Laserfiche WebLink
:� ��,;.� `;: . <br /> ;;�� ,,y...� :�-. � ....-- <br /> .��:t� � , _ __- . __,.--�__. . <br /> .�:_=-_ --� �Q� i� ''��'� - <br /> - � <br /> 17.Tr�[er ot tbe Pruperty or�Beaefk�l Iata�at to Borrower. if rll cx any prt uf the Property or�ny intuat in lt <br /> is�sold ar troncferrod(or if a berKfici�l inteceat in$armwer ix sold ar trwuferrad uxi Borrower la not a natural perwn)wlthaut <br /> I,ender's prior written consent, l.encler may. at it� option, roquire lmmodiue paymer►t in full nf dl wtn� secured by thiR <br /> Socurity Instrument.However,thia optlan slull not be ezerci�ed by Luider ii exeociae Is prohlbitod by fodu�l law ou af the dMo <br /> of this Socu�ity lnurunxnt. <br /> If l.erder ezercisa this aptian.Lender slwll give Borrower notice of xcclention.The notla�lwll provide a periud ot not <br /> � lecs than 30 days from tt�e date the naticc is dclivcred or mailed within which Borrower must pay xll sums socurod by this <br /> Security Instrument. If Borrower f�ils to pry these sums prior tu the expiratian of this perlod.Ls�er may invoke any rcmedka <br /> permittod by this Socurity Insuument witt►cwt further notice ar denwnd on Borrower. <br /> 18. Borrower's Ri�ht to Reiartate. If Borrower meets rert�in ronciitions, &nrc�wer afeall lu�vc tl�e rigiu tu lu�ve <br /> enforccment af this Saurity Instcument discontinuod�t any timc prfor to the eulier of: (a>S days (c�r such other period as <br /> - applicablc law may spxify for rcinstatement) before sale of the Property pursuant ta any power of salc wntYinod in this <br /> - - Security Instn�ment;ar(b)entry af a judgmcnt enforcing this Security Instrunxnt.Those conditi�ns ure that Borrower:(a)poys <br /> L.ender all sums which then would be duo under this Security Instrumcnt and the Notc as if no acceleratian had occumed;(b) <br /> curcs ar►y default of any other covenants or agreements: (c) pays all expenses incurrai in enforcing this Security Instmment. <br /> �""�-"'�'°�"'�°°� including, but nat limitod to, rea.sonable attomeys' fees;and(d)takes such action as Lender may rew�onably roquirr to as.cure <br /> -�-_'""'�""-"""'� that the lien of this Securiry Instrunxnt, l.ender's righw in the Property and Horrower's oblig�tion w p•ry U�c sums�ecured by <br /> '�'"'��-- this Securiry Instrument shall rnntinue unchanged. Upon reinstatement by Rorrower, this Security tnstrument w�d the <br /> ._..:.�.��. obiigations secured hercby shall mmain fully effective as if no xceteration had accurred. However.this�ght to rcinstate stwll <br /> . not apply in the case of occcleration under puagraph t7. <br /> �w�.,�:t�,fi���� 19. Swle ot Note; Clwn�e of I.oan Servicer. The Note or a partial intcrest in die Note (together with this Security <br /> _ , ..,,, Instrutnent)may be sold one or more times without prior notice to Bc�rrower.A sale may result in A change in the entity(known <br /> ati the "Loun Servicer')that collects monthly payments due under the Note and this SecurIry Instrunxnt.Therc nlso may be one <br /> or morc changes of the I.c�an Servicer unrelated to a sale of the Note.If there is a change of the L.oan Servicer.Borrower witl be <br /> �°' , ".;;_rt:_.;_ ;�, given written notice of the chunge in accordance with paragr�ph l4 above:�nd applicable law.The notlre w�lll stete the natne and <br /> �: -,w��+�+'�,f address of the new Lc�an Servicer und the address to which payments should be made. The nntice will also contein any other <br /> •. , ' ' information mquired by applicablc law. <br /> 20. Har,�rdous Substances. Barrc►wer shall not cause or permit the presence, usc, disposal, stor�ge, ar relcasc of any <br /> - Hazardaus Substances on or in the Property. Borrower shall not do, nor allow anyone else to do. anything affecting the <br /> Property that is in violatiim of any Envir�nmental The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence,use,or <br /> ' ' ' �torage cm the Pruperty of timall quantities of Hazurdous Substances that arc generully recognized to be