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<br /> �.�......r- . . .—
<br /> . _ .:�v""°-�� ' ToaETFIlJI MATH�I th�bnprov�nMnt� now a h�wAln +noUei on t!I(�p�ey��Y�b� �par1M�� �nd c
<br /> - -- - - =_ � t!�!_r +Mrt er�!!u��R!r�±�t!�!ir!►9�";"R!'. ry w•�i.n.w�.�i.,rMi wiviui::k.::i:6 i��:S:�i�:�:r.:r i�i.rw�Y. � . _
<br /> — AN ol tIM fotpalnq Is fMKr�d b In!hM ilourNy InrMsrnmt Y�qN•hopNty.•
<br /> -- AQlp10WEA COVENANTS tMl oottow�r M Nw11�ty sM��d ol ih��t�hmby oorwy�tl�nd !tw th�rlpM lo pnnt �nd
<br /> - • �+w'Y 1M Prap«ry �1 tlNt tM hop�Ay N un�naanb�rd, �roypt b►�na�nnbhnoM d noo�d. Lar�w�t w�rtMMs�nd wr
<br /> ' dM�na�«�r.y uw uw w aN Rop«ry.pN�t�II ol�re.�nd dnrwid�. ��bJ�ot a�ny«,oiwnl+r«�as a noord.
<br /> -- - TH18 9ECURmr uiB1AUAAENr oonbin« unMo�n oov«una 1« n.MarM u.. .na non.�m oa«ww wlln Ml.a
<br /> . vuWlons by J�wbdkdlon b oons�R w�forM s�ourily Insqt+�n�t�t oov�inp rnl propwty.
<br /> • K„ . UNIFORM COVENANTB, BotrowK�nd L�1d�t oovwnnt�nd�pr�u foNow�:
<br /> 1. Paym�ttt of Prinalp�l �nd Intrr�� Php�ym�nt �nd l.�b Ch���.Borrow�r sh�N promptly p�y whm
<br /> dw th�p�dp�t d�nd ht�t an th�d�t w�kf�nad by th�NW��nd any prp�ynNnt�nd Iq� dw�pn dw unda th�No/�.
<br /> ' y�� ::a.i.nc.:..t: •� 2. �unds for T�uc�s�nd InW,IranCS.8ubj�ct to applo�bN law a to a w�itt�n w�vK by Un�Nr.Barrowor ahNl P�Y
<br /> to LmdK on th� dtY�1�Y WY�►t�w du�undK th�Not�, untll th�Not�k prd h 1W.a wm('Fw�k') br (�)Y�Y
<br /> - � taxM and�a�ssm�nq whbh nNy dWn pdatky ovK thb S�axRy Instntmmt u a Mn on th� Pro{�tY: I�I Y�N I�sM�old
<br /> - -.`•,LL�"";.-°±.•�`�'� WY�b or pnound rwda on thr Prop«ty� N�r►Y �o)Y�b�d o► ProP«tY Insunna P���: (dl Y�N Aood fntw�na
<br /> _ ,._._�a�,r.��.�:r•.�.�� pnrNums,if mY NI Y�Y��W M�surana pnmk�,if my:�nd (t)�nY�WY�bY Bortowr to L�h eceord�na
<br /> qti:.+5s:;;�.-�r--: wkh th�p►ovltionf Of p�aproph 8. k1 NM1 0l thf
<br /> :�...ui..r.,�t::,•v� MY�t ot mortWN fnwr�na pr«rAuiru. Th�s�R�ns ue ul�d 'E�crow
<br /> „�.�„�:�_2��T��� tbnu.' L�ndx may,�t any tkn�, colNet and hold Funds(n an unount not lo �xoMd th�nwdnwxn �mount a irnd�►tor a
<br /> -- —�_�;,R,;t.;;�,,,;�.- /sd�raMy nl�t�d maty�p� lori nxy nquin ta Bortoww's ncrow a000unt undr th�f�r RMI Estat�8Mt1�nNnt ProowJuns
<br /> --� -�";�,.�.�,,;���.� Aet of 1974 u amM�d�d h'om 1NYN to Um�,12 U.9.C. �2601 et uq. ('kE3PA•),uM�ts anothv kw th�t appli�s to tha Fund�
<br /> �'::s�.,.
<br /> m
<br /> - - -;�,,,...,..r u:..,.;x.�. s�ta� la��r�moix�L If so.Lend�t m�y, �t�ny tlm�,coN�ci and hotd Funds h�n�nwunt not to �xcs�d tha Nss�r amount
<br /> t,'�,.:�;; Lensi�r t►xy atknaU tM amount o} Fund� dw on ih�basi�oi cumnt data�nd nawrnbl�KWrrtM ot�xpw►dqu�s of fuUus
<br /> ��. � Escrow IUms or othenvi�� h accordmc�with applkabb taw.
