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:-s, , �''� �'" .� .. _. µi...- <br /> ��� - -- _ _ ---- - <br /> --_ -. - — - -- <br /> � - - - -----� . 84-�oi�e <br /> 'Y'0(3ETHRR WITH di the Improvemerui�w a h�taftu eroctod on d�e propectY,u�d dl euemenu,�ppurtaurxu,aad <br /> fixwre� rww or herc�tter � prt of thc properry. All replscemenu uKi �dditionc �II dro bo coverod by this Sea�tity — <br /> Guuuma�t.All of the fore�oin�is referred to in tt►ia 5ecurity In�trument as the'Property." <br /> HORROWER COVENANT'S th�t Bomower is I�wfully sei�d of the atate hereby conveyed ud h�s tho ri�ht to grant and <br /> eonvey the Propecty uid that the Propeny ic uner�cumberad. ezcept for encumbruicea of raord. Bonower warnntc and wlll <br /> dekr�d genernlly the title ro the Propehy�g�►tiut all claims and derrwnds,aubjxt to any encumbrances of rccord. <br /> THIS SECURlTY[NSTRUMENT cambinet uniform covetwnts for t�tional use and non-unifonn covenrntr with liatited <br /> varfations by jur�cdictian to constitute a uniform security instrument covering►ral propeny. — <br /> -----' UNIFORM COVENANTS.fioaower and l.cnder covenant and agra ns failows: — <br /> l. Pyyment ot Princip�l pnd Intere�t; Prepnymeat And [.�te Chatgw. Bonawer shall pramptly pay when due the <br /> __ pr�ncipal of and intereu un the debt evidenced by the Note and uny prepayment and late charges due under the Nwe. <br /> 2.Fundo tor Taxes and Insurance. Subject to appticable law ar to a wr�tten w�iver by Lender, Borrower ahall pay ta <br /> Ixnder on the day monthly payments are due uncier the Note.until the Note is pald in full,u sum("Funds")for: (a)yearly t�ucea <br /> -- — ------- and sssessn�ents which may attain priority over this Securlty Instrument uc a lien an the Property;(b)yearly leasehold payment� <br /> --� ` °? - °"�' or gmund rencs on the Praperty,if uny;(c)yearly hazard or property insuranca premiunu:(d)yearly flaod insurance premiums, <br /> if any;(e)yearly mottgage insurance premiums, if uny; and (�any sums payabie by Borrower to Lender, in accordance with <br /> the provisions of paragraph 8. in lieu of the payment of nwr[gage insurance premiums.These items are called 'F.scrow Items.' <br /> l.ende�may, at any time, collect su�d hold Funds in an amount not to excecd the maximum atnount a lender for a federaily <br /> v==�"'v related martgage loun may require for Borrower's escrow uccount u�xier the faieru! Real PrsWte Setdement Pracedures Act of <br /> '�� 1974 a�emcnded from time to time, 12 U.S.C. Soction 260t et seq. ("RESPA"),unless annther law that appllcs to thc Funds <br /> ' sets u lesser amount. If so, Lender may, at any time, collect and hold Funds in nn amount nat ro exceed the lesser amount. _� <br /> -� �='�"�'�'="�6'�'"�`• Lender nwy estimate the am�unt at Funds duc un thc basis uf cuaent data and reasonable estimates of expenditures of future <br /> . ,-�.: ;. - <br /> �-��.;:r;,:;�;��.. ;.� <br /> :.,1,::;�,4,.;���� Escrow Items or otherwise in accordunce with applicable law. <br /> h '��" The Funds shall be held in nn institution whose dcposits are insured by a federal ugcncy, instrumentality, or enttty <br /> `�� �y,`':, (including Lender,if I.ender is such an institution)or In any Federal Home l.oan eank.I.ender shall apply the Punds to pay the <br /> `��'°""`'" Escrow Items. Lender mn not char e Borrower for holdin and a 1 m the Fundti, annual l anal zin the escrow accou�t, or <br /> Y B 8' PPY� fi Y Y S <br /> • ..�._ . verifying the Escrow Items,unlcss Lender pays Borrowcr interest on thc Funds nnd appliceble law permits L.ender to make such <br />_ � ��' a chargc. However, Lcnder may requirc Horrower to pay a onc-time charge for an indcpendent renl estate tax reponing service <br /> " ' ' ' '' usod by I.cnder in connection with this loan, unless applicable law pravides otherwise. Unlcss an ag�eement is made or <br /> •• ' applicablc law requi�cx interest to be paid.L.endcr shall not br.rcquirui to pay Bonower any interest or curnings on thc Funds. <br /> � Borrawcr and I.endcr may agrec in writing, howevcr,thut interest shull bc paid on the Funds. Lender shull give to Bonower, <br /> �;;;: '��;�Q`�,�;,.;:;�,� , without charge, an annual acwunting of the Funds, showing crcdits And debits to the Funds und the purpose for whi�h each <br />