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the Y <br /> deficicncy in no more than twelve monthly payments,ut LendePs sole discretion. <br /> _ Upon payment in full of�It sum� secured by this Security Inswment. Lender shull prompdy refund to Borrower any <br /> ' Funds hcld by Lender. If,undcr paragrrph 21.Lendcr shall acquire or sell the Property,Lender,prior to thc ncquisition or � <br /> �� salc of the Property,shall apply any Funds held by Lender at the time of acquisition or sale as a cmdit against the sums <br /> secured by this Security lnstrument. � <br /> r} 3. Application of AaymenRc. Unleti,applicable law provides otherwise. all payments received by Lender under --• <br /> ara ra hti 1 and 2 shali be a 1►cd:first,to:ui m a ment ch:►r e�due under thc Note:second,to�mounGs payuble under �_ <br /> l., • p" S P � PP� YP PY 6 • <br /> .`� paragraph 2;third,to intercst due;founh,to prineipal due;und latit,to any late charses due undcr the Note. �;-.. <br /> 4. ChArges; Ltens. Borrowcr shall pay aq taxes, assessments, chargcs. fines and impositions atuibutable to thc Y <br /> , Property which may uttain priority over this Security Instrument,and Ieu�ehold puymentti or ground rents,if any. Borrower _ <br /> • shall pay these obligationx in the mannrr provided in puragraph 2,or if not p•rid in thut manner,Borrower shall pay them on __ <br /> • time directly to the perxan owcd payment. Borrower shall promptiy furnish to Lcnder all notices of amounts to be paid under �� <br /> ' this ra ra h. If Barrowcr mnkcti these a ments dirccd Bortower shall rom d fumish to I.ender mcei ts evidencin �_' <br /> . pa g P P'Y Y• P P Y P S <br /> thc paymcnts. - <br /> , Borrower shall prornpNy discharge any licn which has priority over this Security Intitrumcnt unless Borrower.(a)agrcex �,_ <br /> in writing to the payment of thc obligation�ecurcd by thc lien in a manncr acccptabic to Lcnder;(b�contests in good faith the =- <br /> � lien by,or defendx against entorcement of the lien in.Ie •ri roceedin�s which in che Lendrr'x o inion u rdte to revent the �'` <br /> F p b P Pe P s-->. <br /> - enforcement of thc lien; or(c)securcs trom thc hnldcr c�f the lien•rn agrecment satixfactory to Lrnder subordinating the lien ��-• <br /> to this Security Instr�ment. ff Lender determines that any part of the P�operty is tiubjcct to a lien which may att�in priority :,Y <br /> over this Security lnswment,Lender m:�y givc Born►wcr a noticc identifyin�the licn. Borcower shall satisfy the lien or talce �,=__ <br /> onc or morc of thc actions set torth abovc within 10 days of thc giving of noticc. =' <br /> ,l,: 5. Hautrd or Property insurance. Borrowcr xhall kcrp the exi�ting on c�n-after erccted an the �- <br /> rt Pcoperty insured against lo�s by firc,havarJti includcd within the tcrm"extended co��crage"and any other haz•rrds,induding <br /> i floods or fl�odina, fnr which Lender requires intiur.uice. 'Thi� insurance sball be maintained in the umountc and for the �� <br /> _'== <br /> ° ` � Form 3028 Sr190 tPuxe 2 nj�i puxral �,' , <br /> � <br /> r •. <br /> F � . ' <br /> " i" :. . � � � :x�uowas_�iv.-�.,�.;. .. . _ . , .. .._. . . _ <br /> '�-- - ":'- • --- . . <br /> � -_ �--�-- -'=- -._--- - . - <br /> . � <br /> . � <br /> , i- <br /> � <br /> � .. <br /> S <br /> -� : ' . � . - .. . <br /> � <br /> �1 __' <br />