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<br /> TO()ETHER W1TH all thc improvements now or hentftsr erocted on the property,and all easements.appurtenar�ccs,and
<br /> Cxturca now or hercafter a put of the property. All replacu►xnb uxl wdditiona bhall also be covae+ed by thit Security
<br /> lmtrument.All of the forcgaing is rofetred to ln thit Saurlty Irturument u the'Fropecty.'
<br /> HORRQWER COVENANTS that Bormwer ia lawfully sefsod of the auue hercby conveyed and h�s the right to�nnt�rid
<br /> oonvey the Pmperty and tluu the Property is unencumberod. except for cixvmbnncet of r000rd. 8orrower warrant�and wlll
<br /> defend generally the title to the Property against sU cl�lms and denunds,wbjxt to any encumbrances of rocord.
<br /> M THIS SECURITY INSTRUMENT combines unifarm coven�ns for national use wid non•uniform oovenYnts wlth limited
<br /> -- vari4tions by jurisdiclion ta corutitute a uniform secur�ry instrument oovering rcal property.
<br /> - � UNIFORM CQVHNANTS. Barmwcr and L.ender covenant and agree a.c follows: _�
<br /> 1. Payment ot Prtndpa! and Ietera�t; 1'repaymea�t and Late Ctuirge9. Borrowcr stwll promptly pay when due th'
<br /> --- principal of ynd interest on the dc:bt evidencod by the Note and any prepayment and late charges due under thc Note.
<br /> -- 2.Fut�dc toc TAxes and I�uur�►nce. Subject to applicable taw or to u wdtten wa�ver by I.ender,Bonawer shall pay to
<br /> — -- Lendcr on the day monthly payments are due under the Note, until the Note is paid in full,a sum("Funds") far: (a)yearly taxes
<br /> __..�_.,,���,,,� and assessments which may atta�n prtority over this Security Instrument as a Uen on the Properry;(b)yearly leusehold payments
<br /> °"'�`!'�?xwo'�'y�'�t or round rents on thc Pro rt if an (c) earl hazard or ro rt insurnnce remiumc;(d) yeart fload insurance remiums,
<br /> --.:. ._ : .�� 8 Pe Y• Y� Y Y P !� Y P Y P
<br /> --y—:.r�.�� if any:(c)yearly mortgage insurance premiums, if any; und (�any sums payable by Bormwcr to L.ender, in accordance wlth
<br /> ���ni'iY."E�R�:.�',4.W1CWi •
<br /> the provisians of paragraph 8,in lieu of the payment of mortgage tnsurance premiums.These items are called"Escraw Items.
<br /> �;�,y,,�i:-'�" "' Lendcr muy, at any time, collect and hold Funds 1n an amount not to excccd the maximum amount a lender for a federully
<br /> _,,r�,.;b;. "'` - - relatexi mortgage loan muy mquire for Borrower's escrow accaunt under the fecleral Real Estate Setdement Procedurec Act of
<br /> •P ,�:. `- 1 1974 as amcnded fram time to time, l2 U.S.C.Sectjon 2601 et sey. ("RESPA"),unless another law that applies to the Funds
<br /> . ; f`-.,} ��i .
<br /> �'`��;"+.�;�Y sets a lesser amount. If so, L.ender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in an amount not to exceed the lesser amount.
<br /> ',., .�s;;. .. _..L�-4 1-etK1�r muy estirtwte the umount of Funds due an the basis uf current data atxl reusoiwbte estimates of expenditurcx of future --
<br /> Escrow Items or otherwise in accordance with applicable law. --
<br /> ' � `� The Funds shall be held in an institutian whose deposits are insurcd by a foderal ugency, instrumentality, or entity
<br /> • , , (including I.ender,if L.erxler is such an institution)or in any Federal Home Loan BAnk. Lender shall apply the Funds ro pay the =
<br /> Escrow Items. Lender may not churge Borrower for holding and applying the Funds, annuully arwlyzing the escrow uccaunt, or __
<br /> ' verifying the Escrow Itcros,unless[,ender pnys Borrowcr interest on the Funds and applicuble law permits[.ender to make such
<br /> a chargc. Howevcr, Lcndcr may requirc Borrower to pyy a one-time charge for en indcpendent rcal estate ta�c reporting service __
<br /> used by Lender in connection with this lorn, unlexs appiicable law pruvides otherwise, Unless un agreement is made or
<br /> ° _ applicable law requires interest to be paid, Lendcr chall not be reyuircd to pay Borrower any interest or earningti on the Funds.
