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,� . _ �Y . . F•-n—_._.. <br /> �j�'"-� +@ n.. '�';. <br /> �� <br /> :r� i <br /> — _.;,y;.,� <br /> 94_ l0iSi7 : <br /> N�ProMry i�w W�an or d�m�p�d�L�nd�r�M�II hav�1h�optlon,In ti��oN�nd�oluM dlsorMton�fo aPP�Y�II wa�h ProcMd�, <br /> aM�r dYductlnq tMrNrom�11 co�ts�nd�cp�n�incurnd b�r R In conn�ol{on with wcb Prac»d�.uPon�n11 lnd�bMdi�M Nound <br /> I�vby and In wch ord�u t.mdN m�y d�rmirt��o►to�Pl�Y�II wah ProcMd�,dar auch d�duation�,b th�rMloratlon W th� <br /> propwty upon wch canditlorn w LMdK may d�Mrmin�.My lppikl�tlon of ProcMd�b Ind�badnMS�hall not�rM�d a po�oa <br /> _ tlw du�dRM of any p�ymmb wxlw th�Not�,a aur��ny dMtuh th�nund�r or hKwndK.Any unapp�l�d(untM�II b�P�fd�o <br /> ' ------ Trwlor. <br /> �'' 8. P�rlo�nc� b!1 L.�ndK.UPcn th�xcurrenc�of�n Ev�nt ot DN�ulth�rwnd�►,a If�oy�ct is Wun cx I�W1 Proa�dln0 <br /> s�, comm�nc«!which m�tKi�liy�tt�cb��nd�r'�intpro�t in Uw Proporty.Lw�dar nwy In Ita own discretlon.but wHhout�bifQallor►b do -- <br /> ,� w,u�d witl�out notice b a demand upon Trustor and wlthout r�iMSinp Trustor hom�ny obli�atlon,do�ny�ct which Trwb►h�s <br /> ____ _ �prNd but tafi�to do�nd may also do�ny oth�r act It�serni n�aary to probat th��ecu:lty h�nof.Tru�tor tball,Imm�diaMy <br /> !'"""'"' �� upon d�mand th�rNor by L�nd�r,p�y to L�nd�r alt costs�nd�xp�nsss incurnd and sums�xp�ndW by l.�nd�r In conn�ctbn wltl� <br /> ----�9n;,��+,�,�� th��x�rciM by L�ndar of th�taspoinp riphta,topeth�r with iavr��t thsrwn�t th�dNault ratt provid�d in th�Noi�.whtch�lull b� <br /> acidod to th�Ind�bt�dn� s�cund h�nby. L�nd�r shall not fncu►�ny II�Wiity b�wu�ot�nythiny it m�y do or omit to do <br /> �i3ti�rye,��� t1�fw�lcNr. <br /> _--- ---.=� p. Hua�dau M�Mri�.Trustor shaii keep the Praperty in compitance with ail applicable Iaw�.ordfnancN and rpuiations <br /> __ ����;�-,;„ti;�.�, retaUnp W indu�tri�l hyplme or environmsntal protsction(collectively nferred to heroin a�"EnvironmsnLl l.�ws'�.Trustor sh�l) <br /> - °-= ..w;��;,.,;� keeptheProps►ryfr�tromalltuWtance�deamadtobohazardousortoxicunderanyEnvironmsnalLaws(aolt�ctivNyr�f��dto <br /> �`�'•� ��� herein a�"Hezardous Materleis'�.Trustor h�reby w�rranta and representa to Lender that thers are no H�rdow Mtt�rial�on or <br /> '==-'�'"�� und�r th�Prop�rty.TNStor henby�pne�to indemnly and hoid harmtsa Lendo�,its dlrectoro,ottic�rs,smptoy�a wnd apents,and <br /> - •., �_„ . ' any�uccssson to Lender's Interest,trom and apainst any and all claims,dama�ef,losses�nd Ilabilities aritinp In connecdon wUh <br /> - v ~ ' ?��� tho presence,ust,dl�po�al or transpon af any Hazerdous Materials on, under,from or about tha Property.THE FOREQOIN(3 <br /> '"``��� '���`�� WARRANTIES AND REPFiESENTATIONS,AND TRUSTOR'3 OBUt3ATI0N3 PURSUANT 70 THE FORE(i01NG INDEMNITY,SHALL <br /> � � " SURVIVE RECONNEYANCE OF THIS DEED OF TRUST. _ <br /> ��� 10. Asdpnm�nt o1 Rmts.Tru�to�hereby aasi{�ns to Lender ths r�ntt,iuues and profits of the Prop�rty:provided that Truftor <br /> � �ho ll,undl ths occurnnce of an Event ot Detault hereunder,h�ve the�ipht tc coilact and rstaln such rents,isaues�nd proiits as thoy _ <br /> � become dus and payeble.Upon tiw occur►ence of an Event of Oefauit,Lendsr may,oither in pereon or by ap�nt,with or without <br /> j brinpin�any action or proceediny,o�by a receiver appointed by a court and without►epard to the edequacy ot its escurity,enWr <br /> upon and taks poue�sion ot ths Propertyr,or any part thereot,In its own name or in the name ot the Trustee,and do any acb which it <br /> • deems neceseary or deairableto pre�erve the vaiue,marketablliry or rentabillry ot the Properly,or any paR thereof or intereat thereln, <br /> �' increass the income Iherelrom or protect the eecurity horeof and,with or wlthout takinp pos�e�tion of th�Property,sue for or <br /> otherwl�e cotlect the rents, Iseuea and profits thereof,tnctudin�those past due and unpaid,and�pply the same.Isas co�ts end <br /> . expenset of operatfon and collectlon includinp attorneys'(eei,upon any indebtednesa�ecured horsby,ail In such order a�L�nder <br /> may determine.The enterin�upon and taking posseaslon of the Property,the coilection of such rents,l�sues and profits and the <br /> sppllcaUon thereof a�ntoreaafd,ahail not cure or waive any detouit or notice of detauit hereunder or Invaildal�any act done in <br /> •• '. re�ponse to such defwlt or purouant to such notice of default and,notwithetendinp the continuance In posseaux�ot the PropeAy or — <br /> .. <br /> � � ' .. the coiiectlon,receipt a�d appilcaqon of rents,isauea or p�ofits,and Trustee and Lender ehail be entidsd to exercise every riyht _ <br /> ------- '" -" provlded for In any ol the Loan Instruments or by iaw upon accurrenca vi ariy Eveni ai Oatauli,lnctudinp::itheU!Amltetlon the�ight - <br /> to exerclte the power of aale.Fu►ther,Lender's riphta and remedtea under this parapraph ahall be cumutative wlth,e►nd In no way a <br /> Iimltatlon o�,Lender'e riflhts and�emedles under any aasi9nment of teases and rents recorded apainst the Properly.l.endor,T►u�tee <br /> and the recelver ehali be Ilebie to account oniy for those rents actually recelved. <br /> tt. Ev�nb d O�fauk.The followlny shali constitute an Event of Oefault under this Deed of Trust _ <br /> (a) Fal�ure to pay any tnetatlment of princtpai or Interest of any other sum secured hereby when due; – <br /> (b� A breach of or default under any provirfon contafned in the NotQ,this Deed of Trust,any of the Loan Instrumenb,a�any <br /> other lien or encumbrance upon the Property; �,– <br /> � (c) A wrlt otexecution o�attachment or any simlla�proceas shali be entered apainat Trustor which ahall bacoma e lien on --- <br />= the Property or any portlon thereoi or interesl therein; -- <br />' (d) There shati be flied by or agetnst Trustor or Borrower a�actlon under any presant or tuture federai,state or other �;:, <br /> � statute,law or�epulatlon retadny to bankruptcy,insolvency or other reliet tar debtors;or there shali be appolnted any truatee, �° <br /> • F^ <br />: �� , recelver or Uquldator of Trustor or Borrower or ot all or any part of the Property,or the rents,issues or proiitethereof,or Trueto� <br /> I or 8orrower shall meke any yeneral assiynment tor the bene(it of creditors; � -- <br /> � (e) The ea�e,transter,leate,asaipnment,conveyance or further encumbrance of aii or any part of or any Intereat in the <br /> I Property,elther voluntarily ar involuntarily, without the express written consent of Lender;provided that Trustor shall be <br /> • permitted to executo a leasa of the PropeAy that doea not contein an optfon to purchase and the term of which doea not exceed �.. <br /> one year, � <br /> (� Abandonment of the property;or <br /> (fl) if Trustaris not an Individual,the lesuance,sale,transfer,assiynmen�conveyance or encumbranceot more than a totat L <br /> f <br /> oi percent of(if a corporation)Its issued and outstanding stock or(if a partnerahip)a total of perCent of <br /> partnership interests during the period this Oeed of Trust remains a lien on the Property. <br /> ' <br /> 12.R�m�dNs;Acc�l�ratbn Upon O�tault.In the event ot any Event of Deiault Lender may,without notice except as�equired by <br /> law,declare all Indebtedness secured hereby to be due and payabie and the same shall thereupon become due and payable <br /> �ithout any presentment,demand,proteat or notice ot any kind.Thereafter Lender may: <br /> , (a) Oemand that Trustee exercise the POWER OF SALE granted herein, end Trustee shall thereafter cause Trustorb <br /> I interest in the Property to be sold and the proceeds to be distributed,aIi in the manner provided In the Nebraska Tru�t Oaeds f <br /> ACt; <br /> (b) Exercise any and all rfyhts provided tor in any of the Loan Instruments or by law upon occurrence ot any Event of 1 <br /> f <br /> � Oetaulk and ! <br /> � (c) Commence en action to foreciose this Deed ot Trust as a mortyaye,appofnt a receiver,or specifically entorce sny ot:he ; <br /> . covenants hereot. <br /> No remedy herein conferred upan or reserved to Trustee or Lender is�ntended to be exclusfve of any other remedy heraln,in the <br /> � Loan Instruments or by law provided or permltted,but each shall be cumulative,shall be In add�tion to every other remedy glven <br /> ' hereunder,m the Loan Instruments or now or hereafter ex�stmg at�aw or m eqwty or by stat�te.and may be exercfsed concurrently. <br /> • independently or successively. <br /> , + 13.TrustN.The Truatee may resign at any time w�thout cause,and Le�der may at any tlme and without cause appoint a <br /> I sucCOSSOr or substllute Trustee.Trustee shall not be Iiable to any party.including without Iimitatlon Lender,Borrower,Trustor or any <br /> �, I purchaser ot the P ropeAy,fora�y loss or damage unless due to reckless or willful misconduct,and shall not be requued to take any <br /> � � actlo�fn connection wlth the enforcement of th�s Deed of Trust unless�ndemnif�ed,in wnting, for atI costs,compensation or <br /> e,,,,�...e.�.,hi�h�.,n�h.,n�.er.jafnd therewith.In addition. Trustee mav become a purchaser at any sale of the Property QudiCiat or <br />. - j' ..^��"�__ ....._....._, <br /> � under the power of sale granted herein);postpone the sale of aIl or any portlon of the Property, as prow0ea by taw;or aeii sne <br /> � Property as a whole,or in separate parcels or lots at Trustee's d�scret�on. <br /> � ; 14. FN��nd Exp�nt��,In the event Trustee sells the Property by exercfse ot power ot sale,Trustee shall be entltled to apply <br /> � any sale proceeds lirst to payment of al�costs and expenses of ezercfsing power of sale,includinp alI Trustee's fees,and lender's <br /> ' �. i and Trustee's attorney'steel,actually incurred to extent perm�tted by appllcable law.In the event Borrower or Trustor exercfses any <br /> rlpht provfded by law to cure en Event of Oefau�t.Lender shall be entitled to recover from Trustor aII costs and expenses eCtual�y <br /> • incur�ed es a rosult of Trustor's default,fncludmy w�thout limitation alI Trustee's end attorney's fees,to the extent permftted by <br /> � epplicable law. <br /> � 15. Futur�Adv�nc�t.Upon raquost ot Bortower, Lender may,at �ts Option,mnke addit�o�al and future advence6 and te- <br /> advancea to Borrower.Such advances nnd readvances,w�th mtereat thereon,shatt be secured by this Oeed of Trust.At no time shalt <br /> the princlpal amount of the Indebtedneas secured by th�s Deed ot Trust,not includ�n sums advanced to protect the secunty of this <br /> 1 DYad ot Trua�ezceed the onpinel principal amount stated herein,or�5�wh�chever�s preater. <br /> ! <br /> � <br /> . <br />