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<br /> without releasing Trustor froni any abligatien hereunder. may �ake �uch appearances� disburra
<br /> such su�s, and talce sucl► action ae is necesaary to protect Beneficiary's is�terest, including,
<br /> but not It�ited to. diRburaea�ent of reaaonabte attorney's fet�, payment, purcbass, aantest
<br /> = or com�romise of any encumbra�ico, charge or lien� and entry apon the Property to make r�palrs.
<br /> In thn evenr �hat Truator shall fatl to procure i�aurance or to pay taxea, assesament�, or
<br /> any other ci�arges or to make any paymenta to ex[sting prioc lien liolders or beneficiaries,
<br /> BeneEicia:y raay procure auch inauraoce xnd Ma�ke such payment . Any amounta disbursed by
<br /> beneftciary nursuant to thia Paragraph 6 shall become additional indebtedness oF Trusl•or
<br /> secureclby this Ueed of Trust. Such amoun[s shall be payable upon notice from Beneficiary
<br /> �o TruRtos� requcsting payment thereot, and sl�all boar intcrest fron� the date of disburseaent
<br /> at tf�e ratc payable from ttae to time on outstanding principal undcr the NOTE unless paya�nt
<br /> oE interest at such rate would be contrary to applicable l�w, in whieh event such amount• shall
<br /> bear inte rest at the highest rate permtssible u�der applicable law. othing contained tn ch ie
<br /> Paragrapl� 6 shall require Beneftciary to t�cur any expe��e o r take a�y action hereunder.
<br /> �..T:.
<br /> - 7. Assignment of Rents. DeneEiclary shall have the right, power and authority during
<br /> ' the contlnuance c►f this Deed of Trust to coilecC Cl�e ce�ts, issues and profits of the Property
<br /> _ and of any personal property located thereon wtth oc witliout taking possession of the property
<br /> - . nCfected bcreby, and Truston c�reby absolutcly And unconditionally assigna all such rents,
<br /> � �' '° '.�`�� � issucs and protlts to Be�ef iciAry. Denef iciary. however� hcreby consents to the Trustor's
<br /> .:.�rb�. �• col l�ctio� nnd receotion of such rents, issues pnd pro(its as they accrue and become payable
<br /> `""`='"' 1""""{." ••' sa 1on� as Trustor is not, at such timc, in default with respect to payment of any indebtedness
<br /> .�'`� socurrd hereby, or in the perfarmancc oE any agreement hareunder. Upon any auch default,
<br />_ w %�.�'�'�:�{"Jt�, Denofic[ary muy at any time, et�hcr in person, by agent. or by a receiver to be appointed
<br /> : .. . �,G .
<br /> '��'�'��•'•�'•.: by a court, wl�bout notice and wilhoul re�ard to Che nd�quacy o[' any security for the indebt—
<br /> �y.: c 7�•. ;,, .'
