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__� __ .. . ,_ <br /> ° ,y-,�,. -- <br /> • j '4• - _ <br /> ` !�'�i'' � �•o.A fl4, 1»� ..�,...�,� - ,... - <br /> _.�.. _ ._ . .__ ._ <br /> . - - .:�_.... ,�i.t.r,� . . . <br /> �_ Qd_ �.oss2s <br /> _ S. H�rd or t'�operty Insurance. Horrower shall Icaep the impmvemenKn�dw exi�ting or hereufter er�ected on tho <br /> - — property insured�ainct locs by firc.haurds includod wlthin the term 'extendod coveragc" and any ottxr hax�rd�,lncludins <br /> floc�ds cr flcxding, for which Lencier rcquires insurvnce.This insuroncc shall be rnainsaiiwd i��thc um�wnt�u�u1 for thr perialx <br /> - th•r1 I.cndcr rcquires.The insuranre carcier providing the insurnncc shall bc chosen by&irrawcr aubjcct to [.sncicr's upprov�l <br /> �� which shall not t►c unreasanably withhcld. If Borrowcr fails to m�intuin covctagc dcurilxcf utxwe, Lcnder nuy. wt l.ender'� <br /> � !, aption,obtain cavcragc ta protect Lcnder's rights in the Prc�eny in uccordunct with pvragraph 7. <br /> 'p;,,�s;' " ,�:7� All inwrancc pulicics u�ui rencw�is shall be�cc�ptablc to Lcnder und shall include a sta�xlard n�rtguge cl�u�e. L.ender r <br /> t w ' shull have the r�ght to hold the policies and renewals. If I.ender reyuires,Borrower shull promptly give t�� Lcn.ler uU raeipts of <br /> ��.�Y T�.-..._... ' <br /> _ !��`��,�y1�:_���,r;.. paid premiums urd renewal natices.In thc event of locs.Honowcr shuli give prompt naice to the insurancerarricr�d l.endcr. <br /> -�;�;�.�,,_;:_,..:..,,; • Lender may make proaf af 1oss if not m�de promptly by Horrowcr. <br /> ' -- '"�'�.::��"T Unless Lender and Fiorrower atherwise ugrec in wdting,insurence praceods shall be upplied to resa��ation or repxir of the <br /> _-�.�::.o��.•..� -.•.� Praperty damaged,if the restorxtton or repair is economically feasible und I.ender's securlty is not lesscncd.If thc restoration ar <br /> =°��.,,:�. . ,, repuir is not economically feastble or Lender s securIty would be lessened,the insurance proceeds shull be uppliod to the sums _ <br /> —� ��-r� '�`".': '�'�' secured by this Security Instrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Borrowcr. If Borrower abandons the <br /> � Pro rt or docs not answer within 30 days a notice from Lender that the insurance carrier has offerod to settle a cluim, then <br /> _=:�' . P� Y� <br /> � ' ' ' i.ender may collect the insurance proceeds. L.ender muy use the proceeds to mpair or restore the Property or to puy sums <br /> ��• secured by this Secudty Instrument,whether or not then due.The 30-day period will begin when the notice is given. <br /> i�.-:..:�.;�. <br /> �= s � Unless I.ender and Bonower otherwise agree in writing, any application of pracc�eds to principal shall rwt extend or — <br />.. 4', <br /> ' postpone thc due datc of thc monthly payments rcferred to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the anwunt of the paymcnts. If <br /> � under paragraph 21 the P�operty is acquired by I.ender.Borrower's right w any insurance policies unct procecds reculting f'rom ___. <br /> damage to the Property p�ior to the acquisition shall pnss to Lender to the extent af the sums secured by this Security Instrumeat _.._ <br /> immediately prior to the acquisition. <br /> 6.Occupancy, Preservotion,Maintenance and Protection of the PropeKy;Borrower's Lon�t Applkation; Ixaseholds. F <br /> Barrower shall occupy,ectablish, and use the Property as Borrower's principal residence within sixty days after the execution of <br /> ' this 5ecurity Instrument and shall continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's principal residence for at leust one year after e::::. <br /> � the date of occupuncy,unless Lender otherwise agrees in writing, which consent shall not be unreasonably withheld,or unless Eil_ <br /> ' extenuating circumstances exist which are beyond Bonower's control. Borrower shull not destroy, damage or impair the _ <br /> Property. �Ilow the Property to dcteriorute,or cammit waste un ihe Pmpcny. Barrower shall be in default if any forfeiture — <br /> � uction or proceeding, whether civil or criminal,is begun that in Lender's good Caith judgment could result in forfelture of the <br /> Property or otherwise m:�terially impuir the lien created by this Security lnstrument or I.ender's security interest.Bonower may __ <br /> . , cure such a defaulc and reinsca[e,as prc,videaI in pa�abruph io,by causing thc aciion ar prorccding to be dismisses! with a rnling =. <br /> that, in Lcnder's ga►d faith determinatinn, precludes forfeiture of the Borrawer's interest in thc Propeny ar other matcriul = <br /> impairment af the lien creuted by thix Security Instrument or Lender's ticcurity intemst. Barrower shull also be in default if <br /> Barrowcr,during thc lorn applicution prcxess, gave matcrially falsc or inaccurate infornwtion or�tatcments to Lender(ar failed <br /> to provide Lender with any matcriul inform:►tion)in wnncction with the loan evidenred by the Note,including,but not limited _— <br /> to, representations concerning Borrower'ti occupancy of the Pmpeny us u principal residence. If this Security Instrument is on a __ <br /> Ieasehold, Borrower �hall c�imply with ull the pmvisions of the Ieuse. If Borrower ucquires fee title ro the Propetty, the <br />