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<br /> --- - - ` T(3CiBTHBR WITH all t1►e improve.�t�now or here�Ra eroc.�ted ott tha proQoKY.�d atl enaaenu,�ppu�taanoai.�ad
<br /> fixturer naw or henatter � pat of the proporty. All repl� and t�dditian� �iNll dw ba oownd by Ibi� 9�aiciRy
<br /> ' Iau�un�ent.All af the forc�oin�ia rofenod to in thi�Sau�ity In�trument a th�s'Frope�tY•"
<br /> BORROWBR COVBliANT3 th�t Hotrower i�I�wf�lly�eiiod of the ataela t�treby oonveyed and ha the rijht to fnmt�ad
<br /> canvey the Praperty and tlwt thc Propeaty i�un�na�mbaed,except for a�cumbrsnoea of rocord. Horrowu wuraati�ad wiU
<br /> defend generalty the title to the f'roperty a�airut�11 clajrru and dem�nd+. aubJecs w any a�cumbr�nc�s of rocard.
<br /> THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifortn covenarua far nuiaul uce anl non-unifortn aiverwMC wlth Wdted
<br /> v�riations by juri�diction to constitute a uniform sau�ity itu�ttument onverinQ rad property.
<br /> _-�g"- - UIIIFORM COVLNANTS.Burruwur:utd l..endcr covcnunt nnd agrce M fnilow.r: -
<br /> 1. Paymaat ot Prtncipal and IatetaRt �'�t�!'�t aad Late Ch�e�. Borrower �all promP�lY WY WhCn due the
<br /> pdncipal of and interest on�he debt eviden�xd by the Note and nny prepayment�nd�ue charges due under the Note.
<br /> 2. F1und�[or Taxes and Ipwraace. Subjoct to applicable law or to� written waiver by Lender, Borrower slull pay to
<br /> Isnder on the day monthly paymentx are d�e under the Note,until the Note is p�id in full.a wm(`�unds")for:(a)yearly tua
<br /> ani assessments which may�ttain prior�ty over this Sccudty Instcument as a lien an the Property;(b)yearly Iwsehold paymcnt�
<br /> or ground rents on the Propeccy.if ar�y;(c)yearly hazard or property insur�nce prcmiums;(d)yearly flaod tnsurance pnmium�,
<br /> if arry:(e)Yearly mortgage insurar�ce prcmiums. if any:and(�eny sums pnyable by Borrnwer to [,ender.ln accorduice with
<br /> the pravisions of paragrnph 8, in lieu of ti�c payment af mongage insurancc pnmiums.Theae items arc callod 'Escrow Items.'
<br /> l.ender may. at any time, collect and hald Funds in an amount not ta excoad the maximum amaunt a lender for a foderplly
<br /> nlated mortgage loan may require for Borrowor's escrow s�ccaunt under the federal Rral Estate Settlement Proceduna Act of
<br /> ;y i 1974 as amendod from time to time, 12 U.S.C.Sectiar► 260I et sey. ("RESPA'), unless another lew►hat applies to the Funds
<br /> sets a lesser amount. If so, I.ender may. at any dme. collect and hold Funds in an smount not to exceed the lesser�unount.
<br /> I.cnder rrwy esHmate the amount of Funds due on the basis of�vrnnt datx unJ reYSO�wble estinxues of expenditures of future --
<br /> I Escrow Items or otherwise ln accordance with applicable law.
<br /> 'fhe Funds shall be held in an institution whosc deposits are insurod by u federul agency. instrumentality. or entity
<br /> � ' (including Lender,if I.cnder is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan Bank. Lender shall apply the Funds to pay the
<br /> .t-„�l F:.:.:t, ' Escrow Items. Lender may not chargc Borrower for holding nnd applyins the Funds,annually analyzing thc escrow aaconnt,or
<br /> �"° verifying the Escrow Items,unless I.ender pays Borrower interest on the Funds und applicable law permits Lender to make such
<br /> -- ,� a charge. Huwever, Lender may require Borrower to pay a one-time:charge for an independent real estate taz reparting service
<br /> used by Lender in connection with this lu•rn, unless applicable law provides otherwise. Unless en agrcement is made or
<br /> �,��-';i�� applicable law requires interest to be paid.l.cr�der shall not be required to pay Borrowcr nny interest or earnings on the Funds.
<br /> �=3. . �4[W,�n w . ..