<br /> ���.ti;��;fµ•� edness liereby sccured� (a) entcr upon and take possession of the Property or any part thereoE,
<br /> nnd tn !ts own name sue for or otherwise collect auch rents. issues and proEits, including
<br /> �'�", lfivae pust due a�id unpaid, and apply thc �amr, lcs� zosta snd �xpenses �f �pPrarion and
<br /> ��L���l.,�,,;,„,.,; collectton, including reasonablc nttorncys fees, upon any lndebtedness secured hereby, and
<br /> in such order ns Deneficiary may Jetermine; (b) pertorm such ects of repair or protection as
<br /> � � . may be necessAry or proper to conserve the value of the Property; (c) lease the same ar any
<br /> _ " . pert thereoE Lor such rental, t�rm, and upon such conditions as its Judgement may dictate or
<br /> �� . tcrrninatc or adjusG thc tcrms and conditLons oE any existing lease or lcasea. Unless Trustor
<br /> " and OeneCictary agree otherwise {n wriLing, any appltcaLion o[ rents, issues or profits to a ny
<br /> indebtedness secured liereby shall not extend or pos�pone the duc date of the installment
<br /> �„ ,.,� _ puyments as provtded in snid promissory �o« or chnn�r tho �mount os such installments. The
<br /> •- entering upon end taking possesston oL th� Property, the collectlon of such rents, issues and
<br /> : ,�. pro[i�s, and the application thereo[ as a[oresatd. sliall not vaive or cure any default or
<br /> � notice of default hereunder, or tnvalidatr any act done pursuant to such notice. Trustor •
<br /> � , " also assigns �o Benoftciary, as furtlier securicy for th� perf.ormance oE the obligatfons
<br /> � + securedl�creby� all prepaid rents and all monics which may tiave been or may hcreafter bc _
<br /> ". , deposi tecl with said Trustor by any lessee o[ ths Property, to secure the payment of any rent
<br /> , or damagc s, and upon default [n thc performnncc oC any of thc provisions hereof, Trustor
<br /> agrees to deliver sucli rents and deposits to [fenc[iciary. Uelivery of written notice of -
<br /> ='' , . _.. ISeneftclary's exerctse of the rights �ranteJ heretn, to any tenant occupyin� said premises
<br /> � • � sl�all bc suCfictent to require said tenant to pr�y snid rent to the BeneEiciary until further
<br /> ` ' not icc. �
<br /> ' ;,�„
<br /> 1. � y��'
<br /> � . �� ��'' 8. Condemnation. If ti[le to any part o[ [he Yroperty shall be taken in condemnatioo
<br /> y proceedings, by righC ot eminent domuin or similar action, or shall be sold under threat of
<br /> � condemnation� all awords, damages end procecds Arc hereby assigned and shall be paid to
<br /> i:,, • � ' Deneficiary who shall apply such awards, damages und proceeds t.o tlie sum secured by this
<br /> �,c : .� Ueed o[ T'rust, with thr_ excess, it any, patd to "frustor. If.Trustor rece[ves any noticc or �
<br /> � other inCormation regardin� such actfons or proccedin�;s. Trustor siinll �ive prompt written
<br /> . � + notice thereof [o Hene[tciary. 11e�eEiciary s1i111 be entt�led, at [[s option, ko commence,
<br /> �; � appear ln and prosecute in its own name any such action or proceedi�gs and shall be entitled
<br /> •. , ' � to make a ny compramtse or settlement in connection with uay such action or proceedings.
<br /> , • � 9. Remedies Not Exclustve. Trustee and Deneftciary. anJ each oE them, shall be entitled
<br /> � , to enforce paymenC and perEormance of any indebtedness or obligations secured hereby and to
<br /> ;� exercise all rights and powers under this Decd oE Trust or unJer any othcr egrecment executed
<br /> i., �nnnnrfinn hnrnutth nr anv tava now or hrreafter [n forc�. notwithstanJintt some or all oE
<br /> [he such indebtedness and obligntions secured hereby may now or hereafter be otherwise secureJ,
<br /> wl�ethcr by mort�age, decd oE trust, pledge, lien, assignment or otlicrwisc. Ncithcr thc
<br /> '� ' acce tance oE the Deed of Trust nor its enEorcrment wlie[hrr by court act ton or pursuant to l lie
<br /> ; , P
<br /> '`��`.•' . power oE salc or other powers herein containeJ, sl�all pre,�udice or in any manner aE[ect
<br /> ; �' Tr.ustee's or Ueneficiary's right to realize upon or entorce Any other securlty now or here-
<br /> '' , a[ter held by 'Crusl•ee or Bene[iciary, it being agreeJ that Trus[ee and BenrEiciery, and encli
<br /> ;��'� of them, ,hall bc entttled to enforcc this Uend oC 1'rus� �nd any othor ��c:urity now on c�rc-
<br /> ,. aEter held by Beneficiary or 'frustee in sucli order and mam�er es they or etcl�er o[ them mny
<br /> .. ,>•
<br /> . � (3)
<br /> � , - - ----_. ._.___.
<br />