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� ___ _ ;,.-� _ _. <br /> �a� ' � ' <br /> ,� ' <br /> - . . , -" <br /> -.��' � <br /> , -- <br /> ,a� � _ _:__-- - <br /> , • — - <br /> �— , " <br /> . s �.,..�.�_r.r� <br /> ' -�=�s <br /> .:--.- - -- _ - � • �'/lRR�� VH�(}�sl� lh11 lfflDeRlvMMMti TlbW Of NMM�M MM9��d 011 QN pf0[l�fly. Yld �1�i1M11M1{�. �pp�N�1iMO� YI� . __... <br /> �xlun� now a h�rMhw a paR ol th�propKty.AN r�pYa�nMrN��nd�ddNton��h�p�Iso b�oovwfd by Ihis Y�ntuMy tn�. <br /> AN ol th�farpoJnp Is r��rrad to h lhfa Jec�xNy Mftn�me�+t��Ih� 'Prop�rly' <br /> 80qF10WER COVENANTB Ih�t BarOw�r k Mwh�1�t s��d N th� NW� h�raby ow�wy�d sed ha�th� rlphl to pr�nt �nd <br /> ac�w�y IM Prnpwty � th�t th�Proprty lo uR�naumb�►id. �PI lor �nwmbnnoN ol rK,ord, Aortow�w�rt�nia�nd w� <br /> d�Nnd p�n�nly Ih�tNM to lh�PropMfy�p�Ni�t Idl ol�inr �nd dMrwid�.wbNot to�nY rnau�nbnnots ol r�0ord. � <br /> THIa 9ECURITY lNSTRUMENT oort�binN tMlNornl �OVMNnI� lot 1nU0n� u�� Mld non�uNa'm oovNwlp wMh MTM�d� <br /> v�NNon�by Jwisdldion to aon�tNu�1��unMam��curilY b�Wrmnt covwlnp nN aop�rty <br /> UNIFORM COVENANTB. BorrowK�nd Lendu eov�nanl�nd�pn�u 1oMowr. <br /> 1.P�ym�n!of P�(no1pN Md Inhr��t: Pr�p�yma�t�d LM� Ciui��. eo.rowK��N a�a�t►wt►w� Q <br /> du�th��,�hdpN of and Int�nat on th�d�bt�vldrne�d by th�Note�nd�nY P►�Wf�l�nd Mt� dwpM dw und�r lh�NoU. }i <br /> _ ---- 2. �unds for 7auns �nd Insur�no�.6ubJwt lo �p�llcaW� I�w or to�wrlttrr►waN�r by L�ndN,dc�nnw.r.hMl PW : <br /> to L�nd�r on th�d�y monihy p�ymmta �re du�unWt lh�Nol�. uMN th�Nole is pdd In IuM,a wm ('Fundt')lor: (�'� � <br /> t�xh �nd �s��s�m�nl� which rtwiy �t1aM prlaky over Ihl�6�airity Instn+mmt �s � Mm on 1h� ProPMlfr, (b1 YM�h► <br /> -------- payrt►�nt� or yround renta on th�Prop�rty. II any; (c1 YNrly h�tard or propKty Inwmnu pr�niumr, (d}Ywy Aood hturanu <br /> pnrt�tum�.H�ny; (e)yMriy morty�p�Insunnca pr«niumt, N any,and(Q�ny tums p�y�bl�by 8ortow�r to L�nder in�ccord�nes <br /> -- wkh th�providons ol part�aph 8, h Neu ot ths paynn�nt ol moAp�9� In�ut�nc�p►Mniums. Thne N«ns u� uN�d 'Esaow <br /> ""�� Itans.' L�nder may.�t my time. coHect and hGd Funds In an unount not to �xeNd tht m�rimum amount a I�ndar for a <br /> — ==--==--�=� taderaAy retatQd mody+po Iwn may nquk� for 8orrower'a escraw �eeount undv the 1�dKa1 Rw�l Estat�SMtNm�r►t Proarduns <br /> - .�,,;� Act ot 1874 as amend�d from tim�to time, 12 U.S.C. �2601 et aeq. ('RE8PA'), unt�ss mothK ww tlut appNes to th� Fund� <br /> � sett • baaer amount. If ao. Lender may,at my ikne,cobct+nd hold Funds in an amounl not to axcNd ths iess�r�mount. <br /> �'�i: <br /> ' �,,.;,`.. L�nder m�y estimate the Amount ot Funda due on the ba�ls of wrtent daU�nd rwsorubl� etdrrrtes of �xpsnditura ot 1utw� <br /> _��,�,r�;r_:;;..:,:` E�crow Itema or othe�wiue in �ccordance wfth�ppYcabie Iaw. <br /> - Thc Fund� ahal be heid In an Institution who�e deposita �ro insured by a federai apency.Inawm�nt�lity,or�ntity M�+�O <br /> Unda,if Lander la auch an institutlon) or tn �ny Feduat Hotn� Lan B�nk. Lander sh�il apply Ih� Funds to pay th�Escrow <br /> ' ,,y��• �„y�, Items. Le►der mey not chorq� 8orrower for holdtnp and appiyhq the Funds,�nwaNy andyzk�p tht�scrow �ccount,or vwitylnp <br /> r ,�,�: ;.:� the Esuow Items, unless Lender peya Bortower fnter�st nn Ihe Funds �nd appYc�bl� Iew pemita Lender to m�k� such • <br /> cherge. However. Lender may roquire Bonower to pay a ono-time ch�rge tor �n Independent red�at�te tuc reportinp servtes <br />. � " .