<br /> �c �, Borrower and Lender may agrec in wt�ting, however, that interest shall bc paid on the Funds. Lender shall gtve to Borrower.
<br /> •'''�,• wlthout char e un annual accountin of the Funds,showing credits and debits to the Funds ancl the purpose for which each
<br />_ 8 • 8
<br /> °��:;';.:.::`�.,:-.,�. � debit to the Funds was made.The Funds are piccibed:+a,�i�iitiuuui�c�.urity for aii sums sccured by ihis Securtry Instsvssunt.
<br /> ' If the Funds held by Lendar excced the amounts permita;d to bc held by applicable law.I.ender shaU accaunt to Borrower
<br /> .�,r..� • � for the excess Funds in accorciance with the requirements of applicable law. If the amount of the Funds heid by l.ender at any -
<br /> . . . time i�not suf�cient to pay the Esc:r�w Items when due,Lender may so notify Borrower in writing,and, in such case Borrower —
<br /> . . shall pay to Lcndcr the amount necessary ta makc up the deficiency. Borrower shall make up the deficiency in no more than
<br /> �'':,� • ' twelve monthly payments,at l.ender's solc discrction.
<br />-- `•• �� Upon payment in full of all sums ucured by this Securiry Instrunxnt, l.ender shall proinptly refund to Borrawer eny _.
<br /> - ' Funds held by Lender.If, under paragraph 21,Lender shall acyuirc or sell the Property.Lender,prior to the acquisition or sale
<br /> •;� of thc Property,sliall apply nny Funds held by l.cendcr at thc time of•rcyui,itiun or sale u.�a credit aguinst the sums secured by —
<br /> .a� this Security Instrument.
<br /> ?,� 3.Applicatian of Puymentti.Unless applicablc luw providc,otherwisc,all payment�rcceived by L.cnder under paragraphs �`�'
<br /> . . t and 2 shall be applied: �rst, co any prepayment charges due undrr the Note:ticrond, t��amounts payuble under paragraph 2; —
<br /> third,to intcrc,t duc: fourth,to principal duc:and last, to any latc rhargcs dur undcr the Notc. �.;•
<br /> � . 4. Charges:Liens. &�rrower shall p3y:�II taxc�, r��cssmcntti.C�1:lC�Cy, tine.and imEx�sitions�ttributablr to the Property =
<br /> which may auuin priority over thiti Security In.trumrnt, and Iratirlwld payment+ ur gruund rentti, if any. Borrowcr shull pay _
<br /> � these obligutions in thc manner pru��idcd in paragraph 2,ur it'nut puiJ in that rnanner. Hnrrc�wcr shall pay thcm on timc dircctly —
<br /> to thc person oweJ paymcnt.Borzuwcr shall prcmtptly furni.h k�I.cixJcr all n��tic«of umuunt,to bc paid undcr this paragraph.
<br /> .. ', '�{ If Borruwer makr+thru�paymcnt.dirccQy. Borruucr�hall prumptl}•t'urni.h tu Lender rcreiptti eridencing the payments. �-
<br /> ' Borrowcr shall promptly dischurgc uny lirn whirh ha�priurit� uvcr thiti Scrurit�• In.trumrnt unlr+�Burrowcr: (a)agrces in �:_
<br /> writing to thc payment of thc��hligution srrurcd by thr licn in a mannrr arccptahle tu Lendrr,�bl rontc+ts in g«x1 f�ith the licn �__
<br /> , by. ar dcfcnds again,t enfi�rcement of thc licn it�. legal prurrrding. which in thr I.rndcr'� upinion c�peratr to prevent the �"
<br /> • cnforccmcnt of'thc licn;nr(r►scrurr.fr�mi thc h��lder c�f tBc�irn ain a�rccmcnt�a►i.l:irtur� tu LrnJrr.uhardinating th�lirn to �'°-_
<br /> this Scrurity Imtrumcnt. I[L�nJcr dctcrminc�that any part��f thr I'rupert� iti+uhjcrt t��;i licn whirh ma� attain priority ovcr �'�
<br /> ' � this Security Insttument. Lcrxirr may gi�•c F3�,rm�rcr a nutic�idonul�•ing �hr lirn. Burr�i���rr�hall �ati�ly the lien or t�ke onc or �:
<br /> �',� , � mom of thc actians sct forth abovc within 10 Jap�of thc giving uf�i�nirc. mc�
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