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x.��� `� . �_� <br /> _ � r _—•_-- .. <br /> .�. ` <br /> i , <br /> _._ ,..,_.a.,..,� . s4°��.ou�so - <br /> p�Y���►Y�����'a9uired,at thc option of iander. if m�t�e lnwnbe oover�e(in the amount uid fa�he peciud <br /> tlut Lender roquira)provWod by An inwrcr�proved by L,aidor�ain becoma Rvdl�ble and is obtained. Borcawer�Irli p�Y <br /> tbe prea�iupy roquind to mRlnlain mort�c iawrar�ce in affect.or to provjde+�lo�s reaen�e,until the requie+ement tor nwrtpp <br /> inwrmoe aida i:��000rdu�ca with any wdua�y�roemaK betwan Horrnwer ancl I.ender or�pplicable uw. <br /> !. Iwpecttoa. Lenckr or ita aQent mRy m�lce rawn�ble aurks upon ud Inspoction�of the Pmperty.La�drx thrli�iw <br /> Borrower rotice tu the time of or prlor ta iut inspection spocifyin�ttswmble cauee fot the irupectlon. <br /> iQ� Cuiide�aa�tba. 1'he p[ocad:of any awud or clajm for dam��a, diroct or consequet►tial, in ootu�ection wlth any <br /> condemuufon or other takin�of any pa�t of the Pmpecty,or for conveyanoe in liw of condemnat�on,uY hertby a�i�ned and <br /> - �.� - - tlul!be patd to Lender. <br /> In the ev�,nt of a tout!taking of the Pcn�xrty,the proceeds shall be�ppliod to tiu cums sa��rcd by thii Security Insttumetu, <br /> whether or not then due, with any excess paici to Borrower. In the event of a portial taking of the Property in whict�the fair <br /> rrwrlca valoe of the Property Immodiately befon the taking is equal to or greatu thu�the arraunt of the eumc secural by thi� <br /> Secur�ty Instrument immodiately beforc the taking,unlass Borrower and Lender othenvise agree in wrltin�.the sums�rod by <br /> thi: Securiry Instrume�t shall be roducal by the amount of the proceods muldpliod by the foUowing fraction: (A) the toUl <br /> amount of the sumc securod inunadietely before the taking. dividod hy(b) the tnir market value of the Praperty imn�eciiately <br /> before the taking. Any balance shall be paid to Borrower. In the event of a parti�l taking of the Property in which the fair <br /> mazkct value of the Property immediately beforc the taking is less than the amount di the sums secured immatiately before the <br /> taking.unless Bonower and Lender otherwise agree in writing or uriless applicable law otherwise provldes.the procoeds sh�ll <br /> _e be Applied to the sums cecured by this Securtty Instrument whether or not tbe sums are then due. <br /> _''" If tfye Propecty�is absu►doned by Borrower.or if,after notice by I.ender to Borrower that the condemnor offers to make an <br /> �! awatd or scttle a claim for demages, Borcower fails to respond to I.endec within 30 days after the date tlu notice is givcn, <br /> ' � L.ender is authorizod to collect and apply the pracoods,at its option,either to restoration or repair of the Property or to the wmc <br /> : securod by this Secudty Instrument.whether or not then due. <br /> ''�`"�' Unless Lender and Borrower otherwise agree in writing, any applicntion of proceeds to principal shall not extend or <br /> ., ..,;..:_.,s,�::�,� ,,. <br /> � ' ''����' st ne thc duc dute of the monthl a ments referred to in ara m hs I and 2 or chan e tbe amount of such mcnts. <br /> , , .y� Fo P� Y P Y P 8 P S PaY <br /> . «�'MJ '�a `:'= 11. Borrower Not Released; Forbearance By I.ender Not A Waiver.Extension of the time for payment or modificxtion <br /> '' �, , ti�,�,,,�„ of amortization of the sums secured by this Security Instrument granted by L.ender to any successor in interest af Borrower stwll <br /> �:`.:�:.; • : <br /> ��,�"����`-';,�;`�S�';. . not operatc to relcasc the liubility of the orisinal Borrowcr or Borrower's successors in interest. Lender shall not be required to <br /> _ p��'�;if.�.'�°`•':'f ` "�' commence proceedings against any successor in interest or refuse to extend time Por payment or otherwise madify emortiution <br /> • :::i:,r:�.u�i.