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<br /> applicRbb LM rruy y�ecity fa minuate�nent)befoca�le of d�e P'mpeKy pwsuwt a way powu of u1e ooaWn�t ln dds
<br /> Secarity Iastn�»ent:a(b)�y of.judpnarc a►forcin�thi�Secwity Imaumaat. 7�osa conditlau aoe�6at Boerowar. (.>
<br /> paY� L.ender dl wms which then would be due urder thi� Security In�tcumcat �ad the Nwe u if no a�celets�iaa hd
<br /> accumed;(b)cuc+a�aay default of any otFKr c�ven�n4 a�c�eeanents:(c)MYs tll expemcs lncu�rod la eaforcL�thb Secwity
<br /> Insd�ument, including,but not iimited to.reawnwbk sttorn�ys'fdea;Rnd(d)tates wc►t�ct�on a�L.cnda rn�y ce+uaubty
<br /> roquit+e to�uwne that the licn of thi�Secudty In�qumenb Lcnde�ti ri�hts in the Property and BainwerSt obli�Won ta p�ty the
<br /> aumi eecuand by this Saceuity In�cumau thaU condnue unclunged. Upon reiauwtement by Bamwer, this Secu�ity
<br /> - Instruusent ac�the obllgations secured het�eby shall e+emain fuily ef�ec8vic es if no aocek+ntion had aocuerod. Howaver.thit
<br /> - rl�bt to rein�ute sha11 aot apply in the case of Acalenitioa under poragraph 17.
<br /> - 19.Sale ot Note; Cluio�e ot Loiut Servicer. Tde Note w a parti�l interest in the Note(to�etlur with thi:Security
<br /> Insuument)may be sold one or maro times without prior nodce to Iiorcower. A sAk nuy resutt m a change in the entity
<br /> (known� the"Laan Savicer")that collects monthlY I�Yments due under the Nota and this Security Inatrument. 11te�ne�lw
<br /> auy be one a mae changes of the Loan Servicer unrelated to a snle of the Note. lf then is a change of the Lwn 3ervicer,
<br /> Bomower w1U be given written not�ce of the change in acconlance wlth paragraph 14 tbove and applicable l�w. The notice
<br /> --------- will stato thc nune and address of thc new I.n�c►Scrvicer and the adciress to whlch paymcnts shauld be made. The notice will
<br /> also contdn any other information required by applicable law.
<br /> 20. ELa�rdow Sa6�twnces. Botrower ahall not cause or perrn3t the pc+esence,use.dicposnl.storege,or e�ele�e of iu►y
<br /> Hazardaus Substances on or in the Propecty. Hoirower shall not do, nor allow s�nyone clse to do,anythi�g affecting the
<br /> Pcoperty that ic in violation of any Environmentsl Law. The preceding two sentences shall not apply to the presence.use,or
<br /> storage a► the Property of small quantities of Hazardous Substances tlwt are geaerxlly acoQniud to be appropciate w nom�al
<br /> residential uses and to maintcnance of the Property.
<br /> Bortower shall promptly give I.ender written notice of any invesdgadon,claim,demend.lawsuit or other ocdon by any
<br /> . govemmntal or regulawry agency or private party involving the Property and any Hazsudous Substanca or Environmentsl
<br /> Law of whkh Botrower has actual knowledge. If Borrower leams. or is notitied dy any govemmental or regulatary
<br /> , . ,.�. authoriry,tbat any removal ar other remediation of any I3azardous Substence affecting the Property is necessary,Borrower
<br /> • •'�'�:; `�,;�4 �°-'<•-" shell promptly¢ake all necessary remediul acqons in accordance with Environmentcil Law.
<br /> As used in this paragraph 20,"Ha2ardous Substances"tue those substences deftned as toxic or huzardous substances by
<br /> :�:,_r:;,:� ,;;;. Emiromnental Law and the following substances: gasoline,kerosene.other flammable or toxic petroleum products,toxic
<br /> y;����;:��,�.;��� pesticides and herbicides,volatile solvents, materials containing asbestos or focmaldehyde. and radioactive matedals. As
<br /> �,,,,��.'�;,,.,,;,�. used ln this paragraph 20,"Emironmental I.aw"means federal laws and Iaws of the Jurisdicdon where the Prope�ty is located
<br /> �• "~ ' ' �� that rclute to health,safe or environmental rotection.
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<br /> '2,.�: ; : :�• ' NOPT-UNIFORMCOVENANTS. BoirowerandL.endcrfurthercovenantand agrce asfollows:
<br /> :'��',:i.„.�s::`;",:;:.��z 21.Accelerndon; Remedles. I.ender shall give notice to Borrower pdor W suceleraUon followtng Borrower's
<br /> '�•'�" ' � � breach ot Any covenpnt or�greement in this Security Inctrument(but not prlor to Accelerwtbn under ps�ragraph 17
<br />. :�1�f�,.;.�t.+•° :n -.. ,�-%!
<br /> _. .��,�.:�?�y=ss�. anless applicable law provides otherwise). The nodce shall spectty: (A)the defi�ult; (b)the actlon requtred to cure die
<br /> � � default;(c)a date,not less than 30 d�ys trom the date the notice Is gtven to Borrower,by which the default must be
<br /> . cured;and(d)thot f�ilum to cure the default on or before the ds�te specifled In the notice may result in nccelerAdon of
<br /> . the sumv secured by this Securtty Instrument s►nd sAle of the Property. The nodce shAll further inform Borrower of
<br /> the ri�ht to reinstate aner acceleration and the right to bring A court actbn to assert the non-extstence of�t default or
<br /> ' any other defense o[Barrower to ac.celerallon And sale. If the default is not cured on or before the dAte specit(ed in
<br /> the notice,I.ender at its option mAy mquire immediate payment in full of all sums secured by this Security Instrument
<br /> without further demand and may invoke the power of sale and any ot8er remedies permttted by applkAble law
<br /> - ' Lender shAll be entitled to collect all expenses incurred In pursuing the remedies provided in thic p�ragraph 21,
<br /> including,but not Itmited to.reasons�ble Attorneys'fees and costs oP title evidence,
<br /> r ' . It the power of sale!s invoked.7Yustee shall record a notice of defAUlt in e�ch county In which s�ny pwrt ot the
<br /> �,�� ' Property is located And shall maii copies of such nottce in the manner prescribed by appUcable law to Borrower And to
<br /> ��, the other persons prescribed by applicablc law. Aner the time reyuired by applicable IAw,'Irustee shAll give public
<br /> • notice ot�le to the persons And in the manner prescrilx�d by applicable Iaw 'ltustee,without demAnd on Borrower,
<br /> � � sM�ll scll the Property at public AucNon to the hiRhest bidder at the time and place and under the terms desiy,nated in
<br /> the notice otsale tn one or more parcels and In uny order'Irustee determines. 71�ustee ms�y postpone ssde of Aq or any
<br /> � parcel o�ihe Property by publ[c aunouncement at the time and plACe of any previously scheduled sale. I.ender or its
<br /> �_ • designce rnay purchase tl�e Pro�rerty at any salc.
<br /> Upon reccipt of payment of the price bid.'IY�ustee shall deliver to the purchaser 1Yustee's deed conveying the
<br /> ` Property. The recitals in the 1Yustee's deed shall ix prima facte evidence of the truth of the statemenis made therein.
<br /> . 'I1�ustee sh�ll apply the proceeds af the sale in the foliowin�order: la)to all costs�nd expenses of exerctsin�tlie power
<br /> r.
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