-;,;:,;:~". used by lender in connection with this loan, unless eppAc�ble I�w provldes otherwiie. Untesa an agreement is m�de or <br /> ��'� � � • appllcabie law requlres Interest to be paid. Lender shall not be requlred to pay Bortowa►any interest or s�minya on the Funds. <br /> � • « . Bortower and Lender may ayreo in writing. however. Ihat interest shall be peid on the funde. Lender ahall yhre to BoROwer. <br /> � � � '", without charge, an annual tccountinp of the Funds, ahowkig uedits and debits to the Funda and the purpose 1or which Mch <br /> • debft to the Fu�ds wes made. The Funds are pledged�s �ddNbnal seeurity tor all auma secured by the Security Instrument. <br /> ° � If th� Punds held by Lander exceed the amounts pertnitted to be hald by appNrabla law,Lender sfwil aecount to Borrower <br /> tor ihe excens Funda In accordance with the requlrem�nts of tpplic�ble law. It the emount of lhe Funds hetd by Lander at any <br /> time is not aufticbnt to pay lhe Escrow Items when due, Lender may ao notiy Bortower in wdling,and,in eueh cASe Borrow�► <br /> ' , shall pay to Lender t�e amount necesaary to make up the de�Ciency. Bortower shaU make up the delfcieney in no more than <br /> twelve monthiy payments, at Lender's sole discretion. <br /> Upon p�yment In tuil of ail sums secured by ih(s Security Instrument, Lender sheli promply relu�d to Borrower any Funda _ <br /> _ _______—_ ____ held by Lender. It,under poragraph 21, Lender shali�cqulre or seM the Property. Lender, prior to ihe acquisition or sele of the � <br /> . Property, sheli appiy eny Funds held by Lender at the tirne ol�c�uisition or aale as a credit epannt thQ suma sacurbci Ly thls <br /> � Security Instrument. <br /> 3. Apptication of Payments. Unless appicadle lew provldes othervvise, all paymeMs �ecelved by Lendet under <br /> peragrephs i and 2 shall be appNed: flrst. to a�y prepayment chargua due u�der the Note; aecond, to amounta payable und�r <br /> paragraph 2; Interest due; fourth.lo pdncipal due;and last,to any late chergea due undet ihe Note. <br /> r 4. Che�g@8; Lf@I1S. Borrower sheli pay all texes, essessments, cherges, fines and Nnpositbna ariributeble to the , <br /> Property which moy etlein priority over this Securiry InstrumenL end leasehold payments or ground rente,if any. 8orrower shali �.- . <br /> � pay these obligelions In the manner provided in para�raph 2,or If not paid in that manner, 8onower sha�l pay them on time �,.. <br /> , directly to the person owed payme�t. Borrower shall prompity(urnish to Lender ell notices of amounis to be paid under this �`�` <br /> , peragraph. If Borrower makes Ihese payments direcdy, Borrower shall promptly tumish to Lmder recelpts evidencinq Ihe � <br /> y payments. <br /> �� �= <br /> ,� 4 Borrower shall promptly discharge any Ifen which has priority over this Security I�strument unless 8orcower: (a) agree� In <br /> writing to the payment ot the obligetlon secured by the lien in a manner acceptabie to Lender: (b) cantests in good Iaith the � ' <br /> ,,, Ilen by, or detends ageinst enforcernent ol lhe Iien in. IAgal proceedfngs which in iho Lender's opinion operete to preve�it the <br /> enlorcement of the lien: or(c) secures trom the hoider ol the ien an agreement satisfactory to lmder subordlnoting the Ilen to � <br /> ' this Securfty Inslrument. It Lender determines Ihat any pah of Ihe Property is subiect to a lien which may attaln prlority over this <br /> Security Insirument. Lender may gwe Borrower a notice identiryng ihe lien. Borrower shall satlsly ihe tien or take one ar more of �� - <br /> tho actlons set fotlh above withm 10 dAys of the giving ol notke. ' <br /> 5. Haxard or Property InsurancQ. Borrower shal keep the improvements now existing or hereaker erected on the <br /> Propwt�l Insured agalnst loss by fire. hazards included within lhe term "extended coverege"�nd any other