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<br /> —� - -- - _� TO(3�'fHFR WITH dl the improvemrnts now or herafta erxted on the propectY.�nA atl awmtdKS��pparte�r�oe+.ano
<br /> i fixtura now or heoeafter a p�ct of the PropcnY- All �ta �nd additioro �1�11 alw be ooverod by d� Srauity
<br /> ; Inqn�n�ent.All of tbe forcgofng Ir r¢fem�+d w in thi�Sxudty Uatrumax a�the"Property.`
<br /> BORROWBR COVENANTS tiu�t Borrower is uwttiily rdied of the eetate hereby oonveyed�nd hra the riRht w sr�nt�nd
<br /> convey the Prnperty and that the PropeRY!� unen��umberod.except far tncumbrar�oes of rocord. Horrawu waaws nd wlll
<br /> defad�cnenlly the tide ta thn Property��inst all cldms u�d dcrt�nds,wbJect to any eocumbrances of reca�d.
<br /> TNIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT rombMea uniform cavenaus for�utlaial use rnd non-uniform ouvaw►ts wlth limited
<br /> � vari�tions by juflsdiction to constitute a uniform secu�iry i�utrumau covarin;rcal property.
<br /> -� L1NiFORM COVENANTS.Borrower and I.ender rn��et�ant�nd Ygree�s follows: .
<br /> I. Paymeat ot iMtrcipa! and Iaterati �pYmmt aad I.�te Cbrt�a. Borrower stwll prompt�Y P'yY when due the
<br /> - ' princjprl of and irtterest on the dcbt evidencnd by the Notc u�d any prepayment uid Irtc char�es due under thc lVote.
<br /> 2, Funds tor Taxea ond Inwrance.Subject to applics�ble Iaw or to a written wAivcr by l.cndcr, Homowec etwq pYy to
<br /> I.ender on thc day monthly payments art due under the Nde.until the Note is paid in full,a awn("Funds")for:(a)ywrty wcr.s
<br /> and assessments which may attain priority over this S�curiry Instrumeot us a lien an thc i'rope�ty:(b)yearly Ics�schold payment�
<br /> __ or ground rcnts on the Property.if any;(c)yearly haaud or property insuranre premiums;(d)yculy fload insur�noe pnmiums,
<br /> if any;(e)yearly moKgage insurnnce premiums.if any; wKi(�any sums pwyable by Barrower ta Lendcr,in acconiance wlth
<br /> i the provisions of paragreph 8, in lieu of the payment of mortgage insurance prcmiums. These items are called 'Escrow Items.'
<br /> ! Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an wnount not to exceod the maximum :�maunt e lender for A foderally
<br /> related mortgage loan may require for Borruwcr's escrow uccount under the fcderYl Real Estate Settlement Procalures Act af
<br /> I 1974 ac amended fram time to time. 12 U.S.C. Section 2601 et seq. ("RESPA"), unicss another law that applics to thc Funds
<br /> � �� � sets a les.cer anwunt. If so. l.a:nder may. ut any time,collect and hold Funds in an amaunt not to exceed the laser wnount.
<br /> ; Lender may estimatc thc amount of Funds due on the basis of curnnt deta a�d reasonable eFtinwteA of expendituns of future
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with upplicuble law.
<br /> '• � The Funds shall bc held in un institution whose depasits are insurai by a fedcrul agency, instrumentality, ar entity
<br /> ,•,- �
<br /> (including Lcndcr.if Lcnder is such an institution>or in any Fedcral Home Lc�nn Bank. l.ender shall apply the Funds ta pay t e
<br /> � ..., t , j Escrnw[tems. I.ender n�ay not charge Borrower for hoiding and appiying the Funds,annually analyzing the escrow accaunt,or
<br /> _ ' `�ai��� verif'ying the Escrow[tems, unless l.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds and applicable!aw permits I.ender to make such
<br /> � , .... . �;:. u charge. However,L.ender may require Borrower to pay a one-tin�e cburge for an independent rcai estate t�.r reporting servicc
<br /> � '�b��'',;;�_"y;:,''� used by Lender in canncction with this laan, unlcss applicable luw provides otherwise. Unlcss an agreement is made or
<br /> �.:iM��(�f rf=....}��
<br /> • F ��j��� �� applicablc law rcquires intcrest to be paid.I.cnder shall not bc requircd to pay Borrowcr any interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> ... '?�'�jr�!h:l�k•}'yiF,-�..
<br /> ' '�� �''�.L-'-•� Boaower and l.ender n�ay agree in w�iting, however,that interest shall be paid on the Funds. Lcnder shull give to Bonower.
