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'�� . ♦♦ M�I .,.. � <br /> � ���� 'r,� _ . -'--- <br /> �� . � - - -_. �— ------ ----------�-�-.-, . <br /> :s <br /> - _: - --- � 94- ;i� <br /> 17,Trwder ot tbe PrapeMr or a Bax!{et�l Interat In Horcnwer.If dl or iu► �ut o the Prqaerty or�ny interat in it <br /> w <br /> — ls ald or tr�n�ckrrod tor if s benefci�l intrrcst in Borrower i�wld ar tr�nsferrod and mnwer Is not t n�turd penon)without. <br /> L.ender'� prbr wrltten consent. Le�xler m�y. u iu optian, roquiro immedi�te pyma►! in ful! of dl �vms �ecurod by thi� <br /> Security irwcument.However.t61r optian�11 not be e�ed by L�eMer if exerche i�prohibited tiy federal!�w�of tbr dMe <br /> , of tbis Secudty In�trument. <br /> It l.erwkr exuci►es this�aptian. tend�r i1W1 Qive Bamewer notia of acceleration. The natioe aiWl provide a perlud of not <br /> leu tiun 30 days f'rom the datc the notice ir deliverod ar mailal within which Bomower mu�t p�y dl suma socurod by this <br /> Securiry lnurume�t.If Borrower fdl�ta pRy ti�se�wms prior to the expir�tlon of thi�pedod, Lender may iovoke u�y ranedla _ <br /> ' pem�ltted by this Securlry Instcument withaut futther notiee or denwnd on Borrower. <br /> - 18. Borrowcr•r• 8�ht tu Retw.tate. If B�rrower meets certaln conditions, Borrower shall have the rfght to have <br /> enforcement of thir Socurity Inrtcument discnntinuat at any time prior to the earUer of: (a) 3 dxys(or such other periad�.s <br /> . upplicable I�w muy spccify for rcinrtAtement) beforc sale af the Properry pursuant to any power of ss�le contained in this <br /> - . Security Inurument;or(b)entry of x Jucigment enfarcing this Security Iastrument.Those oonditlons are that Bomower.(a)paya <br /> L.ender all wms which then would bc due under this Socudry Instrument and the Note�s if no�coelcmtion hod oxurred; (b) <br /> curcs any default of eny other cavenants or agreemcnts;(c)paya all expences incurrcd in enforcing this Socurity Iaatrument. <br /> '°°-�"--'"'— including. but not limitod ta.reasonable attome�c' fees;and(d)wkes such acdon as l,ender may reaionably require to�ssure <br /> ��-�--°^T°� thrt the Ilen af this Security Instrumcnt.Lcndcr s rlghts in the Property and Borrower's obligation to pay the sums securcd by <br /> this Saurity Instrument chall wntinue unchu+god. Upon reinstatement by Bonower. this Secucity Instrument and the <br /> -- --=_�� ohligatiocu cecured hercby shall remuin futly effxtive as if no accele�tion hod occurrod. However. this�ight to reinswte st�ll <br /> � not apply in the case of accelcration under parngraph 17. <br /> -- 19. Sde ot Note; Chan�e of I.oAn &rvicer. The Note ar a partial interest in the Note (together with this Sccudty <br /> ��� Instrument)ma be wld one or more times withaut prtor notice to BorroW�er. A sale may result in a change in the entity(known <br /> -- - Y <br /> :���• as the'l.oan Servicer")that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this Socurity Instrument. There also may be one <br /> � csr mc�n changes of the Loan Service�uttrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the Loan Servicer. Borrower will be <br /> � °�':r"';';"�;�`;�. given written notice of the chunge in acconlance with paragraph 14 above and appiicabte law.The notice wjlt sWte the rwme and <br /> "�-�;�e�=°.`•��.y�! address of the new Loan Servicer und the address to which payments should be mede.The notice will also conteln Any other <br /> � � infomiation required by applicAblc lstw. <br /> 20. tlazardous Su6stAnres. eorrawcr shall not cause or permtt the presence, use. disposal, storagc, or rclease of any <br /> . Hazardous Substances on or in thc Property. &,nower shall not do, nar all��w anyone else to do, anything affecting the <br />' �' ' Property that is in violation of:u�y Environmental The preceding two sentcnces shall not apply to the presence, use.or <br /> ;�� storage on the Praperty of small quantities of Hazardous Substances that are generelly rerognized to be appropriate to nornu�l <br /> � � '' ' residential