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� ' �;��-� .. :__- <br /> -�� � - --- --_ -_ - -- <br /> -r� � <br /> � - —--__'�,..i A� ���-`�.:� <br /> — TO(3ETH�R WITR all the improvements now or heteafter erxtod an thc property.and all�ments,�rppurta�untoesw�rnf <br /> __ fixturcs now or lureafter a p�t of the property. All rep!xements and adctitions aha!! alxo be rnverad by thi� Secu�ity <br /> Icutmment.All of the faregoing is referrod to in this Srcurlty Instnrment as the`Property." � ' <br /> BORROWER COVENANTS that 8orrower is lawfulty seisod af the estytr Ixreby conveyed and has thc ri�ht ta�rant�nd <br /> wnvey the Property and tFwt the Pmpeny is unencumbered.except for:.ncumbr�noer of rax�rd. Borrower warnnt��nd will <br /> deferd generaliy the title to the Property against all claims and demands,subject to any encumbr�nces of r�xord. <br /> THIS SF,GURITY INSTRUMBNT combincs unifarm covenunts for natianal usc and non-uniform covenwux with limitod <br /> varfations by jurisdiction to constitute a unifarm security�nstrument covering rcal property. <br /> -- UNIfiORM COVENANTS.Iiorrawcr xrxl I.cnd�r covcr�ant and agrcc as foltows: — <br /> ��� 1. Payment ot Prlacipa�l And Iaterest; Prcpoyment And Ls�tc Charga�. Borrower shatl pmmptly pay when due the <br /> -- principul of an�i interest on the debt evidenced by the Note and any prepayrr�ent and IAte charges due under the Note. <br /> -- 2. Funds tnr raxrs And Inwrance.Subject to s�pplicabte law or to a written wuiver by I.ender, Borrower.r•hall pay ta <br /> _ -_ <br />