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... ,r,o�� � .... _ .�,�,.r <br /> 4 n°1/n'+s.�u]r r+�,���r.rsr� r•__ . e....�2r�!>. <br /> . }���• , . r�Yldl�}�� 'r.s , � ..a�....4T _ _�_ <br /> a.m�siw <br /> , ....- - - --� . <br /> -- �S�aM,�i�.�1��. Trwta shotl po�r dl taz�s,as�tsn�nt►awl otiwr cho►On� incbdlnp�witMwt i{mitatfon,fin�s ad im- <br /> - positions amibutabb to th�Prop�rty.ond Mas�ho�d Poy^�ri or qround n�Ms,ff anr,b�ton fM so�baonM d�qi»n1.Trostar fhdl pranp• <br /> tW turnish to N�tkiory dl noticrc of amounts dw un�this Po►apraph�and in 1h��T^x��^��M"t diratW,Trusta shall <br /> = Pr�h��sh ro lKwfkiory naipts widmcin0 wch Polm�ts. Trusta shal!Po1► aN tox��and asws��which��� <br /> ..,_.. . l�ficiary's IntK�st t��in a upon fhis DNd of Tnnt withart rpord to an�r{ow thot Mo�r b��noc�t�d YepotMp Po1�� <br /> - port thK�oi upon tM�ikiory. ts of an <br /> • • b. A/Nliwl Uw w�h�NKN��f �w11�M�'���h.Yrusta�lioll rt�ok�oll poyn�+ls of i�MK�sf and principd and Pa1i^M^ Y <br /> otiwr charp�s,fNS ond�xp�ns�s contract�d to be paid to any existinQ�i�nhold�rs or p►ia b�fkiorN�und�r a"Y Pr1�d�d of trost a mor- <br /> • • �. .� ,.�; �-- <br /> «.� ._`��, t., tqopu b�fa�th�dat�tMy a�d�Ik�quMt ond pranPt�fr PW and dischorp�arq►and d�otMr li�ns,ciaims a chaq�s whkh nw1►hoPordi:�th� <br /> `~����`` s�curity qrant�d hKi�n.If TNSta fails to mok�any s+xh Pc�m�^t ar fdls to pKfarm onY of tiN covMwnts ond apr�nmts contoin�d(n this <br /> � ; , .. DNd of Trust,or in ony p�ior matpop�or de�d of trust,of if any ation or pra�sdinp is conwn�nnd whkh motKlo��Y a�Kts B�ficiary's in- <br /> ��+�.�:�:, tK�st in th�P►opKty,includinp.but rat limit�d to,�miMnt domain praNdinps,w praNdwqs involvkp c d�c�rwMnt.or if Trosta foils to po� <br /> • ��`.� Trustor's debts p�n�►atly os th�y b�co+n�da,th�n B�n�ficiary,at 8�ficiory's option and without notk�to or dm'wnd upon <br /> Trustor ard <br /> _� ��=v'�'��'";.�,;���• without r�bosinp Trustor from ony oblpotion hereunder,moY mok�such app�arantts,disburs�such wms,�xid tak�such ation as is rnnssary _ _ <br /> ='= ;. ro protat 8�n�ficiory's int�rat includinp,but not limited to,disburstmmt of rasonobw attom�y's fNS,poymmt,purthost,cont�st or com• <br /> �� ,fk.:,.�:..._r••..._ti • promis�of ony�ncumbranca,�horD�or�im, ond oMry upon the PropKty to mok�npairs. In th� �v�nt that Trostor shall fail to praun in- <br /> � surance or to poy tox�s,ossessmmts,or ony other charq�s a to mak�ony poyments ro�xistirq prior titn holders or bm�ficiarin,B�n�fkiory <br /> _ may praure such insuranc�and moke such puym�nt.Any amounts disbursed by B�n�fkiary pursuont to this Porayraph 6 sholl b�com�additiona� <br /> ' �� ' indebtQdn�ss of Trustor secured by this D�d of Trust.Such omounts sholl b�poyabk upon notice f�om B�fitiary to Trustor nqwstin9 pay- <br /> ��* L--- ment therQOf,and shall bear interest from th�dote of disburstrnmt at th�rot� payoblt from tlm� to tirrk on outstandiny principol tx�d�r tha — <br /> Note �less payment of interost at suth rote would be contray to applicablQ law. in whith�vent such amounts shall t�or intw�st at th�hiqhest �_ <br /> i�,� " rote permissib�e under applicoblQ bw.Nothinq contoinad in this Paayraph 6 shall r�quin Barwfkiory to incur any exp�nst or tak�ony xtion <br /> hereunder. � <br /> . 