<br /> _ "• �` ,•,y'' Th�Funds sIW b�h�id fn an hsdWtbn whou deposit�on inwnd by�t�d�nl�y�ncy�hMrum�nhMty�a�ndly(Indudnp
<br /> � � • Ur►d�r. N L�nder u such an InstlWttor►) a In any Fsd�tu Hom�Lan Bank. Lmd�r shdl appy th� Funds to p�y ih�Eso^�w
<br /> t� • ' ItMru, L�ndw mRy not chai►p�BarowK ior hotdk�p�nd appyinp th� Funda,�nnu�ly�n�tysJnp th�Maow �ocount,or vwHykip
<br /> . • �: th� E�crow ftwns,unias Und�r p�ys 8ortow�tnt�nst on th� Funds �nd appNo� I�w pMmfts L�nd�r to m�k� wah a
<br /> . r. ch�rye. Now�vx. I.�ndr m�y nquin BorrowK to pay• on►tNn� ehuy�for m ind�pmdmt rMl atat� t�c npo�tinp swvic�
<br /> ` ussd by L�ndr {n connectlon wfth thia lwn, unbss +�ppNcable kw provW�s othmwia�. Unlas an apr�rnnt b madt a
<br /> , spplMabi�kw rsqukes Intarost to be paid, Lender shall not bs rpuk�d to p�y Borrowsr+ury int�rnt a�uninpa an ths Fund�.
<br /> �S•� �'� Bortower and Lender mty ayrse In writkip, however, ttu►t Intereat thaN b� pald on th� Fund�. Lmdx ah�N yNe to Bortowx,
<br /> without charqe, an annwl �ccountinp of th�Fund�, showinp credib and d�bits to the Funda�nd th�purposs tar wh�h �noh
<br /> � , d�bft to th�Funda wat m�de. The Fundi ar�pt�dped as�dditiand s�curity for d aums secured by th�S�curily Instrum�nt.
<br /> It the Funds held by Lender excoad the�mounts pKmitt�d to be hNd by appNcabl�I�w,Lender sh�li�ccount to Borrowrr
<br /> tor ths excess Funds In accordance with tha requksmmts o}�ppUabl� I�w.If tha�tmount of the funds hNd by L�nder�t any
<br /> tims Is not sufAdent to pay the Eacrow Iteme wh�n due, Lmda may�o notHy Borrowor in wdNnp,�nd, In auch c�se Borrowrr
<br /> ah�U pay to L�nder the amount neceasary to mak� up the daflcl�ncy. Borrow�r ahd rtwk�up th� d�Ad�ncy in no rtwt�than
<br /> ., rivshre monthy paymenu, at lender'a soie disaeUon.
<br /> Upon paym�nt in NN oi atl sums s�wrod by thia Sec:utily Inatrume�t, lendK sh�N prompUy n(und to Borrowar any Funda
<br /> held by Und�r. If�und�r panpnph 21,Lendsr ahall�cquks or aep the Properry,L�nder, pdor to th�acqui:fGon a sal�of th�
<br /> - PtopMy.shab agpP;r any Fvnds hdd by Lender at!he Ume ot acqul::lUon ar sala aa a credit a�slns!the sams asasrtd bq lt�ls
<br /> Securtty Inattument,
<br /> 3. Applic�tion of P�ymonts. Unl�as appUcabk law providea othwwlse, aN p�ymatb ncNvsd by L�ndK undu
<br /> puepraphs 1 �nd 2 sYuN be�ppN�d: flnt, to�ny prepayment chuye� due under ths Note;aecond, to�mounts payabN undu
<br /> pWaqraph 2;thkd,to Ntereat due;tourth,to prindpai dur, �nd 4st,to�ny{�t�chary�s du�und�r lh�Note.
<br /> � 4. Chuq�s; Uan�. Bortowa ahaA pay au tuces, aseossments, chupes, tinn �nd impoaltions attrlbutrbi� to th�
<br /> � Property which may atuh prlo�ity ovK thla Securily Inatrummt, and Iws�hold p�ym�nts or pround rentt, M any. 9ortowK shall
<br /> � pay ih�e� ot�lyaUona N th�rtunner provided (n paraynph 2, w H not p�id in that mannu, Borrower shaN pay them on Wns
<br /> dk�ctiy to th�p�non ow�d prymsnt. Bortower �hail promptly fumish to L�nd�r all notica of rnounts to b� pdd undrt thi�
<br /> � p�n,�rnph. If Bortoww m�k�s th�s� p�ym�nts dir�cUy, BorrowK sfu�M prompUy 1umi�F► lo L�ndK nc�ipts �vid�ndnp th�
<br /> ;�� paym�nt�,
<br /> . � Bortow�r shaW promptly dlsch�rqe any IIx► which h�s priodly ovx this S�cu�ty InaWma�t unl�s� BoROwv: (a) ayrNS h
<br /> - � wriUnp to the paym�nt of the obNyation eecured by tht Ilen In a m�nner acap�bie to LsndK; (b) cont�ate fn yood faith tht
<br /> � Nen by, or dNMd� ay�hat mforcement of ths Am in. kgd proce�dinps which In th� lendK's opinion oprat�to prawnt th�
<br /> ontoresmmt of th�Iien;or (c) sewrea hom the hold�r of th� Aen an ayrNmsnt aaUdactory to Und�r subordlnaUny th�Y�n to
<br /> i thfa Secudty Instrumen4 N Undw det�m�ines ihat any part of the Property la aubJ�ct to a U�n whieh m�y attah priairy ovrr thit
<br /> Saoudty Inatrume�t, Lender may qhre Bortowe a notica IdenUfyfnp tho Ilan. Borrow�r 4haA saGafy the Bm a t�k�on�w mor�oi
<br /> lhe actions aet fo„h above within 10 days ot ihe yiviny oT noUce.