appropriAte to norn�al <br /> residentiul uses and to maintcnance of thc Property. — <br /> Borrowcr shall promptly sive Lender written notice of any investigation, claim, demand, lawsuit or othcr action by any <br /> govemnxntal or regulatory agency or private pany involving the Property and any Hazardous Substance or Environmental Luw <br /> , of which Borrower hati actual knowledge. If Borrower leams, or is notiGed by uny govemmental or regulatory authority, that <br /> any removal or other remediation of any H:vardous Substance affecting the Property is necessary,&�rrower shall promptly take <br /> all necesxury remedial actions in accordance with Environmental Law. <br /> — - - -- Ar used m th�s paragraph 20, "Hazurdous Substancet" are those substance.r defined ati toxic or ha�ardous substances by <br /> Environmrntal Luw anJ the following substunces; gatioline, kcrosene, othcr flanunuble or toxic petroleum Qroducts, toxic <br /> pe,ticide+and herbieide,, volatile�olvent�,materials cuntaining a�be�to+or formaldehyde,and radioactive mutenalti.As used in <br /> this pu�agraph 20, "Environmental Law" mcans federul laws und luws of the jurisdiction wherc the Property is located that <br /> relate t��heulth.�afety or environment;►1 protection. <br /> NON-UNIFORbf COVENANTS.Borrowcr and Lcndcr furthcr cuvcnunt and agrcc�,follows: <br /> � 2l.Acceleration;Remedi�w.Lender shall Five nutice tu Rurruwer prior to acceleration tollowinR Borrower's breach <br /> S_ of yny covenant or agrcYment In this :�ecurity [nstrument (but not prior to acceleration under parttgmph 17 unless <br /> E applicuble law provides otherw�itic). Thc nnticc�hull sp�rify: lu)thc default;(b)the yctiot�reyuired to curc the def�ult; <br /> (c)u date. nnt It�s than 30 days frnm the dute the nnticr is gicen to Borrow•er, by which the defuult must be cured; and - <br /> �� (d) that fuilure to cure the defuult on or tmFare the date tip�ritied in the notice may resutt in acceleration of the sums <br /> �� xcurnd by this ti�.tiurit}• In+trument und wle of the Nrapert�•. The notice tihall further inform Borrower of thr r(Rht to <br /> '� ` reinstutr after acceleration and thc ri};ht to brin{; u rourt actinn to assert the non-existence of a default or any other -- <br /> ' defense uf BnrroH�er to uccclerutinn and tivle. If the defuult is not cured on or�fore the dute specifled in the nottce, <br /> Lender.ut its option,mu� nyuire immediute pucment in full of ull sums xrurcd b�• thi+ Sccuritv Instrument K•ithout <br /> . further dcmund and muy im•ok��thc po�ccr nf+ulc und um othc�rcmcdicw�xrmitted by upplicable law�. l.endcr shall be - <br /> entitled to collect ull expens�w incurmd!n pur�uin}�the remedi�w pro��ided in thiz para�raph 21.includin�,but nnt limited <br /> ' to.reaw►nable attarne�ti fee.und costs�►f title e�td.nca -- <br /> If the pncer of�ule ic imokcd, '1'rurt�Y+hall r�YOrd u notice of drfuult in cuch count�• in �vhich any part of the <br /> . Prapert� is�ncutcd und shuil muil ropf��of,uch nuticc in tBc munncr pr��xrifx�d b�•upplicaMc la�► to Borroa�rr and to <br /> die other penom pr�wcribed b� upplicuMe lu�c.Aftcr thc time rcyuired b�•upplicuble lu��.Tru+t�r shull�ivc public n��tice <br /> of sulc to the pers��n►und in thr munncr pr�wcribcd in upplicublc lua. TrustM. ��ithout dcmund on Bnrrnµ•cr. tihall scll � <br /> the Propert}�at puhlic uuction to thc hi�;h�yt bidder at the tinte und pluce and under the term.dcwi�nated in the nottce of �,�. <br /> suk in onc nr murc parcclti und io am� ordcr Trustcc dcterniln�w. Trust�Y mu� {x►�tponc salc of ull ur any purccl of thc <br /> Properh b� public unnouncemcnt ut thc timc smd placc of um prc�iou�l� uhcdulcd .ulc. Lcndcr or itti d�wi�nm ms►� � <br /> �.. <br /> ' purchuze thc Propert�at anp wlc. - <br /> . t;:: <br /> F Form 3028 9180 <br /> . . ,,� E' <br /> . � �� <br /> G . <br /> . ' �� <br /> � <br /> � , i' <br /> � . .. . _ . <br /> 1 <br /> i <br /> ± <br /> f <br /> t <br /> � <br /> .j , <br />_ f ' <br /> . <br /> � <br />