hetards, inc�uding � ' <br /> ' floods or 1looding,for whlch Lendot requfres insurence. This nsurance shail be maintained in the amounts and for the periods � <br /> that Lender requlres. The Insurance carrier providing Ihe Insurance shall be chosen by BoROwer subJect to Lende►'s approval � <br /> whiCh shall not be unreason&bly withheid. II Bonower lai�s lo maintain coverage described above, Lender mey, at Lender's I <br /> option,obteln coverage to protect Lender's rights in the PropeAy in accordonce with paragraph 7. i <br /> � AN Insurance poYcfes and renewats shall be acceptabie to Lender and shail include a standard mortgage clause. Lender <br /> shell have the rlght lo hold the policies and renewals. 11 Lender requires. Borrower shall promptty g�ve to Lender all receipis of <br /> � paid premiums and renewal notices. In the eveM o1 loss.Borrower shall give prompt nolice to ihe Insurance cartier and Lender. ' <br /> , � lender may mAke prool ol loss il nol mede promplly by Borrower <br /> ' UNess lender and Borrowcr otherwise aqree in wnting, insurance procceds shall be applied lo re9toratlon or repeir oi the <br /> ' f � Property ihe restoration or repair Is economically leasible and Lender's security Is not lessened. If the restotation or <br /> � , repair Is nol econom�caily Ieasible or Lender's security would be lessaned. the insurance proeeeds shan be applied to ihe sums <br /> E::� secured by ihis Security Instrument. �vhether or not then due. wilh any excess paid to Borrower. II Borrower abendons the <br /> . Property, or does not answer wilh�n 30 dnys a �iotfce Irom Lender Ih�t the Insurance carrier has oNered to settle a cletm. ihen <br /> Lender may collecl the insurance proceeds Lender may use ihe pruceeds to repuir or reslore Ihe Property or to pay sums <br /> � secured by Ihis Securily Insirument,whether or not then due The 30•day period will begin when ihe notice is given. <br /> ' Uniess Lender end 8orrower otherwise agree in writing, any opplication ot proceeds to prl�cipal shail not extend or <br /> � � postpone the due dale ot ihe monthiy payments refe�red to in paragraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the paymenis. It <br /> ; ' � under peragraph 21 ihe Property is acquired by Lender. Borrower's right to any insurance policies and proceeds resulting from <br /> ' damage to the Property prior to the acqulsiUOn SIIA� �a55 Io t nnd�r to Ihe extent ot the sums by this Security Instrument <br /> � � I Immediately prior to ihe acqufsition. <br /> ��-•.__. � �_.._. 1 � Ar.r.��nanr.v_ Pracorvation. MaintQn�ttCe and Protection of the Property; Borrower's Loan <br /> � T--- - ---.-- - <br /> • ! Applieation; Leaseholds. Borrower shnA occupy. estah►sh, anci use the Prop�rty�s Borrower's principal residence wfthin <br /> � sixty days after the execution ol this Securdy Instr�monl and tihall conhnue to occupy the PropeHy as BOrrower's principal <br /> residence ior at Ieast onu year after tlie date of occup�ncy, uidi•ss lender othennse ogrees in wnting,which consent shell not <br /> t be unreasunabiy w�thheid,or unless extenuaUng crcumstnnces ex�til which are beyond Borrower's conlroL Borcower shell not <br /> �� destroy. damago or Impair the Property. allow lhe PropeHy to detenorate, or commit waste on Ihe Property. Botrower shall be in <br /> � defeui�If any forfailure action or proceediny, whelher civil or cnminal. is begun thal �h Lender's good Iaith �udgment couid resull <br /> j � kt totfeiture ot the Properly or olherwise m�teriaily impalr the tlen ereated by this 5ecurity Instrumenl or Lender's security interest. <br /> 1e i <br /> ) ir Ft716.1M6(t?N3f °j'7 " ' — <br /> � <br /> ! <br /> i <br />