<br /> Borrower and Lender may agree in writing, however, that interc�t zhall be paid on the Funds.Lender shall give to&�rrower, ��
<br /> without chArge, an annual accounting of the Funds, showing credits and debits to the Funds und the purpnse for which e:►rh �
<br /> --=_ --- ---= deb{t to the Funds ua�made.Thc Fund�arc ptcdgrd as additional,ecurity fac a!!sums;,crured by thi::Security Iastrom�nt.
<br /> !f the Funds held by Lender exceed the amounts pern�itted to be held by upplicable law, Lender sh�ll account to Borrower
<br /> , for the excess Fund�in accordance with the requirementti of applicuble law. If the umount ot'the Funds held by i.ender at any --
<br /> timc is not sufticicnt to pay thc Escmw(tems when due,L.cnder may so nutify Borrower in writing,und,in sunc�•rsc Borrowcr �.,
<br /> shall pay to I.ende�the amount nece,,ary to muke up the de�ciency. 8orrower shall nwJce up the deficieney in no mare than
<br /> - twelve monthly puyn�ents,at l.endcr's a�lc dixrctian. _ . .
<br /> ,� Upon payment in full of all sums ucured hy this 3eruriry In.trument, Lxndcr shull prompdy rcfund t� Borrowcr any �,_°
<br /> Funds hcic'by I.cnder. If, under paragruph�1, C,cndcr shaU acquirc ur scll the Property.L.cndcr,prior to the acqui�ition or sale —
<br /> �� of thc Praperty, shall apply uny FunJs held by Lender ut thc time of ucyuiyitic�n or salc as u rrcdit against the sums secured by
<br /> � this Sccu�ity Imtrunxnt.
<br /> .i�, 3.Applir�Non of PAyments.Unlr�s applicahlr law providc+othcrwitic,all payrnents rcrcivcd by I.cndcr under paragraphs �._.
<br /> ! and 2 shall be applicJ: tir,t, to any prepaymcnt chargc� duc under thc Notr: .crnnJ, to amounts payable uncicr puragraph 2: =
<br /> ; third.to intcrcst due:fciurth,to principal duc:and last,to uny late charges duc under thc Notc. ��
<br /> , 4.Ch�r�es; I.iens. &�rrowcr shall pay all taxeti,assestimcnt�, chargc�, tines and im�itiition�attrihutaM�� tu thc Property �,
<br /> which m�y attuin priority over this Security Instrumcrn, and Ica,chuld payments ur ground rent�. if any. &irr��w•rr�hall pay
<br /> thesc nhligution�in the manner prnvidcd in paragruph 2.or if nnt puiJ in that m;►nncr.B�ttruwcr�hall pay thrm un timc directly
<br /> to thc person owcJ paymcnt. &�rrowcr.hall prumptly fu�nitih to Lcndcr all notires��f amuunt,t��tx paid und�r thiti paragraph. �
<br /> If Borrnwer mukcti thc.e payment�Jircrtly.Burr�iwer tihall pr��mptly furni.h ta LcnJcr rcrriptti cvidcncing the paymentti. � `
<br /> &�rrowcr.h:d�pr��mptly di,chargc uny licn whirh ha.priurity��rcr thi�Srrurity Imtrununt unlr»&rrruwrr:�a)agrr�� in
<br /> writing to the puyment��f'thc ohligatiim tierurcd hy the licn in �m:�nner arrept:iblr t��l.rnder, �h►rantr,t.in g�kxl fuith thr lien
<br /> � by. or defcnd, again�t entiirc�ment c�(the licn in. Irgal prucerding. whirh in th� Lrnder',upini�,n �,�xratr tu prrvent the
<br /> . enfi�rrcmrm ot'the lie►r,ur tc)+rrurr.fr��m thr h�,ldrr�,f thc lun an agrcrnknt.:ui.fartur� tu LrnJ�r.utxxdinatin�thc licn to
<br /> � � this Securiry Imtrumcnt. If Ixndrr dcterminr.that am•pan��f th.Prujxrty iti .uhj«t t��a I��n w hirh may attain pri��rity uvcr
<br /> �Y thix Sccurity Intitrument. I.cnJcr may gi��r Horrawcr a nutirc idrntil'}•in�: thr lirn. B�,rn�krr.hall .an.l� lhr lirn ur t:+l�r unc ur ��
<br /> , more of thc•rctions set fonh atxn•c within Ill d•ry,uf thc�iving��f nncirc.
<br /> � � Form 3028 QI80 y
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