7, bsi��t of RMri.Beneficiory shalt huve the riyht,power and authority durinp the continuance of this D�ed of Trust to collect ttw �__„. <br /> •• rents,issues and profits of the Property and of ony personal property laated tlwreon with or without takinp poss�ssion of the prop�rty offetted �.,v <br /> hereby,and Trustor hereby absolutely and unconditionally assigns all such rents,issues and profits to Beneficiory.Ben�ficiary,however,hereb _ <br /> ,, ' � consents to the Trustor's collection and retention of such rents, issues and profits os they occrue and baortw payab�e so lonp as Trustor is not, �.: <br /> ot such time,in default with respect to pnyment of any indebtedness secured hereby,or in the performance of any ayreerr�nt hereunder.Upun _ <br /> ony such default,Beneficiary may at any time,either in pe�son, by ayent,or by receiver to be appointed by a court,without notice ond without _ <br /> reyard to the udequacy of any security for the indebtedness he►eby secured, (a)enter upon and take poss�ssion of the Property or any part �..: <br /> I ttw same, <br /> � therQOf,ond in its own name sue tor a otherwise cofUct such rents,issues and profits,includinp thos�post due and unpoid,and opp y <br /> � � less costg and expenses of operation ond coiieciiun,inclu�i+ng reosaaobla ottornay:faes,upon�ny�n�l�btedness s�cured h�reby,and in such .., <br /> , _...._ __.._.._.___ ._. _ <br /> order as Beneficiary may determine;(b)perform such acts of repoir or protection as may be rwcessory c'proper to conserve the value of the ! `''- <br /> Preaerry;(c)leose the same or any part thereof for such rentol, term,and upan such conditions as its judgment moy dictatQ or terminote or ad• � _ <br /> � �. just the terms ond conditions of ony ezisting lease or leases.Unless Trustor and Beneficiary agree otherwise in writing,any applicution of rents, ��� <br /> issues or profits to ony indebtedness secured hereby shall not Qxtend or postpone the du�t date of the instollmant poyrtwnts as provided in said � <br /> , • promissory note or chanye the amount of such installments.The enteriny upon and t�kinp possession of the Property, the collection of such �� <br /> ' rents, issues ond profits, and the appl�cotion thereof as afaesaid, shalt not waive or cure any defeult a notice of default hereunder,or in- <br /> ; validate any act done pursuant to such notice.Trustor also ussigns to Beneficiary,as further security for the performance of the obligations � <br /> �'• secur�d hereby,all prepaid rents and all monies which may have been or may hereofter be deposited with said Trustor Dy any lessee of the Pro- <br /> �, perty,to secure the payment of any rent or damages,and upon defoult in the performance of ony of the provisions hereof,Trustor aprees to <br /> ' : ' deliver such rents and deposits to Beneficiary.Delivery of written notice of Beneticiary's exercise of the rights 9ranted herein,to ony tenant a- � <br /> cupyiny said premises shall be sufficient to require said tenant to pay said rent to the Beneficiary until further notice. � <br /> ' g,Co��ation.If title to any part of the Property shull be token in condemnatian proteedinqs, by riqht of eminent domain or similar action, <br /> • or shall be sold under threat of condamnation,all owards, domages and praeeds arQ hereby assigned and sholl be paid to 8eneficiary who shall ; <br /> apply such awords,domages and praeeds to the sum secured by this Deed of Trust,with the excess,if any, Trustor.If Trustor receives <br /> any notice or other informotion regording such ations ar proceedings, Trusfor sholl give prompt writfen notice thereof to beneficiary. <br /> Beneficiary shall be entitled,at its opt ion,to commence,appeor in and prosecute in its own name any suth action or praeedinqs and shall be en- ; <br /> � titled fo make any compromisa w settlement in connection with any suth attion or proceedings. <br /> 9. R���di�s Not EYeludre. Beneficiary shall be entitled to enforce payment and performance of ony indebtedness or obligations secured <br /> hereby and to exercise all righis and powers under this Deed of lrust or under any other agreement exetuted in connection herewith or any laws <br /> , now or hereofter in frrce,notwirhstanding some or oll of the such indebtedness and obligotions seeured hereby moy now or hereafter be other- <br /> . wise secured,whether by mortgage,deed of trust,pledge,lie�,assignment or otherwise. Neither the acceptance of this Deed of Trust nor its <br /> enforcement whether by court action or pursuant to the power of sale or other powers herein contained, shall prejudice or in any monner offect <br /> • Beneficiary's right to realize upon a enforce any other security now or hereofter held by Beneficiary,it being agreed that Beneficiory shall be <br /> ' � entit�ed to enforce this Deed of Trust and any other security now or hereofter held by Beneficiory in such order ond monner os it may in its ab- <br /> � soluta discretion determine.No remedy herein conferred upon or reserved to Beneficiarv is intended to be exclusive of any other remedy herein <br /> .•: or by law provided or permi�ted,but each sholl be cumulotive and shall be in addition to every othe�remedy given hereunder or now or hereofter <br /> , existing at law or in equity or by statute. Every power or remedy provided hereunder this Deed of Trust to 8eneficiory or to which it may be <br /> , otherwise entitled,may 6e e,cercised,concurrently or independently.from time�o time and as often as moy be deemed expedient Beneficiary <br /> _ ond it may pursue inconsistant remedies.Nothing herein shall be construed as prohibiting Beneficiory from seekiny a deficiency judgment against <br /> the Trustor to the extent such action is permitted by law. <br /> 10. T�tf��of Prop��;At:w�ptbn. If oIl or any parr of the property or any interest therein is sold,tronsferred or conveyed by lrustor <br /> '� wittwut Beneficiary's priar writte�co�sent,excluding(a)the creation of a lien or encumbrunce subordinate to this Deed of Trust, (b)the creo- <br /> if � � tion of o purchose money security interest for household oppliances. (c)a transfer by devise,descent or by operotion of tow upon th�death of a <br /> .. _ . �____�_u :_........ .,�•ti.e. .,.I..e nr Ince nnt renteinina a11 ODt10tt t0 pUfCh05@. Beneficiary may, at <br /> -. � �O�fli t@�Oflt Or (OI ifl@ 9tU(ti v� a�jr ICViCUV�u �.�.��.... .. .....' �"" '- -- <br /> t geneficiory's option, declare all the sums secured by this Deed of Trust to be immediote�y due and poyable,or couse the Trustee to file a notice <br /> • � i af defou�t.Beneficiory shall hove waived such option to accelerote if,prior ta the sole,transfer or conveyance.Beneficiary and the person to <br /> � whom the property is to be sold or transferred reach agreement in writing thot the credit of such person�s setisfoctay to Beneficiary and thot <br /> " the interest paqable on the sums secured by this Deed of Trust shall be at such rote as Beneficiory shall request. <br /> : � <br /> , } <br />_ , <br /> , <br /> i <br /> 4 __ — - . �- -- — --- _ - - —'- — - - <br />