<br /> " '"� "�`'��' `'-"'"�' `� without char e un annuul uccountin nf the Funds,hhowin creclits and debits to the Funds and the u �e for which each
<br /> ..r�..:......g; � g . 8 S P �•
<br /> - �'�-,-''—"'�':`r:`'�' , debii t�the Fetsds�va.�tna�e.Thc F�ml� s�re�+Iaig��i nc additional �ecurity for nll sums secured by this Security Instrument.
<br /> .. : I If the Funds hcld by L.ender cxcced thc umounts permitted to bc held by applicable law.Lender shall acccwnt to Barrower
<br /> for the excess Funds in accordance with thc rcyuirements of upplicable luw. if the Amount��f the Funds held by I.ender ut any
<br /> � „ time is not sufticient to pay the&ticmw Items when due, l.ender may so�otify Borrnwer in writing, and, in tiucb cak Bonower
<br /> shall puy to L.endcr the amuunt neces`ary to mnke up the deficiency. Bonower shall make up the deficieruy in no more than
<br /> twclvc monthly puymcnts,at I.cndcr'ti solc discretion.
<br /> „ Upon payment in full of ull sum� secured hy thiti S�:curity Instrument, Lender shall promptty refun�i to Borrower any
<br /> }� Funds held by LenJer. If, under p�rugn�ph?1. I.ender shall ucyuire or ticli thr Propeny.Lender,prior w the•rcquisition ar wle
<br /> wi uf the ProFxrty,tihuU apply any Fund.held by L.ender at thc time of�cyuisition or wle u.a c�edit against the sums secured by
<br /> �� � ' this Sccurity In+trumrnt.
<br /> :;�, 3.Application of Payment�. Unle,ti applirabl�law pnwiJr.otherwi,c,all paymrnt,rcccived by Lc:nder under paragraphs
<br /> . 1 and 2 ,hull tx upplicd:tint. to any prrpaym�nt �hargc,duc undcr thr Nutc:xrand. tu am��unts puynblc undcr paragraph 2;
<br /> . thirJ.tu intcrctit duc: tiwrth.tii prinripal duc:and la�t.ti�any latc churFr�duc undcr thr Nutc.
<br /> � 4. Char�;�w; l.irns.Borruwcr ,hall pay all tarc+.u,�r,smrnts.chargc+. finc�and imFx��iti�ms uttributablc to the Property
<br /> � � whirh may uttain pri��rity u��cr tBiti 5crurity In.trumcnt. and Iratich�ild paymcnt. �ir gr��unJ rcm�, if any. Bcircowcr shall pay
<br /> � the,r��bligaticin. in the mannrr pruviJcJ in paragraph 2. ur if nut paiJ in that rnann�r. Burrower�hull pxy them un timc direcNy
<br /> to thr pertiun rn�•ed puymcnt. Rurm�►��r�hall pr�un��tly furnitih t�� L�ndrr all n�itirr.ol'amuuntti tu tx�paid utxicr thi�paragraph.
<br /> -. ►r�,«<�w«��,.���,a,�,��a�mrnh dircctic.Burruw rr,hull prumptl�•1'urni.h tu LrnJcr rercipt.«idcncing thc paymcnts.
<br /> B�,�n�wer+hall prompd� �ii�rhargc.�m li�n�vhiih ha.priurit��n cr thiti Scrurit� In�trument unle.�$orruwer:la)a�rces in
<br /> a�riting ta thr paymrnt ul thc uhligation �rcurcd h�� thc licn �n a mcmnrr arreptahlr tu I.cnJrr:cb1 cuntr.t.in gaxl faith thc licn
<br /> by. or drfcnJ,agaimt cnti�rcrmrnt ��f thc lirn in. I��:d �r�k•�rJing. aBirh in thc I.cndrr'. upini�m aper:Uc to prevrnt thc
<br /> � � rntiirccmcnt uf the licn:m- Ir► ,rcurr,fr�,m thc h�,ldrr n1 thr lirn an :►grccmrnt,ati.turtur� tu I.cn�lcr wM�rdinating thr lien to
<br /> thi. Serurity Imh•ument. If l.cndcr dcl.r•minr�th,U an}• p:in ul thr Pr��rrrt� i,.uhj�ct tu a lirn ��hirh m�� �ttain pri�,rit}• uvrr
<br /> thi� Srrurity Imtrumcnt. I.enJrr ma� �i�c B��rr�mrr a n�,ti�r ii�entil�inL thr lirn. R��ir�,��rr.h:ill�:ui,I� th�lien ur r.ike one<,r
<br /> � mur�ut�th�artion„ct tircth ahu�c Hithin IO da�•��fth� gi�•ui���f noti�•r.
<br /> _ � form 3028 9/90
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