<br /> b. Haz�rd or Proporty Insuranco. Bortower shall keep the improvements now existiny u heredter erect�d on the
<br /> Property Inaured apainal lona by fire, hazards tncluded within ihe term 'extended coverege' and any other hu�rds, indudinp
<br /> Iloods or tloodin�.(or which Lender requkes Insur�nce. This insurance ahaA be malntalned In the amounts md tor tht perioda
<br /> that Lender requlres. Th@ Insurance cartier provWing the Insurance shali be chosen by Bortower subJect to Lender'a approvai
<br /> which sh�ll not b� unreasonobly withheld. If Bortower faiis to malntaln coverage described obov�, Lenda rrwy, ot Undar's
<br /> option, obtein covera9e to protect Lender's rights In the Property�n accordence with paragraph 7.
<br /> AII insunnce poNdes and renewa�s shal be acceptable to Lender and sh�M indude a standard mortyAge ciause. Lender
<br /> shaA have the righl to hold the poAGes and renewals. if Lender requlres, Borrower shall promptly gtve to Lender all recelpts oi �
<br /> peld premiums and renhval notices. In the event at losa. Borrower ahall ylve prompt not�e to the Insurance cartter�nd Undx.
<br /> , Lender may make proot oi loss if not made prompty by Bortower. �
<br /> • Uniess Lmder and Bortower otherwlse agree In wdting, Insurance proceeds shaN be applied to restoratbn or repair of the .
<br /> ' Property damaged,if ihe restoratbn or repalr Is economically teasible end Lender's security Is not lessened. If the restoratlon w
<br /> � repak(s not econorniuly t!�slbie or Lender's security would be lessened.the ineurance proceeds shatl be appiled to the sums ;
<br /> secured by thls Security Inslrument, whether or not then due, with any excess paid to Bortowx. II Bortower abandona the
<br /> ' Property,or does not mswer within 30 days a nolice from Lender thot the tnsurance carrler has oftered to settle a clalm, then .
<br /> ' Lender msy coUecl the Insurance proceeds. Lender may use the proceeds to repak or �estore the Property or to pay sums
<br /> � secured by this Secudty Instrument,whether ar not then due. The 30•day period wfli begin when the notice is givon.
<br /> . Unless Lender and Bortower otherwlse agree In wrfting, any applicaUon ot proceeds to prinGpel �hatl not extend or
<br /> , posipone the due date of ihe monthly payments referred to in parayraphs 1 and 2 or change the amount of the p+iymenta. If
<br /> ' � under pu�ynph 21 the Properiy is acquked by Lender. Borrower's �Ight to any Insurance poNcfes and proceeds resuftiny irom
<br /> • i dsmage to the Properly pdor to the acquts8ion shaG pass to Lender to the extent ot tho sums by thlc Security Instrument
<br /> t Immodiately pdor to the acquisitfon.
<br /> g 6. Occupancy, Presvrvation, MaintQnance and Protoction of tho PropQrty; Borrowor's Loan
<br /> • .�.N'pi:�.aiivR; ��o5�liviuL. ov�r�wcr oimn vccupy, esiaoiisn, and use ine rmper[y as norrower s pnnapsi res�aenee wttnn
<br /> afxty days aftet the execution of thls Security Instrument and shell continue to occupy the Property as Borrower's princlpal
<br /> � resldence for at Ieast one year atler the dato of occupency,unless Lender otherwlse agrees in writing,whlch consent shell not
<br /> � ' be unreasonably withheid, or unless eztenuating ckcumstances exlst which are beyond Borroweis contro�. Bortower shall not
<br /> , � destroy,dertwge a impalr the Property, ellow the Property to deleriorate, or commlt waste on the Property. Borrower shall Ge In
<br /> default it eny fortellure ectfon or proceeding, whelher civil or criminel.Is begun that In Lender's good talth Judgment could result
<br /> ' , In tor(elture ol the Property or otherwlse mateilally Mpalr the Gen created by thls Securiry Instrument or Lender's curlty Interest.
<br /> . �: 1
<br /> .<< �- �-
<br /> ' F1316.LM0(12/93) Page�01 5 L. �.
<br /> � ?J115-LM
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