uses and to maintenance of the Property. <br /> • '. Harrower xhall promptly give l.ender wr�tten notice of any investigation,cl�im, demand, lawsuit or other action by any <br /> � governmental or regulatory agency or private pany involving the Property und any Hweardous Substance or Environmental Law <br /> � of which Borrower has actual knowlcdge. If Borrower learns, or is notified by any govcrnmental or regulatory authority, that <br /> ••, any removal ar other remediation of any Huaardous Substunce nffccting the Praperty is nocessary,Borrower shall promptly take <br /> '- � all necessary remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> '— ------' As utied m thu parsigraph 20, "Hazardous Substances'are those wbsian�x�deiiucx! ..,tuxi� u� 1►u�a�Juua substatx:es by <br /> Environmentut L:iw and the following substances: g•rsoline, keroticne, other flummable or toxic petroleum Qralucts, toxic <br /> ,, pesticides and herbicides,vol�tile tinlvents, muteriuls containing asbe.rtos or fi�rnialdehyde,and rudioactive matennls. As used in <br /> this pnrasraph 20, "Environmentul Luw` meunti fecierul laws arxi luwc of the juriuliction wherc the Propeny is lacated ttwt <br /> relute to hc•rlth,wfety or environmentul protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORM COVENANTS. &irrowcr and i.cndcr funhcr coverwnt anci•rgrcc rr followti: <br /> y 21. Acceleratfon;Remcdics. I.cnder�ball�ive notice tu Borrower prior to t�ccelemtton followinR Borrower's bres►ch <br /> � of vny rovenant or n�reement in this Security Instrument (but n��t prior to uccclerAtion under ps►ragraph 17 unless <br /> � applicabte Iww pro�•(de!�otherwise).The notice shall speciPy: (a)the defuulh. (b)the actlon required to cure the default; <br /> (c)a date,nut Ie!�s than 30 dayx frnm the date the nnHce t+Riven to &�rr�►w��r,by which the default must be cured; And <br /> ���; (d)thut fptlure to curc thc defuult nn or Ix�fore thc datc s{xrificd in thc notice may result in yccelerotion oi the sums <br /> ;r x�cured b��thls�ecurity Instrument and wlc of the Property. The notice shpli furthcr inform Borrnwcr of the r(ght to <br /> ��� reinstate vRer neceleration und the r(ght to brin� a court artion to awurt the non-extstence of a default or any other <br /> dctense of Borroarr to accelcration and sale. If the def�utt is not curcd on or before the ds�te specified in the noNce, <br /> Lendcr. at(tti nption, may reyufrr immediutc payment in full of all sums tiaYUrcd b}• th(s Sccurity Instrumcnt without <br /> further dcmand and muy invokc thc pnw�er at'salc und am•othcr remedtcw pern�itt�d bv applics�ble law. I.endcr shall be <br /> entitted t�collect all ex{xnxw incurred In pursuing Rfic rcntrdics provided in t 6i.r•pare�raph 21.includin�,but not Umited <br /> to,reuu�nablc�ttarne��z'fitiw und costs of title e�•idence. <br /> IP the pow•er nF tiule is invoked, Trustee stt�tll r�rord a nutice af defuult in cuch county in w•hich un�• part of the <br /> Property is Incuted und shull matt cnpi�w of such notice in the munner p�escriix�d b�• upplicuble Is�w�to 8orrower and to <br /> � theother �xr�mti pr�wcrilxd by upplicablr lu�s.Aftrr the timc rcyuired bc upplicublc luw.Trusttr sbs�ll�;i��e public notice <br /> uf sule to the penon+ and in the manner prcwerifxd M� :�pplicable la��.Trust�r,��ithc�ut demund on Rorrow•er, shall sell <br /> ' the Prnpertr•at public uuction to the hi�hcwt bidder at the tim�und pluce and under the trrms desifinuted in the noHce uf <br /> sale in onc or more purccls und in u�n�order Trust�Y dctcrmin��.Trust�r niu��►stponc suk of all or an�• parcel of the <br /> . Propert�� b�• public unnouneemcnt at the time and pluce of um nm��iiiusl� srheduled sule. I.ender ur its d�wigner m�y <br /> � purcha.ce tbe Property at any sale. <br /> ' , Form 3028 9/�0 ^ <br /> PaqrSwb <br /> f • <br /> 1 � <br /> ' . . ..�R.:...`.1'i l:'�:._S'. .� , . ..::TJrS)TIY^"�Ct71+J�ii1i <br /> i <br /> � <br /> - � <br /> 1 <br /> :, <br /> ; <br /> � <br /> � <br /> � , <br /> � E <br /> . <br />