`��J��,:-;:;;� � of the sums rxcured by this Security lnstntment by reason of any derr�and made by the ori�inal Borrower or Bonower's <br /> `��`��i'-' ''� ��: � % successors in intcre�t. Any forbearance by i.ender in exercising any right or remcdy shall nat be a waiver of or preclude the <br /> ___ �`':�`-�rr:�;,�����._•• exercise of any right or remedy. <br /> `*y-"='^���'`��e�• • 12. Saccessors and Assi�ns Baund; Joint and Several Ll�bility; Co-signers. The covenants and agreements ot tn�s <br /> . . Sccuriry Instrument shall bind and benefit the successors und assigns of Lender and Borrower, subject to the provi�ions of <br /> � ` paragraph 17. Borcawer's covenants nnd ugreements shall be joint and several. Any Borrower who co-signs this Security <br /> � Instrument but dces not execute the Note: (a) is co-siFning this Security instrument only to mortgage, grant and convey that <br /> , ' � Borrower's intcrest in thc Property under the tenns of this Security Instrument;Ib)is not per.wnally obligatcd to pay the sums <br /> � �ecured by this Security Instrument;and(r)ugrc�ti that I.enJer and any other Borrower may agree to extend, modify,forbear ar <br /> ` mike•rny•rccommodatians with rcgarJ to thc ternis of thi�Srcurity Instrument orthe Nutc without that Borcower's conscnt. - <br /> r,: <br /> Er 13. I,oan Charg�. If thc loan s��cured by thiti Srcuriry Instrument iti subject to a law which sets nwximum loan charges, <br /> . and th•rt law is tinally interpreteJ tin thut the interert or other b�un charge+co[Iected or to be collected in connection with the <br /> ;Y� Iwn exr��ed the permitted limit�.then: ta)uny wch loan rharge�hall be rcduced by the umount neceswry to reduce the charge <br /> ��' to the permitted limit;und(b)any +um,ulready coUecteJ frcim &�rrowcr whirh�xceeded penniued limitti will be refunded to — <br /> f " &irrawer. Lender may chix�tie tii makr thi. rrfund by rcdu�ing the principul ou•ed under ihe Notc or by making a direct <br /> c payment to Borrower. If a rrfurxi redurc� principal, the reductiun will be trcuted us u pahial prepayment without any <br /> ' � ��• prepayment charge under thc N�itc. <br /> � " �� 14. Noticrti.Any nnticc to Borruwrr pruvidcd tiir in thiti Scrurity In,trument ,h�ll hc givrn by dclivcring it or by mailing <br /> , it by firnt clas m•ril unlr••aPplicablr law �cquire� uu uf anuthe��ueth��l. The�x�tice ,hall tk direct�d to the Propeny Address <br /> or •rny<�thcr •rJJrc�� &�rruwer Jr�i�nat�. hy notirc tu l.�ndcr. Any natirc tu Lcndcr +hap hc givcn by fint rlasx mail to <br /> L.cndcr's aJJre�� �tatai hrr�in or any othcr addre.. L.rndcr de+ignatr. hy nutirc t��B��rruwcr. Any rn�ticc provid��i fi�r in this <br /> Sccurity In�trumrnt�haU bc dccmcd tu havc Ixrn gi��cn tu Burr��wcr ur I.rnJrr whrn�:ircn a�pr����iJ��i in thi�paragraph. <br /> I5. (:ovcrnin� Iaw�; tievcrsibilit�. 'I'hi� Srrurity Imtrum�nt �hall hr g���•cmcd hy titiicral luw and thc law of thc <br /> juriulictian in whirh the Prupcny i,I�xatrJ. In thr rccnt th:a any{•r�,�i�ion��r rlau+c u(Ihi.Srrurit�• Inrtrumcm or th� Notc = <br /> '� • c�mtlirh w•ith upplirahlc law•.wrh ronflirt �h•rU n��t afl'rrt�,thrr rru�•i.iun.��I tlii, Serurity In.trumcnt ur thr Nutc which can Ix <br /> -� givcn cftect aithout thr r�>ntlirting pravi.iun. Tu th�.rnd thc pru�i,i�,m ot'thi.Srrurity In.trununt anJ thr Nutr urr Jcclar�d <br /> � tii bc xvcraNle. <br /> ; � � 16. Bnrmw•cr's Cop�•. &rrrower+liall he gi�en unr runtittnuJ ri�py uI tlie Nute an.l ul thi,tircurity In>trumrnt. - <br /> Form 3028 9190 <br /> r.���..�.,�c <br /> -e - <br /> . � ....._.. , . . .. .- ..-u✓.�y1W'R�4Y74PCJ.:Siii+'Sti:y:u'c...w�:...oac.�,+t�...�.h... �..-.. <br /> M <br /> � � _ . .. . . . _ _ <br /> ..._' �_ . . . - . :.—:..— , . <br /> � <br /> � <br /> .. �, <br /> � <br /> . r. <br /> ;. <br /> � . , <br /> � ' � <br /> ► <br /> ` � -- - - <br />